View Full Version : old member missing

01-10-2016, 06:28 PM
what ever happened to the guy that had a muffler shop in georga?Dont recall his name.His marauder was first class.

01-10-2016, 06:42 PM
TAF? Todd Fisher?

01-10-2016, 07:47 PM
What ever happened to Red? He had just finished an S/C.

01-10-2016, 08:48 PM
what ever happened to the guy that had a muffler shop in georga?Dont recall his name.His marauder was first class.
MartyO? He hasn't posted in a couple hours... Give him some time

Can't stop the signal...

01-10-2016, 08:52 PM
What ever happened to Red? He had just finished an S/C.

I believe he got pissed off by a few here and bailed. I can't remember the details.

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01-11-2016, 01:11 AM
that was him.He got pulled off mcm ,also.Seems like he was the biggest poster there at the time.

Bradley G
01-11-2016, 01:18 AM
He got his undies in a bunch because of not adhering to the Vendor rules.
He insisted that his company Logo be prominent in every single photo he posted.
Granted, his posts usually included something exotic and we were drooling with delectable disgust!
He acted very angry at times and had to be shown the door @/MCM.

01-11-2016, 02:27 AM
Yes, it's Todd Fisher. A Marauder purest who maintained a perfect car. He is/was active in his local group I believe. I met him several times at activities in Georgia and found him to be a personable, knowledgeable and a strong type A. A bit intimidating perhaps.

IIRC his car was either the first or close to it to have a twin screw S/C.

O's Fan Rich
01-11-2016, 05:07 AM
Todd Fisher is an awesome guy and someone I consider a personal friend.
His loyalty to those he calls friend is stuff of legends.
He still has his Marauder and lives in VA.

I envy him as he recently had dinner with Jerry Barnes, wish I'd have been there.

01-11-2016, 05:39 AM
Todd Fisher is an awesome guy and someone I consider a personal friend.
His loyalty to those he calls friend is stuff of legends.
He still has his Marauder and lives in VA.

I envy him as he recently had dinner with Jerry Barnes, wish I'd have been there.

Same here.

Have a Grand Muffler exhaust system on my MM.

His MM has the best interior ever!

01-11-2016, 06:59 AM
Todd Fisher is an awesome guy and someone I consider a personal friend.
His loyalty to those he calls friend is stuff of legends.
He still has his Marauder and lives in VA.

I envy him as he recently had dinner with Jerry Barnes, wish I'd have been there.

Same here.

His MM has the best interior ever!

+2--Am and have always been a person friend of Todd--we go back to the beginning----A great help when you need it....

01-11-2016, 08:58 AM
I echo the sentiment of the 3 members above me..... Todd and I have had our differences, but that has not stopped us from developing a very good and honorable friendship over the years. Heck of a good guy:beer::beer:

01-11-2016, 02:32 PM
Also what ever happened to Marauder Chick?

O's Fan Rich
01-11-2016, 03:54 PM
I want to know where Jake is.... (Doom).

He feel off the face of the Earth it seems.

01-11-2016, 03:54 PM
I echo the sentiment of the 3 members above me..... Todd and I have had our differences, but that has not stopped us from developing a very good and honorable friendship over the years. Heck of a good guy:beer::beer:

Don't mean to derail--but don't be a stranger here--where you been my good friend----dang---just cause maybe you don't have an MM...know what I mean!!

01-11-2016, 04:10 PM
I want to know where Jake is.... (Doom).

He feel off the face of the Earth it seems.

He'll never be back Rich. .net politics between him and the mods.

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01-11-2016, 04:57 PM
I want to know where Jake is.... (Doom).

He feel off the face of the Earth it seems.

He was posting on the modded board a few weeks ago