View Full Version : Somebody spit on my car!!!!!

06-07-2004, 11:24 AM
Don't ask me why, but I went to the Super Chevy Show Saturday......

Actually, I took my daughter to see the dragraces....she's never been before and we couldn't go on Fun Ford Weekend.....so anyway.....

We had bought some shirts and stuff and went to take them to car and low and behold......There is a big, long string of spit running down my driver's side window and down the door!!

I can't post on this board the exact words that came out of my mouth, but If I had caught this person(idiot)....he would've been eating the big end of my baseball bat!!!!

06-07-2004, 11:27 AM
I try not to bring my Fords to the Chevy meets.....:nono:

Sorry for your luck though, could have been worse, they've been known to break off mirrors and kick in doors.

2003 MIB
06-07-2004, 11:39 AM
Miss Kathy,
I am really sorry to hear about your car. Now that I've got 39 years under this ever-expanding belt...I often remember what my Daddy says about "the great slobbering masses"- People are no damn good. My personal rule is assume everyone is a jerk until they prove otherwise. It's not Ford vs. Chevy thing- it's a jerk thing...I personally offended that it happened in the South. :mad2:

06-07-2004, 11:43 AM
I kinda agree with Dan, but I would say it's a coward thing more than a jerk thing. This was a jerk that couldn't say or do anything while you were there, making them a spineless jerk.


2003 MIB
06-07-2004, 11:46 AM
I kinda agree with Dan, but I would say it's a coward thing more than a jerk thing. This was a jerk that couldn't say or do anything while you were there, making them a spineless jerk.


YEAH!!!!!- I hate it when I don't find the right words!!! Go Andrew! AND there's a whole 'nother word for the coward who picks on a Mama and daughter- it's a lot worse than jerk!!! AT LEAST this idiot didn't do that....

WHY AM I SO PISZED???!!?? I'm ready to sponser "Key a Cavalier Tuesday"- bad thoughts- I'm gonna take my meds now.

06-07-2004, 12:05 PM
That is so childish for someone to do that. Sorry that happened Kathy. It was probably one of those Chevys you blew away on the street.

06-07-2004, 12:34 PM
What a horrible thing to have happen.... not so much for the actual act itself (which would p*ss me off to no end to begin with) but the fact that someone lets something like the Ford-Chevy rivalry get to this point. They're just g*ddamned cars, for heaven's sake... what's next, gunfights?

Try to put it behind you, Kathy, and maybe feel sorry that someone out there has a life that's this empty and pointless that they have to resort to this kind of act.

06-07-2004, 12:43 PM
That's retarted. Next time post a stake out, in fact, if you need a bouncer let me know:up:

I'd beat the living life out of anyone if they did that to my car! Gross.

06-07-2004, 01:45 PM

We had bought some shirts and stuff and went to take them to car and low and behold......There is a big, long string of spit running down my driver's side window and down the door!!

Kill........Kill........Killll lllll.......... :shot:

While that is not to damn nice of someone to do, while working nights at a gas station back in '72, I had a woman spit in my face for not letting her use the bathroom after 11 o'clock, it was the station rule's not mine I told her.
Seems that before I started working their people would use the restroom's for all kinds of lude stuff that I won't go into here.
Sorry that happened to you.

06-07-2004, 02:20 PM
Bummer Chick...what an ***hole!!! Next time you can borrow my Rottweiler....... :fire:

06-07-2004, 02:25 PM
Sorry to hear your tale Kathy. That is just childess and it all goes back to lack of displine in their upbringing and the failure to respect other peoples property. Too bad we don't live in Singapore were caning is allowed.

06-07-2004, 02:35 PM
Hello their #1 ! I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you. They will get their's one day, what goes around comes around. Remember the Golden Rule " Do unto others what others do too you" .And then more! Talk soon.

06-07-2004, 02:46 PM
Kathy, I am very sorry you had to endure such a disrespectful action. I don't believe this is the action of a Chevy man, because a real man don't spit on a strangers cars.

This was a juvenile inmature punk who thinks he is a man, but it is very obvious that the mentality involved is about 6 years old....and I apologize to the majority of 6 year olds, who would not do this.

06-07-2004, 03:05 PM
Sorry to hear your tale Kathy. That is just childess and it all goes back to lack of displine in their upbringing and the failure to respect other peoples property. Too bad we don't live in Singapore were caning is allowed.

As Bill Cosby said in his old "Shop Class" routine, "A guy's Mother would have to be pretty low for him to do a thing like that, yeah, pretty low."

06-07-2004, 03:10 PM
Did somebody say gunfight, put em'up, put em'up.
Seriously though, thats just immature and hope it doesn't reflect the masses.

Fourth Horseman
06-07-2004, 03:35 PM
Look at this way, that person probably spat on your car because they knew it'd stomp the bejesus outta whatever piece of crap they're driving. ;)

06-07-2004, 03:35 PM
That is cause for a foot threw the head Via the mouth.It most likely was the car parked next to you(if there was).Next time you go there chew alot of gum and spit on every car you see :uzi: ..

06-07-2004, 07:59 PM
Look at this way, that person probably spat on your car because they knew it'd stomp the bejesus outta whatever piece of crap they're driving. ;)
Yeah....that's what I was thinking!! And I'm sure they'll get their's one day!!!
Maybe the person who spits on their car will have a good ole sinus infection or something!!! (gross)~!

Thanks for all of ya'lls thoughts and opinions!!!! I feel better already!!!!:bounce:

06-07-2004, 10:19 PM
I'd like to think it wasn't a Chev vs Ford thing. More than likely a moron thing.

I know there were some very young "Chev" guys who expressed extreme displeasure at the existence of Marauders, but I doubt most of them would even have done that.

06-08-2004, 12:02 PM
While it may be disturbing....... sure is better than some idiot keying the paint. I arrested a lady at a local KMart back in the early 90's. The car in front of her had pulled into a handicapped spot she wanted. I could tell immediately she was upset, banging her steering wheel and cussing the lady. I obviously kept watching thinking it was going to turn into a road rage cat fight. But the other lady parked elsewhere and walked by the first lady's car keying the trunk for 28 inches on the left and picked up on the right for another 14". She was given a $100 fine, 10 days in jail suspended and had to pay for the other person's paint repairs. Who would ever think old ladies in Cadillacs and Lincolns would act like this!!

06-08-2004, 01:05 PM
While it may be disturbing....... sure is better than some idiot keying the paint. I arrested a lady at a local KMart back in the early 90's. The car in front of her had pulled into a handicapped spot she wanted. I could tell immediately she was upset, banging her steering wheel and cussing the lady. I obviously kept watching thinking it was going to turn into a road rage cat fight. But the other lady parked elsewhere and walked by the first lady's car keying the trunk for 28 inches on the left and picked up on the right for another 14". She was given a $100 fine, 10 days in jail suspended and had to pay for the other person's paint repairs. Who would ever think old ladies in Cadillacs and Lincolns would act like this!!

I was in the parking lot at my Credit Union today and a fight broke out over a guy getting to an open spot before the other guy, all I could think of was I hope no one has a gun :uzi: , and hightailed it to my car :burnout: .

06-08-2004, 02:49 PM
I was in the parking lot at my Credit Union today and a fight broke out over a guy getting to an open spot before the other guy, all I could think of was I hope no one has a gun :uzi: , and hightailed it to my car :burnout: .

People are absolutely going crazy nowadays. The economy, stress, etc... who the heck knows what's causing it? Use to be the rednecks and scum preyed on people they knew they could beat up. Now a 3' 8" midget will fight a 6' 6" 275 wrestler for bumping into their table in a restaurant. I've never seen anything like it before recently.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

06-09-2004, 01:36 AM
One of two choices put them in time out for acting like kids or give them a knock out!!! And a third option, Pray they grow up and dont spread this type of behavoir to thier kids!

Bradley G
06-09-2004, 05:17 AM
People that act this way must be miserable!! Eventhough it was an unconsionable act Kathy, You have a Bad A$$ MM and they obviously don't:up:

06-09-2004, 06:00 AM
Are you sure it was saliva ?

There are feathered creatures, that when they defecate, it resembles saliva.
I've had it happen twice to my Marauder while it was sitting in my driveway.
It appeared to land on the window, and run all the way down the side of the door.
:eek: Disgusting :eek:

2003 MIB
06-09-2004, 06:36 AM
Are you sure it was saliva ?

There are feathered creatures, that when they defecate, it resembles saliva.
I've had it happen twice to my Marauder while it was sitting in my driveway.
It appeared to land on the window, and run all the way down the side of the door.
:eek: Disgusting :eek:

Are you implying that Kathy doesn't know spit from ehr, ah...ya know, never mind... :)

06-09-2004, 06:44 AM
Are you sure it was saliva ?

There are feathered creatures, that when they defecate, it resembles saliva.
I've had it happen twice to my Marauder while it was sitting in my driveway.
It appeared to land on the window, and run all the way down the side of the door.
:eek: Disgusting :eek:

Thanks for sharing. I think I'll pass on the Krispy Kremes this morning....

06-09-2004, 06:49 AM
Thanks for sharing. I think I'll pass on the Krispy Kremes this morning....
Kriiisy kreammmmmm
