View Full Version : People are ALL over the road today!

05-21-2004, 01:57 PM
Well, I've just pulled onto Wade Hampton or "route 29" which is a long and large 4-6 lane road stretching from downtown Greenville to downtown Spartanburg, SC.

I pull right on the 4 lane part and no one is around me, it's about to turn to 6 lanes (THANK GOD FOR THAT EXTRA LANE) and this elderly couple in a black bonneville shoot across the first 3 lanes of traffic (it opens up to 3 earlier on the other side) and across the median into the first lane, then the middle where I am. I was being like Steve (TTA) and trying to be extremely aware of my surroundings. Most of the time I could not see them, as they were covered by trees or my a-pilliar blind spot. I see them late and swerve to let them avoid me. I slam on my horn. There's a red ligh 25 feet from this and they stop and I stop, I look over, extremely nervous and excited now and they didn't even notice me!!! ACK! Well at least it wasn't a Honda, it would have been a sure collision!

I'm going down the road, thinking about this, in over-active watching mode now and there she is. Lady who I think is on a cell phone in a black Nissan Maxipad. The second I see her I notice her turn signal on to get in my lane...well I'm right there, she starts to move and I beep and she swerves back. Now I'll admit, that was partially my fault for me being partially in her blind spot but she noticed me as I beeped the horn and that was the end of that.

Now, still on my way home, I'm coming around steep blind curve and people tend to go quite fast in either direction. There is an older beige suburban in front of me and sure enough, someone in an escort whips around the corner, half in our lane and almost gets himself demolished.

Well, at least I would have been aid and not a victim in that one. Oh well.

LATER on still, coming home from bowling (i'm NOT driving at this point, but a friend of my mother is) we find ourselves at a T in the road where we have to turn left, and you can't see almost at all to your right. Dawn (mom's friend) pulls out and suddenly someone is there so she stops avoiding a collision. It was ok, no biggie, but now their's lots of traffic, and dawn can't back up because this ass behind us is RIGHT up on our bumper and beeping at us to go, we're stopped, can't go forward nor backward and people are now heading towards us in the lane we're stuck. Now you figure "well people from the right are going to stop and let you go right?" Nope, not a single person. We FINALLY get out, holding up traffic, and this guy behind us is still beeping RIGHT on our butt. So I'm in the back seat since my mom is in the front. Dawn pulls off to let him go buy, he ALMOST scrapes our car (mind you my mom has half a missing vertabret in her back from cancer that metasticized there, but she's ok now, just couln't handle an impact if it were to happen) so I'm extremely pizzed off at this point and I lay him the bird, and he looks ALL angry, but that's OK because we're pulled off and gone another way now.
WHAT a jackazz.

At that point I had had it with people and I shouldn't have laid him the bird but I didn't care.

Man, people are just ALL over the road today (of course we were at one point but oh well.) Man...CRAZY...I'm staying off the road to later tonight when people are eating dinner!:bounce:

05-21-2004, 02:16 PM

Man, people are just ALL over the road today (of course we were at one point but oh well.) Man...CRAZY...I'm staying off the road to later tonight when people are eating dinner!:bounce:
Suggest that you scratch the Northern Virginia and DC area off your list of possible places to relocate. That sounds like a typical "good" day around here. It's worse in rain, snow and ice. Glad everything worked out OK for you and your mom and that you were able to tell about your close calls. It is frustratin' ain't it?? :eek:

Next time, please include pictures and diagrams with the story so I can follow along more easily !!!

Dr Caleb
05-21-2004, 02:50 PM
Good defensive driving, all round! I hate people who use the horn more than their signals!

It's going to be a crazy weekend here. Long weekend. Everyone gets out the trailers and RV's and heads out of town. The best part is no one remembers how to drive!

05-21-2004, 02:54 PM
I'm bored right now..... so I am going to try and give you some advice, it will probably come off as a lecture because I know how "young people" drive...... remember, I use to be young too.......

A fact of life..... as you get older, let's say 35 to 45 years old, you will learn to slow down (or speed up if need be) to stay the hell as far away from people on the highway as you can.

Secondly, based on your tales and observations as posted here so often..... you're going to end up with high blood pressure by the time you are 35 to 40 years old. It's not worth it. Relax and make driving an adventure, not a chore.

In another forum I read, they have 2 crashes a week usually. It's very unusual not to see 2 crashes a week. The crashes range from $2,000 in damages to total losses. From reading the tales of their crashes I think 98% of them could have been avoided if 1) the kids weren't driving so fast, which in turn means 2) the kids had to come to a stop too fast causing a crash, 3) the kids had anticipated what was about to take place, and 4) the kids had left a "safe zone" between them and other motorists.

Yeah, that came off as a lecture. It's the "old fart" in me I guess.

For whomever mentioned DC and northern Virginia traffic, I would rather go have a colonoscopy. There is no way to drive and relax in that mess!!!

05-21-2004, 04:11 PM
Yeah James, what Sheriff said! If it hadn't stoped when it did, the next step in your story would have been a road rage event! Not a good thing - take it from an old fart with some stupid things in his past! Getting up close and personal with someone on the road just leads to trouble. I foolishly never worried about getting myself hurt (I'm 6'2" & 290 lbs.) and I luckily never did get hurt - but just stay away from stupid people. The very short lived satisfaction of "telling someone off" (or worse) is not worth the potential problems you can get yourself into!
But I shouldn't really need to tell you. You are one of the sharper 17 year old's I've heard from in my lifetime!

05-21-2004, 05:51 PM
Try the Hollywood, Harbor or San Bernadino freeways in California on ANY given day and time. Am I right, NBC Shooter? If you can drive those freeways, you're NASCAR material!:banana2: :banana2:

05-21-2004, 06:05 PM
I'm out so I'll read the majority of that later. But really quick, I could barely move as was with the Nissan or the suburban, traffic was heavy and I wasn't even at the speed limit. I'm suprised I wasn't rear-ended.

As with the Bonneville, there was a lot of hiding he did where I couldn't see him but because I saw him early, and used good defense technics I was not hit, and I was keeping it slow since I'd only turned on the road 60 feet or so back.

Everything was cool on my end, and had I been speeding (which I DO NOT DO in heavy traffic I've SEEN the NASTY AZZ video's in drivers ed) I would've had 1 accident and not 2 close calls.

The Suburban would have been a witnessing on my part as well...just mentioning that again, people are stupid.

05-22-2004, 12:20 AM
Idiot drivers are idiots regardless of age!!!!! H ad my fair share today!! But kids make it worse becuase most are talking on cell phones and just think its cool to be cruising around!Tempted to put one of those Police Guards on the front bumper and start Piting all of them in the ditch and make them walk home and retake drivers Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on positive note, I have patented a new idea to ford and starting will all 2005 model year vehicles you can now opt to delete the turn signal on your new vehicle. Save $100.00. I am getting a new Ford Mustang Cobra in return for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

Being a smart a$$#sss?? Someone needs to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

05-22-2004, 06:27 AM
Idiot drivers are idiots regardless of age!!!!! H ad my fair share today!! But kids make it worse becuase most are talking on cell phones and just think its cool to be cruising around!Tempted to put one of those Police Guards on the front bumper and start Piting all of them in the ditch and make them walk home and retake drivers Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on positive note, I have patented a new idea to ford and starting will all 2005 year vehicles you can now opt to delete the turn signal on your new vehicle. Save $100.00. I am getting a new Ford Mustang Cobra in return for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

Being a smart a$$#sss?? Someone needs to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Well heck yeah! They are. I make it a point to pull over if I'm on a cell. Now, I'm self-rightious and at the time I'm thinking "Man, I can handle this, it's EASY" but then I remember "I can't do my own LAUNDRY and talk on the phone at the same time"

And so I pull over:D

The majority of wrecks (fatal) here are not caused by teenagers however. Middle aged people take their share, but everyone could use some attention and either a little more, or some better driver's ed programs.

I was in the car with another teeager I did not know a few weeks back and I have never been so scared in my life. I honstly closed my eyes and curled up in the back seat. I think mostly because she was in a Focus and it's just such a tiny car....you can't speed in a tiny car. Anyways, it reinforces why I love to drive my OWN self places and not trust MY life with people I don't know or don't drive as well as I'd like.

Dr Caleb
05-22-2004, 07:39 PM
Ok, Here's a good one :lol:

Right after I posted my last message, I left work. So some guy in a dumptruck decides to tailgate a pickup. Light turns yellow, pickup stops. Dumptruck jams on the breaks, but his load is destined for a rendering plant. Guts, bones, heads of pigs.

It sloshed out of his trailers, dented up the pickup all to heck, and sprayed the entire intersection with thousands of pounds of rotting pig parts.

Traffic was backed up forever, and what a wonderful smell they discovered!!!

Excellent start to a long weekend!!! ROFLMAO!