View Full Version : Take major cold symtoms seriously!

05-31-2004, 03:59 PM
The day after EAM-II, (last Sunday), I felt somewhat hungover, but more so rung out. I had some serious congestion, and some sneezing. I figured I caught a cold swimming so late at night.

As the week progressed, a sore throat, a cough, and more congestion. This past thursday most symptoms had passed, but coughing had become incessant. I was a wreck by saturday, coughing so much I thought my head would burst and every muscle in my body was so sore, I felt as if I had been run over. Sunday was the same, all day, part of the night. When I woke up this monday morning, the proceess started over, I had momma check my temp. Nearly 102! I was light headed and shakey, and finally decided this was no cold....off to the ER I went.

Turns out the cough and lung issues I blew off turned out to be pneumonia...and apparently I got there just in time as my pulse-ox was at 92. I was on inhalers all morning and managed to get the pulse-ox back up to 98 and off I went. To bed that is! Loaded with antibiodics, and albuteral, just woke up from a 5 hour nap, and feel a little better, but doctors orders, bedrest...dammit, today was get the rubber off the quarter panels day.:rolleyes:

Moral to the story, just because we're young and strong, sometimes it's not so smart to blow off a sickness that lasts more than a few days because one is too lazy to see a doctor. This was a close call....:nono:

05-31-2004, 04:12 PM
Bah. I got hit with Pneumonia when I was 13, spent almost two months in the hospital sleeping almost 20 hours a day. Got sick in July, woke up in September thinking it was still july when I'd already missed two weeks of school. :rolleyes:

It wasn't a fun year as I recall... So stay in bed and get better... :)

05-31-2004, 04:23 PM
Barry - Hope you are feeling better. Get well soon.

05-31-2004, 04:29 PM
Moral to the story, just because we're young and strong, sometimes it's not so smart to blow off a sickness that lasts more than a few days because one is too lazy to see a doctor. This was a close call....:nono:
Get Well, Soon. Hope you are back to 100% quickly. :banana:

Your advice is well taken. Anything that lasts over 3 days should get checked out .... especially if it is out-of-character for your normal state of health.

Time to change the filters on the pool and hottub?? :lol:

05-31-2004, 04:32 PM
Hey Barry the rubber on the quarter pannel will wait!!! Take care, Patrick

05-31-2004, 04:50 PM
I woulda taken benadryl and been ok...and maybe if you wouldn't spend a lot of time with your plants in the hail storms :lol:

Just kidding. Get lot's of rest and water and what not and get better soon! That rubber shouldn't be there too long:up:

05-31-2004, 05:00 PM
Barry...VERY glad to hear you caught this in time! Take care of yourself...and remember...we ain't 22 anymore!!!

05-31-2004, 05:19 PM
Moral to the story, just because we're young and strong, sometimes it's not so smart to blow off a sickness that lasts more than a few days because one is too lazy to see a doctor. This was a close call....:nono:
Good advice! Glad you are feeling better.

05-31-2004, 05:32 PM
Get lot's of rest and water and what not and get better soon! :up:
I think the "What Not" may have been a contributing factor.
Bartender, Mango drinks all around .... James is buying.

Fourth Horseman
05-31-2004, 06:48 PM
Moral to the story, just because we're young and strong, sometimes it's not so smart to blow off a sickness that lasts more than a few days because one is too lazy to see a doctor. This was a close call....:nono:

Yikes. Those things sneak up on you sometimes. Glad you're on top of it now. :up:

05-31-2004, 07:26 PM
Sorry to hear Barry. Take care and get well soon!!!

05-31-2004, 07:41 PM
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_1_209.gifGlad to hear you're on the mend, Barry!

05-31-2004, 08:21 PM
Barry, these things sneak up on you--next time , check it out if it lasts more than 3 days--Pneumonia has no age preference ---it is an equal opportunity disease---Do what the doc says, enjoy your time at home with family and get back in the Marauder soon :up: Maury

05-31-2004, 08:31 PM
Barry, take care and let this be a lesson that you won't forget. Had double pneumonia when I was 6 weeks old and almost didn't make it. Young or old it nothing to mess with. Would you neglect you MM--NO, so don't ignore your body....Take Care!


05-31-2004, 08:41 PM
I'm awake again...Thanks for all the good words. Sure can't wait to feel better.
Having terrible back spasms as a result of the incessent coughing. The night call doctor for my physicians office just blew me off...argh!

;) Thanks!

05-31-2004, 08:41 PM
I think the "What Not" may have been a contributing factor.
Bartender, Mango drinks all around .... James is buying.
Hahaha, well, good thing my sister tended bar for a few years.:up:

Dr Caleb
06-01-2004, 06:58 AM
Get better soon Barry.

06-01-2004, 09:12 AM
Barry sorry to hear of your dilemma. Hope you get better soon, especially in time for Indy. Take care of your self and give my best to Jessica and Gage.

No more late night swims for a while.

06-01-2004, 12:18 PM
Get well Barry!! And thanks again!!!!


06-01-2004, 02:02 PM
Feel better soon Barry...take care!

06-04-2004, 09:31 PM
It's been 5 days, I felt a little update was needed. Yes I'm still posting, and get the occational kill while on the way to the hospital or pharmicist.

I have improved....I'd say 15%. I no longer have a fever, but still get hot/cold sweats, and only spend 10 hours out of the day hacking rather than 18! The body is in wreck status. Every inch of me hurts from the incessent hacking, and today I found I can no longer comb my hair. My scalp hurts like it was sunburned. The ribs have toughened up, but now the stomach is plain old fed up with 100,000 crunches every 24 hours of hacking death! There is a beauty part, I lost 8 lbs and am down to a twiggy 149. But man, my 21 year old abs are back!!! To bad my back hurts like a 70 year olds.

Overall, I feel like shat, and still have a hard time talking. But I re-found my appetite, and mustered up enough strenth to dig a 2x2x4 foot hole for grandpa's 23 year old deceased kitty, AND get the rubber off the quarter panels. I could hear her (MM) screaming for days out in the barn....WIPE MY ASS!!! I couldn't take it anymore.:up:

06-04-2004, 09:44 PM
Ah, pneumonia. It got me when I was about 4. I remember living in an oxygen tent at the hospital for a while. I found out later that it very nearly killed me. I wondered why all of my extended family was around and why everyone was being so nice.

Haven't missed a day since. The saying really is true.

Certainly pneumonia is nothing to be trifled with. Glad to hear you're coming out of it.


06-05-2004, 12:43 AM
Yeah, pneumonia can kill you for certain. If left untreated, the congested areas in your Lungs will solidify, and form rockhard masses that will not allow air to pass through them, and even tuallt it would be like trying to breath through a stone wall, and you literally suficate to death!! That's how it kills people.

I had it twice, and I know it's no picnic. And Barry, listen up, cuz here's another thing I learned during the last time I had it(which was about 17 yaers ago). You need to keep on taking the antibiotic that you were perscribed even if the coughing stops and you feel better before you're finished w/it. I made the mistake of stopping the dosage after one week since I felt great. But within three days, it was back w/avengence, and so I had to not only finish taking what antibiotic I had left, but have the Doc phone in another persciption for more since I then had to start from square one w/the dosage.

MICA Racing
06-05-2004, 01:01 AM
Barry - hope you're feeling better by now - and watch out for your back. I've had my share of injuries and health problems, but after a wreck at Sebring (2 YEARS AGO) I have had big time back problems, and it's the worst pain I've ever had. So do whatever it takes to keep your back healthy. GET WELL

06-05-2004, 01:05 AM
So other than OK???

06-05-2004, 01:17 AM
Barry, one other thing:

For preventing spasms and muscle cramps (even in the lower back area) mega-doses of Magnesium usually works within 24-48 hours. Get the TwinLabs brand of magnesium caps which are 400 mg each, and take one 400mg three times daily(one w/each meal) and taking a split dosage like that for a total of 1200 mg daily will almost always stop muscle cramping and spasms. I've taken that dosage for months at a time w/out problem, and so have several other people I know.

However, it MUST be taken more than once a day like that, or it will not work. But this is NOT to be confused w/Potassium!!! Do NOT take mega-dosages of Potassium, since that will actually cause muscle cramping!!! many people take Potassium to prevent muscle cramping, but that is an old wives' tale. Unless your diet is lacking Potassium, and that lack is the cause of the cramping, then taking Potassium will do nothing in the way of cramping despite what even somce pharmacists will tell you.

So MAGNESIUM is the ticket, NOT Potassium. Also drinking large amounts of water will help to prevent the cramping as well.

06-05-2004, 06:19 AM
It's been 5 days, I felt a little update was needed. Yes I'm still posting, and get the occational kill while on the way to the hospital or pharmicist.

I have improved....I'd say 15%. I no longer have a fever, but still get hot/cold sweats, and only spend 10 hours out of the day hacking rather than 18!
Thanks for the update. Glad you are getting better even if slowly...... Once pneumonia takes hold, it takes a while for the medications to kick in and start clearing out your lungs. Unfortunately, coughing up that junk constantly is part of the process. Hope the Get Well process kicks into high gear in the next couple days. If not, I'd ask for the high test antibiotic drip bag.

06-05-2004, 06:24 AM
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_1_145.gif Take it day by day and don't rush it. You'll be fine in no time. Thanks for the update.
I hope Gage made out OK the other day. Give him a http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_1_22.gif from BunnyLady!!


06-05-2004, 06:35 AM
Barry, I am glad you are improving. Take good care of yourself and finish your meds. Be good to your body, once you get pneumonia you are more likely to get it a second time. Remember to avoid those things that neutralize the effects of antibiotics. Javier.

06-05-2004, 06:42 AM
The body is in wreck status. Every inch of me hurts from the incessent hacking, and today I found I can no longer comb my hair. My scalp hurts like it was sunburned. The ribs have toughened up, but now the stomach is plain old fed up with 100,000 crunches every 24 hours of hacking death! There is a beauty part, I lost 8 lbs and am down to a twiggy 149. But man, my 21 year old abs are back!!! To bad my back hurts like a 70 year olds.

Do you still manage to look better than how you did here? ;)


Being saddled with bum lungs myself, here's my bit of advice: listen to all who recommend doing the medication thing right and by the book, and FOLLOW UP! There's no guarantee that these antibiotics will work 100% if even close to that... close follow up with your med is absolutely important, even if you think you're feeling better. If you're not going to do it for you, do it for your family and for us.

06-05-2004, 06:58 AM
Thanks to all, and Billy...that's more info than Doc provided! Scary, but appreciated.

And Steve, no thanks for bringing that photo out of the drawer! Those were actually GOOD TIMES!

Mary: Gage is a real trooper. Thursday a.m they took him to get that nasty thumb reset and straightened. They gave him a little demerol to calm him down and let him play in the waiting room. What a riot to see a frustrated 3 year old fall off one of those toy motorcycles over and over....and can't figure out why!
His surgery went off w/o a hitch, he has complained of pain once, got his codiene laced liquid med, and off he went. He is already climbing, running and throwing crap all over the yard. The bandages don't come off till next week, so momma made a special sock to cover that hand. I guess he's fine, he outside now while I sit here....

I do however feel a marked improvement this morning, and may bundle up and hang out with the MM in the barn for awhile.;)

AND YES I HEAR EVERYONE! I will take my meds until they are gone. Thanks.:up:

06-05-2004, 07:25 AM
Glad to hear that the fever has broken, but you sounded like ***** on the phone. Happy to hear that Gage is going better and our best goes out to Jessica for having to put up with the two of you around the house all the time.

Take care of yourself and listen to Doc. Jessie it's for your own good. Probably will not be able to make it on the 19th seeing that is Father's Day weekend.