View Full Version : Big Brother gained a few pounds......

05-16-2018, 12:07 PM

05-16-2018, 12:36 PM
Broke the law and got caught................ $100.00 poorer.

05-16-2018, 12:56 PM
Yet another BS law.

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Charlie Costell
05-16-2018, 01:05 PM
Out government trying to protect us from ourselves. Complete BS IMHO. I would not have smoked in my car with my kids or grand kids, but would never smoke in my care anyway.
Where my brother lives in California, outside of Torrance, you cannot smoke in your car or outside of your house due to fire hazards. It is a tinder box in that area. Forgot the name of the village, but it is up top of the hills near Torrance and Redondo Beach.

05-16-2018, 04:08 PM
Good law....if parents can't protect their own kids then someones gotta. :bandit:

05-16-2018, 04:51 PM
Good law....if parents can't protect their own kids then someones gotta. :bandit:

Typical response from a liberal mashole.

RF Overlord
05-16-2018, 05:32 PM
Let's keep it civil, folks...

05-16-2018, 06:39 PM
Typical response from a liberal mashole.


05-17-2018, 01:21 AM
Let's keep it civil, folks...

Wheres the fun in that lol

05-17-2018, 04:24 AM
What about 9 year olds?
How are you going to prove age of kids? In court after after a ticket is issued while taking time off work?

How about eating greasy ass McDonald’s food?

Music taste and volume?

Bad hygiene?

Kids drinking espresso or pop?

Where does it end? Just another way for big brother to control you sheeple. Every time you agree with a law you are just opening the door for another one to be written, one that might just affect YOU next time.

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05-17-2018, 07:20 AM
Where does it end? Just another way for big brother to control you sheeple. Every time you agree with a law you are are just opening the door for another one to be written, one that might just affect YOU next time.

This is perfect.

05-17-2018, 06:01 PM
If you were smoking the rear tires....would the charge be the same?

05-17-2018, 09:04 PM
I just got back from attempting to go to Jazz Fest. When the wife & I got to the ticket taker he told us we had 3 tickets. I asked can I sell one and he says I don't care. I then asked how do I get back in. He says if your wife waits here I will let you back in.

I walk out of Jazz fest and I am on the sidewalk across from an NOPD unit. I shout ticket for sale. A lady ask how much I say $20. She gives me $20 and I say can you walk with me through the ticket taker to make sure it's valid. She says yes and tells her friends good bye I will see you in.

Another lady walks up and ask if I have any tickets and I say no. She says what did you sell it to her for and I say $20. She says giver her back her money and tells the lady give me the ticket.

A uniformed officer walks up and tells me to stand by the unit. After a few minutes I ask the officer why am I here. He replies in a few minutes she will tell you pointing to another lady writing tickets.

Another man standing by the unit says to the uniformed officers all I did was try to buy a ticket.

My wife, calls me on the cell. I tell her I was detained for selling the ticket.

One of the uniformed officers told us not to talk to others.

My Wife with someone from the Jazz Fest came over and I repeatedly told her to stay away.

One of the uniformed officers tells me - "It's not us, Jazz Fest has cameras all over and they are calling it in to our undercover officers."

After a few minutes a uniformed officer ask me for an ID which he gives to the Lady writing tickets. Then another uniformed officer calls my first name and walks me over to the Lady writing tickets who says sign this.

I tell her I cannot read what I am signing. She ask did you sell a ticket to an under cover officer? I reply yes I sold a ticket for $20, note it's a $70 ticket.. She says it's just saying you received it.

I asked can I pay on line and how much is the fine. She says google the court and I don't know how much. She says it might not cost anything.

I spoke to 3 well known Criminal Defense Attys and none can tell me what Law I broke.

My atty goes to Court and there is no record.

Mr. Man
05-18-2018, 01:18 PM
They are going to try and charge you with a scalping law. Unfortunately for them you sold it for face value or less.

05-19-2018, 05:22 AM
There are over 300,000 Federal Laws and each State has over 150,000 Laws.

There are millions of Regulations that have the weight of Law.

Congress asked the Congressional Research Service to compile all the Regulations. The CRS reported back impossible.

05-19-2018, 06:01 AM
NOLA may be the problem Billy!!:cool:

05-19-2018, 08:23 AM
The "undercover" officers were so unprofessional I wonder if they were Jazz Fest employees who were deputized.

They could not write the tickets fast enough.

She wrote the ticket on her knee so our copies were not legible. So many brought their tickets back she wrote the court date and room number on the CC.

I cannot read what I was charged with so that's the main reason I hired an attorney, plus I refuse to pay the Court a penny.

All the attys I spoke to were po:mad2: when I told them and said they would get it thrown out.

What about the people who don't have the money to hire an atty?:mad:

05-20-2018, 04:10 PM
The "undercover" officers were so unprofessional I wonder if they were Jazz Fest employees who were deputized.

They could not write the tickets fast enough.

She wrote the ticket on her knee so our copies were not legible. So many brought their tickets back she wrote the court date and room number on the CC.

I cannot read what I was charged with so that's the main reason I hired an attorney, plus I refuse to pay the Court a penny.

All the attys I spoke to were po:mad2: when I told them and said they would get it thrown out.

What about the people who don't have the money to hire an atty?:mad:

Personally, I don't think you need an attorney for something like that. There is no threat of jail and any half intelligent person can speak to the judge and explain the situation.

Good luck.

05-20-2018, 08:11 PM
You are obviously unfamiliar with the Justice System in New Orleans.

Thank you for the Luck.

05-21-2018, 11:23 AM
more government overeach, trying to save us from ourselfs just like so many other things.