View Full Version : I've Been Supercharged for Father's Day

06-18-2004, 06:22 PM
No, not my Marauder. My computer.

Must have happened while I was at work today. Mom and the kids ganged up to upgrade my computer for Father's Day. I came home and noticed that my Marauder Wallpaper/Screen Saver was different. Still an MM but a view that I had not seen before. Didn't take too much notice and figured my son was playing around again to show me a new photo. Upon closer look-see, I see more differences. Monitor, CPU, what the heck is going on?? Pretty quick, right??

I must admit that my 5 year old Compaq was reaching its limits. But now, its "Dude, I got a Dell".

Dell Dimension DIM4600C
2.8 GHz
40 GB Harddrive
Wireless Mouse
Other stuff; but I am still checking it out.

Man this thing is fast .... :up:

06-18-2004, 07:51 PM
Great present enjoy!

06-19-2004, 01:13 AM
Cool!!!!!! :beer:

06-20-2004, 09:46 PM
I've got a 2.8ghz Dell and it rocks...if only I used it for anything other than gaming!

I post with my laptop. Haven't touched my desktop computer in a week or two...too busy making arrangements to get the MM in my garage :)

Happy trails with the new computer!