View Full Version : Wow, Marauder tear down... is not what I expected.

01-12-2016, 03:17 PM
A few weeks ago I decided to tear the Marauder a part to get it ready for paint to save some monday. All I ever asked of anyone was a garage to do the work and would pay for usage. This didn't turn out as I expected.

The guy letting me use his garage only wanted side turning signal lenses for his Crown Vic in return. Not only is he helping with sanding roof, additional locals are coming over too. People have loaned me a kerosene heater, air compressor and additional sanders. I asked on facebook if anyone had any and many people came my way saying I could borrow these things.

It's even gotten to a point where it's become a "boys night" night after night. Me and a rotation of others will spend hours working on the car. I cover food every night and no one ever asks for anything in return, even when I offer. My van even broke down there and the boys pushed it into a spot and gave me a ride home. I really cannot believe these guys.

I never asked for a hand out or additional assistance, everyone seems to want to do it for fun. No one is complaining about politics, starting trouble, drinking or anything. We are all just working on bringing the car back to how she looked when she was brand new.

Everyone has to sign the car somewhere. I have a ton of photos of tear down, but you guys know what it looks like. I really don't like anyone, but these guys have been outstanding. Maybe they know I would do the same for them in return if need be. People are alright if you know where the good ones are. I guess a Marauder with nearly a quarter million miles brought us all together.

This is really one for the books and will be a memory I will never forget. The others might not know how special this really is, but I do.

Primer for the roof is happening tonight and it will go to the paint shop this week... possibly tomorrow morning.

01-12-2016, 04:13 PM
A few weeks ago I decided to tear the Marauder a part to get it ready for paint to save some monday. All I ever asked of anyone was a garage to do the work and would pay for usage. This didn't turn out as I expected.

The guy letting me use his garage only wanted side turning signal lenses for his Crown Vic in return. Not only is he helping with sanding roof, additional locals are coming over too. People have loaned me a kerosene heater, air compressor and additional sanders. I asked on facebook if anyone had any and many people came my way saying I could borrow these things.

It's even gotten to a point where it's become a "boys night" night after night. Me and a rotation of others will spend hours working on the car. I cover food every night and no one ever asks for anything in return, even when I offer. My van even broke down there and the boys pushed it into a spot and gave me a ride home. I really cannot believe these guys.

I never asked for a hand out or additional assistance, everyone seems to want to do it for fun. No one is complaining about politics, starting trouble, drinking or anything. We are all just working on bringing the car back to how she looked when she was brand new.

Everyone has to sign the car somewhere. I have a ton of photos of tear down, but you guys know what it looks like. I really don't like anyone, but these guys have been outstanding. Maybe they know I would do the same for them in return if need be. People are alright if you know where the good ones are. I guess a Marauder with nearly a quarter million miles brought us all together.

This is really one for the books and will be a memory I will never forget. The others might not know how special this really is, but I do.

Primer for the roof is happening tonight and it will go to the paint shop this week... possibly tomorrow morning.
Great group of guys there Dom. Is that Art in one of the pics?

01-12-2016, 08:17 PM

Did they all bring their barbeque scrapers?

01-12-2016, 08:22 PM
Your entire life you've been asking for handouts

The BS is out of control

01-12-2016, 08:25 PM
The chicago crown vic guys are a good bunch. I try to meet with them whenever possible (not that often) but have met with them way more than Marauder folk. Come out to the meets sometimes Dom.

01-12-2016, 08:36 PM
He works in mysterious ways.


01-12-2016, 08:44 PM
Your entire life you've been asking for handouts

The BS is out of control

Coming from the guy being housed by wifeys mommy and daddy... Drugs use, tune piracy, wasting your talents... We can discuss your life anytime you wish.

No handout. People are nice to me and refuse my money. If you had a different attitude, you would understand.

01-12-2016, 09:45 PM

01-12-2016, 10:21 PM
Glad you are getting the car repainted. Can't wait to see it done.

01-13-2016, 02:24 AM
First coat of primer to the roof done.

Tomorrow final work.

Paint shop will see the car Thursday morning or Friday.

It will be fun going down the road In a disassembled car.

01-13-2016, 04:56 AM
if you don't mind me asking, how much is this running you?

01-13-2016, 05:01 AM
What color did you decide to paint it ??

01-13-2016, 06:48 AM
I am about to do a mini-teardown on my SB as well. There's some small belt scuffs and a small ding on the driver side. To prevent ANY masking I will take the handles, run channels, glass, and all trim off to a bare shell. If anybody is interested in this process I can supply key pictures of the process.

01-13-2016, 07:49 AM
I am about to do a mini-teardown on my SB as well. There's some small belt scuffs and a small ding on the driver side. To prevent ANY masking I will take the handles, run channels, glass, and all trim off to a bare shell. If anybody is interested in this process I can supply key pictures of the process.

who doesn't like pics of a process :beatnik:

01-13-2016, 09:19 AM
I am about to do a mini-teardown on my SB as well. There's some small belt scuffs and a small ding on the driver side. To prevent ANY masking I will take the handles, run channels, glass, and all trim off to a bare shell. If anybody is interested in this process I can supply key pictures of the process.

I didn't pull my rear window when I had mine painted, I wish I would have! The door trim is a pain to get off with distorting the rubber, good luck and post pics!

Looking good Dom.

01-13-2016, 11:11 AM

01-13-2016, 11:24 AM

Caps lock is cruise control for "cool".

01-13-2016, 03:26 PM
I have nothing nice to say so I will keep quiet.

01-13-2016, 03:55 PM
They are eager to help because in the end it's not their car.

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01-13-2016, 06:07 PM
Can't argue free labor, you get what you pay for.

Obviously the car was weathered from use. I'm sure if it ends up a 7 dom will be pleased as it will continue to be thrashed upon. Lol

01-14-2016, 01:38 AM
who doesn't like pics of a process :beatnik:

You got it

I have nothing nice to say so I will keep quiet.

Well you contradicted yourself.

They are eager to help because in the end it's not their car.

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True, but two of these guys are training for this and want practice. In the end it helps everyone.

Here is more from tonight...

Got out at 2am, need to be back at 8am to get it out and have WORK at noon. :eek:

01-14-2016, 01:39 AM
It'll go to the body shop tomorrow if they are free to take it.

BTW it's going to Macco.

Trolls, you may begin.

01-14-2016, 05:23 AM
Good to know they are training for this. Something you left out...

Nothing at all wrong with Maaco. I just hope your bodywork is up to par, or you will see every single place you touched! If there is anyway you can cough up the extra to have them finish sand it you can rest easier when it is their problem if something shows through. Assuming they would even be willing at this point.

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01-14-2016, 05:48 AM
Can't argue free labor, you get what you pay for.

Obviously the car was weathered from use. I'm sure if it ends up a 7 dom will be pleased as it will continue to be thrashed upon. Lol

Weathered? Yeah, it's weathered. Might end up a 7 on the don scale.

01-15-2016, 07:48 AM
Excited to see the results DOM! keep it up

Mr. Man
01-15-2016, 12:55 PM
Dom that car is not nearly sanded for paint. You've got to sand the whole thing not just the bad spots, that is if you want the paint to stick.

01-15-2016, 01:14 PM
This is how I drove the car down the street today. haha.

The roof needed another sanding, but Maaco said it was included in the cost. They said they do one sanding with 360 grade paper for the whole car, that's why I didn't do it. My main concerns were the roof, back quarter panel damage from the hit and run, rear bumper and front bumper.

They were actually impressed with the work. This was in no way all my doing, not by a long shot. The boys in the group called Chicago Panther Association have been outstanding. I'm even helping tonight with removal of a water pump.

No money is ever exchanged, it's just all being there for each other. I'll bring it back to reassemble next week.

For those that want to know Maaco is charging me $538 after tax.

No I didn't get pulled over for driving it like this. I kept the bulbs in and if you look carefully, ripped some posters off so the third brake light and plate were in plain site.

I'll post the end result next week.

01-15-2016, 01:17 PM
Wam bam thank you ma'am!

01-15-2016, 02:05 PM
It's "ma'am" Dom!!;)

a term of respectful or polite address used for a woman.
"excuse me, ma'am"

Those tailpipes look extra looooooong without the bumper!!:eek:

Lookin' good....hope it turns out OK!!:beer:

01-15-2016, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the Bowie edit and the well wishes. The pipes are extended 2.5 inches BTW.

Whops and now I am posting again. I fail at message boards. ha.

RF Overlord
01-15-2016, 02:48 PM
Dom, you should leave it like that...it would make an excellent Zombie Apocalypse Response Unit.

01-16-2016, 11:42 AM
I hope it turns out great for you.

01-16-2016, 05:26 PM
Dom its looking great !!!!!!! its good to see people come together to help out its a panther community , like what bob said spend the extra bucks on the final prep .

01-19-2016, 11:54 AM
I went to the shop today to check on it. They haven't started, but I pulled it in for them. Shops hate me because I make sure they stick to their schedule. I should have it back friday.

01-19-2016, 02:58 PM
You never rush the paint shop

01-19-2016, 03:11 PM
You never rush the paint shop

True, but when someone says "Next week" I like it when a shop sticks to their word. Many times I have gone back to shops on the date they said it would be ready to find out it's not done yet with no notice. Then I get annoyed and suddenly I'm the jerk when I'm the one sticking to the plan. I found it's best to keep on shops to make sure the job get's done when they say it will be done. If you are a softy, be ready to have your car gone for days or even a week after they told you it would be ready.

If a delay comes up when I am doing something for some, I tell them instantly. Not the morning of the day of I am supposed to see them.

Shops I stick to are extremely rare. These guys said wed, I show up today and it "should be" done friday. Yup, never going back. People never change. I have a zero tolerance for people who reset their own watch and make me find out on my own.

01-19-2016, 03:54 PM
I would never rush anyone doing any type of work for me.

Maaco pushed my moms car an additional 3-4 days to paint the front clip, it came out looking better than expected for that type of place.

Hope the shop doesn't hate you! Schedule or not, if you rush them the final results will show thru :(

Hope it turns out good

01-19-2016, 07:50 PM
I hope the results are worth the push.

When my car got hit I told them take their time and do it right. The outcome was damn near perfect.

Believe it or not I am trying to help. These things take time. You should have gotten a glimpse of that when you and your buddies where sanding the car. Please understand I am not being a prick just matter of fact. When another car in front of you takes longer yours gets pushed back.

01-19-2016, 07:55 PM
when it comes to bodywork and paint you can never rush perfection

01-19-2016, 10:01 PM
No worries guys. I simply don't like being told one thing and seeing another happen. No one does, but if they need the extra time so be it. I just don't like dropping my car off to anyone.

Tonight I got all of the major equipment back to their owners. The kerosene heater, the air compressor and will return the sander tomorrow. I also ran into someone I knew and had fun on the way home in the 93 Econoline.

I told the shop I would call them at 3:30pm on thursday. I don't want to annoy, but at the same time I want the car back. WHEN I WAS TOLD IT WOULD BE READY... It'll look great, I just know it. This weekend I'll put it all back together. Most likely in the street. Half the time the guy with the garage wouldn't wake up to open his garage to allow me to do work. Delayed things a few days, so it won't be going back. His car is going to need sanding on his roof too in the near future. I told him I would be there just as he was for me.

Loyalty seemed nearly extinct, but turns out it's alive and well with the right people. :bows:

01-21-2016, 04:20 PM
The car is done. I called earlier and it's ready. I'll ride a few buses and get to it tomorrow. I still have to reassemble it. I will likely do it in the street or their lot if they allow it.

Cannot wait. It'll be like new! I almost feel like this was a "restoration".

01-21-2016, 10:06 PM
The car is done. I called earlier and it's ready. I'll ride a few buses and get to it tomorrow. I still have to reassemble it. I will likely do it in the street or their lot if they allow it.

Cannot wait. It'll be like new! I almost feel like this was a "restoration".

I am actually hoping you receive the outcome you wish for. But, you do understand if you complain about it.................. well, yeah. Good luck.

01-22-2016, 07:25 AM
I am actually hoping you receive the outcome you wish for. But, you do understand if you complain about it.................. well, yeah. Good luck.

We will see. About to head out. Cannot decide between Hank Williams Sr. or Ice Cube for Pandora en route.

RF Overlord
01-22-2016, 08:04 AM
Radar Love...

01-22-2016, 08:41 AM
We will see. About to head out. Cannot decide between Hank Williams Sr. or Ice Cube for Pandora en route.
Mix Em up:coolman: and enjoy the ride .

01-22-2016, 10:14 AM
LOL, gets lots of free labor from others then pushes other shops.

01-22-2016, 11:08 AM
You Got to Believe by Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, from Vanishing Point. Or the Butthole Surfers.

01-22-2016, 02:44 PM
Here's another song? Gotta laugh.. Hell I think of mine when I hear it!


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01-22-2016, 04:00 PM
Radar Love...

That song is about committing suicide...

It's about hearing a song on the radio while driving that reminds the driver of a dead lover or girl friend, get's depressed about it, goes full speed, wrecks and dies. It's a really sad song that is very misunderstood like Breaking The Law.

I haven't contemplated suicide in a few years.

LOL, gets lots of free labor from others then pushes other shops.

Labor showed up!! :eek:

When someone says something will be ready on X, it should be done on X. X + 1 is unacceptable unless I am notified in advance. That's how I do it when I am working for someone.

You Got to Believe by Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, from Vanishing Point. Or the Butthole Surfers.

I blast that sound track sometimes.

I got my worst ticket ever to Jesus Built My Hot Rod. Which is Ministry with The Butthole Surfer's singer on leads for that recording.

Here's another song? Gotta laugh.. Hell I think of mine when I hear it!


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My car is no longer boosted. No boost, no break downs. :D

Not sure why you guys think these songs are good for a bus ride to the body shop. :lol:

Ok guys here is how it went. I got to the shop and they pulled it in. They told me I could assemble it in the shop!! I didn't even ask, they pretty much told me to do it there because it was snowing outside. I only brought an 11mm socket to bolt the bumper back on to get home, but the guys didn't mind me using the shops tools as long as I returned them. So for a few hours I wrenched on the car and put it back together in the heated garage. :banana:

Soon as i got it all back together the power cut out in the building. They couldn't print me a receipt for the warranty. Turns out it was a huge issue because traffic lights weren't working. I'll be going back tomorrow to get a receipt and I wrote a contract, made them sign it to fix work I wasn't happy with on the taillights. They repainted the tail lights and did a poor job taking the tape off and took some paint off. So, next time I leave town they get the tail lights to repaint and it's all on the house. I wouldn't normally push for that, but they were the ones who told me they should do the lights too. If you are going to do it, do it right.

The roof came out great. I'm happy to disappoint those that wished for different results. Hubcaps go back on, badge goes back on without plasti dip and I'm working on something else...

It's great to have the monster back home. I listened to this on the way home.... Still Cruising After All Of These Years....


More photos to come...

01-22-2016, 04:03 PM

01-22-2016, 04:04 PM
And more.....

01-22-2016, 04:08 PM
Suzy is home next to Panda Express.

Notice what I saw on the drive home...

It took a while, but selling that 911 paid off. :cool4:

Work hard, get results.

There are many people to thank for all of the help with this. I didn't even ask for help. I had to pretty much be forced to take the equipment and allow people over to work. Lot's of nights we were BSing and working. It was great. One of the guys needs his roof done next, so I'm there at the drop of a hat for him and anyone else that needs it.

Everyone is going to sign the car too. What an experience!!!

Tonight will be devoted to cruising and Doo Wop on the radio.

01-22-2016, 04:36 PM
Car looks great but I have to ask...for about $600 was it base coat/clear coat or was it thier one step integrated clear? I can't imagine a shop can do a base/clear for that little. Even Maco.

01-22-2016, 05:33 PM
That song is about committing suicide...

It's about hearing a song on the radio while driving that reminds the driver of a dead lover or girl friend, get's depressed about it, goes full speed, wrecks and dies. It's a really sad song that is very misunderstood like Breaking The Law.

I haven't contemplated suicide in a few years.

I love that song, but yes it is sad. I don't think too many people are aware of the meaning. The Wikipedia write-up is clueless.

01-22-2016, 05:40 PM
MM looks Awesome Dom :2thumbs: :beer:

01-22-2016, 06:37 PM
Car looks great but I have to ask...for about $600 was it base coat/clear coat or was it thier one step integrated clear? I can't imagine a shop can do a base/clear for that little. Even Maco.

They said it was "in the mix". This is not the bottom of the barrel paint job where it's one coat of paint, it's a level above the bottom. ;)

I love that song, but yes it is sad. I don't think too many people are aware of the meaning. The Wikipedia write-up is clueless.

I am glad you understand it.

MM looks Awesome Dom :2thumbs: :beer:

Thanks Gord!

01-23-2016, 01:05 AM
looks good man! Great to see the kindness of others - it's rare nowadays. Thanks for the offer some months back to help me out. hit me up if you ever need anything! :D

RF Overlord
01-23-2016, 11:11 AM
That song is about committing suicide...

It's about hearing a song on the radio while driving that reminds the driver of a dead lover or girl friend, get's depressed about it, goes full speed, wrecks and dies. It's a really sad song that is very misunderstood like Breaking The Law.

I haven't contemplated suicide in a few years.Seriously??

I never realised that...I thought it was just about a guy driving fast on the highway...sorry, man.

01-23-2016, 06:40 PM
They said it was "in the mix". This is not the bottom of the barrel paint job where it's one coat of paint, it's a level above the bottom. ;)

That's called a "single stage" and I double there would be a level below that, unless it was RustOleum. Haha!

As long as you're happy, that's all that matters!

01-23-2016, 10:15 PM
Notice what I saw on the drive home...

What the heck is on top of the Pontiac in front of you Dom?!? :confused:

01-24-2016, 04:52 AM
Did anyone zoom in on the roof pictures??
Just lol

01-24-2016, 06:53 AM
I wasn't gonna say it. Twice.

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01-24-2016, 06:59 AM
I saw lake Michigan. it was, lets say, small craft warning

01-24-2016, 07:43 AM
Did anyone zoom in on the roof pictures??
Just lol

I wasn't gonna say it. Twice.

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

I saw lake Michigan. it was, lets say, small craft warning

Myself, I was showing restraint, but........:lol:

01-24-2016, 09:56 AM
Taking the higher road here...

What's the word on wet-sanding/polishing? Can it be done with a single stage 'mixed' paint job? I had multiple coats of color and clear put on mine before doing the cut and buff.

01-24-2016, 10:34 AM
You can wet sand and polish single stage with the additive that bring the clear binder to the top. And really, for what it is, it's a pretty decent way to achieve the "clear coat" to protect the color.

Still not as good as clear coat, nor will it achieve the same depth as clear coat.

I got sea sick looking at that roof pic, free help is not always the best solution. I would probably recommend a new roof panel at this point, the amount of hours to straighten that out would make replacement seem cheap.

01-24-2016, 11:10 AM
I would probably recommend a new roof panel at this point, the amount of hours to straighten that out would make replacement seem cheap. Wonder how well aircraft stripper would work. That's what we used on my roof, with (I believe) excellent results.

01-24-2016, 11:23 AM
Looks like a rally-cross course on the roof.

01-24-2016, 12:48 PM
Not being a d ick about it but, a little more time in the body shop and not rushing it would have turned out.... Not wavy

Since you only paid for scuff and paint ( no body work ) at least it looks presentable going down the highway

Tell you what, if that's just the only problem area, use glossifier to some black plastic dip and it will be shiny like paint and hide what should have been built up and blocked

Hope your happy with it

01-24-2016, 09:03 PM
There was a door on top of the Pontiac.

I'm very happy with the paint job.

See you all around. :banana: