View Full Version : So, I'm an Automotive Journalist as a 3rd job

12-08-2016, 03:00 PM
That's right, I got a offer for side revenue to give this a try and turns out they like it. I have a link to my first article and I wrote 11 others and they will be going live today and next week.

Let me know what you think. I'm open to criticism, article stories and any other suggestions you have. What a great way to earn cash while on the road from city to city! :D


Mr. Man
12-08-2016, 03:13 PM
I don't see a byline with your name Dom, but it does sound like something you'd write. I agree with your premise, but I'm not so sure smart cars are a bad thing. Most drivers suck at driving, and if the smart car can get them from point A to B w/o them doing something stupid I'm all for it. What is yet to be seen is how will smart cars interact with dumb cars that they can't communicate with? :)

12-08-2016, 04:22 PM
At the very bottom it days DomDolio, but will see if they can do a better job of that.

Thank you for the feedback Eric!

12-08-2016, 04:38 PM
What about when the autonomous car becomes more integrated into our driving society. I agree with the "Most drivers suck at driving, and if the smart car can get them from point A to B w/o them doing something stupid I'm all for it." But what happens when the stupid drivers try to run over the autonomous car. Will the autonomous car wreck itself to keep the stupid driver from hitting it? I'm sure there are all kinds of scenarios that the engineers have thought abought.

Dom, I tried to like the article at the ending, but it wouldn't do anything. Anyone else have a problem.

12-08-2016, 05:01 PM
Dom, I tried to like the article at the ending, but it wouldn't do anything. Anyone else have a problem.

Yes, a new window pops up and you have to enter an username and password or register.

RF Overlord
12-08-2016, 07:41 PM
Nice article, Dom...I agree with everything you said. Kids today simply don't know how to react to an unexpected situation because they assume the car will do it for them. I think your article is the automotive equivalent of society at large as we become dumber and more dependent on technology.

We're becoming like this. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xToQ4cIHkk)

12-09-2016, 03:51 AM
Very cool!

12-09-2016, 07:48 AM
Dom, great stuff.

I've always said that you have been blessed with a writing gift. Glad that you are finally constructively using it.

Way back when, in your earlier years here. I used to love the "kill" and drag racing stories you used to write on this forum. What you were doing was wrong, it was the way that you could write in great detail about what was happening and put the person reading it into the situation. That's an art and you have it. :bows:

When you were on a sabbatical from this site, and then you came back, the way you expressed your antics and life experiences was priceless ( in a good way). That's what I missed when you were gone.

Good luck with your new endeavor. :banana:

12-09-2016, 07:50 PM
Thanks guys.

I don't have many kill stores these days due to being nearly stock again, but I do have some highway runs that almost seem more fun than traffic light races.

I just "left" because I got too busy with life and honestly spent more time driving my van than the Marauder.... which is a GOOD thing because we were constantly playing shows. I'll start a page on that soon. Not to mention every time I'd ask a question 3/4 responses would be trolls accusing me of not "working", but I knew it was because they were bald, fat and lived much different lives than the one I had chosen.

I'm glad you guys like it and thank you for the words, even if you couldn't get into it. I'll be getting into the Chicago Auto Show during Press Day, this will be EPIC.