View Full Version : Cylinder Index back down to 32

06-02-2004, 09:30 AM
My automotive cylinder index is back down to 32 from its all-time high of 36, with the sale this morning of my untiring unfailing work-horse 1998 Civic EX 4 door (the Canadian non Vtec EX). At least it's staying in the family, as my uncle is letting go of his 1992 Accord EXR for something smaller since it's just himself and his wife at home now, and he's retiring.

As if to remind me of exactly what I was doing, my Marauder's power window stopped halfway on its way up yesterday as I was leaving work, and refused to either move up or down... no sign of life. All it took was for me to utter "what the f***?..." for about a panicked second or two and it started working again. Hasn't failed again since.

Ever the devil's advocate (at least when Marty's off duty), I surmise that since it was pouring not only cats and dogs yesterday but also small asteroids and I'm sure a couple of voluminous comets, some water might have hit the power window button squarely on the button itself, as I reached out the window to pass my access badge when leaving my work parking lot.

Whatever... I hope this is not an omen of things to come, having relinquished what was essentially the most reliable car I have ever known about, much less owned, in favor of something that has yet to prove itself to me over a long haul.

So now it's down to the wire... this oil-smoke-puffing harness-chafing seat-squeaking valve-guide-ticking quarter-mile-stormer better start behaving like a car. Otherwise, well... I can't afford 4 garage queens (even though I permitted myself to park the MM through this past winter).

Rant over...

Sad part is: according to my favorite Honda tech, the post-2001 Civics are a complete mess, reliability- and quality-wise, compared to the pre-2001 models. :( WTF happened?

I hope I did the right thing, for my family's sake... :depress:

06-02-2004, 09:46 AM
I hope I did the right thing, for my family's sake... :depress:

Steve just remember about a month ago when that Stupid B*tch rear ended you. Do you think that either you or Victor would have survived in the Civic? Good luck with the Marauder, so far to date I have not had any of the problems that you have expericened so I don't have your fustration with the car.

06-02-2004, 09:53 AM
Steve just remember about a month ago when that Stupid B*tch rear ended you. Do you think that either you or Victor would have survived in the Civic?

Right on, I thought about that very same thing the moment I clicked on "post"... it did take a bullet for me and my posse, and in a very graceful way (it hides the wounds very well, I'll have to get it fixed once I move closer to the dealership in a month). But for it to keep protecting me, it's gotta actually be on the road, and it's gotta keep from requiring dealer visits which will allow me to work and actually pay for the damn thing.

Oh well... just a little apprehensive, I guess. Y'all know I adore this car, but after an 'eventful' first year, it better settle down.

Dr Caleb
06-02-2004, 10:35 AM
It's tough to let go a reliable set of wheels, but like Haggis said, the MM is destined to be safer for la famille in the long run, even with some growing pains. In a way, I hope my car has the same pains when I get more km's on it as yours has had. (15,000 so far)

I had my CV rear ended last night, much to my chagrin. I was leveling the driveway when some young pup on a trike slammed full speed in to the rear of the CV which was parked at the end of the driveway. I think he's 10. No helmet, but no blood ethier. But that will hurt today I'll wager.

The kid will have some bruising, the CV lost some paint, but then again, that's what the CV is for - to take one for the team. But I'd never let it go, it's been a very reliable car for 12 years now.

06-02-2004, 08:10 PM
I bet it was a Japanese made tryk, too. Darned ricers! I hope you got his insurance. :)

06-02-2004, 10:12 PM
As if to remind me of exactly what I was doing, my Marauder's power window stopped halfway on its way up yesterday as I was leaving work, and refused to either move up or down... no sign of life. All it took was for me to utter "what the f***?..." for about a panicked second or two and it started working again. Hasn't failed again since.

Ever the devil's advocate (at least when Marty's off duty), I surmise that since it was pouring not only cats and dogs yesterday but also small asteroids and I'm sure a couple of voluminous comets, some water might have hit the power window button squarely on the button itself, as I reached out the window to pass my access badge when leaving my work parking lot.

It's just you Blackcloud :)

Maybe you accidently hit the power lockout button.......

Dr Caleb
06-03-2004, 07:25 AM
I bet it was a Japanese made tryk, too. Darned ricers! I hope you got his insurance. :)

Yea. Suzuki. No, so long as there's no body lying under my car, I'm not real concerned. The bumpers are so scuffed from other people parking by 'feel' it really would look silly to get the damage fixed, then the bumper wouldn't match the rest of the car.

The kid's OK, that's all that matters.

Dr Caleb
06-03-2004, 07:27 AM
Maybe you accidently hit the power lockout button.......

Didn't think the lockout worked on the drivers controls, just all other controls . . .

I'm thinking his car is possessed. Know any good priests or shaman?

06-03-2004, 07:34 AM
Maybe you accidently hit the power lockout button.......

Not sure the lockout button kills the driver's side window buttons, just those on the other doors... or perhaps it just kills all windows on all door panels except the driver's window button. But in short, no it shouldn't have affected the driver's window at all.

In fact, while in the middle of my "what the f***?", I did resort to flicking the lockout on/off in rapid succession thinking there could have been a screw up there. No luck. But then all of a sudden the window starting working and hasn't failed again. *sigh* All in all, maybe it was a five second episode, this whole event... in that downpour, I really did not want to get stuck with a window rolled halfway open. :fire:

06-03-2004, 07:49 AM
... in that downpour, I really did not want to get stuck with a window rolled halfway open. :fire:

At least you have a positive outlook. You could have said:

... in that downpour, I really did not want to get stuck with a window rolled halfway down. :fire: