View Full Version : 15 minutes to ruin!

05-17-2004, 04:38 PM
With the meet just around the corner I have been busting my ass daily to get everything looking just right around the property. I am nearly done, and yesterday I moved all the large tropical plants and trees out to the deck, and setup the market umbrellas and deck furniture. The Hostas are huge, and the some 70 peonie are in bloom.

10 minutes ago we were just greeted with the storm from hell without any warning. 15 minutes of 50 mph winds, flooding rain, and 3/4 inch hail. I can see from the house that some of the trees are....well, naked! I have just over a foot of water against the west side of the house and it is starting to creep under the doors. The gravel drive is under water, and the general area appears as is it has just snowed. It also appears several yards of freshly spread mulch has run down into the gravel drive, hard to tell from all the snow...errr, hail.

Gonna walk out and assess the damage as soon as the lightning moves a little further east, but it don't look good. I think the giant hostas have holes in their leaves...and perhaps the umbrellas as well....:cry:

Oh, and I just noticed the pool is overflowing.....where's my tequilla?

05-17-2004, 04:42 PM
Don't fear Barry I hear that Mary has quite the set of gardening skills and is very handy with a trowel.

The folks are coming to see you, Jess and Gage, not the darn plants, so relax and have a Tequila on me!!

05-17-2004, 04:59 PM
Nearly everything is destroyed.:shake: :eek:

I lost some 50 poppys, dozens of hostas, several hundred peonie, many of the large ferns that weren't sheltered, several hydrangas, and the hibiscus trees are done. I won't even describe the 2 dozen freshly hung hanging plants.

What a bummer.....

05-17-2004, 06:37 PM
Man, that's a shame Barry...it'll all work out...it's true, they're coming to see you...enjoy the good company

05-17-2004, 06:56 PM
The folks are coming to see you, Jess and Gage, not the darn plants, so relax and have a Tequila on me!

...it's true, they're coming to see you...enjoy the good company
Yep, you bet.

I cannot "guarantee" the "good" of my company, but I can bring two chairs...

Ummm...Beer's cold, right?

05-17-2004, 07:06 PM
Damn man that sucks! I shoulda been helping you and BillyG this past weekend.

05-17-2004, 07:10 PM
Don't fear Barry I hear that Mary has quite the set of gardening skills and is very handy with a trowel.Now I know what to pack, as long as I can get it by Security. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_2_201v.gif

Barry - so sorry to hear of your yard's plight! Well, it really WILL be a Garden Party! A little dirt under the fingernails never hurt anybody!

05-17-2004, 07:52 PM
Hey thanks...I know it's all about the company, but I really wanted to show off a little. Can't say what the weather will be like on Saturday anyway....forecast keeps changing.

As far as ammenities...oh yeah, nice selection of cold beer, steaks, and other fun stuff. It'll be good no matter what. Current forecast for Saturday is 83 and possible thunder storms.

And some last minute member interest is really cool.

Tonights Storm stat:
9,396 lighting hits in one hour, 1 inch of rain in 18 minutes, 45 mph wind gusts, and 3/4 inch hail....dayum!

05-17-2004, 08:41 PM
:eek: :eek:

05-17-2004, 10:10 PM
Among all of the chaos, I assume the Marauder was nice and protected in the garage, right? I am a weather enthusiast, and it sounds like that storm was something I would have loved to experience. The hail would not have been fun though :(

Honestly, i'm still waiting for our first severe storm of the year, as the weather has just been boring.

05-18-2004, 07:04 AM
Barry, I'm not going to show your post to my wife. She would mourn the loss of her plants more than if I were to get struck by lightning!

June, if you want "interesting" weather, come visit Texas!

05-18-2004, 09:37 PM
I will have to do that someday. Unfortunately, Texas is like a good 20-30 hour drive for me. I wish I knew how I started getting interested in weather, but it's just something that really interests me like driving Marauder's............

05-18-2004, 09:46 PM
Hey Barry better to get it out of the way before we arrive:):):):)

Sorry but mother nature is just that way:mad:

See ya in a few days.......................... ...

05-19-2004, 08:02 AM
Not to worry Barry everything will be just fine. Thanks to you and Jessica for trying, see you on Friday. We will call when we reach the hotel Thursday evening unless it is to late, wouldn't want to wake Gage up. :rock:

05-19-2004, 07:40 PM
A bomb wouldn't wake up the Gage-a-reno. I may not even hear the phone over his snoring! Call anyway.

I spent the day cleaning up after the maylay of the storm, and aside from a lot of broken stuff...all is well!

05-19-2004, 10:14 PM
Garden Party.................:lol: