View Full Version : Life Is Good

08-29-2016, 06:27 PM
Yes, life is good, the sun is setting and the clouds are deep pink and white with the day's thunderheads vividly outlined in shades of grey.

The heat lightening was flashing but is now dissipating as the air cools. I'm enjoying a couple of whiskey's and water with a dash of lemon on my front patio. Listening to a crescendo of Katydid's buzzing from one bank with an answering cacophony from the opposite side. life is good.

The wife is drawing in the den a nature scene, very colorful, one that I will surely hang in my room.

The day was marred only by a rock flung from the weed eater into one of the back patio windows. the lawn man prematurely took down the covering window tarps. A $400.00 mistake. Not to worry it's happened before.

The signal to retire indoors has come, the bug spray truck is coming down the street, spewing his toxic chemical to help check the spread of mosquitoes.

The Marauders sits crouching in the driveway ready to spring, or so it seems.

These warm, humid Louisiana evenings are so soothing to the soul.

Indeed, life is good.


08-29-2016, 06:45 PM
Atta boy Pat! I certainly appreciate a post where someone checks-in to say....everything is alright.
Cheers to you, my good sir! :toast:

08-29-2016, 08:33 PM
Right o old bean. Now let's go get a basket of crawfish and really live it up.

Cheers, Pat

Mr. Man
08-29-2016, 10:23 PM
Couple of whiskey's Pat? :rolleyes: ;)

08-30-2016, 02:28 AM
It was Canadian blend, Military Brand. My prose would have been decidedly better if it were a Kentucky Bourbon, straight, maybe Makers Mark, with a splash of water.

Very perceptive of you Mr. Man.

08-30-2016, 04:01 AM
Good to hear everything is right with your world! Hope you have a great day today also