View Full Version : Breaking News--President Reagan Dies

06-05-2004, 02:44 PM
Check your local news stations for reports.

06-05-2004, 02:49 PM
God bless him and may he rest in peace. One of the best presidents of late.:bigcry:

06-05-2004, 03:08 PM
Yeah, he was a great Pres in my book.

06-05-2004, 03:15 PM
May he rest in peace.

Fourth Horseman
06-05-2004, 03:21 PM
Friends, Americans, countrymen... I may have many political differences with President Reagan, but in my opinion his policies won the cold war, or at least brought about our victory sooner than we would have achieved otherwise. I can't bring myself to love the man, but I respect and will mourne the loss of one of the greatest cold warriors.

06-05-2004, 03:24 PM
Ronald Wilson Reagan defined the American Spirit in the second half of the Century - RUDOLPH W. GIULIANI Could not have said it better, myself...:alone:

06-05-2004, 03:39 PM
It is a big loss....but at 93 he lived a long and important life....I wish him peace.

06-05-2004, 05:53 PM
Friends, Americans, countrymen... I may have many political differences with President Reagan, but in my opinion his policies won the cold war, or at least brought about our victory sooner than we would have achieved otherwise. I can't bring myself to love the man, but I respect and will mourne the loss of one of the greatest cold warriors.

Couldn't have said it better.

I feel he was a Great American with all of our interest's at heart.

06-05-2004, 06:02 PM
President Reagan's greatness can be defined by the respect that his political opponents had for him, by his intense love of his country and by his unbending determination to defeat " the evil empire" May God Bless Him.

06-05-2004, 06:32 PM
Ronaldus Maximus. The leader of the Free World.

06-05-2004, 08:02 PM
You will not be forgoton!!!!!!!

06-05-2004, 09:04 PM
Ronald Wilson Reagan defined the American Spirit in the second half of the Century - RUDOLPH W. GIULIANI Could not have said it better, myself...:alone:



David Morton
06-05-2004, 09:28 PM
Didn't he fly a B26 Marauder during WWII?

06-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Not eveyone agreed with his politics, but his Presidency made me proud to be an American again. (Not a simple feat after the scandals and failures of the Nixon/Ford/Carter era.) I think Nancy said it best when she sang "Thanks for the Memories" at the closing of his televised Birthday. (I believe it was his 80th).

06-05-2004, 10:41 PM
I remember as a kid I was in gym class when our coach announced Reagan was shot. Same feelings of loss now as then. We were blessed to have him as President.

To anyone who is in or visits the Los Angeles area, I highly suggest a trip to his memorial library. Well worth the time.

06-06-2004, 12:57 PM
America Lost one of it's Greatest Presidents Today, May He rest in Peace, And May God Be With Him!

MICA Racing
06-06-2004, 01:32 PM
After years of knowing the end was inevitable, I still was in a state of shock when I heard of President Reagan's passing yesterday. Reagan was the man who founded my interest in politics, and I think it can be said that he did the same for countless others. Although I am personally saddened, and I know his family must be devastated, I can't help but feel that such a strong-willed man would not have wanted a life where he did not remember his beloved wife Nancy. He has gone on to that "shining city on a hill", and I thank him for the gifts he gave to me and the entire world. May God Bless Ronald Wilson Reagan.

06-06-2004, 02:16 PM
The greatest President in my lifetime IMO.

Many Presidents change the nation. Few change the world like the Gipper did.

May he rest in peace.

06-07-2004, 09:33 AM
This whole thing has been kind of difficult.....but I am glad to see that Reagan will be honored quite well over the next week.....Friday is RR day and most of the goverment will close down.....and today I think you will be able to pay your condolences at the Reagan Library in CA.....

Oddly enough a couple of years ago the local goverment renamed the road my office is on from Country Road 427 to Ronald Reagan Blvd.......It seemed like a good idea then...and an even better one now....

06-07-2004, 07:33 PM
Sorry, folks, but I feel the need to weigh in with another view.

Ronald Wilson Reagan was a complicated man, and a brilliant persuader, but to lionize him without another point of view is too simple-minded for my taste. I absolutely respected the man's ability to communicate, his integrity, and his incredible optimism, but his policies were often, IMHO (and I want you to understand, I MEAN the H part, and respect those who disagree) awful. So, if I was to write a friendly alternative to the previous posts, while grinding a bit of a heavy axe against George II, it might go something like this:

Ronald Wilson Reagan never actually served his country in the military, but seemed to have little trouble sending young men to die to do so. (Seems like a neo-conservative hypocrate formula--our dear VP Cheney had FIVE Viet Nam deferrals, while that soft-on-defense-flip-flopper Kerry VOLUNTEERED for combat duty. Meanwhile only God knows what George was doing during his family-ties-enabled National Guard service. But just look at his shameless attacks against a guy who got three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star, and ask yourself how proud you are to have this guy in the White House. Oh, yeah, I heard about how Kerry pretended to throw his medals away, etc, etc, etc, but dammit, try to tell me he did not earn them.)

RWR Abandoned Lebanon after the bloody nose in Beruit, creating the "weak America" image that just MAY have encouraged the terrorism of today. But then invaded Grenada to distract the country. In other words, invented Wag the Dog.

Still, RWR was willing to take responsibility for the failures of his policy, and for that I completely respect him, then and now. This is something our current commander-in-chief will never, ever do. If you want to disagree, listen to the comments RWR made after the Beruit disaster (he took full resposibility), and try to find ANYTHING that GWB has said that can match the dignity or the integrity of Reagan's comments.

I would also say that while I had severe reservations about it at the time, hindsight requires me to acknowledge that Reagan's military policies probably did hasten the end of the Soviet Union. I am not sure that his policies were the best way, but if I did not acknowledge their success, I would be dishonest.

One can respect the office and criticize the man. That is the essence of Freedom and the American Way.

Perhaps the saddest part of our current political debate is that Reagan, like Barry Goldwater (my favorite conservative and a man of exceptional integrity), would likely be considered "not conservative enough" for today's GOP. Consider that Reagan proposed and signed a number of significant tax increases, most especially to save Social Security, because he felt it was his responsibility.

Let the flames begin..........

MICA Racing
06-07-2004, 08:08 PM
No flames from me, mrogerc. Maybe a touchy time to talk of things he may have done wrong, but great men have aspired to the White House to protect your right to hold your own opinion. I thank RWR and a small group of other politicians for growing my interest in politics. I don't consider myself a Republican or a Democrat, but I vote Republican more often. I voted for Bush 41, voted for Clinton in his second term, and voted for Bush 43. Great men have been on opposing sides partywise, but have always had their country's best interests at heart. If you disagree, simply look at the two Presidents who had the biggest impact on the 20th century - Mr. Ronald Wilson Reagan, and Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

06-07-2004, 08:19 PM
Hey...don't forget firing thousands of our nations Air Traffic Controllers.


06-07-2004, 08:35 PM
...two Presidents who had the biggest impact on the 20th century - Mr. Ronald Wilson Reagan, and Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

I guess FDR was just a poser. Change that to "the second half of the 20th century" and I'd be inclined to agree with you.

06-07-2004, 08:40 PM
[/QUOTE]Let the flames begin..........[/QUOTE]

I certainly hope we can be civil adults about this post and not be flaming here. Wether you liked President Reagan or not he still looked over the greatest free country in the world, running it to the best of his ability. I ask that you show respect for President Reagan's passing as you would for any other person that has passed on.

06-08-2004, 06:27 AM
[QUOTE=2003_MM_FYRE49 I ask that you show respect for President Reagan's passing as you would for any other person that has passed on.[/QUOTE]

Even though I had my differences with him, I can certainly show him that. In fact, in light of his remarkable life, he deserves a great deal more than that.

This morning, I had a bit of "did I really post that?" go through my mind..........I want to make sure that folks here understand that I respect their sense of loss, and acknowledge the nation's loss.


06-08-2004, 07:00 AM
The thing that stands out most for me in remembering Ronald Reagan is that he brought back pride for this country. Vietnam was not that long ago and we had lost faith in the politicians due to Watergate and were being stepped on by every two bit nation under Carter. The Iran Hostage Crisis was enough to finially get people to step up and take some action.

Shortly after Reagan was elected, Iran freeded the American hosatges in their country, why because Reagan would not back down and would have sent in the military to reslove the problem. Like he did with Libya after the nightclub bombing in Berlin, by the way I was stationed in Berlin when that happened. I also remember a lot of the German people thanking me and telling me that it was about time America did something, now that is all changed. I was also there when he gave his speech telling Gorbechev to tear down the Berlin Wall. My how people forget how it was over there.

He did a lot for this country and the most important thing IMHO is that he gave us PRIDE to be Americans.

God Bless and Happy Birthday.

I wrote this back on Feb. 6, 2004 and would like to add that he was the first President that I voted for and I wish we had more like him running for President today.

Thank you President Reagan for all that you did for the United States of America and God Bless.

06-08-2004, 07:21 AM
I guess FDR was just a poser. Change that to "the second half of the 20th century" and I'd be inclined to agree with you.
There was talk on the news of this very thought....most influential of the 2nd half of the 20th century. I'm not sure if this is 'rock solid' info (no pun intended), but there is talk of adding his bust to Mt. Rushmore.

06-08-2004, 07:34 AM
Two things.
1. As to the fact that Reagan never served in the military but sent our young men into harm's way---

a. He DID serve in the military. Never went overseas, never saw combat, but was in the military.
b. Franklin Roosevelt never served in the military and he sent more Americans to die than any other president. Should we have not fought WW II because FDR was never in uniform?

2. Reagan signed tax increases. When Reagan took office, the highest income tax rate was in the 70% range. He had that cut significantly, maybe twice if I'm not mistaken. He also proved a basic principle which many politicians have yet to learn: lower taxes and you increase productivity, thereby increasing actual tax revenue.

One hundred years from now, Reagan will not just be called the greatest president of the second half of the twentieth century, he will be placed with the greatest presidents in our history.

06-08-2004, 07:38 AM
I guess FDR was just a poser. Change that to "the second half of the 20th century" and I'd be inclined to agree with you.

Ok I'll stick my foot in my mouth.

Besides not letting Gen. Patton push on after the defeat of Germany and selling out Eastern Europe to the Soviets. You can pretty much say he started the Cold War. But, maybe if he did't back down fron Stalin, WWII would have continued and who knows where we would be today. If we would even be here at all.

06-08-2004, 08:02 AM
My first vote for president was cast for President Reagan and I was very proud to
wear this county's uniform with him as Commander-In-Chief. His foreign policies
were a major factor in the end of the cold war and his domestic agenda set the
stage for one of the largest economic expansions in US history. I just wish that he'd
had a Congress to work with as most of the provisions that he did get passed were
heavily watered down by the massive pork barrel that it took for the comprimises.
If you care to notice, there is a commonality between President Reagan's policies
and that of our current Administration. I am 110% behind President Bush and believe
it is absolutely critical that we keep Republicans in power. We cannot afford, as a people,
any hooey from Democrats at this stage of the game. President Bush has taken President
Reagan's positions and given them legs. This is GWB's strength: he knows that he's right
and he has the meddle to see it through to completion.

MICA Racing
06-08-2004, 08:08 AM
I guess FDR was just a poser. Change that to "the second half of the 20th century" and I'd be inclined to agree with you.Touche - Eisenhower wasn't bad either. But I still believe that time will show Reagan & Kennedy had the most influence on major world events in their time in office. Both men were strong & unyielding when they needed to be, and both managed to use their strength to bring the Communists to the negotiation table during two pivotal moments in the Cold War. They also got the entire country to rally together and be proud to be Americans. FDR & Eisenhower were fine presidents, as I believe both of the Bush boys are, but I think Reagan & Kennedy's places in history are sealed.

06-08-2004, 10:04 AM
How quickly we forget.

I remember when my dad was in Guantonimo during the Cuban Missle Crisis. It was the summer, he was flying an S2F sub chaser taking pictures of the missles on the decks of the Russian freighters. I remember people stocking their bomb shelters with food and water.

I remember the fear of nuclear anniliation and the various articles guessing on the destruction that would result in the weekly news magazines during the 1970's.

I remember the Iran Hostage crisis. I remember the debates on wether the US would win a convnetional war againes the USSR/Soviet Block.

I remember inflation was 13.5%, prime was 21%, price controls, gas rationing and unemployment was 7.1%.

I also remember President Regan and the optimisim and leadership he showed us as President. That we would defeat communism.

He was a shinning light at a dark time in our history.

06-08-2004, 01:23 PM
Here's a thought. There is an artice on cnn.com about this:



06-08-2004, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE=Ross]Two things.
1. As to the fact that Reagan never served in the military but sent our young men into harm's way---

a. He DID serve in the military. Never went overseas, never saw combat, but was in the military.

Thanks for the correction--I should have remembered that.

2. Reagan signed tax increases.

My point was not that RWR raised taxes. My point was that he balanced his philosophy of cutting taxes, which indeed he did, with pragmatism when needed. This was a positive.

There is a difference between being resolute and being reckless--I think Reagan understood that.

06-08-2004, 04:46 PM
Ok I'll stick my foot in my mouth.

Besides not letting Gen. Patton push on after the defeat of Germany and selling out Eastern Europe to the Soviets. You can pretty much say he started the Cold War. But, maybe if he did't back down fron Stalin, WWII would have continued and who knows where we would be today. If we would even be here at all.
Maybe if we got into WWII a little sooner, Japan would have not made a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and a lot less civilians would have died in the conflict in all theaters of the war - and lets not forget the failing "golden piramid" scam called "Social Security" invented by the "New Deal". We'er gonna run out of employed people before we run out of retirees!

David Morton
06-08-2004, 09:26 PM
How quickly we forget. How quickly we forget?

How quickly did we forget that he said the 1 trillion dollar deficit was why interest rates were so high in 1980, but then almost quadrupled it during the first five years of his presidency.

How quickly did we forget that during the Iran/Contra investigation RWR invented the legally evasive, "I don't recall." (Q: "Do you mean you don't remember?" RWR, "No, I don't recall." Q: "You mean you can't recall?" RWR, "No, I don't recall.")

Or how we forgot that William Casey, who was the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) at the time, took the fifth when asked what the hell he was doing in Iran during the 1980 campaign when he was RWR's campaign manager, a country that was supposedly our enemy and had held the American Embassy hostages for nearly a year. How we forget the release of those hostages on Jan 20, 1981. How quickly did we forget that the "arms for hostages" began soon after in secret.

How, when we talk politics, we forget how to add 2 + 2 and that it comes to 4.

How quickly did we forget his pardoning Caspar Wienberger for lying under oath before congress. My friend who retired a bird colonel in the US Army after 20 years of service and a West Point graduate said there was no way a piss ant retired Marine Captain can get Stinger missiles on his say-so as an assistant to, remember? Admiral (ret) Poindexter, without massive cooperation from the Quartermasters' Corps.

I thought he was a good president until Iran/Contra proved to me that he was a traitor, or at best an inept enabler. A bad leader, good actor and a man that facetiously declared himself to be the anti-christ. Huh.

Putting his face on Mt.Rushmore would be a tragedy.

The only good thing he did as president in my book was to appoint C. Everrett Koop to be the Surgeon General.

I voted for Ron Paul the Libertarian in 1980.

MICA Racing
06-09-2004, 01:48 AM
Libertarian?? Oh God, now this thing is going in three directions...

06-09-2004, 02:52 AM
To Mrogerc, no Flames from me. I respect your views. I dont agree with all of them. Thats what makes this agreat country. I just admire his toughness when America needed it. Stand up and end this Cold war. He Started to break down all this stuff we are paying for now. First GWB should have fixed the Iraque prob the first time. Then we got stuck with Clinton. Now GWB son is stuck with all thier meeses!!! If we get rid of that only two terms allowed rule and find a TRUE LEADER and let HIM Lead. IMHO if Reagan was aloewd to stay in office we wouldnt be having this talk!

06-09-2004, 02:55 AM
Hey...don't forget firing thousands of our nations Air Traffic Controllers.


And I am glad he did!!!!!!!!!!1

06-09-2004, 03:14 AM
How quickly we forget. How quickly we forget?

How quickly did we forget that he said the 1 trillion dollar deficit was why interest rates were so high in 1980, but then almost quadrupled it during the first five years of his presidency.

How quickly did we forget that during the Iran/Contra investigation RWR invented the legally evasive, "I don't recall." (Q: "Do you mean you don't remember?" RWR, "No, I don't recall." Q: "You mean you can't recall?" RWR, "No, I don't recall.")

Or how we forgot that William Casey, who was the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) at the time, took the fifth when asked what the hell he was doing in Iran during the 1980 campaign when he was RWR's campaign manager, a country that was supposedly our enemy and had held the American Embassy hostages for nearly a year. How we forget the release of those hostages on Jan 20, 1981. How quickly did we forget that the "arms for hostages" began soon after in secret.

How, when we talk politics, we forget how to add 2 + 2 and that it comes to 4.

How quickly did we forget his pardoning Caspar Wienberger for lying under oath before congress. My friend who retired a bird colonel in the US Army after 20 years of service and a West Point graduate said there was no way a piss ant retired Marine Captain can get Stinger missiles on his say-so as an assistant to, remember? Admiral (ret) Poindexter, without massive cooperation from the Quartermasters' Corps.

I thought he was a good president until Iran/Contra proved to me that he was a traitor, or at best an inept enabler. A bad leader, good actor and a man that facetiously declared himself to be the anti-christ. Huh.

Putting his face on Mt.Rushmore would be a tragedy.

The only good thing he did as president in my book was to appoint C. Everrett Koop to be the Surgeon General.

I voted for Ron Paul the Libertarian in 1980.

Like all politicians are angles!!!! And they wont tell you all they doing behind the scenes. It politics, GET OVER IT!! I want someone who will LEAD US!!!

I will hold the last of my views for later. For this should be a time to remember him and what he has done for our great nation not for his faults. And our prayers to his famaliy who have suffered more THAN US!!!! Let us not forget that!!!!!!!!!!

06-09-2004, 03:47 AM
I voted for Ron Paul the Libertarian in 1980.

That's what makes America great we can vote for who we want. Unlike other Countries where you don't get a choice and there is only one person to vote for.

06-09-2004, 05:13 AM
How quickly we forget. How quickly we forget?

How quickly did we forget that he said the 1 trillion dollar deficit was why interest rates were so high in 1980, but then almost quadrupled it during the first five years of his presidency..

There is a a lesson in economics here. There is a difference in the deficit and the National debt. The deficit is merely the difference between what Congress deides to spend in an annual budget and what they are projected to receive(anyone with a mortgage has an annual deficit). The National debt is how the government funds those over expenditures. During President Reagans 2 terms he was able to reduce the National debt by increasing tax revenues thru supply side economics at a time when he inherited double digit inflation and stifling interest rates form his predecessor.The interest rates were high as a result of this inflation not as a result of deficits. The reduction in debt is a far greater indicator of economic health. I must also add that as result of his massive spending on defense I no longer go to sleep at night fearing nuclear annihilation by an evil empire called the Soviet Union.
This is a paste from an article I just read that I agree with, IMHO it shows vision:
He also brought new perspectives to old problems. Take welfare. A full decade before Congress passed the most sweeping reform of government-sponsored charity, Reagan was laying the groundwork by pointing out that welfare -- in FDR's words, "a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit" -- should be measured not in terms of how much welfare recipients get, but "by how many of its recipients become independent of welfare."

[/QUOTE]I thought he was a good president until Iran/Contra proved to me that he was a traitor, or at best an inept enabler. A bad leader, good actor and a man that facetiously declared himself to be the anti-christ. Huh.[/QUOTE]
In my opinion he was a good leader, a bad actor and I don't know about the anti-christ stuff.

Putting his face on Mt.Rushmore would be a tragedy.
The only good thing he did as president in my book was to appoint C. Everrett Koop to be the Surgeon General.
I voted for Ron Paul the Libertarian in 1980].[/QUOTE]

I respect your opinions, everyone has them, and btw, I am a Libertarian also.

David Morton
06-09-2004, 05:21 AM
That's what makes America great we can vote for who we want. Unlike other Countries where you don't get a choice and there is only one person to vote for.Unless you live in Florida.
Oh, and Patrick, no republican would dare support the repeal of the 22nd Amendment. Every Democrat dreams of it because it would mean we could go back to having one of the greatest presidents since FDR, William Jefferson Clinton.

If Busch manages to fix this election like the last one, America will turn into a totalitarian state.

06-09-2004, 05:38 AM
Unless you live in Florida.

How many times do you need to count the same vote, Gore lost get over it. This Country did not need another four years of Clinton's lackies.

Clinton a great President, do we forget White Water already.

06-09-2004, 06:31 AM
Clinton a great President, do we forget White Water already.

Or Monica Lewinsky

Or the "lost and found" Rose Law Firm billing records

Or his refusal to get Bin Laden when he was offered to us

Or his lying under oath, causing the eventual suspension of his law license and being held in contempt of court

Or his just plain lying: "I did not have sex with that woman"

Anybody care to add some more? Even mentioning Clinton's name in the same thread as a man like Ronald Reagan is sickening.

06-09-2004, 06:50 AM
Or Monica Lewinsky

Or the "lost and found" Rose Law Firm billing records

Or his refusal to get Bin Laden when he was offered to us

Or his lying under oath, causing the eventual suspension of his law license and being held in contempt of court

Or his just plain lying: "I did not have sex with that woman"

Anybody care to add some more? Even mentioning Clinton's name in the same thread as a man like Ronald Reagan is sickening.

Thank you Ross I would give you more Reputation points, but it says I need to spread it aroud some more.

...and how about "I tried Marijuana, but I did't inhale." Yea right, my a$$ he didn't inhale

...and deserting his Country in a time of war.

Before anyone says anything a lot of National Guard troops fought in Vietnam.

The only time Clinton should be mentioned in the same sentence is : "Today President Reagan stepped in some dog ***** and Clinton bowed down and cleaned it off."

06-09-2004, 08:44 AM
David inflation was reduced from 13+% under Carter to low single digits under Regan. Inflation is primarily casued by excesive government regulation ( price controls ) which causes the price of certain items to be artificial.

The facts;
National Debt end of President Carter - $930 Billion
National Debt end of President Regan - $2,600 Billion
National Debt as a % of GDP Carter - 31.87%est.
National Debt as a % of GDP Regan - 45.4%
National Debt as a % of GDP Clinton - 63.4%
National Debt as a % of GDP GW Bush - 61.8%
National Debt post WWII average - 56.2%.


The greatest power and repsonsibility a President has is as Commander In Chief. Fortunately in comparison there is little a President can do to affect the economy.

I do remember the things you have mentioned, similar and far worse can be stated about every modern President.They are but footnotes to the things I have pointed out.

06-09-2004, 04:46 PM
[QUOTE=David Morton]Unless you live in Florida.
Oh, and Patrick, no republican would dare support the repeal of the 22nd Amendment. Every Democrat dreams of it because it would mean we could go back to having one of the greatest presidents since FDR, William Jefferson Clinton.[QUOTE]

I would be intrested to see how WJC would have done if he were sworn into office with the nation being in the same state it was after the Carter administration.

It's easy to look good when you don't have a mess to pick up after someone else. All you need to do is make sure you don't screw things up to bad. :)

06-09-2004, 05:04 PM
Reagan was the best president I've known.

I was privileged to be stuck in opposing traffic as his funeral procession went by today from the Reagan Library to Pt. Mugu airbase. Even out here in CA hundreds of thousands remember him well for the Pride and Vision he restored to our country.

06-09-2004, 05:34 PM
Unless you live in Florida.

If Busch manages to fix this election like the last one, America will turn into a totalitarian state.

If people in Florida knew how to vote - you wouldn't be complaining.

06-10-2004, 07:09 AM
If people in Florida knew how to vote - you wouldn't be complaining.

Sometimes the truest things are also the funniest!

Also, people forget that Clinton was elected twice without having a majority of the popular vote. Funny how Democrats complain about George W not having a majority of the popular vote, but they conveniently don't mention that neither did Clinton. Ross Perot ran twice, knowing that he had absolutely no chance of being elected, just so he could steal votes from the Republican candidate and insure Clinton's election.

06-10-2004, 07:31 AM
The overwhelming majority of public offices that administered the elections in Florida were Democrats, including the butterfly ballot.

David Morton
06-10-2004, 10:41 PM
The point that the media and everybody else seems to miss about the election in Florida is that the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees each of the states autonomy in how it handles it's elections, including federal elections. The case of Bush v. Gore should never have been considered. When Scalia ordered vote counting to stop, he exceeded his jurisdiction. Not suprising since he had two sons that worked for the same law firm Ted Olsen, Bush's lawyer in the case, was a senior partner of. Also not suprising that Thomas voted in favor of Bush because his wife had been hired to work for a Bush transition team, a job she would have lost if Gore had been elected. The Supreme Court had been bribed.

The Florida election debacle and subsequent electoral college victory of Bush may wind up being the initial death throes of democracy in America. Military ballots without postmarks being counted against Florida law, thousands of legally registered voters being denied their right to vote by Jeb Bush's henchmadam, Katherine Harris, hundreds of absentee republican ballots casted without purging from rolls allowing twice votes for Bush, all under the smokescreen of a media seemingly obsessed with chads. Now they have us thinking we can trust an electronic voting machine that has a modem attached and no paper recording of votes. Yeah, right.

I'm talking about principals. Are you? Or are you guys only interested in results?

Clinton was twice elected with a majority of votes casted over and above his nearest opponent, a plurality. Check the definition of the word. He also ended the deficit and if his policies of putting American corporations to work (putting Americans to work) ahd been continued we could have been well on the way to having no public debt at all. And that reads as 0.0% of GDP. We were still the lowest taxed nation of all the industrial countries in the world.

Oh, and for you guys that went around with that bumper sticker that said "Fifty point whatever percent of Americans did not vote for Clinton", your guy Bush has a much worse record. He took office with a minority of votes casted.

You guys sound like that crew that took over in Germany in 1932. Reagan was a blip, and his Pershing II missiles could have caused a nuclear holocaust. We were lucky the Soviets had better leadership. The current media blitz of Reagan glory is just to get the heat off the moron currently in the Oval Office who is taking our country down fast with another Vietnam, Sandstorm style.

Reagan sucked. Almost as bad as Bush. God help us if he gets re-elected.

I'm done ranting. If you guys don't hear from me it might be because I've been taken to camp x-ray by John Ashcroft, the man that lost his bid for senator to a dead man.

06-11-2004, 03:35 AM
NO MORE!!!!!!!! I cant take any more of this sh*&t! I respect eveyones views and Opinions of Ronald Reagan! Good or Bad! A man has lost his life to Alhiemers and his famaliy needs support. Regarless of politics dont WE owe him and his famaliy OUR support in their time of need. So sad a thread could start could be started to express support for his famaliy and then the Bashing starts!!! Login I would hope you would close this Thread. For I am dissapointed with this. LETS DISSCUSS LIFE NOT POLITICS!!!! :depress: :alone: :alone: :alone:

06-11-2004, 03:53 AM
The point that the media and everybody else seems to miss about the election in Florida is that the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees each of the states autonomy in how it handles it's elections, including federal elections. The case of Bush v. Gore should never have been considered. When Scalia ordered vote counting to stop, he exceeded his jurisdiction. Not suprising since he had two sons that worked for the same law firm Ted Olsen, Bush's lawyer in the case, was a senior partner of. Also not suprising that Thomas voted in favor of Bush because his wife had been hired to work for a Bush transition team, a job she would have lost if Gore had been elected. The Supreme Court had been bribed.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Will you stop the bashing already. I'm tired this morning spent all night in line to view Reagan's casket. I am getting very tired of you crying like a little baby all the time about if Clinton this and Gore that. "W" whatever dude stop it already will you. Gore lost get over it and if you don't like it move to Russia or Iran and see how far you get with your little baby whining.

Ronald Wilson Reagan the greatest President in my life time. IMHO. Wish he were still presedent today.

06-11-2004, 06:08 AM
The Florida vote issue was summed up for me when one of the US Supreme Court Justices asked Messr. Bose this ( a paraphrase), " Had the Florida Legislature done by fiat, change the vote certification date and ordered a partial recount, essentially what the Florida Supreme Court had done, would that have complied with the US Constitution?".

Messr. Bose was speechless. His collegue stood up and answered on his behalf.

The US Constitution states the Presidential electorial college will be determined according to the laws set by the state legislature before the election.

The media consortium that audited the ballots came to the conclusion that every way that Gore had asked the votes to be recounted Bush still won.

Gore only asked for a partial recount in selected counties. Gore also sent letters and in some cases attorneys to the county election commissions to have absentee military votes thrown out that complied with Military Federal Election requirements but not State Absentee Election requirements, such as a post mark, which if mailed from a military base may not be present.

06-11-2004, 09:48 AM
Sometimes the truest things are also the funniest!

Also, people forget that Clinton was elected twice without having a majority of the popular vote. Funny how Democrats complain about George W not having a majority of the popular vote, but they conveniently don't mention that neither did Clinton. Ross Perot ran twice, knowing that he had absolutely no chance of being elected, just so he could steal votes from the Republican candidate and insure Clinton's election.

Being from Texas, you should know how much Ross Perot hates Bush.

This stems from a land deal that Bush I's Administration via the FAA and other executive branch agencies, put the kabosh on. Bush I saw to it that Ross Perot's deal didn't go through. Ross exacted a rather large payback.

Best Regards,


06-11-2004, 10:22 AM
I didn't know DEMOCRATS owned MARAUDERS?

I thought all democrats owned Saabs and Hondas and Nissans and Volvos
and Mini-cooper wannabe cars...

EVERYONE knows REPUBLICANS own HUMMERS/H-2s and anything car or truck with a V-8


How can you own and drive full size American steel with rear wheel drive and a traditional perimeter frame and not be against CAFE mileage requirements and oppressive regulations of big government...going into our bathroom measuring how much water our toilet and showerhead uses?

if he wouldn't rather ride a horse...

or there was no Fleetwood or Towncar around

OK...perhaps an Escalade or Excursion...

06-11-2004, 10:38 AM
How can you own and drive full size American steel with rear wheel drive and a traditional perimeter frame and not be against CAFE mileage requirements and oppressive regulations of big government...

I'm not hot on oppressive government regulations, so I can't comment on that part of your sentence.

But I'm a supporter of CAFE requirements. If it wasn't for this, we'd still be stuck with 5000+ lb land sloths getting 10 mpg with a stiff tailwind and... oh wait, we do have that: SUVs! Hmmm, maybe it's time to get the trucks and SUVs in line with CAFE! Might breed a better SUV in the end, as I personally like the fact I can brag to my Nissan Exterra-owning co-worker about how my 300+ hp Marauder blows away his truck in fuel consumption. For that, I think you can thank CAFE.

I'm not ashamed to say I think CAFE killed my favorite car, the Firebird. Not because the car got bad mileage (I have gotten repeated 32-33 mpg tankfuls on the highway with my WS6) but because GM was unable to produce truly fuel efficient small cars to offset the V8 numbers. But I can thank CAFE that I own a car putting out 340-350 hp at the crank that can grab 30 + mpg mileage without too much effort.

David Morton
06-11-2004, 04:01 PM
Who's whining? Reagan supporters used the thread to soapbox their politics and deride Democrats. Then when they see somebody with an opposing view they scream 'whiner' and say "stop it, this is supposed to be about a poor alzheimer patients family".

Babies. You guys started it. I warned you people that this kind of stuff is what either destroys a fellowship or divides it along party lines.

www.republicanswithmercurymara uders.net (http://www.republicanswithmercurymara uders.net/) and www.democratswithmercurymaraud ers.net (http://www.democratswithmercurymaraud ers.net/) , great.

Next thing we'll be dividing those into christians and jews. Or, we can grow up and not worry about somebody flaming a person that isn't a member. You republicans flame Clinton and I defend him. I flamed Reagan, defend him. Or we can all stop the politics and talk about our common love, the great Mercury Marauder. I'm all for that!

What's it gonna be?

06-11-2004, 04:11 PM

But I'm a supporter of CAFE requirements. If it wasn't for this, we'd still be stuck with 5000+ lb land sloths getting 10 mpg with a stiff tailwind and... oh wait, we do have that: SUVs! Hmmm, maybe it's time to get the trucks and SUVs in line with CAFE! Might breed a better SUV in the end, as I personally like the fact I can brag to my Nissan Exterra-owning co-worker about how my 300+ hp Marauder blows away his truck in fuel consumption. For that, I think you can thank CAFE.

THANKS TO YOUR CAFE STANDARDS...Ford was coerced into putting a 4.6 L engine into a car that was engineered for a 5.4 L engine...forcing all of us to spend tens of thousands of dollars to remedy via modification


06-11-2004, 04:19 PM
keep your BIG GOVERNMENT regulations to yourself

if YOU want to follow CAFE standards YOU buy an econobox (AND a can opener for you to get out in case you run into a Marauder or SUV)...

The American way is strong LOCAL government

In America, MARKET FORCES drive purchasing...if consumers want gas economy they would all buy compacts...I buy what I want to buy

If the Marauder had a V16 engine option (with AFTERBURNER) I would have gladly checked it off...but I couldn't because YOUR CAFE standards hampered American FREE MARKET ENTREPRENEURS (AKA FoMoCo)...just like they put a 400 two barrel carburetor in a 1979 Lincoln that should have had a 460 four barrel...


and all imports either copied us or made them smaller and cheaper?:bs: :puke:

06-11-2004, 05:51 PM
Who's whining?

Don't you know? Reread some of your posts all of them in this Thread for that matter. I kept quiet as long as I could.

You mentioned :

Or we can all stop the politics and talk about our common love, the great Mercury Marauder. I'm all for that!

I agree with this last sentence of yours. Someone quick check the temperture in Hell.

Let us then move on then, back to the land of the Marauder.

06-11-2004, 07:46 PM
Well, It was a great send off to a great man and X President. May he RIP.

06-11-2004, 08:22 PM
THANKS TO YOUR CAFE STANDARDS...Ford was coerced into putting a 4.6 L engine into a car that was engineered for a 5.4 L engine...forcing all of us to spend tens of thousands of dollars to remedy via modification

Please enlighten me by telling me how in the WORLD would not having CAFE standards make the 5.4 L engine suddenly fit under the hood of the existing Marauder? I honestly don't see the link... if the 5.4 doesn't FIT under the hood of the Marauder, what does CAFE have to do with this???

Ford designed the 4.6l the way it is of their own free will. Other manufacturers are getting more power and better economy out of larger engines. (I think the 3 valve upgrade to the 4.6l family is long overdue).

06-11-2004, 08:30 PM
just like they put a 400 two barrel carburetor in a 1979 Lincoln that should have had a 460 four barrel...

...and because of CAFE we have engines that are making more power than that 460 4 barrel with HALF the displacement. Want to line up that 460 four barrel Lincoln next to a Marauder anytime soon and see who wins? Because of CAFE, we have a super safe full frame 4500 lb RWD muscle sedan that doesn't need a fillup every 20 minutes, and can rip off mid-to-high 14 second 1/4 mile times in factory trim.

Nice rant, by the way.

06-11-2004, 09:09 PM

now to get in the LAST WORD...

Big Federal Government is in our bathrooms (yours NEVER mine)
telling us how low flow our showerheads and toilets shall be...

and as far as fuel economy, if you can't afford or don't want
to buy a gas guzzler there are many four cylinder choices available:puke:

MARKET FORCES in a FREE MARKET ECONOMY should define which cars, what engines, and how much, if any economy each model has...the consumer should choose which car sells and not the tree huggers or the EPA or the Sierra Club

I, like many here, never looked at the gas mileage on the Marauder, I wanted performance...any economy is gravy

now...once and for all, the 5.4 L fits
just like the 351 fit in the 80s Crown Victorias (yes they were available)

less government is better government
if you want to waste money let the government form a committee to handle it (that will lop off 30% right off the top)
the Feds have been harassing the BIG THREE for decades...and forced them to make hasty design compromises (efficiency comes with technology)

in the 80s, Ford and GM couldn't play catch up
but fortunately I HAVE driven a FORD lately and do...

CAFE standards, like emission tests, are compromises due to lack of planning ahead...OH...and 3 valve engines are NOT a replacement for cubic inches/displacement...which is why I have to cough up $8000 for a supercharger...because the Federal government stuck their nose in telling FoMoCo how to build cars (when they can't even balance a budget)

and...by the way...I will check with Greenpeace, the EPA, and Ted Kennedy for permission to own a muscle car in America

06-11-2004, 09:44 PM
now...once and for all, the 5.4 L fits
just like the 351 fit in the 80s Crown Victorias (yes they were available)

Time to do some reading:
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=141289#post14 1289

I agree with you, this isn't the right thread for this. Please continue this in the above linked thread, as I too would love to hear more details about how the 5.4 l fits... it seems to go against everything that's been discussed on this board since its inception over 2 years ago, but if you have some breaking news, I'm sure the Marauder community would benefit greatly from your findings.

David Morton
06-11-2004, 10:33 PM
Never say never, unless your clever. -(my 13yr old daughter.)
Safe workplace standards, child labor laws, product safety and efficacy standards, import regulations including quarrantined species, pollution of air, land and water standards, building code requirements including sewage and waste management facilities, access road standards for developers including sidewalks....I could add to the list of government regulations that are neccessary for what we call a civilized society ad infinitum.

If you think all this is bad, where do you plan to drive your Marauder? Africa? The Brazillian rain forest? These are some of the few places I can think of that have NO government regulations. Is that what you want America to devolve into?

06-11-2004, 10:38 PM
/Steve...you make me laugh so hard sometimes :lol::lol::lol:

Here...let me translate the subliminal messages within my friend's post...

Time to do some reading: *jag-off*
*and when you get done with that, please feel free to go somewhere else, :censor: for brains*

I agree with you, this isn't the right thread for this. *DUH! Did you even READ the title of this thread?*Please continue this in the above linked thread, *that YOU started for SOME apparent reason...BTW...do you even OWN a Marauder yet?*as I too would love to hear more details about how the 5.4 l fits...*you wacky :censor: :censor:* it seems to go against everything that's been discussed on this board since its inception over 2 years ago, *including by the folks that BUILT this car from the ground up, bucko* but if you have some breaking news, I'm sure the Marauder community would benefit greatly from your findings. *and we can continue to ignore your other mindless thread*Man...I'm laughin myself silly here....:lol::lol::lol:

06-12-2004, 06:47 AM
Well, Having started this thread one week ago and seen what it turned out has me seeing what Logan must be doing at times--shaking my head and scratching it too--wondering where and how everyone goes off on so many different subjects--the last post especiallyy confusses me--don't have the slightest clue what that has got to do with the passing of President Reagan...so with that --if I had a BUTTON , I'd closed this too since He is now layed to rest like this thread needs to be...........Thank you..........Tom

06-13-2004, 07:07 AM
My first vote for president was cast for President Reagan and I was very proud to
wear this county's uniform with him as Commander-In-Chief. His foreign policies
were a major factor in the end of the cold war and his domestic agenda set the
stage for one of the largest economic expansions in US history. I just wish that he'd
had a Congress to work with as most of the provisions that he did get passed were
heavily watered down by the massive pork barrel that it took for the comprimises.
If you care to notice, there is a commonality between President Reagan's policies
and that of our current Administration. I am 110% behind President Bush and believe
it is absolutely critical that we keep Republicans in power. We cannot afford, as a people,
any hooey from Democrats at this stage of the game. President Bush has taken President
Reagan's positions and given them legs. This is GWB's strength: he knows that he's right
and he has the meddle to see it through to completion.?????????