View Full Version : Not allowed in cruse in ? WTH

04-20-2016, 05:05 PM
so I went to a local cruise in tonight , and I know ppl and cars that go there , I was told I could not show the Marauder because it wasent a Preformance car

needless to say I come unglued and reverse melting rubber

and after seeing picture of a focus st and scion a 80's Honda and a 85 CV I was even more pissed

anyone else ever get told NO Marauder aloud in ?

Mr. Man
04-20-2016, 05:09 PM
Probably some bozo who didn't know what it was. I'd go back and ask if they would allow a 2003 Mach 1 in.

04-20-2016, 05:17 PM
That's some bs!

04-20-2016, 05:18 PM
Yes. A few of us local Marauder guys went to the Elmhurst cruise night. A couple of ass hoes who volunteer at the Elmhurst cruise night told us we could not park. Like men, we parked and stayed. Also another volunteer told the ass hoes our cars are cool.

And to add to that. Ive never beem back.

Sent from the White House on tax payers dimes.

04-20-2016, 05:21 PM
They are not worthy to see it then, plus they can ***

04-20-2016, 05:55 PM
He basically said fu for no reason. Go back and stay there and say fu too!!!. I'll go there one day

04-20-2016, 06:07 PM
Yes. A few of us local Marauder guys went to the Elmhurst cruise night. A couple of ass hoes who volunteer at the Elmhurst cruise night told us we could not park. Like men, we parked and stayed. Also another volunteer told the ass hoes our cars are cool.

And to add to that. Ive never beem back.

Sent from the White House on tax payers dimes.

Downers grove I thought? But I remember being pissed and about ready to show some performance two blocks long!

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04-20-2016, 06:27 PM
I was not only allowed in a local car show, but won 1st place in the 1990 to present modified class with some great competition. Go figure.

04-20-2016, 07:17 PM
Downers grove I thought? But I remember being pissed and about ready to show some performance two blocks long!

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You're right. I knew Elmhurst did not sound right. It was Downers Grove. They can ***.

Yeah, we were pretty pissed.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

04-20-2016, 08:01 PM
Many of the car shows around Chicago limit the years to a certain age, many were 1980 or earlier, many times its 25 years old or older. They are getting better about it though, as folks are realizing our memories provide more performance in these old cars than the engines actually did. There are just so many great new cars out there how can you ban them from a car show? If a 1970 4 door Skylark with a V6 can enter why can't an MM (both are cool cars in their own way)

04-20-2016, 08:19 PM
At a Cruise in at a local town I had a police officer issue me a warning that next time my car would be impounded.

He was selective in that there were many cars that also were not 25 years old that did not get the same treatment.

I was parked next to a very boring english car from the 1950's. The owner was pissed because not a single person looked at his and dozens looked at the Marauder. He complained to the Policeman.

Since they have waived the age requirement, but I have never put my car in it again.

Might try it one day.

Joe Walsh
04-20-2016, 08:24 PM



BTW: Sorry to hear that they were dicks about your marauder.

04-21-2016, 05:43 AM
At a Cruise in at a local town I had a police officer issue me a warning that next time my car would be impounded.

Warning for what???? Being at a car show?

04-21-2016, 05:52 AM
Warning for what???? Being at a car show?
They would tow and impound my Car. I don't think there is an actual ordinance so I could plead same before a judge, but as usual none of that would undo the tyranny of government.

On one previous occasion a policeman told me to move my car and I told him I was in the cruise in, but I don't want to be anywhere I am not wanted. He insisted I stay and asked what if the cruise In Lady ask me to leave? I replied I will immedicately leave, he said good, enjoy the cruise in.

04-21-2016, 05:59 AM
They would tow and impound my Car. I don't think there is an actual ordinance so I could plead same before a judge, but as usual none of that would undo the tyranny of government.

On one previous occasion a policeman told me to move my car and I told him I was in the cruise in, but I don't want to be anywhere I am not wanted. He insisted I stay and asked what if the cruise In Lady ask me to leave? I replied I will immedicately leave, he said good, enjoy the cruise in.

I would have told him to *** and send his supervisor, I only ever had 1 guy questions plates on a vehicle, told me I forged something on my title, blah blah, blah. I told him to impound it and arrest me. And to call is personal attorney, because he was going to be needing his services.

I have been a LEO for too many years, I don't take kindly to imaginary made up, on the spot laws and ordinances, I'll challenge about anything. Your mileage may vary with that approach.

04-21-2016, 07:10 AM
Yeah, this has happened to me as well. I use to go to events with a local Mustang group. After a fall run a bunch of people were complaining about where my Marauder was in the stack on the cruise. I wasn't about to be driving in the back behind a bunch of $500 Mustangs getting smoked out and barely driving. After several complaints after the cruise I decided to part ways. The biggest complainer was driving a beater with a heater. It was time to move on.:banned:

04-21-2016, 09:31 AM
It is embarrassing to pull into a car show and be told where the regular parking lot is. But then when I explain I'm in the show, they usually say sorry for the mistake and then let me in the show. They usually aren't trying to be d#cks.

Usually when more than one Marauder shows up though as a group, they usually get that its an actual special limited edition Mercury after all and wave us right in.

04-21-2016, 09:35 AM
I remember hearing about a restored 1972 Dodge CHP 440 big bock police car that was allowed to sign up for a Goodguys car show. Period correct lights, sirens, door badges, and all. Everything was checked and double checked with the organizers of the even and they said it was ok. The day of the event, he was allowed to go several layers deep through to the car show checkpoints but then someone said he wasn't allowed in the show because it wasn't a "real" classic car. Kind of that big four door car bias that some car enthusiasts have saying they can't be classics kind of thing. He was very mad and raced out of their in a huff. It was a shame. I love to see those massive big block police cars myself. 100% Americana just as much as those old muscle cars any day.

04-21-2016, 10:43 AM
I would have told him to *** and send his supervisor, I only ever had 1 guy questions plates on a vehicle, told me I forged something on my title, blah blah, blah. I told him to impound it and arrest me. And to call is personal attorney, because he was going to be needing his services.

I have been a LEO for too many years, I don't take kindly to imaginary made up, on the spot laws and ordinances, I'll challenge about anything. Your mileage may vary with that approach.

I am the EXACT same way about made up codes with plumbing inspectors and the health dept!

I love a challenge at deciphering WRITTEN code!

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04-21-2016, 10:55 AM
At least you still have car groups that enjoy being around each other. Our local car shows has lowered itself to the same few boring cars with jerk owners who hate talking about cars and several old, non-classic, unwashed, undetailed, filthy engine, pile of junks. As long as they get a trophy just for entering, they are comfortably satisfied.

I was shocked when I attempted to get back into the car club scene when I built my last hotrod some 8 years ago. Three clubs I attended wanted to gossip about Joe's ex-wife's mother-in-law's cousin screwing Jane's sister's ex-husband's plumber's wife instead of talking car talk.

I can turn the TV on to As-The-World-Turns if I ever decide to become a gossip groupie or just suck the last few brain cells out with Honey Boo Boo reruns.

I sure miss the 60's and 70's----glad I was there for that.

04-21-2016, 11:36 AM
I was contacted by the man that runs the cruise-in
He aplogized corrected the person and said I am welcome any time he knows what a marauder is and it belongs in

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04-21-2016, 12:58 PM
Sorry you had a bad experience. I'd probably get pissy too if some idiot wouldn't let me put my limited production vehicle in a car show.

The only time a Marauder should be excluded is if they have year restrictions like 1980 and older, or if it's a model specific show like a Mustang show. My 4x4 club hosts a truck show every year. This year they are wanting to add cars to the show, so I'll be putting my car in it's first show come Sept.

Only thing I may not like about having a vehicle in someone else's show is that after you've looked around and are ready to leave... you can't because you are part of the show. Never bothered me so far because the only show I've been in was ours, the Iron Horse 4x4s "Beauty and the Beast" truck show. We host the show, so I'm always there the whole day working the show anyway. There is a car show and cruise night near me every July, but I never go to the show. I just set up the truck (Marauder this year, RIP truck) and shade awning in front of the Pizza Hut and wait for the cruise part.

04-21-2016, 02:41 PM
Seen one old Mustang/Camaro/Firebird/Corvette you've seen them all.

I went to an all Corvette show once. It was the most boring car show I have ever been to. No excitement by the crowd, owners, anyone. I love all these cars, but you gots to have some VARIETY. The fact that I can go to a show and have the only Marauder there is what makes it so cool.

Hell, I've driven to car shows and was waved in to show and had to tell them I was only there as a spectator.....

04-21-2016, 04:21 PM
Seen one old Mustang/Camaro/Firebird/Corvette you've seen them all.

I went to an all Corvette show once. It was the most boring car show I have ever been to. No excitement by the crowd, owners, anyone. I love all these cars, but you gots to have some VARIETY. The fact that I can go to a show and have the only Marauder there is what makes it so cool.

Hell, I've driven to car shows and was waved in to show and had to tell them I was only there as a spectator.....

I was doing a Sunday morning cruise in my 64 Galaxie when I rode by a Corvette only show. Local cop directing traffic asked the show guys if they would OK my car.

They said, sure, why not.

My car got a ton of lookers, more than many of the Corvettes.

PS, I love the 63/67 Vettes. But, my Galaxie is a very rare car.

04-21-2016, 04:24 PM

Never had an issue.

04-21-2016, 09:50 PM
Since that happened the Police Chief was fired, the SGT was forced to resign and several officers are sitting behind bars.

There is a new D/A, Sherriff and Coroner.

No restrictions on cars for the Cruise In.

04-22-2016, 11:05 AM
I had something similar two years ago here in Minnesota.

The previous year I was let in but next year a new person was in charge of the cruise. I emailed him and told him what I had and even sent him a link to the Marauder Wikipedia website. He said no and kind of said some mean things about the Marauder.

About a week prior to the cruise, I got an e-mail from him apologizing and asked if I wanted in. I was determined not to go but my wife convinced me we should go.

As we we pulling out of the parking lot to start the cruise, he came up to my window and apologized again. Then as we turned onto a major road, the local police were there keeping an eye on traffic and the cop came over his PA system on his Ford Explorer and said "Love the Marauder".

This cruise runs quite a distance. There are numerous spots where residents sit by the side of the road with their garden hoses wetting down the road for burnouts. I think I took a 1/4" of rubber off my tires that day.

04-22-2016, 04:31 PM
Oh hell, at our cruise night the cops ticket you if you do a burnout.

04-22-2016, 04:34 PM
Oh hell, at our cruise night the cops ticket you if you do a burnout.

Like this?

http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160422/b94a912b164117481ff4d44c74b9f3 7c.jpg

04-22-2016, 04:53 PM
If you require water for doing burnouts, you shouldn't be doing burnouts. [emoji41]

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04-22-2016, 05:07 PM
If you require water for doing burnouts, you shouldn't be doing burnouts. [emoji41]

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04-22-2016, 05:25 PM
If you require water for doing burnouts, you shouldn't be doing burnouts. [emoji41]

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I use oil......just sayin'

04-22-2016, 05:26 PM
I bring donuts and watch is my thang

04-22-2016, 07:49 PM
No fair, that's out in the country not in town. I can find a country road I live in a tiny little town.

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04-22-2016, 07:53 PM
Marauder racist ass people ! Marauder LIVES MATTER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-23-2016, 05:17 AM
About five years ago, I drove down to southern new Jersey to a car show, hosted by the local Mustang Club. There were eight marauders at this show. We were told that we had switched the motors in our (Grand Marquis bodies) and we would have to register as modified cars. We tried to tell the idiot at the registration table that the cars came from the factory with the 32 V-DOHC motor but she would not listen.
Even after protesting to the club president, he also said that we had changed the engine and therefore, had to stay in the modified class. That meant competing against cars like my Mustangs, which are seriously modified. I asked what the chances were that eight cars, coming from different locations and states, would all have the exact same motor. He blew us off.
We stayed at the show, but vowed it was our last with that car club.

04-23-2016, 08:02 AM
Had the above happen, and had the complete opposite too.
AT the famous NCal cars n coffee where the idiot wrecked and almost rolled his car leaving the parking lot (many hits on YouTube) I parked the Marauder, opened the doors and had a sign that said, "OK TO SIT INSIDE." I had all of the other Marauder goodies, Leather Jacket, mini green light hot wheel, articles about the marauder in jackets, and my beautiful custom numbered badges all out on table #21 of 417, etc. and like above post, my car was the hit of the row.

Many older guys (my age plus) crowded around and I insisted most to actually get /sit inside. These guys all drove $100,000 to $300,000 dollar cars to the meet, and they spent 20 minutes reading the 3 articles, looking at the car, taking turns sitting in the driver/passenger seat, etc... THey all LOVED IT. "Easy in and out, great site lines, good looking, nice stance, like new, beautiful interior, he'll of a motor, comfortable..." Compliments kept coming. They were all shocked that it came this way from the factory, thinking I had modded the motor and interior.

A friend drove a 1960 Alfa Romeo, that was almost perfect to the meet-and was three cars away from me. No one ever stopped by his car to talk (it is beautiful, worth probably $60,000, and rare) ONLY THEN did my friend realize and actually ask me about the Marauder and what made it so special... After 2 hours of having 4-10 people around my car asking questions. One of the older gents that hung around the longest drove a real cobra to the meet!

After ward, I asked my friend to take me for a ride in his Alfa since he'd rebuilt it, cramped, small, slow, loud.... and then I took him for a ride in mine (new suspension). He was absolutely amazed, and has a new understanding of our cars!

04-23-2016, 11:46 AM
I hear you. People can't believe that America can make a car which is beautiful, powerful, and sits five.
Since I was accused of modifying the Marauder those many years ago, I did. If I'm going to do the time, I might as well do the crime. Now I have a 5.4 stroker motor, full length headers, and various other goodies.

I still want to supercharge the car, but I can't find a non-centrifugal supercharger. I want the Marauder to look like God had intended... frightening!

Mr. Man
04-23-2016, 04:48 PM
I hear you. People can't believe that America can make a car which is beautiful, powerful, and sits five.
Since I was accused of modifying the Marauder those many years ago, I did. If I'm going to do the time, I might as well do the crime. Now I have a 5.4 stroker motor, full length headers, and various other goodies.

I still want to supercharge the car, but I can't find a non-centrifugal supercharger. I want the Marauder to look like God had intended... frightening!
Then your going to need a Black one :P

04-24-2016, 02:27 PM
About five years ago, I drove down to southern new Jersey to a car show, hosted by the local Mustang Club. There were eight marauders at this show. We were told that we had switched the motors in our (Grand Marquis bodies) and we would have to register as modified cars. We tried to tell the idiot at the registration table that the cars came from the factory with the 32 V-DOHC motor but she would not listen.
Even after protesting to the club president, he also said that we had changed the engine and therefore, had to stay in the modified class. That meant competing against cars like my Mustangs, which are seriously modified. I asked what the chances were that eight cars, coming from different locations and states, would all have the exact same motor. He blew us off.
We stayed at the show, but vowed it was our last with that car club.

I beat all the 25+ Mustangs in the 1990 to Present Modified Class competition. What were you worried about? F*** them.

04-24-2016, 04:25 PM
I have four Mustangs that embarrass many of the competition at MCA shows:
1969 Shelby GT-500, with 8 carbs
1970 Boss 302
1989 Mustang LX-5.0 (347 stroker with Novi 2000- blower)
1993 Mustang GT (331 stroker with Vortech V-7 blower)

I just need an excuse to supercharge the '04 SB Marauder.
OH WAIT !!! .... the sun rose... I have my excuse!

04-26-2016, 03:31 PM
About five years ago, I drove down to southern new Jersey to a car show, hosted by the local Mustang Club. There were eight marauders at this show. We were told that we had switched the motors in our (Grand Marquis bodies) and we would have to register as modified cars. We tried to tell the idiot at the registration table that the cars came from the factory with the 32 V-DOHC motor but she would not listen.
Even after protesting to the club president, he also said that we had changed the engine and therefore, had to stay in the modified class. That meant competing against cars like my Mustangs, which are seriously modified. I asked what the chances were that eight cars, coming from different locations and states, would all have the exact same motor. He blew us off.
We stayed at the show, but vowed it was our last with that car club.

Print this out and have it with you. Or just google it and tell them where to shove it.

The 4-valve DOHC 4.6 L engine was on the Ward's 10 Best Engines list for 1996 and 1997.

Vehicles equipped with the 32-valve DOHC 4.6 L include the following:

Vehicle Name Production Years Engine Output Notes
Lincoln Mark VIII 1993–1998 280 hp (209 kW)
285 lb·ft (386 N·m)
Lincoln Mark VIII LSC 1995–1998 290 hp (216 kW)
295 lb·ft (400 N·m)
Lincoln Continental 1995–1998 260 hp (194 kW)
265 lb·ft (359 N·m) FWD, Different Bellhousing
Lincoln Continental 1999–2002 275 hp (205 kW)
275 lb·ft (373 N·m) FWD, Different Bellhousing
Lincoln Aviator 2003–2005 305 hp (227 kW)
320 lb·ft (434 N·m)
Mercury Marauder 2003–2004 302 hp (225 kW)
318 lb·ft (431 N·m)
Ford Mustang SVT Cobra 1996–1998 305 hp (227 kW)
300 lb·ft (407 N·m)
Ford Mustang SVT Cobra 1999, 2001 320 hp (239 kW)
317 lb·ft (430 N·m)
Ford Mustang SVT Cobra 2003–2004 390 hp (291 kW)
390 lb·ft (529 N·m) Iron block, Supercharged
Ford Mustang Mach 1 2003 305 hp (227 kW)
320 lb·ft (434 N·m)
Ford Mustang Mach 1 2004 310 hp (231 kW)[8]
335 lb·ft (454 N·m)[8]
Marcos Mantis 1997–1999 327 hp (244 kW)
317 lb·ft (430 N·m)
Marcos Mantis GT 1998–1999 506 hp (377 kW)
317 lb·ft (430 N·m) Supercharged
Panoz AIV Roadster 1997–1999 305 hp (227 kW)
300 lb·ft (407 N·m)
Panoz Esperante 2000–2009 305 hp (227 kW)
300 lb·ft (407 N·m) [9]
Qvale Mangusta 2000–2001 320 hp (239 kW)
317 lb·ft (430 N·m)
MG X-Power SV 2003–2005 320 hp (239 kW)
317 lb·ft (430 N·m)
Koenigsegg CCR V8 2004–2006 806 hp (601 kW)
680 lb·ft (922 N·m)

04-26-2016, 03:39 PM
I was turned away at the cruise-in at my town square. The ass hoes said my car wasn't old enough. I pointed in the direction of the brand-new Mustangs and Corvettes and gleefully drove into the parking lot while their backs were turned. By the time a staffer had reached my car, I had my Ford certificate displayed in the window and had walked away. :D