View Full Version : Texas A&M Senior Befriends an Actual Texas Gator

08-06-2018, 03:23 PM
Filed under: Just when you thought there would be nothing new under the sun.

Senior takes graduation photos with one of her ‘best friends’ — a giant Texas gator

Makenzie Alexis Noland was right when she said this is “not your typical graduation picture. (https://www.facebook.com/makenzie.noland/posts/10210255207891562)”

While she was wearing her Texas A&M graduation cap and stole — quite typical for senior photos — there was one 13-foot-8-inch difference in her photographs.

Yes, we’re talking about the huge Texas alligator, and his name is Big Tex.
The Texas-sized gator weighs about 1,000 pounds and holds the national record for the “largest live-captured nuisance alligator (https://www.gatorrescue.com/about-us),” according to Gator Country (https://www.gatorrescue.com/), which is where Big Tex now lives.

https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38508308_10210255206651531_831 4055373560479744_o.jpg?_nc_cat =0&oh=79837f234aa6ba1b6661cab1286 7f1c2&oe=5BC88BE2


Mr. Man
08-06-2018, 07:09 PM
Headline soon to read " Recent Texas A&M student lunch for 1000lb nuisance Texas alligator"

Can't fix stupid.

08-06-2018, 07:35 PM
Headline soon to read " Recent Texas A&M student lunch for 1000lb nuisance Texas alligator"

Can't fix stupid.

Gosh, I hope you're wrong but today's kids have been dumbed down and sacrificed at the altar of 'diversity and inclusion' - the proverbial 'frog in the stove pot'.

I don't think a college degree is worth the paper its written on and hasn't been for quite awhile. Even the science and engineering disciplines are being pumped through the 'pc ringer'. The Russians are emerging from the communist nightmare while we seem to be heading straight into it with our eyes wide shut.

Granddaddy Marq
08-07-2018, 04:11 AM
I have been informed by my companies HR department that I can no longer use the term "Dumb Ass" when describing people doing stupid things. Fortunately HR department doesn't speak Spanish...... "CABRON!"

Joe Walsh
08-07-2018, 05:14 AM
I have been informed by my companies HR department that I can no longer use the term "Dumb Ass" when describing people doing stupid things. Fortunately HR department doesn't speak Spanish...... "CABRON!"

Uh Oh!
Wait a minute!!!....They don't speak Spanish!?!?
The HR department will need to take Spanish lessons so that the illegal aliens can fully understand all of their medical and employment benefits!

08-07-2018, 06:51 AM
"Look at Me, I am an idiot!".

08-07-2018, 08:01 AM
Uh, this is not a PC issue this is a social media issue. I for one feel we should be more polite as a whole yet there is nothing wrong with some good old fashioned humor but too often many cross the line. This pic actually doesn't bother me too much, I wouldn't let my daughters get near that gator but its not like she is flaunting her newly gifted Tesla or private jet. Look what these kids are growing up with. So many trying to up others with pics on their social media account. And to me, sadly, it starts from the top, with parents spoiling kids, and kids trying to not feel left out - don't get me started. I'll start ranting about politicians who never knew what it meant to struggle or who have way too short of memories. :mad2:

Edit: and maybe this girl works at the place and is very familiar with that gator - I still think she's crazy.

08-07-2018, 08:25 AM
I have been informed by my companies HR department that I can no longer use the term "Dumb Ass" when describing people doing stupid things. Fortunately HR department doesn't speak Spanish...... "CABRON!"

You want to use "pendejo."