View Full Version : Modern Home Security Systems

09-16-2019, 03:09 PM
Attempting to upgrade my insecure wifi-wireless home security system with multiple cameras provided by a well known national security company. $2,000 invested in equipment at present. $65 per month for monitoring and 'equipment protection'. For a system that has allowed bad actors to burglarize and vandalize the property, all the time registering 'No Activity'. Attempting to upgrade to a 'commercial grade' wired/cabled, IP-DVR home security system offered through the same national vendor. Sales Consultant finally showed up on a second attempt - completely inept and with a poor attitude. Said he would get back to me with a proposal.

Sales Consultant phoned and emailed me back today with an incomplete proposal - $6,000! I quickly ran the numbers for the retail prices of identical components and also included the components missing from the proposal: $1,350. Other than running additional cable, installation charges should be minimal. No line item for installation, only a line item for 'tax on installation'.

I seem to be only having serious problems when away for extended periods although at least 4 cars belonging to various actors (including neighbors) have become invisible to the cameras: cameras react by 'time shifting' and freezing whenever the actors come within range - I actually see this on the live feed, and when I go back to check for recorded activity - nothing. Cameras will typically restart on their own after a minute or so, but I did have two 'events' where the entire camera system went down for 10 days while I was away late last fall, and again for about 6 hours late last winter, during a 'party'(?) being held next door - camera system restarted about a half hour after the 'party' concluded. During mid-spring, a Vendor tech was present when the same actor neighbor drove up, spoofing the camera system until he entered his house, whereupon the entire system 'jammed' and had to be restarted remotely - tech claimed he had never witnessed this before.

There is a 4th actor who frequents the area as he owns/rents several residential properties nearby, including a major commercial property a short distance away - all of the minor 'actors' rent residential properties from the property owner actor. He (property owner actor) has stated a number of times that he wanted my property but never makes an offer as he typically buys and rents 'distressed properties'. I'm retired on worker's comp disability and nearly everything is paid for (including house) - have no intention of going anywhere for the forseable future.

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I'm just seeking others' experiences with modern home security systems - good and bad. Hoping that upgrading to a 'commercial grade' wired system will solve my 'security system' issues but I really know little about how these systems operate. Any insight would be appreciated.:help:

09-16-2019, 05:31 PM
I would first set out your goals. I don't see how a camera prevents a break in.

09-16-2019, 06:05 PM
I would first set out your goals. I don't see how a camera prevents a break in.

Goals? Can't prosecute if one has no proof. Fenced yard and dogs are out of the question. Armed guards are out of the question. Property has been rekeyed twice, most recently this last May, yet actors are still entering, removing items and the system registers 'No Activity'. Neighborhood Property Owner, who I consider to be the primary actor, stopped by to troll me a couple of weeks back. System never registered him entering my yard, approaching my front door nor did it register me moving through the house and open the front door, as it normally does. My goal is to install an effective electronic security system. All wifi-wireless systems are too easily bypassed and are an international scandal IMO. Security companies are really pushing them hard for some strange reason.

09-16-2019, 07:40 PM
If your goals include preventing entry then change your locks and secure your windows.

09-16-2019, 08:43 PM
If your goals include preventing entry then change your locks and secure your windows.

Windows are as secure as can be without going to ordinance rated glass. Not going to armor plated doors and locks either as my current setup is sufficient. Sounds like a passive suggestion most likely heard in the british commonwealth, where criminals reign supreme, along with crooked government officials. I want high tech, irrefutable proof to enable prosecution to the fullest extent in a court of law - the best deterrent and most satisfaction.

09-17-2019, 05:58 AM
This worked well back in the day......since you have time.....sit on your porch and SEND A MESSAGE!!;)

09-17-2019, 07:33 AM
This worked well back in the day......since you have time.....sit on your porch and SEND A MESSAGE!!;)

LOL!!! The funniest thing picked up by my system was the roommate of my next door neighbors driving in drunk on repeated occasions. Hitting trash cans, driving into the ditch and even drove into my yard, getting stuck - watching all of this from 400 miles away. Sadly, my system no longer records her movements, along with her benefactors' movements (roommates). Worked well for about the first month or so, then all of the sudden neighbors' cars on either side of me are no longer recognized when they move, same with the property owner they rent from.

Research finds they are likely using a low powered transmitter that fits into a pocket (most do) called a SDR (software defined radio) commonly available on Amazon, eBay, etc. The same device can be used to spoof keyless auto systems too. My current system is just over a year old and the vendor has already upgraded to a new wifi-wireless platform. I've got a substantial sum invested in the obsolete system that is nearly new and their sales - service system appears severely dysfunctional.

Chi Stallion
09-17-2019, 12:36 PM
I have the spy clops system 8 channel power over Ethernet with 5 dome style cameras and 1 bullet style camera by my front door. In my mind it’s the best investment you can make to protect your home. Also have a ADT security alarm in the house. When ppl wonder why you got camera’s, well my house got shot twice in the last 3 years (dealing with a coward) and my MM got hit. I didn’t call the police I handled it on the streets, and I’m not gona say what I did, but he got 1 in his leg. Moral of the story is when you dealing with thieves and cowards you give them no chance. If they’re on your property you aim high and drop them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-17-2019, 12:59 PM
I have the spy clops system 8 channel power over Ethernet with 5 dome style cameras and 1 bullet style camera by my front door. In my mind it’s the best investment you can make to protect your home. Also have a ADT security alarm in the house. When ppl wonder why you got camera’s, well my house got shot twice in the last 3 years (dealing with a coward) and my MM got hit. I didn’t call the police I handled it on the streets, and I’m not gona say what I did, but he got 1 in his leg. Moral of the story is when you dealing with thieves and cowards you give them no chance. If they’re on your property you aim high and drop them. Simple as that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I like your attitude. I will go ahead and state ADT is my vendor and my current Pulse system is 15 months old. ADT introduced the Command system earlier this year (still wifi/wireless) but my understanding none of the Pulse components will work with it. The following is in yesterday's proposal:

Introducing the NVR7400 Series, ADT’s first high definition video recorder that can record up to 16 channels of 1080p video. The embedded NVR solution is user-friendly with easy setup using the intuitive wizard that takes you to live video in minutes. Choose from the standard 4 or 8 terabytes of storage, or upgrade to 16TB with 4 SATA hard drives. This unit offers the perfect economical and flexible solution for small to medium sized businesses.


Has ports for motion detectors and door sensors. Retail price is close to $600 - ADT quoted $2,399. I want to eliminate wireless/wifi completely from the system but ADT's proposal only included the camera system and no motion/door sensors for $6,000. Ridiculous.

09-26-2019, 08:52 PM
and dogs are out of the question.

What give about no dogs? "Man's best friend" didn't get that moniker for nothing... There is no better anti-theft system.

1. Early detection.
2. Deterrent.
3. Hands free response.
4. Can't be electronically hacked.

Mr. Man
09-26-2019, 09:12 PM
Based on your description of your neighborhood if I were you I'd move. If that's not an option do what I do, I keep all my Renoir's, Picasso's, and Remington's in the museum. I also agree with the above, get a big dog.

09-27-2019, 02:48 AM
We had a foiled home invasion about 4:00 AM on a Thursday back in the Spring.......doorbell rang 3 times.......DOG WENT NUTS.......that was it.....cops came and found nothing!!:confused:

They said the DOG was our best deterrent......vandals WILL NOT ENTER if a Dog is inside...........THANKFUL we have Bud E. Bear!!:beer:

09-27-2019, 06:08 AM
Based on your description of your neighborhood if I were you I'd move. If that's not an option do what I do, I keep all my Renoir's, Picasso's, and Remington's in the museum. I also agree with the above, get a big dog.

I placed my home on the market when I first realized I would be getting a disability rating - wanting to move closer to my daughter and family. Received one offer and it wasn't even serious. Technically its still on the market, it is paid for and in good shape. I pay a lawn service to come by twice a month to take care of the yard. I'm looking for a security system similar to Chi Stallion's system but ADT wants $6,000+ for approx. $1,350 in hardware. I was on the phone with ADT in recent days, spoke to several people, received different info from each one and gave up in complete frustration.

ADT tech also came out a few days back (no work done, only received substantial info) - I put the word out I had just upgraded my wiz bang system to the latest and greatest ADT had to offer! Dirty looks from the 'bad actors' have gone off of the scale! I know I'm being 'gaslighted' and have identified the 'actors', there may be more I'm unaware of. Interesting demographic makeup and equally interesting story on how this neighborhood came to be what it is.

09-27-2019, 06:23 AM
Older neighborhoods in most places go downhill fast......especially around Charlotte!!:help:

09-27-2019, 07:15 AM
Older neighborhoods in most places go downhill fast......especially around Charlotte!!:help:

I'm in an isolated corner of Todd Park - thinking you're familiar with the area. This is the original Toddville that actually had an electric trolley stop on the line from Charlotte to Gastonia before WWII, the next stop being the Thrift station at the corner of Freedom Drive and Moores Chapel Road - Thrift terminal and unused tracks still exist. My isolated pocket is surrounded by active railroad tracks, light industrial and outbound airline traffic overhead from nearby Charlotte-Douglas. A couple moved here and built the first house on a dead end dirt road in 1948 - paved now but dead ends into a light industrial development.

Seeing what was coming during the 1960s, they bought up as many surrounding homes as they could afford in order to keep the current demographics stable - I bought my home from them - one of the better homes that had been empty for many years but well maintained. They have since passed away, with their youngest son gradually taking over his parents' 'endeavors'. Sadly, he started renting out some of the empty homes to unreliable people, many of questionable backgrounds-histories, but the demographics have remained stable! His older sister owned the home on one side of me - great neighbor, well maintained property, but she passed several years ago.

Since then, her long time home never sold and has been rented numerous times to questionable 'actors'. Don't quite understand who is living there now - they claim to be a 'family' but I suspect none are related to each other. Many years ago, all homes were occupied by the owners - not the case for a long time, as more than half are rentals with a couple that have been unoccupied for along periods. They are being maintained, but the right 'demographic' hasn't come along and shown interest. We are only talking about 15 homes within this general 'pocket'. Many of us jokingly refer to our neighborhood as a 'parole colony retirement community' - and not far from the truth anymore. Several close to me claim to be 'disabled', don't work and draw the minimum social security disability, relying primarily on wives-girlfriends for income. They also get around a whole heck of alot better than I do and accomplish alot more than I'm capable of doing.

Not really wanting to pick up and move at this late stage of the game so 'If I can't dazzle them with brilliance, I will baffle them with bullsht'.

09-27-2019, 08:24 AM
Know the area pretty well......my first house was in now vaporized "Forest Pawtuckett"!!

I lived their a couple years then off to what seems like NEWARK, NJ NOW......Cornelius area of Lake Norman.....Torrence Chapel Road.......it was PARADISE in the early 70's.......DISASTROUS now!!

If it were me.......I'd find a nice place to live.......RENT ONLY and hope the house sells in time!! Sounds like your local renters are a mishmash of "Bottom Dwellers"??

09-27-2019, 08:46 AM
Know the area pretty well......my first house was in now vaporized "Forest Pawtuckett"!!

I lived their a couple years then off to what seems like NEWARK, NJ NOW......Cornelius area of Lake Norman.....Torrence Chapel Road.......it was PARADISE in the early 70's.......DISASTROUS now!!

If it were me.......I'd find a nice place to live.......RENT ONLY and hope the house sells in time!! Sounds like your local renters are a mishmash of "Bottom Dwellers"??

Pawtuckett Country Club is long gone. Pawtuckett Elementary School isn't even listed under 'local area schools' anymore despite still being open. It's some type of 'Academy' for those who have learning-behavioral disorders. The shopping area at Little Rock and Freedom Drive has all but shut down. A Dollar General and a laundromat full of Mexicans are the dominant businesses there now. Former strip club just north of the railroad viaduct on Freedom Drive is now a Biker's Bar at the moment, but it seems to change hands every other year. Todd Park is well known for 'Tank Town' (pipeline companies), railroad switching yard, Duke Energy Maintenance Yard, FedEx facility (just doubled in size). Union Carbide closed their substantial plant years ago but plenty of light and medium industrial developments remain. No unemployment here unless one just doesn't want to work. Maybe the cheapest decent housing in Charlotte too. Before WWII, Toddville was largely farmland, a much smaller railroad switching yard, housing scattered here and there, a couple of general stores and its own post office. Even its own trolley stop. Progress.....

09-28-2019, 05:38 AM
Still haven't answered the question.

Why no dog?


09-28-2019, 01:25 PM
Still haven't answered the question.

Why no dog?

I don't want the responsibility-upkeep. I enjoy my daughter's dogs (5) whenever I visit with her. A male beagle, female Boston Terrier, female lab mix, male boxer mix and a male Mastiff mix. I'm typically 'dogged out' after I visit with her and family. Three of my neighbors have dogs - two mostly stay in the house while one mostly runs loose. We also have coyotes. Can hear them every night but I've never seen one in person. My front porch-yard cameras caught one coming up on my porch while I was away in South Carolina earlier this year.

10-08-2019, 09:13 AM
As I see it you have two problems.

1 - Wifi security system s can be jammed or hacked. Invest in a wired system.
Can ADT be hacked?
"Yes, security systems can be hacked into just like computers. A burglar can hack into your security system, deactivate the alarm, enter your house and get away with the goods without leaving a trace. According to an article published by Forbes, video surveillance systems and DVRs are vulnerable to hacks."

2 - Invest in a high security / pickproof lock(s).


10-08-2019, 09:18 AM

10-08-2019, 10:03 AM
As I see it you have two problems.

1 - Wifi security system s can be jammed or hacked. Invest in a wired system.
Can ADT be hacked?
"Yes, security systems can be hacked into just like computers. A burglar can hack into your security system, deactivate the alarm, enter your house and get away with the goods without leaving a trace. According to an article published by Forbes, video surveillance systems and DVRs are vulnerable to hacks."

2 - Invest in a high security / pickproof lock(s).


I will address no. 1 as no. 2 has already been addressed with a set of Kwikset Security Locks/Door Knobs.

ADT's Pulse System (wifi/wireless) has been obsolete for some time, even though they continue to push it, even today, whenever one phones ADT for service. Pulse was replaced earlier this year by the Command Control System that is still wifi/wireless but uses far more secure algorithms than Pulse, according the the most recent visit by an ADT tech. Command Control components are fully incompatible with Pulse components as a result. Pulse is a 3G system, meaning it will no longer function during 2022 when 3G is 'sunsetted'.

The current 'ideal system' IMO would be a IP - NVR camera system with the ADT Command Control interface; similar to what Chi Stallion showed us. ADT is quoting $7,500 for what is arguably $1,750 in equipment retail price anywhere else. To add insult to injury, I phoned ADT/Defenders 'Loyality Department' in recent weeks seeking a solution to my predicament, or give me a 'buy out price' to get out of the remainder of the contract. Woman stated they would do a 'full upgrade' for $116.80, meaning Command Control upgrade but hoping for the IP/NVR upgrade as it's what we primarily discussed.

ADT tech shows up with a Command Control control unit and looks at me, stating 'you have to upgrade the entire system for this to work'. Well, I already knew about the incompatibility, so I asked him "aren't you here to upgrade my system?" No, it was a game to goad me into authorizing the full upgrade on my dime. He couldn't give me a price and I would have to phone back the 'Loyality' department for that. I sent the ADT tech on his way, phoned ADT/Defenders and was quoted multiple prices of between $2,300 and $3,700 for the full Command Control upgrade - keep in mind my present system is only 16 months old and still have the balance of a 3 year contract.

What a crock. I've decided to just keep my present system operable until the contract ends, even though its next to useless. Also, I'm notifying as many people as possible not to fall into the same trap i'm in at the moment. Waiting to see what comes along 'offer wise'.

10-14-2019, 11:08 AM
I will address no. 1 as no. 2 has already been addressed with a set of Kwikset Security Locks/Door Knobs.

From what I can tell the Kwikset Security Locks only let you rekey your locks..... no real increase in security. As I noted this is what your should be looking at: https://securitysnobs.com/LA-BiLock-Bump-Proof-High-Security-Deadbolt_Z4.html

ADT's Pulse System (wifi/wireless) has been obsolete for some time, even though they continue to push it, even today, whenever one phones ADT for service. Pulse was replaced earlier this year by the Command Control System that is still wifi/wireless but uses far more secure algorithms than Pulse, according the the most recent visit by an ADT tech. Command Control components are fully incompatible with Pulse components as a result. Pulse is a 3G system, meaning it will no longer function during 2022 when 3G is 'sunsetted'.

The current 'ideal system' IMO would be a IP - NVR camera system with the ADT Command Control interface; similar to what Chi Stallion showed us. ADT is quoting $7,500 for what is arguably $1,750 in equipment retail price anywhere else. To add insult to injury, I phoned ADT/Defenders 'Loyality Department' in recent weeks seeking a solution to my predicament, or give me a 'buy out price' to get out of the remainder of the contract. Woman stated they would do a 'full upgrade' for $116.80, meaning Command Control upgrade but hoping for the IP/NVR upgrade as it's what we primarily discussed.

ADT tech shows up with a Command Control control unit and looks at me, stating 'you have to upgrade the entire system for this to work'. Well, I already knew about the incompatibility, so I asked him "aren't you here to upgrade my system?" No, it was a game to goad me into authorizing the full upgrade on my dime. He couldn't give me a price and I would have to phone back the 'Loyality' department for that. I sent the ADT tech on his way, phoned ADT/Defenders and was quoted multiple prices of between $2,300 and $3,700 for the full Command Control upgrade - keep in mind my present system is only 16 months old and still have the balance of a 3 year contract.

What a crock. I've decided to just keep my present system operable until the contract ends, even though its next to useless. Also, I'm notifying as many people as possible not to fall into the same trap i'm in at the moment. Waiting to see what comes along 'offer wise'.

See above.....

10-27-2019, 07:11 PM
This worked well back in the day......since you have time.....sit on your porch and SEND A MESSAGE!!;)

Kinda old school but I dig it.