View Full Version : How many are left

mad man
06-29-2018, 12:24 PM
It seems every week I here about a marauder being wrecked or in a junk yard makes me wonder how many can be left:(

06-29-2018, 01:49 PM
It seems every week I here about a marauder being wrecked or in a junk yard makes me wonder how many can be left:(

I wonder the same maybe 6k left lol by 2029 it should be about 3500 or so left

06-29-2018, 01:56 PM
imo it does not maen anything on how many are left . these are not high dollar in demand gotta have cars . the ones for 20k plus no matter what just does not bring back the chips . at least not what ihave seen in the past fours years or so . my 2 cents

06-29-2018, 02:16 PM
It seems every week I here about a marauder being wrecked or in a junk yard makes me wonder how many can be left:(

Charlie (Bluerauder) had a great chart showing expected surviving numbers over the years...

Here's an update as of 2018. Just an estimate based on an attrition model .....

Remaining MMs: 2,356 (21.3%) (1,589 - 2003 and 767 - 2004)

Black (JPB): 1,733 (1,589 - 2003 and 295 - 2004)
Silver Birch (SB): 323 (85 - 2003 and 238 -2004)
Dark Toreador Red (DTR): 234 (all 2004 models)
Dark Blue Pearl (DBP): 66 (all 2003 300B models)


06-29-2018, 03:43 PM
Here's an update as of 2018. Just an estimate based on an attrition model .....

Based on grapes falling off of the vine?!?! An interesting chart...

Joe Walsh
06-29-2018, 03:56 PM

This makes my 18,600 mile Marauder even more rare and valuable.
Well worth the $19,000 asking price!

Someone buy it before I start modding it with a Coyote.... please!


mad man
06-29-2018, 04:46 PM
Here's an update as of 2018. Just an estimate based on an attrition model .....

Remaining MMs: 2,356 (21.3%) (1,589 - 2003 and 767 - 2004)

Black (JPB): 1,733 (1,589 - 2003 and 295 - 2004)
Silver Birch (SB): 323 (85 - 2003 and 238 -2004)
Dark Toreador Red (DTR): 234 (all 2004 models)
Dark Blue Pearl (DBP): 66 (all 2003 300B models)

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/Marauder_Attrition_2014.jpg that makes them rare as someone else said there not big buck cars just cool

06-29-2018, 05:14 PM
Based on grapes falling off of the vine?!?! An interesting chart...

A little more sophisticated than that ... But still just an estimate.

06-30-2018, 08:49 AM
Most of the cars that are "big buck" cars now were just cool 20 years ago (or at some point).

I vividly recall not buying the old well cared for plum purple Hemi challenger because it had too many miles for $10,000... And even worse, Almost bought a real GT40 white stripes on blue, low mile, for $94,000 instead of our first house. Car is $1.5MM today.

Point is of all the American cars from the era before are headed up, the Smoky and Bandits are on thier way up, The Buicks are up, the SS Impalas are headed up... And we can hope the Marauders are headed up.

A 30,000 mile 2004 Silver Birch w light Flint sold this week for $15,900, which I think is low (I've been following this car - I think it sold in Kingman AZ last year or year before and I was next in line to buy it this time). And while this is admittedly not a high price, this is the same price the first Marauder I lost out on buying sold for 8 Long years ago... the good news is, it sold in only two days which is really really fast.

Thus Marauders are now (and have been) truly holding thier value. I projected this 6 years ago: We've survived the low point of value... And really have only one direction for values to go, and that is up.

We do need to do our share and help create more upward momentum, by keeping our rides clean, and keeping the Marauder mystic alive with all we come into contact with. We can gather all the Marauder articles, and share the data. We need someone in media or advertising to help create an epic exposure, a magic moment, whether in an article, a movie, or a cool celeb moment, we just need to create the environment to catch a viral wave. Jay Leno's garage... Comedians & coffee... Count's custom (I submitted)
Something like this.

We are sooo close!

PS BTW Just saw it the other day! Men in Black... 1st movie... Driving to the pawn shop where all the cool guns are... Parked accross the street facing the camera... Black Marauder is shown plain as day. Just saw ithe movie again with my 17 year old son, and pointed it out to him, "JC.. There is YOUR CAR!" He was actually impressed, as this is his era. If only the Marauder had been K's car... Or even better Will Smith's car.

We need a tipping point to get the There.

PPS All the rich high school kids LOVE JC's HPP Crown Vic! The think it is cool, they think it is "smooth"... They love the bench seat (cause to them this is RARE- They grew up with bucket type front seats!

06-30-2018, 12:23 PM
13500 on e bay trilogy sittin there . second time listed . no bids as of today . somewhere around 45/50 k . what does that say ?? I don't know ?????????

06-30-2018, 01:28 PM
https://www.ebay.com/itm/183297578958?ul_noapp=true another high dollar car

06-30-2018, 01:36 PM
13500 on e bay trilogy sittin there . second time listed . no bids as of today . somewhere around 45/50 k . what does that say ?? I don't know ?????????

It says people are scared to spend money. cuz they're too worried about the economy which makes it worse in the long run. Thats why several Big Chain department stores continuing to close. There's several interest in the trilogy Marauders and the Mercury Marauders in general. people just don't have the money right now. not that the car is not worth it. I know a lot of people who say they would love to buy Marauder. just don't have the money right now. That doesn't mean the marauder should be sold cheaper because they don't have money! Porsche's not going to drop their price neither's Bentley! ;)

06-30-2018, 03:41 PM
thank you for the political insite . bottom line is ive closely watched this market for four years , and as of now thecash is not coming back . and remember I have two 04s and the trilogy is in hemmings .im on your side but the nums are not . thank you .

06-30-2018, 05:27 PM
It says people are scared to spend money. cuz they're too worried about the economy which makes it worse in the long run. Thats why several Big Chain department stores continuing to close. There's several interest in the trilogy Marauders and the Mercury Marauders in general. people just don't have the money right now. not that the car is not worth it. I know a lot of people who say they would love to buy Marauder. just don't have the money right now. That doesn't mean the marauder should be sold cheaper because they don't have money! Porsche's not going to drop their price neither's Bentley! ;)

Sounds like ******** to me. The Economy is Growing at a rate of 3% per Quarter and on track to continue that course. Haven't seen rates that high since 2005 ... A full 13 years that included ALL of the Obama years.

The Stock Market is up, Unemployment is down. Tax cuts put more cash in Everyone's Take Home pay. People are spending money all over. Just came back from the Mall and the parking lot was full, restaurants are full and have a wait list. Theaters are full and new ones are opening. Water parks are crowded, Amusement parks are crowded. Hotels are booked weeks if not months in Advance.

The closing of stores like Toys-R-Us and Best Buy and Department Stores is just a reflection of a change in dynamics and a shift to On-Line shopping. There is a constant stream of FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL, and Amazon delivery vans on my street every day of the week. If ANYONE is worried about the Economy, I certainly see no indication of it around my area.

One dynamic that hasn't changed is that people still want value for their money. If they think that the product is overpriced, it will just sit on the shelf. That's how it works. If they want it badly enough, they'll pay whatever it takes.

06-30-2018, 10:25 PM
Sounds like ******** to me. The Economy is Growing at a rate of 3% per Quarter and on track to continue that course. Haven't seen rates that high since 2005 ... A full 13 years that included ALL of the Obama years. The Stock Market is up, Unemployment is down. Tax cuts put more cash in Everyone's Take Home pay. People are spending money all over. Just came back from the Mall and the parking lot was full, restaurants are full and have a wait list. Theaters are full and new ones are opening. Water parks are crowded, Amusement parks are crowded. Hotels are booked weeks if not months in Advance. The closing of stores like Toys-R-Us and Best Buy and Department Stores is just a reflection of a change in dynamics and a shift to On-Line shopping. There is a constant stream of FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL, and Amazon delivery vans on my street every day of the week. If ANYONE is worried about the Economy, I certainly see no indication of it around my area. One dynamic that hasn't changed is that people still want value for their money. If they think that the product is overpriced, it will just sit on the shelf. That's how it works. If they want it badly enough, they'll pay whatever it takes.
I don't know what world you're living in but in the real world people aren't spending big bucks. big money like they used to on anything. trust me I know the high up ppl at department stores like Sears and others who have told me the numbers aren't that high and Cooper compressors. Another big Corporation. so don't tell me that people are spending big money. Lol sure the economy may look better to a few, but people are still scared to jump out of pocket and I know several people!!! I have lots of family all around the United States I think I know what I'm talking about. And the only people that want the MM price to drop down are people who want to get them for cheap. I'm used to the kind they're the same ones who think that they have a right to get everything cheap because that's all they want to spend so I guess if you sell your house and someone says they don't feel they should pay more than $50. your supposed to drop down to their price? whatever straight foolishness on the highest level. If you want to sell your car cheap give it away for free who cares it's your prerogative do what you will. you don't have to convince the rest of us what you think. you might need money or be in a bind so you sell cheap. That doesn't set the value for everybody else's sorry. And our country's trillions of dollars in debt so don't tell me our economy is great. it's poor Fair at best. Corporations running skeleton Crews chain restaurants downsizing! but we're doing great the economy is growing lol. Oh and let me add people complaining about the pain at the pump still. we're far from sitting good as a country. in the 80s our economy was good you had upper and lower middle-class. I don't even think middle class exist anymore you're either got money or your poor. And The Marauder should carry its value just like the Impala SS did. Supply and demand and the Rarity counts. not everybody can have a Mercury Marauder even if they wanted one they couldn't have one because not enough to go around. that drives the price up. you should know that! And we all know the marauder is not the most popular car but ask any car Enthusiast. and they will tell you it depends what you like. not everybody likes the same thing, so you have groups to every car make and model.

06-30-2018, 11:16 PM
I don't know what world you're living in but in the real world people aren't spending big bucks.

That doesn't set the value for everybody else's sorry.

Corporations running skeleton Crews chain restaurants downsizing! but we're doing great the economy is growing lol.

I don't even think middle class exist anymore you're either got money or your poor.

not everybody can have a Mercury Marauder even if they wanted one they couldn't have one because not enough to go around.

1) I’ve spent more money in the last few years than I ever have with three needy teenagers..

2) Actually it does.. And every time someone sells off cheap it will continue to lower the values. I never could understand the people around here that bash prices on their own cars. Makes no sense?

3) Like Charlie said, it’s a shift towards online purchasing. 90% or more of my auto and bike parts, furniture, tools, even coffee is purchased online!

4) While I make a good living I’m certainly not upper class. Not even close. Seeing as though I can afford to feed my family and pay my own bills already puts me above low income not too mention going out, pool passes, putting money away etc. Yeah I do believe every home around me is something in the “middle category”, mainly because we all work and provide.

5) The Marauder is like an $8,000 car that still only draws a tiny crowd. Out of that tiny crowd only a handful likes it enough to spend the small amount that your average high school kid working part time could afford for the average beater Marauder. Prices from $3-$40,000 G’s and plenty for sale I’d say there is still plenty to go around.

Every part of the country is different from the next. I happen to live in a large area with plenty of work normally. Perhaps just different views on what we see in our surroundings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-2018, 11:51 PM
1) I’ve spent more money in the last few years than I ever have with three needy teenagers..

2) Actually it does.. And every time someone sells off cheap it will continue to lower the values. I never could understand the people around here that bash prices on their own cars. Makes no sense?

3) Like Charlie said, it’s a shift towards online purchasing. 90% or more of my auto and bike parts, furniture, tools, even coffee is purchased online!

4) While I make a good living I’m certainly not upper class. Not even close. Seeing as though I can afford to feed my family and pay my own bills already puts me above low income not too mention going out, pool passes, putting money away etc. Yeah I do believe every home around me is something in the “middle category”, mainly because we all work and provide.

5) The Marauder is like an $8,000 car that still only draws a tiny crowd. Out of that tiny crowd only a handful likes it enough to spend the small amount that your average high school kid working part time could afford for the average beater Marauder. Prices from $3-$40,000 G’s and plenty for sale I’d say there is still plenty to go around.

Every part of the country is different from the next. I happen to live in a large area with plenty of work normally. Perhaps just different views on what we see in our surroundings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. Your right:D sad but true unfortunately. :alone:

07-01-2018, 07:00 AM
Yes. Your right:D sad but true unfortunately. :alone:

Is anyone else totally disappointed in this response? :confused:

You wrote half a novel in your previous post about how bad things are. :argue:

Now you agree with everything he says? :bs:

Did you even read his post?

mad man
07-01-2018, 07:52 AM
Wow I started this thread to see how many cars were left realty check these cars were never that in demand that's why they only made 12,000 didn't ask anything about what there worth its with anything there only worth what people will pay. if you think your going to get rich off of one of them good luck:violin:

07-01-2018, 11:45 AM
Wow I started this thread to see how many cars were left realty check these cars were never that in demand that's why they only made 12,000 didn't ask anything about what there worth its with anything there only worth what people will pay. if you think your going to get rich off of one of them good luck:violin:

I have owed 9 Marauders. I think I know you're not going to get rich off of them:flamer: if anything you'll clean your bank account making it fast. but that goes with any rare car. fast speed isn't cheap. we all know that yada yada yada. There's your reality check!

07-01-2018, 11:48 AM
Is anyone else totally disappointed in this response? :confused:

You wrote half a novel in your previous post about how bad things are. :argue:

Now you agree with everything he says? :bs:

Did you even read his post?
Yes my reply to just Bob. Because he had a lot of good points. And yes I agree with what he said in his post!

07-01-2018, 12:08 PM
Is anyone else totally disappointed in this response? :confused:

You wrote half a novel in your previous post about how bad things are. :argue:

Now you agree with everything he says? :bs:

Did you even read his post?

Slammed for trying to put an argument to rest? What are we coming to?

mad man
07-01-2018, 02:26 PM
I have owed 9 Marauders. I think I know you're not going to get rich off of them:flamer: if anything you'll clean your bank account making it fast. but that goes with any rare car. fast speed isn't cheap. we all know that yada yada yada. There's your reality check! I have owned 3 marauders 2 were new I only asked how many were left .:argue:

07-01-2018, 02:39 PM
Slammed for trying to put an argument to rest? What are we coming to?


07-01-2018, 03:30 PM
At the end of the day it doesn't matter who's right or wrong. guys let's just enjoy our marauders. not everybody has something that as cool and unique.now let's Marauder on. Everybody have a great weekend here at MM. Net and happy Fourth of July!

07-01-2018, 03:31 PM
I don't know what world you're living in but in the real world people aren't spending big bucks. big money like they used to on anything. trust me I know the high up ppl at department stores like Sears and others who have told me the numbers aren't that high and Cooper compressors. Another big Corporation. so don't tell me that people are spending big money. Lol sure the economy may look better to a few, but people are still scared to jump out of pocket and I know several people!!! I have lots of family all around the United States I think I know what I'm talking about. And the only people that want the MM price to drop down are people who want to get them for cheap. I'm used to the kind they're the same ones who think that they have a right to get everything cheap because that's all they want to spend so I guess if you sell your house and someone says they don't feel they should pay more than $50. your supposed to drop down to their price? whatever straight foolishness on the highest level. If you want to sell your car cheap give it away for free who cares it's your prerogative do what you will. you don't have to convince the rest of us what you think. you might need money or be in a bind so you sell cheap. That doesn't set the value for everybody else's sorry. And our country's trillions of dollars in debt so don't tell me our economy is great. it's poor Fair at best. Corporations running skeleton Crews chain restaurants downsizing! but we're doing great the economy is growing lol. Oh and let me add people complaining about the pain at the pump still. we're far from sitting good as a country. in the 80s our economy was good you had upper and lower middle-class. I don't even think middle class exist anymore you're either got money or your poor. And The Marauder should carry its value just like the Impala SS did. Supply and demand and the Rarity counts. not everybody can have a Mercury Marauder even if they wanted one they couldn't have one because not enough to go around. that drives the price up. you should know that! And we all know the marauder is not the most popular car but ask any car Enthusiast. and they will tell you it depends what you like. not everybody likes the same thing, so you have groups to every car make and model.



Things ARE great out here in economy land. Bob says it right, there is a huge gap between who is willing to shell out bucks for a MM. Dime a dozen in the 4K range with 200K miles. The real nice ones are 20ish. People have to have honest to goodness cash to buy these. No institution is going to borrow that kind of $ on a 16 year old car.

07-01-2018, 04:48 PM
Marauders...for the discriminating palate....

Not too popular when new, Mercury could have made them a whole more competitive performance wise but did not due EPA regulations and other issues, time has passed them by a bit...like the Olds Toronado and the SHO Taurus...I bought mine because I had to save this one and I love panthers. Not for a blue chip investment. Think of the other 2003 cars out there that are skyrocketing in value = none.

Other thing is the collector car world is flooded with old guys unloading their 50's fuelies, street rods and to an extent, muscle cars, there's only so much collector $$$ money out there.

Low mileage helps, full service history helps, but for right now like many cars---the cheap ones aren't nice and the nice ones aren't cheap. So drive and enjoy!

mad man
07-01-2018, 05:15 PM
Well said everyone have a great 4th and remember those of us who served:)

07-02-2018, 05:18 AM
I don't know what world you're living in but in the real world people aren't spending big bucks. big money like they used to on anything. trust me I know the high up ppl at department stores like Sears and others who have told me the numbers aren't that high and Cooper compressors. Another big Corporation. so don't tell me that people are spending big money. Lol sure the economy may look better to a few, but people are still scared to jump out of pocket and I know several people!!! I have lots of family all around the United States I think I know what I'm talking about. And the only people that want the MM price to drop down are people who want to get them for cheap. I'm used to the kind they're the same ones who think that they have a right to get everything cheap because that's all they want to spend so I guess if you sell your house and someone says they don't feel they should pay more than $50. your supposed to drop down to their price? whatever straight foolishness on the highest level. If you want to sell your car cheap give it away for free who cares it's your prerogative do what you will. you don't have to convince the rest of us what you think. you might need money or be in a bind so you sell cheap. That doesn't set the value for everybody else's sorry. And our country's trillions of dollars in debt so don't tell me our economy is great. it's poor Fair at best. Corporations running skeleton Crews chain restaurants downsizing! but we're doing great the economy is growing lol. Oh and let me add people complaining about the pain at the pump still. we're far from sitting good as a country. in the 80s our economy was good you had upper and lower middle-class. I don't even think middle class exist anymore you're either got money or your poor. And The Marauder should carry its value just like the Impala SS did. Supply and demand and the Rarity counts. not everybody can have a Mercury Marauder even if they wanted one they couldn't have one because not enough to go around. that drives the price up. you should know that! And we all know the marauder is not the most popular car but ask any car Enthusiast. and they will tell you it depends what you like. not everybody likes the same thing, so you have groups to every car make and model.

Some advice:

Clear and concise sentences go a long way.
Never base a point on Sears, since they were bought by Eddie Lampert they have been dead.
Retail brick and mortar stores are on the decline, internet shopping is the new way to sell.
Try a larger sample size than “several people” and maybe some that finished high school.
There’s way more jobs than people to fill them, the unemployment rate proves this. .
Read news from both sides of the media and come to your own conclusions, both sides push their agenda and it’s just a good idea to be as informed a citizen as you can.

The economy is actually doing great, facts and numbers do not lie. My family is upper middle class and here in Michigan that income bracket is growing.

These cars are still 10-15 years away from even having the chance to be collectible. The bottom has fallen out of the market and prices for these cars are all over the map.

07-02-2018, 11:52 AM
I definitely look at both sides of the coin. The fact is the average working American I talked to ppl everyday who struggle to make ends meet. I don't call living check the check doing well. I didn't get this from the news I got it from people. Rent prices are way through the roof. Not Everybody owns their home. by the time you pay rent a car payment ect. When I'm in grocery stores I hear people complaining about the price of food. who have money as you would say! I'm not talking about people on welfare or the lower class. And by the way I know several college graduates who can't even get a jobs in their degree because there's not enough. so don't tell me there's plenty of jobs. I have an aunt who an nurse registered RN who lives in California same thing there. they had to take pay cuts and she's in her 60s. I get my facts from working Americans who talk about their struggle and how hard it is to feed their families! Not a graph some person put together to fool the average Americans into thinking it's okay. And the news is so biased I don't watch the crap one-sided. In the middle that's where the truth lies. not all the way to the left or all the way to the right. And for the record I never said every upper-class good-paying job person who got lucky to be in their job would understands. I'm done with this discussion after this post. As far as the Marauder's concern. yes because your type of post and runing it in ground. So the values down. yes people think they should be Crown Vic prices, so you're pushing it there. be happy with what you get when if you sell yours. So if you ever sell it remember I'll make sure to remind you the bottoms falling out of the market for the marauder...:D

07-02-2018, 12:18 PM
I bought my marauder in high school off PT jobs and caddying. Not a beater. Not concours. Just nice over all.

07-02-2018, 12:30 PM
It may be comforting to know there are 7 Marauders that I know of cruising around New Orleans near me.

1- Northshore
1-Baton Rouge