View Full Version : Man mauled to death by bear while taking selfie with it

05-04-2018, 04:30 PM
Darwin's Law in full effect.

"A man was mauled to death by a wounded bear this week when he foolishly tried to take a photograph alongside the apex predator — the third wild animal-related selfie fatality in this region of India in less than a year, according to reports.

The victim, identified by local media as Prabhu Bhatara, was driving a group of people home from a wedding in an SUV when he stopped to relieve himself in a forest area in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on Wednesday evening, the Hindustan Times reported."


Joe Walsh
05-04-2018, 05:15 PM
Wow....just WOW!

As the old saying goes:
"You can't fix stupid!"

05-04-2018, 06:52 PM
Nature's way of culling the stupid - too stupid to live. http://www.gdmjoe.com/nonono.gif

More Clorox in the gene pool s'il vous plait.

NOTE: Bear must not have been Hindu, eh?

05-04-2018, 07:14 PM
The most disturbing is when people take photos/videos of those in need of assistance.

It is now accepted as a "normal response".

I have decided after I render aide that I will now start taking their pics.

Welcome to the Matrix.

Joe Walsh
05-04-2018, 07:28 PM
The most disturbing is when people take photos/videos of those in need of assistance.

It is now accepted as a "normal response".

I have decided after I render aide that I will now start taking their pics.

Welcome to the Matrix.

Isn't that the truth!
First response is to grab cell phone and video tape their friend's death instead of trying (somehow, anyway, anyhow) to help them.

05-05-2018, 04:21 AM
The most disturbing is when people take photos/videos of those in need of assistance.

It is now accepted as a "normal response".

I have decided after I render aide that I will now start taking their pics.

Welcome to the Matrix.

While that is certainly a problem with today’s society, to be fair I don’t expect anyone else to jump in to brawl a bear.

05-05-2018, 04:56 AM
While that is certainly a problem with today’s society, to be fair I don’t expect anyone else to jump in to brawl a bear.

But, it was a bear from India, aren't they peace loving? Could have maybe just talked nice to it....

Joe Walsh
05-05-2018, 07:30 AM
While that is certainly a problem with today’s society, to be fair I don’t expect anyone else to jump in to brawl a bear.

They could have at least thrown their cell phones at the bear.

05-05-2018, 07:44 AM
Wow....just WOW!

As the old saying goes:
"You can't fix stupid!"

I think that bear fixed stupid pretty well actually.

05-05-2018, 09:45 AM
They could have at least thrown their cell phones at the bear.

Lol. Thanks!

05-05-2018, 09:45 AM
Final photo of award-winning movie director minutes before he was killed by a GIRAFFE while shooting film in South Africa

"A SOUTH African movie director was killed after being hit by a giraffe while shooting close-ups of the wild animal at a South African game farm.

Carlos Carvalho, 47, was shooting scenes at a British expat's game farm when the giraffe, called Gerald, swung its neck - hitting him on his head and sending him flying."


05-05-2018, 09:54 AM
While that is certainly a problem with today’s society, to be fair I don’t expect anyone else to jump in to brawl a bear.

The same idiot that would take a selfie with a bear would also take a pic of a person in lieu of helping them.

It is the result of loosing the ability to discern reality vs virtual reality.

I had a client whose wharf was rammed by a ship and then when the ship came around to attempt to dock a second time it rammed the wharf a second time.

I went to examine the wharf with their safety director. First he shows me a video one of the employees took while standing on the wharf.

The perspective never changes. I ask how many other videos he as and he says over a dozen. I ask does the perspective change on any of them and he says no.

I tell him we have a much bigger problem than a smashed wharf.

It appears all the employees who were video taping did not take one step to get out of the way!!!

05-05-2018, 10:46 AM
sailsmen - The most disturbing is when people take photos/videos of those in need of assistance.
Just documenting the degree of stupidity of some people, how else would anyone believe chit like that.

And as far as the need for assistance ... Looks as if he needed none to prove his point of being stupid. If anything it would be interference.

I mean, STUPID!, had to be his entire objective for taking the selfie, right? http://www.gdmjoe.com/nonono.gif

Intelligent, common sense, smart people just don't do that.

No sympathy here.

Joe Walsh
05-05-2018, 11:22 AM
I think that bear fixed stupid pretty well actually.


Not to be morbid and callous, but I would like to see that selfie.

05-05-2018, 11:59 AM
Joe Walsh ...BTW: Not to be morbid and callous, but I would like to see that selfie.


05-05-2018, 03:58 PM

LOL!!! This guy (Busey) hit a curb on a motorcycle traveling at 10mph while not wearing a helmet - sad. Steve Irwin also comes to mind - all needless tragedies.

Mr. Man
05-06-2018, 11:56 AM
LOL!!! This guy (Busey) hit a curb on a motorcycle traveling at 10mph while not wearing a helmet - sad. Steve Irwin also comes to mind - all needless tragedies.Steve Irwin had a death wish, though he was entertaining it was only a matter of time. His death wasn't a shock.