View Full Version : Humanity.

09-21-2018, 02:36 PM
Friday PM traffic I am taking a left turn from a 4 lane onto a 4 lane.

As I am making the turn I hear screams of help. I look to my left and a car is stopped with the passenger door open. I get a glimpse of someone on the ground.

I complete my turn and park on the median. I run back to the stopped car. There are 3 other people there. The lady is laying on top of a man in the street screaming uncontrollably.

I asked has anyone called 911, a man with a phone in his hand nods. The screaming lady says he is having a seizure.

Another lady identifies herself as a nurse and convinces the screaming lady to just hold his head.

The police are pulling up.

I go back to my car.

In less than a minute 4 people responded to someone in need. Numerous people asked from their car if they could help.

I am so pleased to advise no one took pics!:D

09-21-2018, 03:30 PM
That's a nice story. I admire those that help when help is needed. It's not about the lights or the camera. It's about being a decent, caring human being. Thank you.

09-21-2018, 04:34 PM
Friday PM traffic I am taking a left turn from a 4 lane onto a 4 lane.

As I am making the turn I hear screams of help. I look to my left and a car is stopped with the passenger door open. I get a glimpse of someone on the ground.

I complete my turn and park on the median. I run back to the stopped car. There are 3 other people there. The lady is laying on top of a man in the street screaming uncontrollably.

I asked has anyone called 911, a man with a phone in his hand nods. The screaming lady says he is having a seizure.

Another lady identifies herself as a nurse and convinces the screaming lady to just hold his head.

The police are pulling up.

I go back to my car.

In less than a minute 4 people responded to someone in need. Numerous people asked from their car if they could help.

I am so pleased to advise no one took pics!:D
Pics or it didn't happen.

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