View Full Version : need some advice on my no start marauder

03-19-2018, 04:53 PM
Hey guys,
Long time no see! Well I had an enjoyable Monday. Go to leave for work and as I do I talk to my blue girl ( yes I have issues ha!) "ready to go to work?" and I start her up. What I get is what sounds like a 3 cylinder. apparently "Blue" just decides to give me the middle finger instead of going to work. I shut it off with in 2 seconds.. and sit there like WTF..

side note: my marauder seems to have an annual "i forget how to run spell" but never something like this.

So as I figured this was that Spell I try to start it back up and i'm getting nothing. just an odd sounding turn over and no start. fearing the worse i said F it and take my truck.

so back home I try to turn the motor by hand and its seems fine. no locked up engine, but an odd noise I track down to the starter.. replaced that even though it tested fine at the store.. and still nothing just turns over.

so my question is where do I start now. I've has really no issues with my marauder since I got it. Lately the transmission is having shifting issues but nothing terrible and on the rare occasion I put the pedal to the metal say, over 5-6K it has what sounds like a noisy valve train. I actually had planned to have the the oil changed in the transmission next week.

soo i'm stuck with my beloved for once letting me down. Any ideas on where I can start? what to check? only thing I think I can rule out is the fuel pump as it seems to come on as normal.

Comin' in Hot
03-19-2018, 10:55 PM
Fuel pressure?

03-20-2018, 09:33 AM
Do you have a chip? I bought my car not running, cleaned the contacts on the computer and it runs. How well does it turn over? Did you check battery voltage and load test? Are you able to check for codes?

03-20-2018, 12:27 PM
“Felt like a three cylinder” followed with “Odd sounding turn over” would have me checking my compression.

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03-20-2018, 12:59 PM
“Felt like a three cylinder” followed with “Odd sounding turn over” would have me checking my compression.

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Never a bad idea to check compression. It either makes your day or ruins it...ask me how I know :bigcry:

03-20-2018, 01:32 PM
I've never heard or 'felt' a 3-cylinder engine run. I guess you mean it ran like ****.

If a timing gear jumped a tooth, good chance you'd have a compression problem.
Could be a loose or corroded harness connection somewhere. Definitely check the crank and cam position sensor connections. Could be moisture or water buildup under one of the coil covers, effectively disabling one bank of cylinders.

Mr. Man
03-20-2018, 02:16 PM
Would it be fair to say it ran fine when you parked it? How long did it sit? Did you do anything or have anything serviced besides the new starter recently? Any idiot lights or codes?

03-20-2018, 07:39 PM
I’ve heard of dropped valve seats just from starting them. I only suggested a compression test because of you mentioning it turning over funny.

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03-20-2018, 07:53 PM
Would it be fair to say it ran fine when you parked it? How long did it sit? Did you do anything or have anything serviced besides the new starter recently? Any idiot lights or codes?

nope its been perfectly fine. I've had no issues at all. other then the yearly start up where it runs odd ( just feels like a odd/bad miss fire) no issues at all.

I’ve heard of dropped valve seats just from starting them. I only suggested a compression test because of you mentioning it turning over funny.

yeah i'm going to check for compression as soon as this **** weather is gone. hopefully that will give me hope.. It just sounded so different then i've ever herd before, just scares me.

i'll check for codes but as it ran for less then 3-4 seconds i figured it didn't have time to throw a code.

i'll report back in a few days
i'll start with the compression test, fingers crossed, then fuel pressure and spark. then test the crank sensor..
Really apprecieate the help guys.. i know every issue on that god awful 5.4l 3v and every possible problem with my 5.0l but this beast has never giving me a reason to find out about engine issues with the DOHC.

at least aviator engines seem plentiful to find.. :depress:

Mr. Man
03-20-2018, 11:20 PM
I knew a member who had an issue a few years back with his fuel pressure sending module. His car was running fine before we stopped to look at some tanks, and when he went to start it up, nothing. It would just crank. Might be worth looking into.

03-21-2018, 07:30 AM
My DTR does this weird start too, sounds like 5 cylinders are out of time. It too doesnt start.

Mine does this if the car sits for over a month.

Seems like it gets a big shot of fuel like its flooded, then the odd starting sound comes in. Let off the key and go back to it, and it cranks over fine, but wont start. Sounds like it wont compress oil and gas because there is too much.

So i floor the gas pedal, then crank the car over. This shuts off the injectors with most cars with certain tunes. Then start like normal and a huge cloud of smoke comes out the back.

It has done it 3 times in 2 years. Runs and drives perfect

03-21-2018, 11:53 AM
If you can get access to a decent scanner, a KOEO test should point out any major communication issues.

03-21-2018, 03:58 PM
Air - Fuel - Spark.

Is there a blockage in intake air or exhaust pipes. Birds, mice, bug nests?

Is the fuel good? Sitting a long time without stabil ? Pump working? They do fail. Mine left me at 110,000.

Plugs and cops and associated wire harnesses. There are a couple weaknesses in wire routing. Oil sururated cops, ? Carbon fouled plugs from cold starts during storage? Not running long enough.?

Those are the first things I would check.

I once had a car parked for 5 months in a barn. Would not start. Had mouse nest up in the air cleaner blocking all air in. Spit and sputtered but would not start.

03-21-2018, 04:59 PM
ok so update.. I go out to read the codes and I got nothing which is not surprising. So I sit there and figure WTF i'll give it one more start and hear if it still sounds odd.

mother F'er starts.. are you serious.. it sounded like it had no oil for the first 2 seconds then all is fine (almost like after an oil change if you don't fill the oil filter). then runs like normal. but it had an odd kerosene type smoke smell but no smoke. Then after a minute it was back to normal. I have no idea.. what the hell this was all about. Sound like what Turbov6Bryan said his DTR does..

soooo now i'm not sure what to think.. This would have been uber embarrassing had I drop it off at the shop. (um sir you car runs fine.....):shake:

03-21-2018, 08:33 PM
Funny is Zack posted the same issue with one of his cars too, I think it's trying to compress oil that gets past the guides in the heads.

$0.00 fix.

You will be fine until next year