View Full Version : Car culture rant

08-29-2016, 01:15 PM
These days, I never really complain, but I think a few of you can relate and I want to get this out... so here it goes.

Earlier this year my father died unexpectedly within three weeks. I was devastated and still am. When this happened, I had to get my K5 out of storage or face it being on storage wars. I always wanted to get it out of storage and back on the road again, but not under these circumstances. The truck was in storage due to a transmission going out seven years ago and my time and money was more important in other places like a van for my band or funding merch... instead of fixing an old Chevy.

So, I got it out with help from a member on here with loaning me a trailer and providing a tow vehicle (of which I didn't ask for, but it made things easier for the both of us) I offered money, but all the was asked for was the cost of gas and lunch. That was beyond fair so I was very grateful. The truck was bought to my place and it sat in the street.

I got the transmission over to a shop (being the trans in alone, NOT the whole vehicle) and paid in full for a rebuild in cash. I got it back a few days later. When I got it back I needed help getting it installed simply because I needed the muscle power on top of balancing it with a jack. I had a few guys show up and I treated them to whatever they wanted. All they asked for was pizza and Gatorade. So we got the whole 700R4 in, but lacked the transfer case and other do das.

A friend of mine was going to show up to guide me though the rest because I didn't wanna break it again. The day he was supposed to show up was uncertain to begin with and I was later told he wasn't coming because he was going to a concert he had forgotten about... so, I was think ok... well, the day of he posts on social medial he was wrong about the concert date and was now treating himself and his new domestic partner to a meal by checking into a restaurant on Facebook. Not even an apology or anything.

It's one thing to cancel plans or tell someone you cannot make it out, but personally when something like that happens, I don't make it clear as to what I'm really up to and if someone REALLY needs my help and I cannot make it, I'll reschedule. I NEVER put off plans with someone because something more interesting popped up, I stay loyal, but that's just me apparently.... JUST ME.

After I noticed I was ditched for the sake of a polish sausage meal, I just lose it and decide to furiously put in the transmission on my own without being at someone else mercy. I noticed the crossmember was in upside down and backwards, I corrected it, some bolts were now missing, I bought new ones... in about a days time of correcting a few things and runs to auto zone and home dept, IT WAS DONE. I recently had a falling out with a neighbor who was into cars too, so when they heard the truck fire up I knew they heard it and I accomplished it with ZERO help from them.

Later I posted it on social media and here how I fixed it. ZERO word from the guy who was going to help and a day later.... it breaks. The truck never made it into over drive. I went to the trans shop to tell them this and they confirmed they gave me the wrong TV cable when my install was actually correct. A few days went on and they told me to bring it in and change me labor to remove and install it, but the rebuild would be warranty work.

A few days went on and it was apparent they wouldn't have time to remove it. So, I took out the transmission myself (removed it in two hours in the street in a heat of anger) and brought to it to them. They rebuilt it and told me to bring the truck over for a a free install. I figured with no one wanting to help even when money is offered, I might as well. Well.... one week turned into two last monday it was supposed to be done, this weekend it was supposed to be done and now they want until friday of this week.

This was supposed to be my summer cruiser and feel good time to forget about all of the recent events and just go for a ride in the Chevy I had as a teenager when daddy was still around and bills were something I never thought of. NOPE. It "We'll try to have it in a few days." and I have been hearing this for close to a month. This is exactly why I removed myself from shops and counting on someone to come over to assist, even when money is involved.

The guy at the shop tells me he's fallen behind on a lot and the commercial accounts that need to be addressed. I ALREADY paid for my service IN FULL, IN CASH. I get that commercial accounts are repeat customers, but at the same time F-U, I paid, it broke, FIX IT! I went there yesterday to put gas in the truck with a gas can because I recall it had 1/8th of a tank when I gave it to them... I don't wanna be the a-hole customer that leaves no gas for a test drive so I decided to swing by to fill it a little.

IT WAS OUT IN STREET. UNLOCKED WITH THE HOOD POPPED and guess what.... NO TRANS!!! Who would have thought??? Someone could have taken my radio, battery or engine if crazy enough. I called them today and they said people were working on sunday to catch up.... that's funny. It was closed and my truck was on a public road unlocked.

So, why am I typing this rant on a monday afternoon when I could be working a ride job until the music pays off? Because I'm waiting on a death certificate to come in the mail that requires my signature, so I'm stuck in the house all day.

I can't stand MOST shops. Never count on anyone to be there for you, people only want to be around when you are doing your best. When you are at your worst, that when you know who your true friends/acquaintances are.

RF Overlord
08-29-2016, 01:33 PM
Sadly, Dom, your situation is all too common these days. It's so difficult to find a shop...ANY kind of shop...that will give you an honest answer. I'm sure many of them are trying their best, but if you think it's going to be 2 weeks, tell me it's going to be three weeks, not "a few days" or "about a week", then when it takes 2 weeks, I'll think you're a hero...

08-29-2016, 04:09 PM
Yeah, you never complain. :lol:

08-29-2016, 04:29 PM
Your just now realizing this Dom??

NEVER count on anyone to help.

There's ALWAYS a way to do it YOURSELF.

Words I live by. You should try it! You'll be a much happier person when you stop thinking people should help out, even if payed, and they stiff you.

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

08-29-2016, 05:02 PM
Your just now realizing this Dom??

There's ALWAYS a way to do it YOURSELF.

Did you read the whole thing?

I installed it myself and removed it myself later on.

I'm about to just go over there and take everything back. Rebuild is done so why not?

08-29-2016, 05:34 PM
"Never count on anyone to be there for you, people only want to be around when you are doing your best. When you are at your worst, that when you know who your true friends/acquaintances are."

At this stage in my life I don't have a lot of what younger people would call friends in that I don't spend a lot of time "hanging out" with a group of people.

I do know a lot of people. Many I have not had contact with in over 10 years.

What I know is that anyone of them I can call if I am in a jam and they will drop whatever they are doing to help to the full extent they are able. I know this because on a couple of occasions I have had to ask for their help.

I suggest you examine yourself and those around you.

Birds of a feather flock together.

08-29-2016, 06:09 PM
At this stage in my life I don't have a lot of what younger people would call friends in that I don't spend a lot of time "hanging out" with a group of people.

I do know a lot of people. Many I have not had contact with in over 10 years.

What I know is that anyone of them I can call if I am in a jam and they will drop whatever they are doing to help to the full extent they are able. I know this because on a couple of occasions I have had to ask for their help.

I suggest you examine yourself and those around you.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Funny you should say this. About a year ago I discovered I have better friends outside of town than in town. Even one "musician" I know that would answer the phone anywhere in the world or at least call back better than someone who lives 20 minutes away.

The conclusion is I'm a loner most times due to being real with people and these days that offends people... Especially when you tell someone they put themselves in their own situation, just as I have.

I know who I am and what to expect. People get angry when I judge them and even more angry when I judge correctly even months ahead of time because I love to say I told you so.

Oh well. Welcome to car culture where money doesn't speed labor up and people only show up when there is nothing to do. I'll admit this isn't for all cases but 98% of the time, it's the norm.

08-29-2016, 06:22 PM
Did you read the whole thing?

I installed it myself and removed it myself later on.

I'm about to just go over there and take everything back. Rebuild is done so why not?

Yeah I read it. Did you? You complained of a guy not showing up to help you and you complained of a shop not keeping their word.

Follow my advice and just expect it at all times, it's a much easier life. Because if this were my vehicle I would have been driving it two weeks ago after I turned down their offer, drove straight home and wasted no time on wrapping it up or starting a thread on how terrible everybody is.

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

08-29-2016, 06:25 PM
Yeah I read it. Did you? You complained of a guy not showing up to help you and you complained of a shop not keeping their word.

Follow my advice and just expect it at all times, it's a much easier life. Because if this were my vehicle I would have been driving it two weeks ago after I turned down their offer, drove straight home and wasted no time on wrapping it up or starting a thread on how terrible everybody is.

Sent from my iThrone using Tapatalk

True. I can't install a trans in the street on my own. Removal is simple, but install on an uneven surface is too dangerous. I'm not reaching out for help, just saying I'm at their mercy and lack "proper" tools for this job.


08-29-2016, 07:33 PM
Funny you should say this. About a year ago I discovered I have better friends outside of town than in town. Even one "musician" I know that would answer the phone anywhere in the world or at least call back better than someone who lives 20 minutes away.

The conclusion is I'm a loner most times due to being real with people and these days that offends people... Especially when you tell someone they put themselves in their own situation, just as I have.

I know who I am and what to expect. People get angry when I judge them and even more angry when I judge correctly even months ahead of time because I love to say I told you so.

Oh well. Welcome to car culture where money doesn't speed labor up and people only show up when there is nothing to do. I'll admit this isn't for all cases but 98% of the time, it's the norm.

Reading this reminds me...... we have the same birthday, and apparently think the same. I get where your coming from....

First off, you don't need to judge anyone, they will be judged one day for their actions, you can sit back and watch their world unravel, it's way more fun.

As far as friends, I want none, everyone wants to be your pal when they want something. My Dad once told me that through life you would have 2 maybe 3 true friends, the rest are acquaintances. I have 3 people I trust, 2 will help me bury a body if I needed to, the third is my wife, she's not good with a shovel.

Welcome to my world...... if I offend you, I don't care, I will tell it like it is. Let me tell you a story about a "speed shop" that I used to trust, after the hack crap I just saw, I wouldn't recommend them to change oil....:mad2:

Carry on, I'm going back to drinking..............:beer:

08-29-2016, 07:42 PM
It's everywhere. Recently on a Friday nite I get a call from a friend, Frank, I hadn't spoken to in several years.
A storm had flooded his and Sarah's house. I ask what time can I meet you tomm and I will bring tools. I am working on getting his tractor running and I am covered in grease and mud.

Around Noon a white Mercedes pulls up and 2 people, Pam and Dale, in tennis outfits get out. One is a politician. I know both of them. It is so obvious they are only there to gawk.

I walk up to Pam and in Spanish ask if she speaks English, she jumps back saying ehhh, turning her back on me. Several minutes latter I see Pam speaking to Sarah. I walk up to Sarah to ask her a question and Sarah says Pam you remember Billy. I say sure we spoke earlier.

Pat who is Frank's brother then asks if I will get the snakes out of the swimming pool and I say sure!

The tennis gawkers leave never to return. After a few weekends I tell Sarah I feel so privileged to be the only non-family member who was asked to help.:)

08-29-2016, 07:55 PM
I don't know what to tell you other than learn to do things yourself. Every time I have tried to outsource work I have been burned or let down. On the other end of the stick I am able to do things that a lot of people cannot mechanically. While I have never flaked out on someone I promised to help, I will admit I have respectfully declined service to problematic "customers". I know it sucks, but if you want something done right try and do it yourself. Good luck.

08-30-2016, 04:16 AM
I feel where you are coming from Dom, been there done that. Luckily at this point in my life I have been able to get the things I need to do a lot of things on my own. Good luck getting your truck fixed.

08-31-2016, 12:57 PM
It'll work out. I just wanted my summer cruiser. I don't understand.... soon as I get angry, people get angry at me for being angry. Like that meme says with a wife...

You mad, then she get mad at you for being mad, now you gotta not be mad so she can't be mad.

WTF mate?

Welcome to car culture. Where you blow off steam from frustration and people still talk smack about you despite your efforts...

09-05-2016, 09:05 AM

I understand. I call this need to let it out VENTING, and it is frustrating when people rise to respond while you are simply venting.

TRUST that it could be worse...

TRUST that it will get better...

And then start doing the little (and big) things that will help it start getting better.

I've had a rough, rough, rough, year to three and it is just now getting slightly--one squeek at a time--better. In a large part thanks to everyone here.

Hang in there brother. Seems like it used to come in threes, and now comes in 6's.

Hang in there.

09-06-2016, 05:41 AM
People who matter don't judge.People who judge don't matter..:violin:

09-06-2016, 02:42 PM
Seems as if you can use a dose of my remedy when it comes to people, I don't expect much from. So when they do let me down I shrug and never expecting much from then in the first place I move on, and when they do I'm genuinely surprised and thankful for it.

RF Overlord
09-06-2016, 03:52 PM
So when they do let me down I shrug and never expecting much from then in the first place I move on, and when they do I'm genuinely surprised and thankful for it.That's the way I look at things, too...if you always expect the worst from people, you're never disappointed.

09-14-2016, 11:04 PM
People who matter don't judge.People who judge don't matter..:violin:

We all judge.