View Full Version : Has D.B. Cooper's Identity Finally Been Revealed?

05-19-2018, 11:03 AM
Posted to youtube two days ago.

No record of Walter Reca owning a Mercury Marauder, not under his real or assumed names anyway.


05-19-2018, 01:06 PM
A better story;

05-19-2018, 03:28 PM
A better story;

An interesting story for sure. American folklore value? My first time reading of Mike Howell but a couple of other names came to my attention and I remember the era somewhat clearly.

Don Black's Stormfront was exposed as a complete bust many years ago. Duke sullied his reputation (whatever it was) with his continued association with Stormfront.

Military Contractors (mercs) were a shady business model that really seemed to have mushroomed after Reagan became POTUS. A U.S. foreign policy staple to this day.


The renewed attention and imagination of the Cooper saga garners national headlines.

"More than 45 years after a mysterious plane hijacker made off with $200,000 in ransom money, disappearing into the night sky, a publishing company believes it has finally identified the man who eluded authorities for so long.
At a news conference on Thursday, Michigan publisher Principia Media (http://principiamedia.com/) said the hijacker, known as D.B. Cooper, was former military paratrooper and intelligence operative Walter R. Reca. The company said it worked with Reca's best friend, Carl Laurin, in compiling the evidence.

While the publisher did not disclose whether Reca was still alive, an obituary online (https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/walter-reca-obituary?pid=179265482&view=guestbook) lists a man with the identical name who lived in Oscada, Mich., as having died in 2014 at the age of 80."


My car lived most of its life in the area, first being sold new by the dealer in Grayling, lived two years in Mio, then living nearly 12 years in Harrisville.

Reca over the years.