View Full Version : May 19th Gas Out

05-18-2004, 01:08 PM
Not buying any gas tomorrow just because...$2.11 per gal makes me angry...gotta do something...talk amongst yourselves...prchrman

05-18-2004, 01:12 PM
Saw on the news on a Shell station sign in California:

Reg - 2.89 (or some high price like that)
Mid - ARM
Prem - LEG

05-18-2004, 01:13 PM
I always find this type of thing utterly humorous. Gas out's and the ilk have absolutely ZERO effect on anything. The only effect they have is to cause a surge in purchases the day before and a surge the day after, average it out and wow, the gas company hasn't lost a penny.

If you are really mad at the gas company, sell the marauder and go buy a hybrid. At least that'll impact to a millionth of a degree...


05-18-2004, 01:17 PM
I know that but it just makes me feel good...prchrman

Agent M79
05-18-2004, 01:32 PM
Wanna feel good?

Read: http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global_gasprices/price.html

05-18-2004, 01:35 PM
Uh huh...uh huh...just got over $2 for me with the 93.

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>HONG KONG</TD><TD class=tease>Hong Kong</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.45</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>UK</TD><TD class=tease>London</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.23</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>NETHERLANDS</TD><TD class=tease>Amsterdam</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.16</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>FRANCE</TD><TD class=tease>Paris</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.95</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>SWEDEN</TD><TD class=tease>Stockholm</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.58</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>GERMANY</TD><TD class=tease>Hamburg</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.53</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>JAPAN</TD><TD class=tease>Tokyo</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.25</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>IRELAND</TD><TD class=tease>Cork</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.60 </TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>SPAIN</TD><TD class=tease>Madrid</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.59 </TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>SLOVENIA</TD><TD class=tease>Ljubljana</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.58</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>INDIA</TD><TD class=tease>Bangalore</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.18</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>BRAZIL</TD><TD class=tease>Brasilia</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.81</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>b</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>AUSTRALIA</TD><TD class=tease>DARWIN</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.75</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>CUBA</TD><TD class=tease>Havana</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.56</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>b</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


05-18-2004, 01:50 PM
I agree 100% that gas prices SUCK ...

But I'm am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of seeing this.

This could NEVER happen.

This is now nothing more than your typical email spam.

"Hi my name is David Rhodes and would you believe just six months ago - blah blah blah - blah blah blah etc etc .......... "


etc etc etc ..... enter your own favorite fairy tail here.


Sorry, not trying to be a jerk here ...

Just calling it like I see it.

And to think I wanna buy a MM that gets LESS MPG than my TC.



J/K ...

Still want the MM



05-18-2004, 01:51 PM
Uh huh...uh huh...just got over $2 for me with the 93.

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>HONG KONG</TD><TD class=tease>Hong Kong</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.45</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>UK</TD><TD class=tease>London</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.23</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>NETHERLANDS</TD><TD class=tease>Amsterdam</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$5.16</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>FRANCE</TD><TD class=tease>Paris</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.95</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>SWEDEN</TD><TD class=tease>Stockholm</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.58</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>GERMANY</TD><TD class=tease>Hamburg</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.53</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>JAPAN</TD><TD class=tease>Tokyo</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$4.25</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>IRELAND</TD><TD class=tease>Cork</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.60 </TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>SPAIN</TD><TD class=tease>Madrid</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.59 </TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>SLOVENIA</TD><TD class=tease>Ljubljana</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.58</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>INDIA</TD><TD class=tease>Bangalore</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$3.18</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>BRAZIL</TD><TD class=tease>Brasilia</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.81</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>b</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor1><TD class=tease>AUSTRALIA</TD><TD class=tease>DARWIN</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.75</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>a</TD></TR><TR class=chartcolor2><TD class=tease>CUBA</TD><TD class=tease>Havana</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>$2.56</TD><TD class=tease align=middle>b</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I think I understand the point that you are trying to make, James. But you can't compare those prices straight up. Much of the cost in gasoline in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and such is caused by taxes necessary to support "free" universal health care, "free education", and numerous "free" services provided by the state/country. I firmly believe that there ain't no such thing as a Free Lunch.

We could have all this free stuff too .... all we have to do is give all our income to the government. :nono:

I'd be interested in seeing how the prices of gas compare in those countries once the taxes are stripped out.

05-18-2004, 02:11 PM
I think I understand the point that you are trying to make, James. But you can't compare those prices straight up. Much of the cost in gasoline in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and such is caused by taxes necessary to support "free" universal health care, "free education", and numerous "free" services provided by the state/country. I firmly believe that there ain't no such thing as a Free Lunch.

We could have all this free stuff too .... all we have to do is give all our income to the government. :nono:

I'd be interested in seeing how the prices of gas compare in those countries once the taxes are stripped out.
Well then I can still make my comparrison. Aren't you guys really happy that the government doesn't jack up gas prices for all kinds of free stuff?! (I'm with you on that Tstrat). So, it COULD be worse. It is bad, but it could be worse.

05-18-2004, 02:13 PM
I think I understand the point that you are trying to make, James. But you can't compare those prices straight up. Much of the cost in gasoline in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and such is caused by taxes necessary to support "free" universal health care, "free education", and numerous "free" services provided by the state/country. I firmly believe that there ain't no such thing as a Free Lunch.

We could have all this free stuff too .... all we have to do is give all our income to the government. :nono:

I'd be interested in seeing how the prices of gas compare in those countries once the taxes are stripped out.

Besides that, We are the #1 user of fossil fuels in the world so our prices should be cheaper.

05-18-2004, 02:23 PM
ther is a tax on every gallon of fuel puchased; at the pump it staites the amount going toward taxes( this is the tax they are willing to admit too). In texas it is $.42 per gallon approx.

05-18-2004, 02:37 PM
I won't even get started about drilling on our own soil for oil. That would make to much sense to become more self sufficient as a country. The same enviromentalist wackos who keep us from drilling for our oil would also outlaw our Marauders if they had the chance.

Agent M79
05-18-2004, 02:41 PM
Truely, yes, taxes have a staggering effect on the price of gas more so in Europe than here. It's always more complicated than we think tho.

Here is one I like: http://money.howstuffworks.com/gas-price.htm

Besides, prchrman's objective was to do something to "feel good" and I am assuming to quell his anger regardless of it's effective message to the entities responsible for his anger.

Putting on my therapist's hat for a minute (hope she doesn't find out it was me who stole it! :bandit: ) I would really want to determine what prchrman's anger was covering. Concern for his and his families long-term lifestyle? Fear of the collapse of society? Feeling taken advantage of by forces over which he has no control? Perhaps he is being followed?

I should probably stop now.

05-18-2004, 02:59 PM
That's too funny! You all see the cheapest?

Caracas, Venezuela. Oh I've been there. One can fill the tank of an old 70's V8 for the price of a 6 pack of decent cerveza. They have so much oil, they are the poorest people I've ever seen and I have been to many third world countries.

The fuel is so cheap, the cruise ships that do the deep southern tours make this a stop on the itinerary. The beauty part? They actually warn everyone to stay on the ship as it is dangerous to go into town!!!:shake: The stop is there because the ship refuels. A fistfull of c-notes tops off a luxury liner while the passengers enjoy a wonderfull view of the military ships in the harbor, and card board and plywood shacks lining the hillside while children play in garbage and swim in contaminated water.

I'll pay the higher price, and skip the poverty that comes with oil rich countries and greedy governments.

05-18-2004, 05:21 PM
Fuel cells baby! I love the sound of exhaust and the smell of high octane but fuel cells are the way to go. Could you just imagine, having your house off of the power grid? Maybe even your own car could provide a portion of power to your house or your house could be used to refuel your car. Very cool.

05-18-2004, 05:26 PM
There was a letter to a guy at CandD that was pretty good, I can't find it so this is not a direct quote but the guy basically said that once hydrogen goes through this and that transformer and powerline through the plant and refinery and into a diesel truck for delivery and then to your car (or something like that) you end up not having something that's efficent at all.

Anyone have a new C/D on their hands? Go grab that and quote it for me:lol:

05-18-2004, 06:08 PM
Last Friday I paid $1.02 Cdn for a litre (I ef fin hate metric) of Sunoco 94, or about $2.92 US/US gallon.

When it comes to gas prices, we all dance at the end of a string... :depress:. But what the hell— I knew this baby was going to guzzle nothing but the finest gas before I ordered it.... it's the price of being big and fast :burnout:

05-18-2004, 06:15 PM
James, up here in Canada (see my avatar) we'd be in the range of India and Brazil.

05-18-2004, 06:19 PM
Not buying any gas tomorrow just because...$2.11 per gal makes me angry...gotta do something...talk amongst yourselves...prchrman

I got a better idea.....
Lets pick one gas station and NEVER buy gas from them again.
Once we drive that one station out of business we'll pick another,then another until all the crooked gas stations are out of business.

05-18-2004, 06:23 PM
Besides, prchrman's objective was to do something to "feel good" and I am assuming to quell his anger regardless of it's effective message to the entities responsible for his anger.

Putting on my therapist's hat for a minute (hope she doesn't find out it was me who stole it! :bandit: ) I would really want to determine what prchrman's anger was covering. Concern for his and his families long-term lifestyle? Fear of the collapse of society? Feeling taken advantage of by forces over which he has no control? Perhaps he is being followed?

I should probably stop now.

Nice hat ....

Logan hit the nail on the head in his reply. The "boycott" only works if you don't drive for 1 tankful/fill-up. Otherwise, people will fill up on the 18th or the 20th. At the end of the week the oil companies made as much money as before.

prchrman's frustration may be the same as mine. Every February the oil companies start the spiel about supply and demand and higher prices. If some country leader in the Middle East farts, the price goes up the next day. If it ever comes down, it is so slow you barely notice. While all this is happening, oil companies are posting obscene profits on the order of 30%. They will claim that it is for R&D and new exploration. But, much of that is absolute :bs:

No doubt about it .... I will pay what's fair. But, I think we are usually being ripped off. Greed is rampant in the big oil companies. And, they must assume that the general public is :stupid:

Gotta get off my soapbox now .... time to go fill up the Marauder -- tomorrow is boycott day :lol:

05-18-2004, 06:43 PM
I have the answer on how to save money on Gasoline. Ready ? Use Public Transportation!!!!! Case Closed!

05-18-2004, 08:42 PM
The only people we have to blame for this situation is the United States Congress. They have had more than 30 years since the 70's oil embargo to find new sources for oil foreign or domestic, and we know what they've done domestically. I'm not sure who the Wacko's really are, the enviormentalists or Congress?

05-18-2004, 09:05 PM
Everything is going up, except my WAGES!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-18-2004, 10:20 PM
The only people we have to blame for this situation is the United States Congress. They have had more than 30 years since the 70's oil embargo to find new sources for oil foreign or domestic, and we know what they've done domestically. I'm not sure who the Wacko's really are, the enviormentalists or Congress?

It doesn't seem like supply is the biggest issue at this time, more than the ability to refine it into the 13 million different formulations required all across the 13 million different regions in our country. Environmentalists are actually a huge chunk of the problem. Not only do they protest anytime there is a hint of putting up additional equipment and plants, but they try to do everything in their power to block our ability to search for new sources of oil as well. Many of the more radical enviro-nazi's are just clueless about how things run in the real world. Many of these guys won't be happy till families are trying to cram themselves into Prius', and buisness owners are towing their loads with Civic Hybrid's. However, congress does have a lot to blame over this...........

I also agree that we need to boycott specific brands as I feel that would be more effective than just boycotting a single day.

05-19-2004, 08:13 AM
Didn't we already have this Thread about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is Logan's right a boycott will not work, never has never will. Sure am glad that I already own stock in the oil companies, keep driving everyone and don't buy those POS Hybrids.

RF Overlord
05-19-2004, 08:40 AM
I would really want to determine what prchrman's anger was covering. Feeling taken advantage of by forces over which he has no control?

I can't speak for prchrman, but that is EXACTLY how I feel...when this whole price rip-off started a month or so ago, I thought it was a little early for the annual "screw the driving public cuz it's summer" increase...then the lies started...

[begin politically-motivated rant]I do feel taken advantage of, but I know it will never change as long as the current regime (Bush and his "big oil" cronies) stays in power...they're getting so rich off the backs of the American people that they have no incentive to fix it...[/end politically-motivated rant]

Dr Caleb
05-19-2004, 10:01 AM
T... hydrogen goes through this and that transformer and powerline through the plant and refinery and into a diesel truck for delivery and then to your car (or something like that) you end up not having something that's efficent at all.

Hydrogen derived from electrically splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is not a fuel, it's a storage meduim. You store the electricity in the hydrogen and transport it somewhere else. Very ineffecient.

Ballard power has been doing some interesting work with fuel cells. One of the more recent advancements is: 1) grow corn 2) make alcohol from that corn 3) Use the leftover corn to feed animals 4) use a catalysation process to split the alcohol into hydrogen and oxygen + some long chain organic compounds. It uses very little electricity in the process.

The most expensive part of the process or making fuel grade alcohol is taking the excess water out of the mix. The hydrogen can be catalysed with the water in it - and works better this way.

So, you have a fuel cell at home (the catalysation works better for stationary locations) bring in a barrell of unprocessed alcohol and get electricity! use that to charge your electric vehicle, and sell some electricity back to the grid!

05-19-2004, 10:19 AM
In the same vein but somewhat more logical...

Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought it to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01):

Shell........................2 05,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco........ 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil............. 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway.. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco...................... 62,231,000 barrels

If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo....................0 barrels
Sunoco................0 barrels
Conoco................0 barrels
Sinclair................0 barrels
BP/Phillips............0 barrels
Hess...................0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy
and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much
they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your
car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism.............

05-19-2004, 10:30 AM
"...snip...". ..when this whole price rip-off started a month or so ago, I thought it was a little early for the annual "screw the driving public cuz it's summer" increase... "...snip...."
I could not have said that better. :up:

Mary may have a point. Looks like I may be visiting Sunoco and BP more often. I thought Sinclair was gone ... I don't think I have seen the old green dinosaur around for years. Maybe its a Virginia thing.

05-19-2004, 11:47 AM
2 questions:

1) BP (British Petroleum) purchased Amoco, so do they or do they not import?

2) What about those of us in BF Egypt who don't have major brands to choose from? I have one source of 93 in town. Period. It's ethanol so it's a bit cheaper than a big name, but even it is like $2.07 per gallon now. And many stations don't even sell higher than 89 octane to save prices.

I ask because I want to know if they are required to tell us where their gas is coming from.


05-19-2004, 12:11 PM
I can't speak for prchrman, but that is EXACTLY how I feel...when this whole price rip-off started a month or so ago, I thought it was a little early for the annual "screw the driving public cuz it's summer" increase...then the lies started...

[begin politically-motivated rant]I do feel taken advantage of, but I know it will never change as long as the current regime (Bush and his "big oil" cronies) stays in power...they're getting so rich off the backs of the American people that they have no incentive to fix it...[/end politically-motivated rant]

RF go ahead and speak for me...maybe I will sound smart for once...on the political note...Bush better change something, just ask the X-pres from GA...gas prices are a killer on election day...OBTW it's after 3:00pm and I have not bought any gas yet but I did eat at lunch at a Taco Bell...willie

05-19-2004, 12:34 PM
2 questions:

1) BP (British Petroleum) purchased Amoco, so do they or do they not import?

2) What about those of us in BF Egypt .....

That's right, the BP station at the bottom of the hill used to be an Amoco. Now, I think it uses both names. Maybe they are still buying oil as separate entities. :confused:

The US Army always threatened to send me to "B.F. Egypt". I had no idea that it was in Iowa. Instead, I spent 3 years in Baumholder, Germany (at the time --- go to the end of the autobahn, make a right, keep going until everyone looks depressed, that's it, you're there!!!""

05-19-2004, 06:42 PM
It doesn't seem like supply is the biggest issue at this time, more than the ability to refine it into the 13 million different formulations required all across the 13 million different regions in our country. Environmentalists are actually a huge chunk of the problem. Not only do they protest anytime there is a hint of putting up additional equipment and plants, but they try to do everything in their power to block our ability to search for new sources of oil as well. Many of the more radical enviro-nazi's are just clueless about how things run in the real world. Many of these guys won't be happy till families are trying to cram themselves into Prius', and buisness owners are towing their loads with Civic Hybrid's. However, congress does have a lot to blame over this...........

I also agree that we need to boycott specific brands as I feel that would be more effective than just boycotting a single day.

Well said! Everything is safer, cleaner, etc., but for some types of politicians and voters ;) it is never enough. It will never be enough.

05-19-2004, 06:51 PM
In the same vein but somewhat more logical...

Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought it to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01):

Shell........................2 05,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco........ 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil............. 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway.. 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco...................... 62,231,000 barrels

If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo....................0 barrels
Sunoco................0 barrels
Conoco................0 barrels
Sinclair................0 barrels
BP/Phillips............0 barrels
Hess...................0 barrels

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy
and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much
they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your
car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism.............

Thanks for that info! We COULD apply real pressure by making this a public policy issue.

Oh- and RF, c'mon, this getting jerked around by oil producers was going on LONG before Bush (either one).

05-19-2004, 06:54 PM
I have the answer on how to save money on Gasoline. Ready ? Use Public Transportation!!!!! Case Closed!

Hey did you ever try getting a bus in my town:mad:

05-19-2004, 07:19 PM
Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo....................0 barrels
Sunoco................0 barrels
Conoco................0 barrels
Sinclair................0 barrels
BP/Phillips............0 barrels
Hess...................0 barrels

Funny you should mention this.
Citgo and Hess are the two least expensive brands of gas in Westchester County, NY !!!.
But on the other hand, Sunoco is the MOST EXPENSIVE !!!

Also BP now owns Amoco.... :(

05-19-2004, 07:37 PM
Funny you should mention this.
Citgo and Hess are the two least expensive brands of gas in Westchester County, NY !!!.
But on the other hand, Sunoco is the MOST EXPENSIVE !!!

Also BP now owns Amoco.... :(
I know that BP owns Amoco, but I also noticed that BP has signs up saying still selling Amoco so who knows. I know that that list was done while ago, and it was something that was sent to me via email. So take it for what its worth. It is a good idea and perhaps a way to have an impact with my $35+ per tank full. Here on LI the 93 is selling for $2.35 +-.

05-19-2004, 08:26 PM
Here's part of the problem

BP Amoco
Chevron Texaco (and Shell figures in here somewhere)
Exxon Mobil

Those three companies used to be seven. Less competition. Also, isn't Exxon Mobil the first or second most profitable company in the world? Them and Wal Mart surpassed General Motors a couple of years ago. Having said that, it doesn't appear that gas is a cheap as it could be. I'm not complaining because if you can't afford the gas you shouldn't be driving the car, but I don't like being taken advantage of. The consolidation of the fuel industry is worrying.

05-19-2004, 09:41 PM
Thanks for that info! We COULD apply real pressure by making this a public policy issue.

Oh- and RF, c'mon, this getting jerked around by oil producers was going on LONG before Bush (either one).

Well said, because this jerked around thing has been going on for a VERY long time. It's almost funny to sit back and listen to some of these wild accusations out there. It's funny that everything seems to be Bush's fault no matter what it is. The public needs to start applying pressure if we are going to do something about this.

At least on the local BP/Amoco stations around here in Cincy, they are all BP gas stations. However, on the pump, it says that this station dispenses high quality Amoco fuels. They even changed the name of the grades to match the names Amoco stations used to give their different grades of gas. Also, those figures seem to change around somewhat. I used to remember Marathon at one time was listed as a station that did not purchase any oil from the Mid-East region. I would start filling up at Sunoco, but they are by far the most expensive of the gas stations around here. Their premium grade is about 5-10 cents more than the premium grade at my local Marathon station, and their Ultra 94 is a good 20-25 cents a gallon more. Last time I drove by, Ultra 94 was selling for $2.35 a gallon.

05-20-2004, 02:58 AM
I just paid 2.39 per gal. from Citgo, a petroleum company that someone said doesn't buy crude from the middle east. How does this work? Nevermind, sorry I asked...

Anyway, it's May 20th. How did we do? Think anyone paid any attention?

Dr Caleb
05-20-2004, 10:46 AM
I just paid 2.39 per gal. from Citgo, a petroleum company that someone said doesn't buy crude from the middle east. How does this work? Nevermind, sorry I asked...

Anyway, it's May 20th. How did we do? Think anyone paid any attention?

Citgo, Sunoco and many other, if they import it's from Venezuela or here in Canada. Suncor (Sunoco) is one of the largest producers of Synthetic Crude (tarsand) here in Alberta. Disclaimer - I used to work at both Suncor and Syncrude.

Larry: Canada does not import oil from anywhere. The question we should be asking on this side of the 49th is "Why are they selling us our own natural resources back to us at such a high mark up?"

And I doubt the boycott did anything. I usually only have to fill the Crown Vic up once every two weeks or so, and I top the Marauder off about as often.

05-20-2004, 09:20 PM
I just paid 2.39 per gal. from Citgo, a petroleum company that someone said doesn't buy crude from the middle east. How does this work? Nevermind, sorry I asked...

Anyway, it's May 20th. How did we do? Think anyone paid any attention?

I honestly don't think it had any effect. While driving by the gas stations on my way to work, there were fewer cars, but that can probably be attributed to the fact that people are trying to reduce the amount of fuel they use. I'm just glad that my Marauder seems to get pretty decent high mileage. What's shocking in a way, is that my Marauder is getting better fuel economy than I ever got on my old 99 V8 SHO which had a much smaller engine, and weighed a lot less.

Hmmm, Ford Escape Hybrid anyone????

05-21-2004, 03:08 AM
Let's face it......You cannot organize the whole country with a few emails!!!

Getting people on your side has been what politics is about forever...most folks just wander around like sheep in a flock anyway!!! :confused:

Gas at $5.00 a gallon is still a good value as chemicals go.....we've just had it too good for so long it's hard to adjust?? :eek:

I don't think we'll ever see gas at less than a dollar again but it will come back down some when greed and "Good Ole Capitalism" take over the show once again!! :up:

Marauderjack :burnout:

PS: Maybe higher prices will get some of the IDIOTS off the road!!!!! :D

05-21-2004, 11:09 AM
I just paid 2.39 per gal. from Citgo, a petroleum company that someone said doesn't buy crude from the middle east. How does this work? Nevermind, sorry I asked...

Anyway, it's May 20th. How did we do? Think anyone paid any attention?
I think the boycott had the effect of giving the owners and cashier clerks some additional free time to change the prices on the pumps and signs again. My last tankful cost $1.999. A week later it was $2.199. That's about 20 cents in less than 1 week. And, I think they both came out of the same tank in the ground between deliveries. Go figure.............