View Full Version : Vintage Computer Ads

08-02-2018, 11:28 AM
Not allowed to correctly edit submission and no 'delete submission' function so I deleted this and reentered it below. #6 submission should be #1.

08-02-2018, 01:58 PM

08-02-2018, 04:58 PM

I went back and checked the original link I used here and elsewhere and it was correct. Hmmm....

Thanks for the correction.:)

08-03-2018, 06:08 AM
I went back and checked the original link I used here and elsewhere and it was correct. Hmmm....

Thanks for the correction.:)

No problem. Original one had ":coolman:" at the end.

Funny adds though!

08-03-2018, 07:55 AM
No problem. Original one had ":coolman:" at the end.

Funny adds though!

I know what happened now - my bad! :cool:


Launched today in 1977: TRS-80


Base unit: $600 ($2400 in 2017 dollars)



My very 1st computer (2nd owner): 1993 Apple Quadra 800


$4,800 just for the tower, keyboard and the Apple Mouse as I recall. No floppy drive or cd drive. It had 4 expansion bays for various drives and interchangeable front fascias (at extra cost). Original buyer paid over $7k for the original setup that came with a Sony monitor, optional built in floppy drive like this one, external SyQuest Drive, external cd drive and an unknown (forgotten name) printer that required paper that had holes on both sides.

I gladly paid $1,000 for everything in multiple boxes in 1996, not knowing what I was getting into!

Long story short, I discarded the external cd drive as it had failed and added an internal cd drive into the top expansion bay, swapped out the original 230mb HD for the max supported 2GB HD, maxed out the internal RAM from 16mb (8mb from factory) to 135mb supported. Discarded the external SyQuest Drive as it was no longer necessary and never understood how it worked correctly anyway. Originally connected to the internet by phone line and later by ethernet cable. Printer was replaced with an Apple branded Canon printer.

Original OS 6 was corrupted so I immediately upgraded to the then current OS 7.5.1. and Clarisworks (Apple word processing - spread sheet program). Machine came to me with Microsoft Word 4(?) installed but I wiped and reinstalled fresh copies of Apple (and related) software. Nothing was cheap back then as I paid around $700 for the (now) dimunitive HD and memory cards - around $1k total for everything, including the new printer, external speakers and software upgrades.

I was happy as a clam until Apple released its first 'Special Edition' iMac in late 1999. Cable internet was slowly replacing DSL internet in my area and couldn't arrive fast enough. Had plenty of spare furniture so in came the new iMac SE, Epson multifunction printer and imation SuperDisk drive (still using this!). Motherboard on the Quadra failed late 2002 and I boxed everything up and donated to the local independent Apple repair shop who had been instrumental in helping me in my learning process.

Not dis-similar to my original setup

External SyQuest Drive and internal expansion bay drives were available

Expansion Bay SyQuest Drive

Syquest Cartridges

08-03-2018, 10:44 AM

Funny And/Or Ridiculous Vintage Computer Ads (84 Pics)




08-07-2018, 05:10 PM
Had more than one of those one that list, wow. :D

08-07-2018, 07:23 PM
Had more than one of those one that list, wow. :D

And you're still holding at 22 - WOW!?!? In my mind I'm often still 22 with fast motorcycles, nice cars, my first house, loads of fair weather friends, good paying job for the period, 32 inch waistline, many great memories, etc.

The earliest consumer PCs were just starting to be released and I could care less. Then, I wake up....:o