View Full Version : My Pistons need one more

06-13-2004, 09:17 PM
You guys gotta give it up for my hometown Pistons. To all the Laker lovers, "SORRY"! I told everyone from the start that my team was going to kick a$$. This town will rock Tuesday.

06-13-2004, 10:39 PM
I hope they do it!!! But they need to finish it Tuesday. If they have to go back to LA could go seven!!

06-13-2004, 11:04 PM
You guys gotta give it up for my hometown Pistons. To all the Laker lovers, "SORRY"! I told everyone from the start that my team was going to kick a$$. This town will rock Tuesday.

I am a Sacramento Kings fan so naturally I want to see the Lakers get their A$$es kicked! Go Pistons.


06-14-2004, 05:04 AM
The Pistons are out hustling and out running the Lakers on every possession.
The Lakers have no concept of team defense and are too concerned with their press releases to run the triangle offense consistently.
Shaq is unstoppable and could go for 50 points easily( especially with Phil constantly whining about the refs) if they were smart enough to keep getting the ball to him yet for inexplicable reasons they totally give up on their game plan. I love the way Larry brown has tried to nullify Kobe who apparently doesn't believe that his team can win without him taking 30 shots a game.
The Pistons are playing much harder and with much more desire yet the press and announcers still only extoll the talents of the Lakers. Finally last night Tobin(did you see that suit he was wearing) said that so far the Pistons were a better team.
I'm not trying to slam the Lakers organization here for you Laker fans(how can anyone slam that organization when you look at all their championships) it is one the elite organizations in the NBA but your players(other than Shaq) appear to be playing with no sense of urgency as if they expect the rings to be handed to them.

Go Pistons Go!!!

06-14-2004, 05:21 AM
I'm trying to be sad for Malone and Payton considering the millions that they gave up to "get a ring".

Oh bull, who am I kidding.

I'm not a Pistons fan (Nets/Knicks are my favorite teams), but I'll root for anybody against LA. I would love to see LA loose on their home court (take that, Jack N), but, the quicker it's over, the better.

I didn't realize that the Pistons were that good, but they definitely are.

06-14-2004, 06:04 AM
You guys gotta give it up for my hometown Pistons. To all the Laker lovers, "SORRY"! I told everyone from the start that my team was going to kick a$$. This town will rock Tuesday.


Please pass the crow! :shake:

Park Ranger :(

06-14-2004, 02:28 PM
I'm with you guys. Kobe and Shaq? Ugh! I hate 'em both!

Go Detroit! Win one for "the D!"