View Full Version : My First Time Being Pulled Over

05-21-2004, 09:15 PM
If you don't like long stories don't read this, just skip to the third to last paragraph.

Or, "Gettin' pulled" as I told my sister. This is not a joke, this really happened this time!

I'm going down the road with a friend, we're just driving around starting to get bored and thinking of going back to his house. "Let's take one more run on the motor-mile" we decide.

I pull a U turn (because Laurens Road, where we want to go, is the other way)
After proceeding through the next light (which was GREEN and 30 feet ahead) I look behind me. FLASHING LIGHTS! WHOOP-TE-DOO! I'm SO excited.

So I'm scared sh**less and I decide I should start doing everything from here out right. I have no where to pull over on the right so I put my emergency signals on to let him know I see him. There's an empty median ahead and I pull into that, leaving him enough room to slide in behind as well. (Good things so far: Blinkers, room for officer:check. But I've still done SOMETHING wrong so it could be really bad if I don't do everything else right or slightly close)

I put the car in park, leave my blinkers on. He's shining his light on my car real bright...TINTS! He can't see. I turn my dome light on. (I'm glad I didn't almost forget that.) I'm nervous as crap and the officer strolls up to the window. "License and Registration". With both hands glued to the wheel I say "my license is in the seat-back compartment and my registration is, in, uh...er....the...eh...uh...boo klet in the passenger door. "Do you have any weapons in the car?" "No Sir" "You may reach for them" I grab my license in the back seat, he leans away from the car to look in the back window as I do so, making sure I don't come forward with something that will deserve a bullet in my head. I ask Brandon to grab the Mercury booklet and he does. I pull out my registration, hand them both to him. He looks at them.

"No points on your license, it's not suspended, anything like that?" "No sir"
::half smile on his face:: "This is your parents car?" (oh man am I glad I'm not in something really loud and buzzy or a hot rod) "Yes sir" CRAP the registration has my step-dad's last name on it and that's not MY last name! He's JUST starting to turn it over, but as I tell him that, he continues to read over the front of the registration card. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I've always heard say no. "No sir" He gave me a stern "don't play with me, do I look impressed?" look and a similar half smile...to which I immediately responded "Yes sir, I made a U turn" (I may have said "an illegal" but I don't remember) He's definitely showing his command over who has athority at the moment, and it's working well, I'm scared but calming down. "Why did you do it?" "I didn't know it was illegal sir, there was no sign, I thought there had to be a sign" Which was the HONEST TRUTH, I SWEAR I heard that in driver's ed! He looks at me with a "I don't want any more crap from you kid" look and says "Driving drunk is illegal but you don't see any signs for that now do you?" "No sir" "You know where I'm going with this?" "Yes sir" He rolls his eyes back to my license.

"Where are you headed?" "Um, to Brandon's house, which is on Hudson Road" OOPS! THAT'S THE OTHER WAY! And what am I being pulled for? A U TURN!"
"But we were stopping by my sister's work, at Acura" Which is the CORRECT way...and even though it's closed, he accepted that.

"Do you have any alcohol in the vehicle?" (and this I will hear Brandon repeat for the rest of my life) "No sir, just mango drinks" We had just come from an ice-cream shop with smoothies in hand. He stares intently at them for a moment flashlight all over them..."What's that on the floor?" I look to where the flashlight is, Brandon starts to stutter something and I look back "Brandon is diabetic, that's his insulin shot" "Open it up please" Brandon reaches down and opens the case, the officer is quickly pleased and says he can put it back down.

Officer looks around, then back to his patrol car for a moment, then back to my papers, which he hands through the window and says "Ok, just be more careful son" "Yes sir" I take my papers, put them away, he's making a U turn and pulling off...I take off my hazards, dome light and put the car in drive...and Brandon and I laughed our asses off (although I don't know why I was laughing) most of the way home.

And the words that will live in my head forever "Do you have any alcohol in the vehicle?" "No sir, just mango drinks"

Man, 15 more minutes back home for Brandon and 5 more minutes for me from there. I noticed I was doing EXACTLY the speed limit the rest of the night, and I wasn't even trying...all the stupid things I've done, and how do I find out how easy it is to get pulled over? A U turn...

Man, he was a cool cop. As stern as he was, I expected that.

05-21-2004, 09:56 PM
I would honestly consider yourself very lucky. A very cool cop indeed.............

05-21-2004, 10:25 PM
You are having one hellava year. Seems everyweek something is going on with you. You be careful Woaface.

05-21-2004, 10:30 PM
"Do you have any alcohol in the vehicle?" (and this I will hear Brandon repeat for the rest of my life) "No sir, just mango drinks"
Great quote here ... pretty funny :lol:

Seems like you handled everything else rather well. Glad you didn't get a ticket. With all the detail that you remember, the entire situation must have played out in slow motion.

No sir, just mango drinks..... :up:

05-22-2004, 04:06 AM
Great idea to post the lies you made to the police officer. That's always a good idea. It's not like this place gets thousands of hits everyday or anything.

Gee, must you make me act like a lawyer even on the weekend?

And, before you hit that delete key, just remember nothing is ever really deleted. Just ask Logan.....

05-22-2004, 05:46 AM
Lol, wha? You can see right through me right Marty!?

No it's all truth. I remember so much because I was paying attention. I also repeated the story to myself and someone else who wasn't there shortly after, which helps.

Lucky indeed...but slim, and junhan, it was a minor violation. U turn on an empty highway. If I got a ticket for it, it would not have been a huge deal, not as bad as speeding, or wreckless driving, or DUI ect. ect. ect. I just won't be making U turns anymore;)

05-22-2004, 07:18 AM
yes, you were lucky. :D

You probably laughed because because you were nervous as HELL and you were subconciously trying to release built up tension. :bandit:

I've been pulled over 9 times, and I'm only 22 yrs old. I'm not going to get into why I feel I get pulled over so much...but anyway...good to hear you got off with just a warning. :up:

No more illegal U-turns!! :nono:

05-22-2004, 08:27 AM
Mango Drinks! Do these go with the Tap Shoes?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stop - I am laughing too hard!

05-22-2004, 08:41 AM
Hitchhiker, if it makes you giggle any more, an old friend of mine asked me to take up some latin partner dancing with her on tuesdays. You know, the hot, late saturday night in a club kind of latin dancing...:pimp:

05-22-2004, 03:53 PM
Let me see...
I was in a foreign country once and got pulled over for an very minor violation. Here is the rough transcript...
"Papahz pleez"
-I surrender papers-
"Vere ah you goink?'
-I respond-
"Haf you visited our country before?"
-I respond-
"How lonk vill you be visiting here?"
-Again, I respond-

Guess what country I was in? Go ahead? My money would be on your guessing a communist type country.

Stops like this p!ss me off. I got stopped once while pulling off an exit ramp with my off road motorcycle in tow. The cop was parked at the off ramp and waved me over. Now, this is BROAD daylight, my car is perfectly legal and I was not speeding.

He asks me for my papers and does a full walk around of my BMW and my trailer. He then tells me I have no trailer plate and I explain that he needs to look close to the rear wheel where he sees that plate.

He then gives me my "papers" back and I ask him why he stopped me. He said. "Cuz it looked like you didn't have a plate on your trailer?"

I said, "Could you please explain to me how you could tell that from the FRONT?"

And he said, "Don't get smart or I will write you a ticket?"

So, while you handled yourself well and are to be commended that abuse of police power that you endured was completely unnecessary. At least, in my opinion.


Dan :shake:

05-22-2004, 04:39 PM
Isn't Mango the gay character on Sat. Night Live that was in love with Garth Brooks?

05-22-2004, 05:30 PM
Lol, wha? You can see right through me right Marty!?

No it's all truth. I remember so much because I was paying attention. I also repeated the story to myself and someone else who wasn't there shortly after, which helps.

Lucky indeed...but slim, and junhan, it was a minor violation. U turn on an empty highway. If I got a ticket for it, it would not have been a huge deal, not as bad as speeding, or wreckless driving, or DUI ect. ect. ect. I just won't be making U turns anymore;)

That's my story... and I'm sticking to it!

05-23-2004, 10:45 AM
Let me see...
I was in a foreign country once and got pulled over for an very minor violation. Here is the rough transcript...
"Papahz pleez"
-I surrender papers-
"Vere ah you goink?'
-I respond-
"Haf you visited our country before?"
-I respond-
"How lonk vill you be visiting here?"
-Again, I respond-

Guess what country I was in? Go ahead? My money would be on your guessing a communist type country.

Stops like this p!ss me off. I got stopped once while pulling off an exit ramp with my off road motorcycle in tow. The cop was parked at the off ramp and waved me over. Now, this is BROAD daylight, my car is perfectly legal and I was not speeding.

He asks me for my papers and does a full walk around of my BMW and my trailer. He then tells me I have no trailer plate and I explain that he needs to look close to the rear wheel where he sees that plate.

He then gives me my "papers" back and I ask him why he stopped me. He said. "Cuz it looked like you didn't have a plate on your trailer?"

I said, "Could you please explain to me how you could tell that from the FRONT?"

And he said, "Don't get smart or I will write you a ticket?"

So, while you handled yourself well and are to be commended that abuse of police power that you endured was completely unnecessary. At least, in my opinion.


Dan :shake:
Vietnam? That last one is a hoot!:up:

05-23-2004, 12:53 PM
Good thing those mango smoothies weren't laced with cuervo gold like mine are!

07-04-2007, 07:46 AM
Speaking your mind is the best thing to do in the right tone of voice, it's the only way to teach them not to abuse there power even if they give you a ticket fight it in court, this is how they really learn how to do there job right.

07-04-2007, 07:49 AM
3 year old thread alert... ;)

07-04-2007, 08:36 PM

Aren Jay
07-05-2007, 10:54 AM
I think the best attempt to do a pull over by a cop was when i was with a friend in Pakistan. The guy jumped into the middle of the road and my Friend was driving, his dad beside him with his AKM with 30mm grenade launcher, my Friends AKM bouncing around beside me in the back seat, bodyguard with his G3 (full auto HK91) and two body guards in the very back.

My friend starts to slow down and his dad says: "Don't stop, run him down!"

They never stop for checkstops.

07-05-2007, 11:34 AM
The RCMP used to step out wearing an orange vest on the Trans Canada hwy to waive speeders over.