View Full Version : I don't want to read about it on CNN

06-08-2004, 08:11 PM
Hey guys. I have a question.

How do I convince my brother to bring his family home from Bahrain?

He was in the Air Force, and got out of the service to take a high paying job there. His goal was to work two years there and save enough money to move his family home and pay for the time he will spend at the seminary when they return. He has only worked one year. After becoming a minister he plans to re-enter the Air Force as a chaplain. A noble cause.

He has been told he can move to Washington DC with his family, albeit for less money.

The family consists of himself, his wife, and four children, the oldest of which is 5, and the youngest of which is a newborn, born about a week before my daughter, which would be five weeks ago. All of them are very obviously American, blond-haired, blue eyed. They dress as Americans, and not in traditional "local custom." IOW everyone knows where "the Americans" can be found.

I read on CNN again today about another American shot in Saudi Arabia (Bahrain sits IN the Persian Gulf on the coast of Saudi Arabia - my brother tells me he lives 25 miles from the bridge to SA.)


That article tells me that "they" are targeting Americans in the streets, or wherever they can find them.

My brother is convinced that they are safe in Bahrain. Our entire family is constantly telling him to move home. My mother is leaving for Bahrain Saturday, both to help with the baby, and carrying a message from our family that we want them home.

I don't want to let her travel there (alone, btw) either, and I may try to talk her out of it as well.

I don't want to read about my brother and his family on CNN.

What do I say/do to convince him? It's approximately $1000 per person to move them home. I would sell my car to pay for the tickets if I needed to (and if I wasn't upside down on the loan, but you know what I mean)


06-08-2004, 08:45 PM
He took his release from the Airforce when posted in Bahrain, and stayed? Doesn't the Airforce owe him a move home?

06-08-2004, 08:58 PM
Nope - he was not posted there. He got out of the USAF here, and took a job there.

I think his employer would help him move. That is, if he wanted to move.

What I cannot understand is why he would risk his family. Being at risk personally is one thing; risking your family is entirely different.


06-08-2004, 09:07 PM

Well I agree with you, he probably should have his family in the US. I can understand him wanting them to all be together, but he is only working there temporarily. His employer would probably pay to send him "home" occasionally.

06-08-2004, 10:00 PM
I hate to say it as I don't know him but.... he sounds like a man of religion, one's belief in the guidance by God (or a god) can over come what you and I would say is common sense. I know many folks who say "its my calling God will provide and protect." So can you say much to persuade him, not sure but telling him to think of his innocent children's safety may. I wouldn't be there in the first place so maybe I'm not a good one to ask advice from. Man tough call. Good luck.

06-09-2004, 01:01 AM
I hate to say it as I don't know him but.... he sounds like a man of religion, one's belief in the guidance by God (or a god) can over come what you and I would say is common sense. I know many folks who say "its my calling God will provide and protect." So can you say much to persuade him, not sure but telling him to think of his innocent children's safety may. I wouldn't be there in the first place so maybe I'm not a good one to ask advice from. Man tough call. Good luck. Great Point!!!! But alot of people are in harms way, sodliers and unfortunalty civilians as well! As far as the military helping thats not going to happen. Sad but he is a civilian regardless if plans to get back in. I dont know about his company but mine will pay for a move if they make you move but I wanted to transfer to say Boston just becuase I want to its at my expance. Right? Its thier policy, so be it!

I am tired of seeing anyone hearing about thier loved ones being hurt over thier. I wish it would end but we have a ways to go. I hope it all works out for you and for everyone inlovled.

07-03-2004, 10:41 AM
Great news. They are coming home. There was a terror threat in Bahrain and US citizens are being urged to come home.

Doesn't sound like great news on the surface I know, but I would much rather have this than an obituary, or perhaps 6.

Hopefully they will be home in a week.


07-03-2004, 10:44 AM
Great news. They are coming home. There was a terror threat in Bahrain and US citizens are being urged to come home.

Doesn't sound like great news on the surface I know, but I would much rather have this than an obituary, or perhaps 6.

Hopefully they will be home in a week.


:bows: :bows: :up: :up: :up:

07-03-2004, 10:52 AM
Great news. They are coming home. There was a terror threat in Bahrain and US citizens are being urged to come home.

Doesn't sound like great news on the surface I know, but I would much rather have this than an obituary, or perhaps 6.

Hopefully they will be home in a week.


Glad to hear it! When I was a contractor in Kuwait last year, I had my wife with me,... but, she was in the 101st Airborne and carried an M-4!

as soon as she found out she was coming back to the states, I quit and came home too. It was that or move north to Baghdad,.. uh,... no thanks!

I could hear it now:

"A US contractor working for Raytheon Aerospace, and a former Sergeant in the US Army was killed today when the convoy he was traveling in was attacked with an IED."

nope,... not me!

and God bless those guys and gals who are busting their asses over there!


07-03-2004, 10:55 AM
Andrew! This is great news!! I'm sure there will be a grand homecoming for them. :up:

07-03-2004, 11:37 AM
Great! Now it can be a "happy story" on CNN:):):)

07-03-2004, 04:06 PM
He has been told he can move to Washington DC with his family, albeit for less money.

There's much more to life than money... may sound weird to hear in this capitalist world we live in here in the western hemisphere, but I believe it to be true.

But based on the most recent posts, I am glad that circumstances worked out for the best and your family members are coming home safe and sound. In my book, that's a priceless gift.