View Full Version : Dom just messed himself

Mr. Man
10-19-2016, 01:18 PM
New York (AFP) - Rock pioneer Chuck Berry turned 90 on Tuesday with
the surprise announcement that he plans to release his first album in decades.

Berry said he recorded the album -- entitled simply "Chuck" -- at
studios around his native St. Louis and will release it sometime next year.

Considered one of the creators of rock 'n' roll, Berry helped define
1950s youth culture and shape the future of music by bringing
together rhythm and blues, country guitar and consummate stage showmanship.

His 1958 song "Johnny B. Goode" is one of the most recognizable in
popular music and was selected to represent rock music for potential
extraterrestrial listeners on the Voyager spacecraft.

"Chuck" will be the first album in 38 years by Berry, who has
gradually cut back on live performances as his age advances.

Chuck Berry dedicated the album to his wife of 68 years, Themetta Berry.

"My darlin', I'm growing old! I've worked on this record for a long
time. Now I can hang up my shoes!" he said in a statement.

Berry recorded the album with his backup band -- which includes his
son Charles Berry Jr. on guitar -- from his two decades of shows at
the Blueberry Club in St. Louis.

The band "fell right into the groove and followed his lead," the
younger Berry said.

"These songs cover the spectrum from hard-driving rockers to soulful
thought-provoking time capsules of a life's work," he said.

Chuck Berry, who was in the first round of inductees when the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame opened in 1986, will hold events to promote the
album that will be announced later, his label said.

10-19-2016, 02:03 PM

I cannot wait to own this. I have his last album from 1978 I think. It's good if you listen to it carefully and try to see past the 1978 sound quality.

Thanks for this.

Cannot wait. Hail Hail Rock N' Roll!!!!

10-19-2016, 02:21 PM