View Full Version : Is there any pressure that we can bring to bear?

05-14-2004, 05:57 PM
Hear we go again!
Last night in Detroit, we had a terrible tragedy. An officer was killed while on duty, hit by a Ford Focus that was travelling (according to the article) approximetely ONE HUNDRED MILES PER HOUR.
The press here, while reporting the story, could not resist a taking an "under the radar" shot at Ford, stating that "the patrol car burst into flames".
Let it be known, that while the officer had indeed perished, that the arrestee, in the back seat, had survived the impact.
God bless the families involved...

05-14-2004, 06:00 PM
BTW, the owner of the Focus survived as well...


05-14-2004, 06:12 PM
Unbelievable, two seconds later or earlier and he would have made it across and the Focus driver most likely would have been pulled over later.

ok on soap box....
This is a lesson for everyone; all of us on this list enjoy a good car and test its limits. I almost never ever drink but one thing I never do is drink and drive. The first thing alcohol does is impairs judgment, makes you feel you are in control of things more than you are. Please don't drink and drive - chances are you won't get killed you'll end up living with the knowledge you killed someone else.

off soap box

05-14-2004, 06:15 PM
Here I was, getting angered about the next round of lawsuits over the "unsafe Panther platform".
God bless all those involved.

05-14-2004, 06:23 PM
Here I was, getting angered about the next round of lawsuits over the "unsafe Panther platform".
God bless all those involved.

no problem, I don't like to get too philosophical about it (especially on a forum) but think about how many times you or I have gone to change lanes, knowing we looked in our blind spot only to hear someone in that lane honking - (not often but it does happen). This officer was a split second away from seeing the Focus one way or the other, yet I guess it was his time, man....

UAW 588
05-14-2004, 06:37 PM
Unbelievable, two seconds later or earlier and he would have made it across and the Focus driver most likely would have been pulled over later.

ok on soap box....
This is a lesson for everyone; all of us on this list enjoy a good car and test its limits. I almost never ever drink but one thing I never do is drink and drive. The first thing alcohol does is impairs judgment, makes you feel you are in control of things more than you are. Please don't drink and drive - chances are you won't get killed you'll end up living with the knowledge you killed someone else.

off soap box
At my age, and my daily busy life; one beer puts me to sleep. :sleepy: I don't think I could even start the car, let alone drive it. Sorry to hear about the tragady, and about more stupid bad press against Ford and the panther platform. :fire: I'm surprised they found the time in between blowing the Iraqi prisoner photos way out of focus. :puke:

05-14-2004, 10:49 PM
If the police car burst into flames, then how in the world did the arrested individual sitting in the back seat survive?

05-15-2004, 12:49 AM
Unbelievable, two seconds later or earlier and he would have made it across and the Focus driver most likely would have been pulled over later.

ok on soap box....
This is a lesson for everyone; all of us on this list enjoy a good car and test its limits. I almost never ever drink but one thing I never do is drink and drive. The first thing alcohol does is impairs judgment, makes you feel you are in control of things more than you are. Please don't drink and drive - chances are you won't get killed you'll end up living with the knowledge you killed someone else.

off soap box

Please stay on your Soap Box!!!!!!! First my prayers to all involved!!! Second I do like my beer. But when back in 1987 when I went clubing with some friends down at Ft Benning Ga. I remeber being at one bar then I woke up in the compnay parking lot with the keys in and the windows rolled up. The car had been running with me in it and it ran out of gas!!! MY LUCKY DAY!!!!!!!!! Oh and I found a new set of ""FRIENDS"" !!!! We need alot of people on SOAP BOXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-15-2004, 06:46 AM
ok on soap box....
This is a lesson for everyone; all of us on this list enjoy a good car and test its limits. I almost never ever drink but one thing I never do is drink and drive. The first thing alcohol does is impairs judgment, makes you feel you are in control of things more than you are. Please don't drink and drive - chances are you won't get killed you'll end up living with the knowledge you killed someone else.

off soap box
Excellent point, stevengerard .... not only does it impair judgement; but it also severely slows reaction time. Unfortunately, sometimes the message does not get across soon enough.