View Full Version : Missing Marauder (looking for help)

02-12-2018, 10:26 PM
Hi! I know I'm new around here, but it looks like I'll be selling my Lincoln Mark III and picking up a Marauder! I have my eyes on a few different cars, but there's one in particular that I'm curious as to where it went.
My dad owned a 2003 Blue Mercury Marauder, and yes, I'm aware it's one of 328, but unfortunately it was wrecked by someone borrowing his car in June of 2010, and by wrecked... I mean WRECKED. It was totaled, 48k miles, and totaled. Lately, I've been trying to find what happened to it, as there was a good amount of buzz about the auction back in 2010. The reserve was set at $3k, and it managed to sell, so I don't think it was sold for parts, it just wouldn't make sense. Who wants to pay $3k for a parts Marauder!? Anyway, I'm trying to get him some closure, to help soften the mental blow it's gonna give him when he sees the Marauder I'll end up getting. I did some VIN history checks, and I can't find any certs of destruction, and from what I could tell, the car's last known state of registry is Michigan, where it was sold.

The VIN is: 2MEHM75V83X689522

If anyone knows what happened to this car, I would be in your debt, and I know my dad would really appreciate knowing where his car went.

If you type the VIN into Bing (not google), pictures of the car will pop up, if you're curious as to how it ended up like that, let me know, I'll fill you in. Thanks for reading! I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. Have a nice day! -G

02-12-2018, 10:30 PM
Oh, and if you, yes you reading this, happen to be the current owner of the car... well... I think I have some parts & paperwork you might want, let me know, it's yours if you want it.

02-12-2018, 11:39 PM
There’s almost zero chance that car was repaired based off the two pictures I saw. Who ever was driving it was lucky to survive. Best of luck with your search for a Marauder.

02-13-2018, 02:00 AM
Agree 100% with Corey.

I'm in Cleveland...what kinda parts ya got? :D

02-13-2018, 03:46 AM
2003 MARAUDER 300a, Black ext., Charcoal grey int., Trilogy S/C, Flowmaster Super 44's, Marty tune, Zaino'd, 24,625 miles. :P
Yours for $27,500.

02-13-2018, 09:02 AM
Oh, things like the cigarette lighter, hubcaps, leather jacket, dealership key, had the floor mats (gone now), original paperwork + poster, and some other stuff. If the car was still around, I'd hand it off to the current owner, but since it seems like it's not, I'll be hangin onto that stuff for the future.

RF Overlord
02-13-2018, 11:32 AM
if you're curious as to how it ended up like that, let me know, I'll fill you in. So fill us in...like Corey said, that doesn't look fixable without WAY too much effort and expense.

Sorry that happened to your Dad's car... :depress:

02-13-2018, 11:44 AM
I cant see the pictures? None show up on google.

edit: nevermind. holy foooooooooooooook

02-13-2018, 12:54 PM
Just saw pictures ... OUCH!

I am gonna hug mine when I get home today.

02-13-2018, 01:30 PM
Just saw pictures ... OUCH!

I am gonna hug mine when I get home today.

:violin: It's very unfortunate, and it was definitely a shame to see such a beautiful, rare car go from mint condition to salvage in an instant. That being said, that accident is the reason I'm planning on picking up 2 marauders. One as a show car, and one as a DD. Probably won't happen, but I'm keeping my eyes open. But yeah, the passenger walked away without injury, and the driver walked away with 2 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken arm, which for that accident, is incredible. The panther platform is incredible.

02-13-2018, 02:03 PM
So fill us in...like Corey said, that doesn't look fixable without WAY too much effort and expense.

Sorry that happened to your Dad's car... :depress:

So, my dad decided to let someone borrow his car for the evening because it was such a nice night (I'm not going to say who for their own privacy). Both my dad and this person were police officers with extensive training in pursuit driving, so he definitely trusted the person with the Marauder. The person and a +1 took the car to a movie theater a few miles away, and everything went fine. At dinner, before the movie, they each had a drink with their meals. Unfortunately, the person driving was injured on the job a few years earlier, and was taking pain medication, which does not mix well with alcohol. They had forgotten they took the pain meds, and it didn't even occur to them that they were compromised. On the way home from the theater, (and this was at about 2 am as the movie was a midnight showing). A car either pulled out in front of (as the driver stated) or was going slow in front of (as the local police stated) the Marauder. At this point the driver of the Marauder moved into the passing lane and accelerated, unfortunately, they put their foot down too hard, and lost control, causing the car to spin. The Marauder and its two occupants flew sideways off the road and into a tree. Beyond the tree was a drop-off and then a river, so it's probably for the best that they hit the tree. The car's point of initial impact was at about head height, as the car had left the road due to the downward slope. The car fully impacted the tree without ever triggering the airbag sensor. The airbags never deployed.

The car actually cut out the brush, and for about 6 months after the accident, you could still easily see the outline of a marauder, along with flakes of blue paint, skid marks, and broken glass on the ground. That was until I finally got sick of seeing the mess and went over to the scene of the accident to clean it up.

At the scene of the accident, the rear left tire was still firmly in place, and the whole front end was in tact. The front end was accidentally ripped off by the tow company, who were entirely irresponsible. They also removed the rear tire, and I can't remember why, I just remember that it was a stupid reason, and they were being incompetent and lazy. In the process of removing the car, they had done much more damage than necessary.

The passenger was uninjured. The passenger had more to drink than the driver, and was unaware of their actions. They were also a police officer. When first responders reached the scene, there were no visible injuries to the driver, and the driver was not acting as if they were in pain. When the officers began to question the driver, the passenger began to defend the driver and demand that the driver be taken to the hospital rather than questioned. The on scene local police did call for an ambulance, but also did field sobriety tests on both individuals. Of course the driver, who was pretty badly injured, could not complete the test. Due to the medication the driver was on, and the fact that both the passenger and driver were police officers at one point or another, an "example" was made out of the driver as the judge believed they should be held to a higher standard. They were charged with a DUI, and lost their license. Despite the fact that they, the driver, were the only injury in the accident.

The driver had a punctured lung, two broken ribs, a broken arm, and some muscle damage in the left shoulder that was made worse by the accident.

The Marauder was taken by the insurance company, and while I don't think that it's right for me to say how much he got for the car, I can say that the company was definitely fair, if not more than fair in their valuation. They offered the car back to him at $3000, which was not a good deal for him, because he would also lose the money he would be receiving as compensation. He decided to let the marauder go, because there was a good amount of buzz surrounding it here on marauder.net. He was semi convinced that one of the people who wanted to buy it from him, would purchase it at auction, and rebuild it. That being said, he believed it was impossible as the frame was bent. I believe otherwise, considering that the doors on the passengers side were perfectly aligned, and the only damage on the passenger's side was a bent rear fender, which would be from the frame bending, but that was behind the wheel well.

The floor mats, cigarette lighter, and hubcaps were removed, and the car went up for auction. The reserve was set at $3000, and surprisingly enough, it sold, first try. It may have been able to sell because the motor was still in good running condition and the car could be started, and left running. The rear wheel and front bumper, along with the grill were tossed in the rear seat before the auction began, and pictures were taken.

My dad used the money from the Marauder combined with the sale of his DD, a 2000 Mountaineer, to purchase a new 2010 Taurus SHO. Oddly enough, he ended up with a performance package SHO, which is what he wanted, and apparently there were less than 1,000 of those built in 2010, but I don't think they'll ever be collectible.

I don't know if they were attempting to pass, or avoiding a car pulling out from their right, but regardless, everyone is still around, and the accident was a true testament to the incredible strength and build quality of the Marauder, and every panther platform car.

02-13-2018, 02:20 PM
Incredible. Only in Ohio.

Glad everyones alive.

RF Overlord
02-13-2018, 02:35 PM
That's a sad tale, George, but thanks for sharing it with us. Glad no one was seriously injured. Not that a punctured lung and broken bones aren't serious, but you know what I meant...

02-13-2018, 02:39 PM
Oh, things like the cigarette lighter, hubcaps, leather jacket, dealership key, had the floor mats (gone now), original paperwork + poster, and some other stuff. If the car was still around, I'd hand it off to the current owner, but since it seems like it's not, I'll be hangin onto that stuff for the future.


:violin: It's very unfortunate, and it was definitely a shame to see such a beautiful, rare car go from mint condition to salvage in an instant. That being said, that accident is the reason I'm planning on picking up 2 marauders. One as a show car, and one as a DD. Probably won't happen, but I'm keeping my eyes open. But yeah, the passenger walked away without injury, and the driver walked away with 2 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken arm, which for that accident, is incredible. The panther platform is incredible.

I got your show car. v

02-13-2018, 03:22 PM

Did I say hubcaps? I mean centercaps :D Sorry! I'm so used to talking in reference to my mark I totally missed that.

I got your show car. v

Seems like a really nice car, but I have my sights set on red.

02-13-2018, 04:21 PM
I just can't find the picture, bing or not. Is there an additional keyword like auction or damage or ? that would find the item?

02-13-2018, 04:59 PM
I just can't find the picture, bing or not. Is there an additional keyword like auction or damage or ? that would find the item?

I tried getting pictures to upload but it doesn't seem to want to work. Try searching "Wrecked 2003 Blue Marauder" on Bing. It seems to pop up. Should be the car with the side impact

02-13-2018, 05:07 PM

https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.fXakrFbCmBX5yDsmsOc4 8AEsDh&w=285&h=214&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7

02-13-2018, 05:10 PM
Seems like a really nice car, but I have my sights set on red.


02-13-2018, 05:16 PM
That Blue doesn't look good. Lot of damage. Can't believe no airbags went off.

02-13-2018, 05:22 PM
Thank You.

Hit pretty hard. It is unlikely that was fixed given it was seven years old. Though if someone had a cv or even a marauder hit just right... I have seen cars worth less repaired.
Odds are against it though.

Did you ever try carfax or equifax?

02-13-2018, 05:56 PM
Carfax didn't seem to have any more info than the other ones, but the last time I checked Carfax was 2012. I've tried a few other sites recently. I think I'll just end up pulling a few favors and seeing what one of the local police traffic sections can come up with.

Mr. Man
02-14-2018, 12:08 AM
Nobody fixed that car. It's a Toyota now.

02-14-2018, 05:27 AM
Nobody fixed that car. It's a Toyota now.

Soooo true or it's metal studs in your neighbors newly built house.

Person who bought it probably bought it for the motor and tranny.

Joe Walsh
02-14-2018, 05:46 AM
Nobody fixed that car. It's a Toyota now.

I bet that it buffed right out....and.....

What a horrible reincarnation for a once proud Marauder!

BTW: Can't believe that the driver survived.

02-18-2018, 11:59 AM
Op, why not run the carfax on it?

02-18-2018, 06:23 PM
Well then you should look up spectragod.

His is cherry and for sale.

02-20-2018, 10:42 AM
Well then you should look up spectragod.

His is cherry and for sale.

This old beater?


02-24-2018, 09:01 PM
Poor blue, but it did its job. Protected its occupants. Spectragods car is pure sex, hurry up and buy, not even joking.

02-26-2018, 04:08 PM
gotta clear up garage space before I buy anything else. I'll either have to sell the MK III or find another garage. I may just restore the MK III. I haven't decided yet.