View Full Version : Puke on Marauder

10-12-2016, 12:13 PM
It was a beautiful day when after five or six or so years of owning a Marauder (only vehicle besides one other I've owned for over a year), it got puked on. The lady and I were out on the town (out to eat, out for a drive or both...I don't remember) when she got sick in the car for the first time since I've known her for fifteen years. With nowhere to pull over safely she rolls down the window and............oommgg. Ok...it's almost dark I can clean it as soon as we get home...barfffff again....oommgg again. And what day would be complete without a third barf. One of those could count as two or three barfs by itself. You all and the lady are so lucky it was almost dark and I had no time for a picture. The next day I showed her the pics from a thread where someone posted beautiful nighttime pics of their Marauder and GN out at night and she said, "You should show everyone a pic of yours puked on." Well, I'm posting this just so you all realize how you could have been scarred by a Marauder pic but werent. The end. (I really don't know if I could have been that mean anyway.)

Bruce Wayne
10-13-2016, 06:11 AM
get rid of her

10-13-2016, 08:00 AM
get rid of her
The car or the lady?

10-13-2016, 08:23 AM

10-13-2016, 12:01 PM
I don't think the paint likes stomach acids.
Just sayin'...
BONUS: Let's start a wax thread about which wax holds up to vomit better.

10-13-2016, 12:54 PM
That's too bad. Feel sorry for the little lady.

My story is a nice spring day going to the dentist. First seasonal drive on a freshly cleaned Marauder. Spinning down the highway and a guy in front and to the left of me leans out the passenger front window and pukes at 60 MPH. All over my Marauder. Really? I felt like running them off the road, but realized he was in way worse shape than me.

Got my tombstones cleaned and went home and gave the poor Marauder a really good bath.

That was about the grossest thing that ever happened to me. I know its only a DTR, but come on folks, no need to puke on it.

10-13-2016, 02:52 PM
I don't think the paint likes stomach acids.
Just sayin'...
BONUS: Let's start a wax thread about which wax holds up to vomit better.

I was lucky we were close to home to clean it asap, and I hear vomit is a good primer before any wax.