View Full Version : Reagan's Funeral Procession

06-09-2004, 08:33 PM
This evening Gordon and I were able to go to DC to view the funeral procession for President Ronald Reagan. When we arrived at the processional route, there were already lots of people waiting in the hot sun. Everyone was quiet as the horse-drawn caisson and honor guard passed by us. Mrs. Reagan, in a Lincoln limo, passed us waving and this is when the crowd started to clap. The event was carried out with dignity and respect by all.

Here are some pictures that we took to share with our friends that could not be there to honor a great President, Ronald Reagan.

06-09-2004, 08:35 PM
Here's one more picture from a distance of the horse-drawn caisson in front of the Capital.

06-09-2004, 08:43 PM
watched alot of this on the Tube this evening, very moving. You're fortunate to be able to attend. The riderless horse and the history behind it was interesting also. Never to old to learn something I guess.

06-09-2004, 10:28 PM
I had the good fortune of being stuck in opposing traffic as the funeral procession began the trip from the Reagan Library to Pt. Mugu Naval Airstation this morning. He is sorely missed.

06-09-2004, 10:30 PM
Thanks to all who posted photos here.


Best Regards,


06-10-2004, 01:06 AM
:bows: :bows: :bows: :bows: :up:

06-10-2004, 07:39 AM
Thanks for posting, Ladyhawke.

06-10-2004, 05:16 PM
The riderless horse and the history behind it was interesting also. Never to old to learn something I guess.
I missed the explaination behind this, if you have a minute to share the story I would appreciate it.

06-11-2004, 07:09 AM
Good morning all. It is now 10:00a.m. and here I sit again at work after a Very Long Night. Chris and I went back down to DC last night to view President Reagan's casket in the Capitol Building. We arrived in DC at 8:15pm and were able to get in line for the viewing at 8:30pm, we were told at that time that the wait was 6 hours and the line kept growing and growing and growing you get the picture. We meet some nice people from Florida who we talke to all night long.

We finally made it outside of the Rotunda at 1:30am, just in time to catch the changing of the Guard, I was able to see it because I was tall enough on my tippy toes to look over the heads of the people in front of me. Chris and the the others with us missed it. We walked quietly inside and around the casket to pay our respects. We were able to stop for I minute to take it all in, at which time I took a knee and said a small prayer of thanks. The Guards then started to usher us out to make room for more people to enter the Rotunda. So we waited a total of 5 hours for about a total time of 15 minutes of viewing to include the Changing of the Guard Ceremony. All in all it was worth it to pay respects to one of the best Presidents this Country ever had.

Chris and I made it home at 3:30am this morning and I had to leave for work at 5am to be here at 6am. So including Thursday night's trip to DC to view the Funeral Procession and last night I have had 4.5 hours sleep in the last 2 days. Would I do it again? You bet your Marauder I would.

There are no pictures from last night, Security did not allow any type of recording devices in the Capitol Building. All the pictures Chris and I have are memories that I wish we could share with you.

If any of you ever make it to DC you need to take the tour of the Capitol Building it is beautiful inside with all the Marble and Paintings on the walls and ceilings. Oh yea call us first so we may go with you.

God Speed to President Reagan on his final journey. Amen.

06-11-2004, 07:11 AM
Oh yea one more thing. I learned to correctly spell Capitol last night. :D