View Full Version : I have a Praise!

06-07-2016, 02:49 PM
I know this isn't a normal thread but I'm so excited I have to share. About 6 weeks ago I injured my lower back and over the past few weeks it took me down to where I couldn't function. I've been sleeping on a blanket face down because that was the only relief I could get. I was absolutely miserable! Roger came up to help me with my front suspension and all I could offer was cold air and someone to talk to while laying flat on my face on the garage floor. My days were back and forth with good vs bad. A lot of people have been praying along with me for this to go away.

Today I was feeling pretty good so I went outside to clean the truck. I was squatted down in a catchers position and I turned to my right and Loud BOOM went off in my lower back. I honestly froze and didn't know what had just happened. When this happened to me about 9 years ago it did the same thing and I felt tons better for it not to show back up till 6 weeks ago. So this time I was like, God did you just do that? Honestly I was so nervous and cautious but as soon as the pop took place I got this immediate cooling sensation in that area like the inflammation was leaving. So telling everyone the story to say I'm thankful and give God the praise! I'm feeling like a champion now!

06-07-2016, 03:02 PM
I'll bet your one happy camper! That back pain seemed to have you in a miserable state.

06-07-2016, 03:06 PM
I'll bet your one happy camper! That back pain seemed to have you in a miserable state.

I am buddy! My attitude was suffering bigtime!

06-07-2016, 03:07 PM
Glad you're feelin better! Despite my age, I have had some bad back pain from sports related injuries in the past. I know the relief to feel that much needed "POP" and for it to create immediate relief. Thank God indeed! It's the little things sometimes.

06-07-2016, 03:09 PM
Amen brother

06-07-2016, 03:47 PM
Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you finally got some relief from the back pain. :) Is there anything the medical folks can do to isolate the problem and avoid a reoccurrence (if possible) ?? :dunno:

06-07-2016, 03:59 PM
Glad you're feelin better! Despite my age, I have had some bad back pain from sports related injuries in the past. I know the relief to feel that much needed "POP" and for it to create immediate relief. Thank God indeed! It's the little things sometimes.

Amen brother

Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you finally got some relief from the back pain. :) Is there anything the medical folks can do to isolate the problem and avoid a reoccurrence (if possible) ?? :dunno:

Thanks guys........ The main thing is keeping my core strong and stretching. I've been on that for the last 3 years but I got lazy and didn't keep up with my stretching. My I. T. Band got very tight causing the Piriformis muscle ( connects from your sacrum to your hip) to tighten so bad that it pulled on my sacrum hard enough to herniate a disc at L5,S1 and then pressed against a nerve causing my left calf to atrophy. It was my fault on lack of stretching. The piriformis started pressing against my sciatic nerve and totally inflamed my left hip and shooting down my leg. I couldn't move without pain. This sucker has been unreal. So saying all that to say if I will keep stretched after working legs and core I should be alright. They told me that 70% of back pains come from hips being too tight and a weak core on top of a lack of stretching. I'm doing stretches now I didn't even know existed. I didn't know I could bend that way LOL! But they are working and with what happened today and the L5,L1 straightening back up bringing major relief. I'm so happy I just had to share.:)

06-07-2016, 04:13 PM
These cars are great but your health is more important! Glad you're feeling better, now go stretch it out.

06-07-2016, 05:13 PM
Good to hear, Chris!

06-07-2016, 05:36 PM
Awesome Chris! Yeah, that "pop" can be one SCARY MOFO!

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

06-07-2016, 06:18 PM
God is great !!!

06-08-2016, 03:49 AM
Glad to hear you are on the mend! My lower back pretty much hurts most of the time when I am on my feet. It is a big relief when I can sit down again. So take care of your back we don't want you to miss the next get together.:bows:

06-08-2016, 04:51 AM
Glad to here you are bendable again!!! I've had the 'pop' happen to my neck after being really tight and the wave is euphoric and a little unnerving...I can only imagine the same thing in the back...

06-08-2016, 07:06 AM
Good to hear. Not only that you feel better, but that you are giving credit where credit is due. Too many people these days ignore the power of God because they don't understand why he does things. Well, I don't understand him either, but it's enough for me that he understands me. I have back and hip issues along with a TBI after a close encounter with an IED in Iraq, and I love God for allowing me to come home alive when so many didn't.

Sad how so many people view you as crazy when you try to publicly thank the good Lord for looking out for you.

Sadder still that the ****** that blew up my truck was probably doing his best "aloha snackbar" when he did it.

06-08-2016, 07:07 AM
Glad you are feeling better!

06-08-2016, 07:43 AM
Glad to hear your feeling better!

06-08-2016, 10:01 AM
I will take a Stooper over a Bender any day ,at least you know in time you can straighten up. LOL. and God is good .

06-08-2016, 11:32 AM
Wow, I just had back surgery on June 1, I was trying to avoid it but to no avail. L4-L5 L5-S1. I was religiously stretching and trying to keep my core strong. I just turned 46 and could barely walk because of it the last few months. Never mind trying to work on or even properly wash a car, I contemplated selling both my recently acquired MM and my GN. I'll hold off on that just a bit, too soon to tell as I can still barely move.

I'm fit and strong but with my job I had a couple of situations which resulted in a torn disc l5-S1 and 2.0 cm herniated disc in the L4-L5. I power lifted for several years about a decade ago and never ever hurt myself in the gym.

I hope that's it for you brother and you don't have any re-occurences. Take care of yourself. It doesn't take much to injure a back. My advice to you is be mindful of how you move, stretch and don't over do it if it does not feel right. All I could say if no one has ever experienced what you felt there is no way to describe it.

06-08-2016, 12:08 PM
Good to hear you're better. I feel your pain.... (Really!!!! A Back and Knee Surgery Survivor....)

06-08-2016, 02:38 PM
I know this isn't a normal thread but I'm so excited I have to share. About 6 weeks ago I injured my lower back and over the past few weeks it took me down to where I couldn't function. I've been sleeping on a blanket face down because that was the only relief I could get. I was absolutely miserable! Roger came up to help me with my front suspension and all I could offer was cold air and someone to talk to while laying flat on my face on the garage floor. My days were back and forth with good vs bad. A lot of people have been praying along with me for this to go away.

Today I was feeling pretty good so I went outside to clean the truck. I was squatted down in a catchers position and I turned to my right and Loud BOOM went off in my lower back. I honestly froze and didn't know what had just happened. When this happened to me about 9 years ago it did the same thing and I felt tons better for it not to show back up till 6 weeks ago. So this time I was like, God did you just do that? Honestly I was so nervous and cautious but as soon as the pop took place I got this immediate cooling sensation in that area like the inflammation was leaving. So telling everyone the story to say I'm thankful and give God the praise! I'm feeling like a champion now!

Are you willing to see a good chiropractor? They can help with such adjustments. Finding a good one is like finding a good anything - may take time. Wishing you heal and stay well. :2thumbs:

06-08-2016, 02:56 PM
Just get all the nerve endings burnt off on your spine, those "feelers" won't hurt you anymore

FYI. If your pain Dr wants to do epidurals, they work for the first few years... After that it's worse. I've had too many buddy, I know what that pain is, that relief with a huge pop.... And all is good, standing up folding laundry and twang....
Next thing your in the fetal position asking yourself what did I do to deserve this much pain?

Keep up on your fiber and hope your in the clear man

06-08-2016, 04:10 PM
I consider myself very fortunate. I'm 73, and I walked three miles today in an hour.

I have compressed discs from a stupid accident in my attic in the late 70's, but, it doesn't stop me from walking. I get some pain, and one knee has arthritis, but both are bearable.

I'm way ahead of two of my friends from grammar school. They have trouble going down a flight of stairs without holding on to the handrail.

06-08-2016, 04:37 PM
WOW--just wow reading your story here--wow again---great your feeling better---I think back to your story---and you have to ask yourself --why was I out in the garage and why did I squat ---knowing the back was sore--a push without thinking --whereas you should have been---yes--think another power took over at the right time and place without letting you even have a moment to think about it.

Anyway --stay well and so very glad to have you as a friend

06-09-2016, 05:20 AM
Are you willing to see a good chiropractor? They can help with such adjustments. Finding a good one is like finding a good anything - may take time. Wishing you heal and stay well. :2thumbs: Yes Sir ---also invest in an"" Inversion table"" cheap insurance :beer:

06-09-2016, 10:06 AM
Thanks everyone!! All is still great and holding perfect. I just have to remember to take it easy for the next 10 days or so which is very hard for me to do.