View Full Version : James-WOAFACE, Indy?

06-09-2004, 06:47 PM

Do you have that urge to go to Indy? Huh, do you?
I realize some of southerners in your area are ??? (need word for anti-Indy sentiment), and I hope you are not one of them! I would really like to meet you, and I think you would have a great time.

I am willing to step up to the plate, and confer with your parental units if need be, and invite you to hang with me. I have double room, so your lodging is covered.

If need be, I'll start a donation tin....with $50 to get fuel in the car.
Over the last year, I have grown from wanting to stomp your head, :bounce: to enjoying your company and input, and really wanting to meet you.:up:

So let's do this, if it's possible for you to stay out of trouble from now till the end of July, and convince your parents that you will be safely chaperoned, have a place to stay, and have a great time.

What do you think man?:cool:

06-09-2004, 06:54 PM
I've got another offer or two on the table and I'm a little desperate. I'm going to be talking with my parents. Depends on what my dad says, because he's not in the greatest of moods this week. I'll print this out and show it to my mother when she gets home around midnight! Thanks a bunch, you are the coolest Barry:up:

06-09-2004, 07:43 PM
you are the coolest Barry:up:

Yea thats very nice of you barry...You are good people :up:

06-09-2004, 09:12 PM
Ya, Dude. I wanna meet the kid who called my Escort "SOOOO PIMP!" :) Hope to see ya there.


06-09-2004, 09:49 PM
Barry, that is a very generous offer there! James, let me know if I can talk to your parents and help them make a decision. Seriously, they have nothing to worry about as people on this forum are class acts, which means they don't have to worry since you'll be in good hands.

06-10-2004, 01:02 AM
Very cool Barry!!!!!!! A man of his word!! :up: :up: :up:

06-10-2004, 02:29 AM
James, let me know if I can talk to your parents and help them make a decision. Seriously, they have nothing to worry about as people on this forum are class acts, which means they don't have to worry since you'll be in good hands.

Yeah, let us talk to them too. I am sure when a bunch of 40 plus somethin' year olds pipe up, they will make up their minds fast about letting their sixteen your old travel half way across the country.

By the way, as always, Barry just let me know what you need and I will kick in too. I helped sponsor LML and I didn't even like LML, so why wouldn't I want to help out James (who I like)?

06-10-2004, 03:43 AM
I've got another offer or two on the table and I'm a little desperate. I'm going to be talking with my parents. Depends on what my dad says, because he's not in the greatest of moods this week. I'll print this out and show it to my mother when she gets home around midnight! Thanks a bunch, you are the coolest Barry:up:

Kathy and I have been talking with James about this subject behind the scenes for the last two months or so. We did not want him to pressure his parents too much, because you all know how parents can be when they are pressured by their kids. Kathy was/is going to help with James' transportation to and from Indy and we were/are going to start a "James to Indy Fund" once we got the word for James that he was allowed to go.

Well since Barry beat us to the posting and kind of tip our hand. How do we want to arrange the handling of the funds for James. Send to him directly or wait to we see him in Indy and pay as he goes?

James let us know as soon as you are able, if you will be permitted to go to Indy. What better chaperone then a Reiver.

James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.

06-10-2004, 04:51 AM
Oh...I'm sorry Chris....I didn't mean to steal your parade.:(

I had been thinking of this for sometime now, never shared it with anyone.

James has a resolution, and a prospective plan. I will let him post it. However, it does look good, and this may work afterall.:up:

Now James, post what you sent to me last night....

06-10-2004, 05:29 AM
Oh...I'm sorry Chris...

Wrong spouse Barry. My name's Gordon aka Haggis.

06-10-2004, 06:40 AM
Took my dog for a run/walk this a.m., thought about this thread. As $$$ is tight and I'm saving for a trip for my 13 year old to D.C. with school, all I can contribute is $20.00. It's not much, but, it's the best I can do. Let me know where to send it....

06-10-2004, 07:35 AM
OK, guys, since the budget will not allow me and Dawn to come to MV2, I'd like to help someone else go. I'm in for $50.00 for James.

06-10-2004, 07:48 AM
Wrong spouse Barry. My name's Gordon aka Haggis.:stupid: Errr...ummm, I knew that. I guess I didn't read your post close enough to see you said "Kathy". I just assumed you and Chris were working on this, not you and Kathy!

My bad!

Wow, we got a collection going on!
Just waiting for James to que up now....

06-10-2004, 07:53 AM
I just love my Marauder Family!!!:bounce:

Thanks you guys for pitching in!!! :rock:

Yeah, Gordon (Haggis) and I have been working on a master plan to get James to Indy for a couple of months now....and it's looking real good as of last night!

I'm gonna call him today and see what the latest status is!!

Thanks Again!!

06-10-2004, 07:57 AM
So let's do this, if it's possible for you to stay out of trouble from now till the end of July, and convince your parents that you will be safely chaperoned, have a place to stay, and have a great time.

What do you think man?:cool:

Wait a minute Barry...

1. James stay out of trouble for a couple of months? Hmmmmmm, any bets?

2. "Safely Chaperoned" by this bunch?

OK, unlikely or not, I'm still in for my part of the cash. :rock:

06-10-2004, 08:02 AM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.

Thanks Lynn, Ross and Barry. Barry do you think Gage will mind sharing a room with James.

Barry I didn't mean to steal you thunder either, since you started this Thread and opened it to the rest of the Family, welcome to the "James to Indy Planning Commitee". Thanks for volunteering your time and effort. Glad to have you aboard. :up:

Sorry to hear you will not make it Ross, I was looking foward to meeting a fellow 11B, even though you were a Butter Bar at one time. :D

06-10-2004, 08:19 AM
Wait a minute Barry...

1. James stay out of trouble for a couple of months? Hmmmmmm, any bets?

2. "Safely Chaperoned" by this bunch?

OK, unlikely or not, I'm still in for my part of the cash. :rock:
Umm, James' parents are reviewing this thread, let's not make a bad impression. :baaa:

As I post the following....:rolleyes:

Thanks Lynn, Ross and Barry. Barry do you think Gage will mind sharing a room with James. Oh it gets wierder than that!

Gage isn't coming, and Jessica is only going to be there one evening. She has meetings all weekend in Columbus. But from what I can gather, and I really need to clear this one up....is that Jacki is staying with us as well...?
That can't be right! She must have her own room....if not, this is gonna be reeeeally interesting. :lol:

06-10-2004, 08:52 AM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
I'm in a hurry because i woke up late this morning but I can say quickly...damn...I'ma be washing a lot of cars and buying dinners if this works out!

2003 MIB
06-10-2004, 11:01 AM
Okay, I'm in for $50. He's a good young man that I look forward to meeting.
Who's holding the cash and how do I get it to you?

06-10-2004, 11:07 AM
Okay, I'm in for $50. He's a good young man that I look forward to meeting.
Who's holding the cash and how do I get it to you?
We're still working on who the "treasurer" is gonna be!! We will post it as soon as we figure it out!!!!

Thanks for contributing!!!:up:

06-10-2004, 11:20 AM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
2003 MIB $50.

Okay, I'm in for $50. He's a good young man that I look forward to meeting.
Who's holding the cash and how do I get it to you?

Thanks for the donation, we will let you know as soon as he has permission from his parental units.

We're still working on who the "treasurer" is gonna be!! We will post it as soon as we figure it out!!!!

Well how about you Kathy, if he gets permission to ride along with you and your family, it is your car and gas.

06-10-2004, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the donation, we will let you know as soon as he has permission from his parental units.
Well how about you Kathy, if he gets permission to ride along with you and your family, it is your car and gas.
OK! Sounds good to me!:up:

I tried to call him a little bit ago....he wasn't home....should be back shortly.
I'll try again in a half hour or so!

06-10-2004, 11:38 AM
Now, what I think might happen is the support you all have shown will be enough to get my parents talking and let me go. A week ago it was "no way absolutely not". I haven't talked to my dad because he's busy and in a bad mood. My mom hasn't said yes, but she HAS retracted her no.

Now sorry I haven't been around, but I woke up late today and then found out i didn't seal my new intake completely so some dirt got in there. My engine started kicking when I was at arby's and so I have to go clean out everything now. GRRRR.

Ok, my mom WILL NOT let me go by car. She said I would have to fly for her to be comfortable with it. SO I looked up plane tickets and the cheapest one I found was leaving Greenville on the 29th of July and leaving Indy on the 1st of August...perfect. $282!

I'll get you more information as it comes along but I'm kinda tied up for the next couple of hours. But I'll let ya'll know! Thanks guys, this is just awesome! :up:

06-10-2004, 12:12 PM
Ok Since the kid gives me crap on here i still would like to see him have fun with everyone so i will contribute $100.00 since i cannot go .James have fun fer me buddy... :up:
Can we do C.C.'s???if not it will be a check and only if he goes to indy and not for a S/C.. :lol:
Let me know where and when to send it..

06-10-2004, 12:27 PM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
Mark $100

WOW~~~Thanks Mark!:up:

06-10-2004, 01:34 PM
Holy ***** ya'll!

Don't worry about what is posted here, I edit what my parents see, as in, only the really good stuff!:D

I hope my dad is feeling good when he gets home tonight, he might need friday and saturday night to relax after a really long 2 weeks. Employee Services isn't easy I guess:rolleyes:

I'll be leaving now and I'm back tonight around 6 or 7.:up:

06-10-2004, 03:15 PM
Nice Mark, very generous, as well as everyone else. This is one of the few things I have participated in recently that my wife actually approves of...:rolleyes:

This could e good for ALL of us!

BTW: I checked my room, and yes, it is a double, and yes, it's next to MartyO's.

We're in like flint James.:up:

06-10-2004, 03:33 PM
BTW: I checked my room, and yes, it is a double, and yes, it's next to MartyO's.

I better not hear any strange noises through the walls.....

06-10-2004, 03:50 PM
I better not hear any strange noises through the walls.....

Oh man! Lmfao i cant belive my eyes :eek:

06-10-2004, 05:36 PM
All I can say is..... Wow.

What a cool bunch of folks we have here!

Hey Woa... If Barry offers you something called Soju, or Makli....... Politely decline! :puke: Damn,.. wish I could come!!


BTW- Count me in for $20.00. Whoever the 'Tresurer' turns out to be should simply get a Pay Pay account. That would be pretty easy for people to donate.

PS- in case I don't see this thread for some reason, somebody PM me when we know where to send the $$$.


06-10-2004, 07:06 PM
I better not hear any strange noises through the walls..... Boy, there's that mind in the gutter again!!!!! :shake:

06-10-2004, 07:39 PM
All I can say is..... Wow.

What a cool bunch of folks we have here!

Hey Woa... If Barry offers you something called Soju, or Makli....... Politely decline! :puke: Damn,.. wish I could come!!


BTW- Count me in for $20.00. Whoever the 'Tresurer' turns out to be should simply get a Pay Pay account. That would be pretty easy for people to donate.

PS- in case I don't see this thread for some reason, somebody PM me when we know where to send the $$$.



Thanks for the donation:up: ......we're waiting to make sure James can actually go to Indy before we start accepting the monies!

Thanks Again!

06-10-2004, 07:41 PM
Sorry to hear you will not make it Ross, I was looking foward to meeting a fellow 11B, even though you were a Butter Bar at one time. :D
Sand Hill or Harmony Church?

06-10-2004, 07:42 PM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
Mark $100 (MarauderMark)
Tom $20 (Petrograde)

06-10-2004, 07:58 PM
Count me and Mrsteamrope in for $20.00. I wish it could be more, but we gotta LONG drive to get there. (2350 miles times 2 divided by 21 mpg at 2.30 to 2.60 per gallon equals OUNCH!)

06-10-2004, 08:02 PM
Count me and Mrsteamrope in for $20.00. I wish it could be more, but we gotta LONG drive to get there. (2350 miles times 2 divided by 21 mpg at 2.30 to 2.60 per gallon equals OUNCH!)
Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Teamrope!!!:up:

James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica$50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
Mark $100 (MarauderMark)
Tom $20 (Petrograde)
$20 (Teamrope and Mrs. Teamrope)

06-11-2004, 06:45 AM
James to Indy Funds = $360.00

06-11-2004, 07:24 AM
Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Teamrope!!!:up:

James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
2003 MIB $50
MarauderMark $100
Petrograde $20
Teamrope & Mrs. TR $20

Kathy you forgot about 2003 MIB I added him to the list.

The total is $360.

Thanks everyone for your gracious contributions.

06-11-2004, 07:29 AM
Sand Hill or Harmony Church?

Harmony Church, A 8/2 Death Merchants, of course the old WWII barracks with the holes in the floor boards and the drafty walls. Beats those p*ss*es at the Sand Hilton.

06-11-2004, 07:49 AM
Actually, there's another "anonymous" contributer.......So NOW the total is:

:bounce: $410.00:bounce:

06-11-2004, 08:19 AM
Actually, there's another "anonymous" contributer.......So NOW the total is:

:bounce: $410.00:bounce:

Nope sorry no "anonymous" contributers allowed without the consent of the "James to Indy Fund" comitte approval or a 10% contributation to comittee members to remain "anonymous".

Bradley G
06-11-2004, 08:34 AM
"James For President":bounce: :up: :up: :banana:Are Ya in yet??

06-11-2004, 08:53 AM
Geez....if we don't put a cap on this...he's gonna be able to get his OWN room as well. :lol:

06-11-2004, 08:55 AM
Geez....if we don't put a cap on this...he's gonna be able to get his OWN room as well. :lol:

...and buy that Marauder he always wanted. :lol:

...with a Supercharger!!

06-11-2004, 09:46 AM
...and buy that Marauder he always wanted. :lol:

...with a Supercharger!!
Hmmmmm.....speaking of SuperChargers......How bout we start a "SUPERCHARGER FOR KATHY" fund????:up: :banana: :bounce:

Huh? Huh? Huh? What do ya' think??????:rolleyes: :cool:

06-11-2004, 10:28 AM
"Send James to Marauder Camp" fund... I'm in for $50. Just let me know to who and how.

Plane tickets, fees and expenses should be covered soon so I hope we win his folks over!

- JD

06-11-2004, 10:31 AM
I'll second the supercharger for Kathy fund! Hey Barry, it looks like you don't need to pitch any in!

Now, I don't want to get my hopes up completely until I get the offical "yes" from my dad, where it counts. HOWEVER I heard from my mom today "I have a plan". Holy Jesus my mom has a plan! "I have a plan" and "Sure, let's go get your drivers license" are some of the sweetest words I have every heard out of her mouth! She seemed optimistic.

So, this is still a little much for me. 72 hours ago it was "no, no way, this is not happening" and now I've got offerings over $400. So I still need a minute to catch my breath because I'm kind of wowed. Indy for me is becoming more likely by the hour and I hope to keep it that way, although I will not have an offical answer in the next few days, possibly the next 2 or 3 weeks. My parents do not want to be rushed, nor do I feel I should rush them into this.

I owe you guys a lot however, whether I go or not. :beer:

06-11-2004, 10:32 AM
BTW, the plane ticket is only $230-240.

06-11-2004, 10:42 AM
:bounce: :bounce: $460.00:bounce: :bounce:

:banana: :banana:

06-11-2004, 10:47 AM
Uh, I think that's enough to go to indy and stay in a suite... Yeesh. ;)

06-11-2004, 11:39 AM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
2003 MIB $50
MarauderMark $100
Petrograde $20
Teamrope & Mrs. TR $20
HwyCruiser $50

Thanks Hwy for your contribution. We might not need to collect 100% from each individual. We should be close for Plane fare, room and meals by now. Oh and also souvieners for him to take home to his parents.

06-11-2004, 11:54 AM
BTW, I think we would at least need to cover the IMOA fees... guest and banquet another $45... and whatever associated MVII fees. These nickel and dimes add up, but hopefully we've got them covered now.

James, you are here now put on 7 weeks of good behavior. I know, I know. I can still remember being 17. :shake:

- JD

06-11-2004, 12:28 PM
James to Indy Fund

Barry & Jessica $50.
Gordon & Chris $50.
Jrzygrl $20.
Ross $50.
2003 MIB $50
MarauderMark $100
Petrograde $20
Teamrope & Mrs. TR $20
HwyCruiser $50

Thanks Hwy for your contribution. We might not need to collect 100% from each individual. We should be close for Plane fare, room and meals by now. Oh and also souvieners for him to take home to his parents.
I can personally cover my meals and souvieners. Do I need to do all of that registration stuff since I'm not in a Marauder? If yes, I can very well cover that too!

06-11-2004, 01:15 PM
I know it's a little early, as far as James receiving the official 'OK', but should someone reserve a room for him. I mean, I'm not kicking him out, it's just that soon enough he's gonna have a bank roll bigger than I.....and maybe, maybe he won't want to bunk with the po' folk!


06-11-2004, 01:31 PM
I know it's a little early, as far as James receiving the official 'OK', but should someone reserve a room for him. I mean, I'm not kicking him out, it's just that soon enough he's gonna have a bank roll bigger than I.....and maybe, maybe he won't want to bunk with the po' folk!

No Barry, that's totally cool. As long as my room is within 1-2 rooms of one of you guys...to stave off any parental concerns.

06-11-2004, 01:40 PM
Assuming the tax rate is .05% in Indy, that's $168 for a room at the hotel reserved for MM.net members. Also, that would assume Barry, Gordon and/or Kathy are staying that reserved hotel.

So $168+$232=$400. So that leaves $60. Other things to consider are registration, food, and money to spend in general...all three of which I will insist on using my own money for.

Is there anything else???

06-11-2004, 02:57 PM
James, maybe the kilt will seal the deal for your parents approval ;)

06-11-2004, 03:03 PM
BINGO! I'll use the rest of the money to rent a KILT!

If that's ok with you guys of course:D

06-11-2004, 05:59 PM
If someone hasn't sent their IMOA registration in, add James as your second guest - no extra charge. Or maybe call and add him as a second guest if you've sent the form in.

Then $30 for IMOA banquet and $30 for MVII registration.

BTW, James: Marshall BigDogJim told me today he's deputized you. You're now DeputyDogJames and you will be put to work at the drag strip!!

06-11-2004, 06:42 PM

Hey I hope there is a reward for working at the strip...I really don't mind doing any work for ya'll.

06-12-2004, 03:54 AM
If someone hasn't sent their IMOA registration in, add James as your second guest - no extra charge. Or maybe call and add him as a second guest if you've sent the form in.

Then $30 for IMOA banquet and $30 for MVII registration.

BTW, James: Marshall BigDogJim told me today he's deputized you. You're now DeputyDogJames and you will be put to work at the drag strip!!

DeputyDogJames....ROTFLMAO. :lol:

I will add him to my Guest registration Monday if no one else has at this time. What was that phone number again...I have it here somewhere...but can't seem to remember where I put it...does anyone remember what I did with it?? A little help would be appreciated.

06-12-2004, 08:31 AM
Here ya go Gordon:


Clarion Hotel & Conference Center

2930 Waterfront Parkway, West Drive , Indianapolis, IN, US, 46214

Phone: (317) 299-8400 (8am-5pm EST, Mon.-Fri.)

Fax: (317) 299-9257

MM.Net Members please contact the hotel directly to make your reservations (ask for Sales & Catering.)

06-12-2004, 08:49 AM
Here ya go Gordon:


Clarion Hotel & Conference Center

2930 Waterfront Parkway, West Drive , Indianapolis, IN, US, 46214

Phone: (317) 299-8400 (8am-5pm EST, Mon.-Fri.)

Fax: (317) 299-9257

MM.Net Members please contact the hotel directly to make your reservations (ask for Sales & Catering.)

I was talking about the IMOA registration. I though you had the room all covered??? :confused:

06-12-2004, 09:04 AM
Oh, sorry, just woke up.

Yeah, our room is good to go. I was thinking private room....duh...

As far as IMOA registration,

ATTN: Joe Blair 561-622-1500 M-F 10AM TO 3 PM
ATTN: Jerry Robbin 773-622-6445

06-12-2004, 09:04 AM
I will add him to my Guest registration Monday if no one else has at this time. What was that phone number again...I have it here somewhere...but can't seem to remember where I put it...does anyone remember what I did with it?? A little help would be appreciated.Jerry Robbin: 773.622.6445

06-12-2004, 09:17 AM
No problem Barry. I just wish I could go home and get some sleep.

Thaks Mary will call Jerry on Monday.

06-12-2004, 11:52 AM
Beats those p*ss*es at the Sand Hilton.
OK....:rolleyes: D Co 7/1 Inf. "Delta Dragons" - Sand Hills! :up: It's not my fault they put you up in "The Projects" :D

But for that, we never saw the inside of a cattle car. We rucked it to all of our trainning, and it was up hill....boath ways!

06-13-2004, 01:23 AM

Hey I hope there is a reward for working at the strip...I really don't mind doing any work for ya'll.
a reward? :eek:

You do get to be close to the cars and breathe racing fuel fumes......

06-13-2004, 03:47 AM
OK....:rolleyes: D Co 7/1 Inf. "Delta Dragons" - Sand Hills! :up: It's not my fault they put you up in "The Projects" :D

But for that, we never saw the inside of a cattle car. We rucked it to all of our trainning, and it was up hill....boath ways!

"The Projects" were in better condition then the barracks were and I did not mean to refer to you as a p*ssy, just some friendly rivalry between grunts. It's just when you have heat and A/C and not just extra blankets and bags of ice in front of the fans, it kind of makes one soft. J/K

Oh yea the cattle cars I forgot, you were lucky, I would rather have walked.

Take care see you in Indy,

06-13-2004, 03:55 AM

Hey I hope there is a reward for working at the strip...I really don't mind doing any work for ya'll.

Now you want a reward? What do you think an all expense trip to MVII is? Jeeze set up a Fund for a guy to go on Vacation and he wants a reward. Being assign DeputyDog is your REWARD.

Hope to see you at Indy, Deputy. :lol:


06-13-2004, 08:12 AM
a reward? :eek:

You do get to be close to the cars and breathe racing fuel fumes......Teehehehe.

The idea is, someone is bound to say "Well hey, I bet if I give that boy a few practice runs, his 120-pounds will do great deeds for my 1/4 times!":beer:

06-13-2004, 08:25 AM

The idea is, someone is bound to say "Well hey, I bet if I give that boy a few practice runs, his 120-pounds will do great deeds for my 1/4 times!":beer:

Sorry, I already have a driver and she is 10-20lbs lighter then you. :beer:

06-13-2004, 08:31 AM
And at least I'm not asking for my dream car to be assembled by then!

I haven't setteled on what type of S/C I want yet, but I want to out the most N/A power I can before I move to that. I'd like to be up in the HP/TQ range where Zack is, but with not so stock internals. Hey...I've got my ideas and dreams! For technical/mechanical things, I've not come up with all my own thoughs, but rather said "I like that best!" For stereo/video stuff however, I thought I had some pretty nifty ideas.

Dyno Pro INC. Marauder chrome door-sills
Dyno Pro INC. Marauder chrome pedals
4.30 gear
Trilogy computer re-tune
Motorcraft plugs
Metco carbon fiber cold air intake
Metco control arms
Metco watts link
Powder coated red valve-stem covers. Valve covers black (like 03)
Red brake calipers
9200k HID conversion
God's head badges grill and trunk and air valve covers
Kooks exhaust system (x-pipe, headers, cats)
Mangnaflow mufflers. (can I tune all of those to be louder? I want it louder)
DVD video system with headrest screens
All digital DTS/Dolby sound for movies (5.1surround)
2 JL Audio W7 subwoofers, 1000 watts each
Custom cabinet for subs.(No solid ideas yet)
New 6x8 and 6x9 speakers
Door mounted tweeters on front...don't know where they'd go in the back yet
New driveshaft
2500 stall???
Factory Spoiler
Carbon Fiber oil pressure and volts gauges (digital?)
180/170º(??) Thermostat
Dennis Reinhart coolant mod
Larger fuel filter
Dennis Reinhart transmission upgrade
Kenny Brown braided steel brake lines
McGuard wheel locks (Alarm routed to wheels. If they start to come off while the car is armed...)
A-Pillar gauge pod (2) and carbon fiber gauges (digital?)
15% all sides tint
5% rear tint.
Rear sway bar
305 rear tires on widdened rear end's
A REALLY expensive alarm system an "unstealable" car, finger-print recognition(maybe I've watched Gone in 60 Seconds too many times???)
Remote start
"Mercury Marauder" MM.net fender badges
Heated seats
Good wiper blades
Valentine 1 hard-wired on drivers side of rear view mirror.
Laser Jammer (brand not decided)
XM Radio
Navigation like Town Car up front.
New injectors
PHP Intake Spacer
Electric water pump
Gator Glass "Marauder" in bumper, red (On/Off switch)
Neon lights in trunk on sides, above spare-tire location and on back wall
Gator Glass Mercury Waterfall or Gods head on rear seat arm rest (On/Off switch)
2-4 5mile walkie talkies for other cars and long trips...just incase.
TV's in headrest
Headrest TV's in back to have touch screen satellite internet (like the Mercedes Maybach)
Headrest TV's to have DVD players in them for seperate use (I saw it once)
Turn signals in side mirrors(like bigslim!)
Largest possible drop down widescreen plasma or LCD TV in trunk lid for tail-gate parties/car shows
Dynomat everywhere!!! I got this idea from...uh...from, myself of course:D

06-13-2004, 10:36 AM
Just some friendly rivalry between grunts.
I knew that. think an old grunt would have taken it any different?. :D I can't wait till Indy. :up:

06-13-2004, 10:36 AM
...and then he woke up...! :lol:

Agent M79
06-13-2004, 04:27 PM
Once I smoked some *** and then dropped some *** and then took a couple of *** and drank a whole bunch of *** and I thought I could have car like that too!

...and then I jumped off the garage in a bid to fly to Venus to pick kaliedoscopic singing dandelions that could read the future and communicated their visions through wild berry scents.

...and the hospital stay was short but the recovery painful and lengthy. I teared up a little when I was able to be back on solid food.

You might think I've kinda gotten away from the topic, but what I am trying to say is that it is fine to dream big, just do it inside the garage and not on it.

06-13-2004, 05:57 PM
He he....I think James is just high on life!:cool4:

06-13-2004, 07:20 PM
That's ok, I've only jumpped from a bridge, but it was only 10 feet, and there was sand below...and I was 12.

High on life...haha YES!

06-14-2004, 10:16 AM
My mom said this morning that is very possible my dad will tag along.

I will know by Thursday/Friday whether I can go or not, maybe even earlier. The "It's looking great" momentum is still holding.

I was wondering...would it be at all possible for my dad and I to go against each other on the drag-strip if he comes in comparable cars? Ok, just a thought.

If he comes, the cost of my room, food, and registration, are covered...more than likely my plane ticket too! Who knows.

Man, this is cool! I'm so excited...AHHHHHHHH!:burnout:

Agent M79
06-14-2004, 10:29 AM
My mom said this morning that is very possible my dad will tag along.I have a son who isn't quite your age yet but this is exactly what I would do if he showed the level of interest in something that you have shown here. Good call.

06-14-2004, 10:33 AM
Thanks Agent! Just as long as no one tells him about the SCT for the Marquis:shot:

06-14-2004, 11:34 AM
My mom said this morning that is very possible my dad will tag along.

I will know by Thursday/Friday whether I can go or not, maybe even earlier. The "It's looking great" momentum is still holding.

I was wondering...would it be at all possible for my dad and I to go against each other on the drag-strip if he comes in comparable cars? Ok, just a thought.

If he comes, the cost of my room, food, and registration, are covered...more than likely my plane ticket too! Who knows.

Man, this is cool! I'm so excited...AHHHHHHHH!:burnout:

James I talked to Jerry Robbins this morning about adding you as a guest to my IMOA registration for Indy. You will need to be registered with IMOA to attend some of the functions...ie...banquet (Saturday evening) and Car Show (Saturday afternoon). Do you still want me to register you as my guest? Lrt me know as soon as possible.

2003 MIB
06-14-2004, 11:40 AM
I have a son who isn't quite your age yet but this is exactly what I would do if he showed the level of interest in something that you have shown here. Good call.

I was thinking this too...Hats off to James' Daddy.

06-14-2004, 01:42 PM
Just make sure he gets some good looks at 'em...because they're just "normal family cars" to him.

Todd said "James, did that FEEL like a normal family car?!"
To which I obviously replied "NO":burnout:

06-15-2004, 01:12 PM
BTW, James:[/b] Marshall BigDogJim told me today he's deputized you. You're now DeputyDogJames and you will be put to work at the drag strip!!

Looks like I'm possibly going solo and I won't be racing...soo, I need a job at the track too...water bottle girl?...sweat rag girl?...

06-15-2004, 03:11 PM
Looks like I'm possibly going solo and I won't be racing...soo, I need a job at the track too...water bottle girl?...sweat rag girl?...

Bikini clad racing inspiration girl perhaps?

06-15-2004, 04:47 PM
Bikini clad racing inspiration girl perhaps?
I second that! :D

06-15-2004, 05:07 PM
Well it's a good thing I'm not bringing my friends.:shake:

06-15-2004, 05:36 PM
Well it's a good thing I'm not bringing my friends.:shake:

Sooooo.......is that a yes your coming??

2003 MIB
06-16-2004, 06:18 AM
Bikini clad racing inspiration girl perhaps?

Hmmm, maybe we should start a poll??? Cool!- It'll be like the lady on Jungle Jim's funny car team.

06-17-2004, 06:37 AM
Bikini clad racing inspiration girl perhaps?

Uhh, thanks but you SO WOULD NOT WANT TO SEE ME IN A BIKINI...TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!! :puke:

06-17-2004, 07:24 AM
OK, I think I have missed a few posts on this thread. Is this a go yet? Do we know where to send contributions? Is James still out of the doghouse?

06-17-2004, 08:01 AM
OK, I think I have missed a few posts on this thread. Is this a go yet? Do we know where to send contributions? Is James still out of the doghouse?

In chat last night he was very positive about being able to make MV2!!

06-17-2004, 10:55 AM
Ok, we're all going to sit down and discuss the schematics of it and they will decide on it, yes or no. Whether my dad comes or not, I'm very confident I'll have a "yes" answer. And all because of you guys!:up: I'll let ya'll know their verdict the moment I'm informed.

06-17-2004, 03:54 PM
Te hehe...I found flight itinerary in my dad's mailbox....not bought tickets...but they're there.

He said we'd talk when he got home from work and got dressed and had dinner...so....he's already home...so...I'm really excited...this is going to be FUN!!! I'll get to register IMOA tonight and all....whoo hoo!

06-17-2004, 08:21 PM

My dad and I fly out Friday morning and we'll hit the runway there some time between 12 and 1 in the afternoon...after a delay in Atlanta or Charlotte...depends which intinerary he picked.

He will register a room for us that he will pay for and get his own IMOA membership tomorrow...of course he'll pay for the plane tickets too.

MAN this is gonna be so cool! Whoo hoo!!! Barry, Gordon, Kathy and those of you who donated money that I guess I won't need now are the best! Hell, all of you here are cool, whether I was going to Indy or not....

:beer: :rock: :up: :pimp: :banana:

06-17-2004, 08:27 PM
James "Official Track Biatch of Marauderville II"!!

06-17-2004, 08:28 PM
Yeah, something like that!

Hey, it's a good thing everyone has disavowed all knowledge of the SCT right?

06-17-2004, 08:43 PM
Yeah, something like that!

Hey, it's a good thing everyone has disavowed all knowledge of the SCT right?

Huh, what's an SCT??? :confused:

Does your Dad drink? If so I owe him one for you, congratulations!!!! Do you have a ride from the Airport?? Rental or what? When you get off the plane go to the nearest L/M Dealer ask to take a Marauder for a test drive and tell them you will return it on Sunday.

See you in Indy!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

06-17-2004, 08:52 PM
Lol, thanks Gordon he'll like that...because he drinks to good occasions like that!

Remember, my dad doesn't like the Marauder a whole lot...it's all about the look for him...V-Rod Harley and Mustang Cobra is all he'll take...:confused:

06-18-2004, 06:44 AM
Way to go, James! Well, I'll keep my donation in reserve just in case we still need to take up a collection for anything.

06-18-2004, 07:01 AM
Lol, thanks Gordon he'll like that...because he drinks to good occasions like that!

Remember, my dad doesn't like the Marauder a whole lot...it's all about the look for him...V-Rod Harley and Mustang Cobra is all he'll take...:confused:

Maybe if I give him a ride he will change his mind. The Harley I can see, but a V-Rod?? At least he likes Mustangs!!

Hope he likes Scotch?!!

Like Ross I'll hold my donation in reserve just in case.

See you in Indy DeputyDog. :baaa:

06-18-2004, 09:06 AM

My dad and I fly out Friday morning and we'll hit the runway there some time between 12 and 1 in the afternoon...after a delay in Atlanta or Charlotte...depends which intinerary he picked.

He will register a room for us that he will pay for and get his own IMOA membership tomorrow...of course he'll pay for the plane tickets too.

MAN this is gonna be so cool! Whoo hoo!!! Barry, Gordon, Kathy and those of you who donated money that I guess I won't need now are the best! Hell, all of you here are cool, whether I was going to Indy or not....

:beer: :rock: :up: :pimp: :banana:
Way to go James!!!!!!:beer:

01True BlueGT
06-18-2004, 11:21 AM
I have to say, this is one of the best things I've seen in a longtime. I am a member of several message boards, and you would never see anything like this on any other, but this one. A great bunch of people!!! :beer: :banana:

06-18-2004, 11:51 AM
Alright James!!! I look forward to meeting you and your father. :up:

06-18-2004, 03:41 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I AM COMIN' TO INDY!!!!:beer: :rock: :up: :pimp: :banana:

WTG! James.Well enjoy yourself and hope ya have fun.... :rock:
Whew!!!That a hundred i saved :baaa:

06-18-2004, 08:47 PM
WTG! James.Well enjoy yourself and hope ya have fun.... :rock:
Whew!!!That a hundred i saved :baaa:

Whoa there Buckaroo...there is still the "James Marauder Fund" and the "James Kilt Fund" to contribute too!!

J/K :lol:

06-18-2004, 11:48 PM
Whoa there Buckaroo...there is still the "James Marauder Fund" and the "James Kilt Fund" to contribute too!!

J/K :lol:
The kilt fund is important!!!! If he goes for the Black Watch, I'll contribute shipping.

06-19-2004, 10:16 AM
Here's the offical deal, my dad (Doug) registered for Indy just a half hour ago.

On July 29th we leave Greenville at 9:54am and hit the Indy runway at 12:49pm after a lay-over in Cinncinati (sic Barry???). On the return we leave Indy August 1st at 11am and hit the G-ville runway at 4pm after a lay-over in Atlanta.

We're staying at La Quinta Inn, 5316 W. Southern Ave Indianapolis.

As for kilts, my mom said we'll talk about them later.

P.S. I always refer to my dad as "Doug" since he's my step dad...so if you find that odd, there's the reason:up:

06-19-2004, 02:36 PM
James, not staying at the host hotel? There are still rooms available, if it is a question of $$ we got ya covered :up: There is a free shuttle service to and from the airport from the Clarion and we would like to have you there with us!!

06-19-2004, 03:23 PM
My dad said he tried online and it was full, I told him he had to call but too late, he's already registered for this. We have a rented car.

06-19-2004, 03:31 PM
he can still cancel and get into the Clarion if he so desires!. Let me know, I know there are still rooms available

06-19-2004, 05:51 PM
Eh, the place we're at is cheaper and my dad did it while I was out and about soooo....but no biggie, I think it's close by and we've got a rental. If there's any really important reason we should stay there let me know.

06-21-2004, 06:25 AM
...If there's any really important reason we should stay there let me know.

To be with the group (Marauder Family is enough of a reason) and we will cover the difference.

Thanks mercman for stepping up to the plate on the hotel room. :up: