View Full Version : Anyone near Torrington, CT. ??

05-14-2004, 02:38 PM
I am in this area for the weekend and was wonderin if any fellow members live close by.

05-14-2004, 03:19 PM
Yeah, I'm only about 45 minutes from there, but unfortunately I have a pretty full weekend ahead of me due to the fact that my hotwater heater blew, and sprung a leak spewing water all over the furnace room and garage. So I have a lot of clean-up to do as well as replacement of the water heater. And that's all in addition to having to re-hang a new door due to the police dept ripping my existing door to pieces in order to get in to shut off the water main before it flooded the entire condo complex where I live.

So the timing is just real bad for me. Sorry.

05-14-2004, 03:25 PM
MAN! That sucks Billy! I'm sure most of us would help out if we could. Once you finish all that work Saturday night/Sunday afternoon...you'll have a nice refreshing drive in your MM:up:

05-14-2004, 03:37 PM
Jim, I don't even know if I'll get everything done by Sundat night. My furnace room was already a mess when this occured, having old car parts from my Vette, miscelaneous tools, old tires, etc., etc laying around. And now it's a flooded nightmare that I have to deal w/before I can even have someone get in there to remove and replace the water heater.

The destroyed door is another ball of wax, since I'd have to wait for the condo association's insurance adjuster to come out and look at it beforte I can even get it replaced IF I want the association to pay for it. Meanwhile security in my place is anyhting but adequate. It's just been a bad week all the way around. The only good news is that I finally got my alternator/battery light problem settled. Hopefully I'll have a better week come Tuesday and beyond.

05-14-2004, 03:38 PM
Oh wow that does suck. Well, I hope you have a great week coming to you.

05-14-2004, 03:41 PM
Thanks Jimmy.......U DA MAN......

05-14-2004, 04:11 PM

I'll make time for you. I might even be willing to drive up to "Tornton" (local pronounciation.)

I am going to be busy during the day but free after 5ish.

Email me at danstraATjonfund.com and drop your cell in the note. I will reply likewise and maybe we can connect.



05-15-2004, 03:46 AM
Yea BillyGman you do sound like you got a full weekend. No problem. I knew you lived in CT and wanted to see your car. I am up here for an antique truck show and also going to hit a few museums.