View Full Version : Posted on a cars for sale thread, it's been 8? Hours???????

07-06-2016, 08:18 PM

Once this car came for sale, I posted asking the price

Just wondering why 8 hours later my post was never uploaded?

Why have a delay in posts if the moderator of that section doesn't get to it but 12 hours later?

I am a moderator on multiple sites and we don't do it this way, just asking why is there a delay in posts and screening of my posts multiple times in cars for sale, just to have a moderator never approve my post and they reword my post and post it for themselves half a day later?

Does that make sense? I'll post , then it never gets uploaded here, but 75% of the time it's posted much later, same wording?

Maybe I should change my screen name, I do own 3 marauders. I'm not a car dealer

07-07-2016, 08:32 AM
A volunteer has stepped forward.;)

07-07-2016, 08:38 AM
While I'm not a moderator, but speaking for myself trying to keep up with MV threads, some of us have a life outside of MM.net. I do have tap-a-talk, but can't keep checking my phone all of the time.

Patience is a virtue, and we all have different priorities, which somedays or longer means going off the grid and doing other things than staying glued to our phone. JMHO, off my :soap:


07-07-2016, 10:47 AM
While I'm not a moderator, but speaking for myself trying to keep up with MV threads, some of us have a life outside of MM.net. I do have tap-a-talk, but can't keep checking my phone all of the time.

Patience is a virtue, and we all have different priorities, which somedays or longer means going off the grid and doing other things than staying glued to our phone. JMHO, off my :soap:


If your going to moderate threads, then the defense that you have a life outside .net is null and void.

To the OP, maybe they are waiting to see if the seller is going to change their mind about selling it?

07-07-2016, 10:52 AM
If your going to moderate threads, then the defense that you have a life outside .net is null and void.

To the OP, maybe they are waiting to see if the seller is going to change their mind about selling it?

It's ok to do that if you are a good person on the Internet. And if you are friends with the owner.

07-07-2016, 12:08 PM
It's ok to do that if you are a good person on the Internet. And if you are friends with the owner(s).

Fixed it.........

RF Overlord
07-07-2016, 01:22 PM
It appears that Mary posted there and the OP has not yet responded...

07-07-2016, 06:42 PM

Once this car came for sale, I posted asking the price

Just wondering why 8 hours later my post was never uploaded?

Why have a delay in posts if the moderator of that section doesn't get to it but 12 hours later?

I am a moderator on multiple sites and we don't do it this way, just asking why is there a delay in posts and screening of my posts multiple times in cars for sale, just to have a moderator never approve my post and they reword my post and post it for themselves half a day later?

Does that make sense? I'll post , then it never gets uploaded here, but 75% of the time it's posted much later, same wording?

Maybe I should change my screen name, I do own 3 marauders. I'm not a car dealer

It appears that Mary posted there and the OP has not yet responded...
A half dozen people posted the same request for a price. Whose post do I approve? I chose to ask the request on behalf of everyone. If anyone has an immediate need or interest, follow through directly with the OP. Don't wait for them to log in.

07-07-2016, 06:52 PM
A half dozen people posted the same request for a price. Whose post do I approve? I chose to ask the request on behalf of everyone. If anyone has an immediate need or interest, follow through directly with the OP. Don't wait for them to log in.

Whose post do you approve? All of them. Maybe the OP will get the picture. We appreciate your post asking what everyone else asked to reduce it down to one post vs six. But why have a restriction on for sale threads? I understand you all have lives so why moderate the for sale ads so carefully? Is it really that much of a problem? Why hide the conversations that are supposed to occur during the sale of a car or a part? I mean, we are all adults there I think, and can someone police ourselves most of the time. So why not let the for sale conversation happen, with questions, opinions, and of course deals being made? You would have a lot less monitoring and a lot more conversation on the board. Of course if something gets out of hand you well, moderate. Just my opinion. Carry on, .net see you in Cleveland.

07-07-2016, 07:04 PM
Whose post do you approve? All of them. Maybe the OP will get the picture. We appreciate your post asking what everyone else asked to reduce it down to one post vs six. But why have a restriction on for sale threads? I understand you all have lives so why moderate the for sale ads so carefully? Is it really that much of a problem? Why hide the conversations that are supposed to occur during the sale of a car or a part? I mean, we are all adults there I think, and can someone police ourselves most of the time. So why not let the for sale conversation happen, with questions, opinions, and of course deals being made? You would have a lot less monitoring and a lot more conversation on the board. Of course if something gets out of hand you well, moderate. Just my opinion. Carry on, .net see you in Cleveland.

Unfortunately, the actions of a few caused this for all. When you post a sale item, you SHOULD only get questions on your item for sale, but on many boards, there are those that have to insult the seller, compare the sellers item to something they saw for less etc... After being on that side of the F.S. section, I get it. But...... maybe find a couple trusted people to approve posts in that area, that way, it could be covered in a more timely manner.

07-07-2016, 07:52 PM
Set the rules and BAN people that break them. It will sort itself out.

07-07-2016, 09:44 PM
You cant even list stuff for sale on CV.net until it is approved..You make a new for sale post, hit enter and get the " your posting will not be listed until a moderator approves" or something along those lines and it can take 2-3 days..I've listed stuff for sale here and over there and have sold it before it is even approved. Not just once it happen, a few times

07-08-2016, 06:06 AM
You cant even list stuff for sale on CV.net until it is approved..You make a new for sale post, hit enter and get the " your posting will not be listed until a moderator approves" or something along those lines and it can take 2-3 days..I've listed stuff for sale here and over there and have sold it before it is even approved. Not just once it happen, a few times

Yep, me too. But the f.s. Board used to run amok over there with know it all's and such. It used to be that f.s. posts in here would go up in flames because someone had an agenda they needed everyone to know about.

Sent from my iPhone while doing a big ole' smokey burnout in my wife's Prius.

Mr. Man
07-08-2016, 10:04 AM
Sounds like a good idea to approve the FS thread before it goes up. The mods can tell the OP what they need to add/delete before it goes up. Seems like there are a lot of FS threads that go up here where the OP doesn't list the price or post pictures. Then like Mary says she gets 6 or 7 "What's the price?" posts. Easy fix....next problem....

07-08-2016, 10:51 AM
Sounds like a good idea to approve the FS thread before it goes up. The mods can tell the OP what they need to add/delete before it goes up. Seems like there are a lot of FS threads that go up here where the OP doesn't list the price or post pictures. Then like Mary says she gets 6 or 7 "What's the price?" posts. Easy fix....next problem....

The best solution I've heard thus far. ;)

07-08-2016, 08:10 PM
Just delete the FS section. We don't need it. This is for sale! Oops! No it is not we changed our minds! Lock thread, sale cancelled. LOLOLOLZ

07-08-2016, 08:21 PM
Just delete the FS section. We don't need it. This is for sale! Oops! No it is not we changed our minds! Lock thread, sale cancelled. LOLOLOLZ

InstaBAN for indecisive idiots.

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

07-08-2016, 08:26 PM
Just delete the FS section. We don't need it. This is for sale! Oops! No it is not we changed our minds! Lock thread, sale cancelled. LOLOLOLZ

You don't see the bigger picture

Those areas are in NAZI Germany's headquarters and even if this boards servers are on American soil with freedom of speech, our speech is censored to appeal a higher being. Even if the site is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any sale brought here, we get censored on a public forum. That's why this site will not assume responsibility

So, censorship will be the next area we tackle to have freedom of speech, and speak like adults freely


Bradley G
07-09-2016, 09:00 AM
I like the idea of linking your ad to different sites for sale, instead of everyone getting pissy about stuff most of us have done.
Easy peasy , except someone might have to walk me through the process.

Sent from my POS

Sent from my XT1096 using Tapatalk

07-17-2016, 08:06 AM
You don't see the bigger picture

Those areas are in NAZI Germany's headquarters and even if this boards servers are on American soil with freedom of speech, our speech is censored to appeal a higher being. Even if the site is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any sale brought here, we get censored on a public forum. That's why this site will not assume responsibility

So, censorship will be the next area we tackle to have freedom of speech, and speak like adults freely




"SPEAK LIKE ADULTS" is really the catch here. Besides, "freedom of speech" is confused and conflated by many/most as "freedom of speech without any repercussions."

We have many things that we cannot say, such as yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater.

We have freedom of thought, and I cherish this.

Agree Mods should mod the OP post heavily, to save all time and effort.

07-17-2016, 09:14 AM
Unfortunately freedom of speech does NOT apply on internet forums. That actually may be a good thing.

07-17-2016, 09:37 AM


"SPEAK LIKE ADULTS" is really the catch here. Besides, "freedom of speech" is confused and conflated by many/most as "freedom of speech without any repercussions."

We have many things that we cannot say, such as yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater.

We have freedom of thought, and I cherish this.

Agree Mods should mod the OP post heavily, to save all time and effort.

It's kind of like the delimma What came first, the chicken or the egg?

To moderate would be to alter or edit a members post to keep that members post inline with forum rules

Censorship would be withholding posts to be publicly displayed.

So Mr Man said it perfectly

All I'm saying is if a person puts up a incomplete ad and the posts are censored, your going to have multiple people asking the same questions over and over

If that same ad came up and people could speak freely, I really don't see 17 people asking the same question in a row, because that question would be post #2. Issue resolved

Now people saying bad things to other members and not following forum rules, they get the 3 strikes your out for 30 days, the 60 ect. Haha
I'm just speaking freely and enjoying it

07-17-2016, 09:45 AM
Unfortunately freedom of speech does NOT apply on internet forums. That actually may be a good thing.

You are correct. But we would like to think we can speak freely

"Most companies know it's in their own best interest to allow you to speak freely on their platforms. When you hear any company say "we support/stand for freedom of speech," what they really mean is that by honoring your freedom of speech, they know they can successfully build a community, attract users, attract views, attract advertisers, and make money. They may truly value free speech, don't get us wrong, and most companies know that success means taking the bad with the good, but that doesn't make it your right. They just know it's in their best interest to say they value it, and act accordingly."

07-17-2016, 10:53 AM
Now people saying bad things to other members and not following forum rules, they get the 3 strikes your out for 30 days, the 60 ect. Haha
I'm just speaking freely and enjoying itOwners pay the bills and if they value a civil site, where most enjoy visiting, they take care to keep the unruliness to a minimum. (The first owner of .net, Logan, did not put up with anything, he had no problem giving vacations, I felt that he was just a little too strict, but it was HIS site, respect it or pay the price :banned:)

We had a number of members get upset about not being able to say whatever they wanted, left and opened their own site. I could hear the crickets the last time that I checked in to invite them to MV 2016. They weren't bad members, just members that chose to test the limits.

We had another group spin off their own site, because they didn't like the banter that occured between members, just wanted a quieter website, I understand, Their site, their choice, I may not have posted, but I'd stop by to read occassionally. Site was very quiet, now completely silent, Gone. Now, on Facebook.

As our most senior member said at a previous MV. How does it look to other guests that come to our site for info, and read the posts that were not so PG or family oriented? We knew what he meant, If I want to read that, I can go to the other site, and I did, just to see if anything was going on. MM.net quieted down a little after that, and I still miss a lot of the friends that moved on, but we all choose our own battles and whether they are worth it. I see some in Louisville, I still consider them friends and wish that they would rejoin us.

WE are what makes this site more like a family and has kept me here for 14 years and counting, Traveling cross country to meet friends and make new friends at MV in Las Vegas.

Its not just about the car, its about friendships! :up::rock:

Off my :soapbox: