View Full Version : Don't Ask Me How I Know This

Donny Carlson
06-19-2004, 04:01 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:

06-19-2004, 04:16 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:

LOL. Whats worse is having to try it after you pull it out of the toilet :puke: .I hope it was before and not after. :lol:

06-19-2004, 04:21 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake: Well I guess I will be the first to ask!!!!!!!!

06-19-2004, 04:23 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:

Donny - You need the under water model. :D :D

06-19-2004, 04:48 PM
I hope it was before and not after. :lol:

Uh....what I want to know is...was this BEFORE or AFTER I shook your hand saying farewell??!! :eek: :)

Agent M79
06-19-2004, 05:09 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:

Yeah... /snicker/ they work like... crap! :lol:

06-19-2004, 05:09 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:
Having difficulties doing two things at once is one of the first signs ..... Hope it wasn't an important in-coming call.

Donny Carlson
06-19-2004, 05:14 PM
Uh....what I want to know is...was this BEFORE or AFTER I shook your hand saying farewell??!! :eek: :)
I was changing out of my work uniform in the small men's bathroom in the Team Ford service department waiting area. I didn't use the toilet. When I picked my trousers up from the floor, my cell phone slipped out of my pocket and did a swan dive into the commode. It had been flushed. I snatched it out quickly, though from all the bubbles coming from the phone it was obvious it was taking on water. I rinsed the phone off with tap water and shook it, then took off the cover and shook it again. I dried it with a paper towel, then washed my hands.

So, it >was< before I shook your hand, technically. And besides, how do I know where >your< hand had been this morning? As Scott pointed out, you sure took a long time "getting tires balanced."

06-19-2004, 06:19 PM
I was changing out of my work uniform in the small men's bathroom in the Team Ford service department waiting area. I didn't use the toilet. When I picked my trousers up from the floor, my cell phone slipped out of my pocket and did a swan dive into the commode. It had been flushed. I snatched it out quickly, though from all the bubbles coming from the phone it was obvious it was taking on water. I rinsed the phone off with tap water and shook it, then took off the cover and shook it again. I dried it with a paper towel, then washed my hands.

So, it >was< before I shook your hand, technically. And besides, how do I know where >your< hand had been this morning? As Scott pointed out, you sure took a long time "getting tires balanced."

Word of advise,speaking from..ahem..experience, next time immediately remove your cell phone battery. My Nextel survived the plunge :(

06-19-2004, 06:35 PM
Hmmm... I've only ever managed to drop my phone into a glass of crown & coke... It didn't survive. But after I rinsed it out, blowed dried it clean and went to work the following monday, the communication guy just replaced it. "It just stopped working, I don't know what the heck's wrong with it..." say I... :)

06-19-2004, 06:56 PM
I was changing out of my work uniform in the small men's bathroom in the Team Ford service department waiting area. I didn't use the toilet. When I picked my trousers up from the floor, my cell phone slipped out of my pocket and did a swan dive into the commode. It had been flushed. I snatched it out quickly, though from all the bubbles coming from the phone it was obvious it was taking on water. I rinsed the phone off with tap water and shook it, then took off the cover and shook it again. I dried it with a paper towel, then washed my hands.

So, it >was< before I shook your hand, technically. And besides, how do I know where >your< hand had been this morning? As Scott pointed out, you sure took a long time "getting tires balanced."
Hey now.....watch it!!:nono: He took me to get get my wheels/tires balanced!! I didn't know where the place was....and Todd being the nice guy that he is, was gracious enough to guide me over there and then, I got to test drive his car with those AWESOME control arms and front sway bar!!! So.....I know where his hands WERE NOT at!!!:D

06-19-2004, 07:05 PM
Hey now.....watch it!!:nono: He took me to get get my wheels/tires balanced!! I didn't know where the place was....and Todd being the nice guy that he is, was gracious enough to guide me over there and then, I got to test drive his car with those AWESOME control arms and front sway bar!!! So.....I know where his hands WERE NOT at!!!:D
Another fantasy...bitten by the "reality bug"....

Just remember, you want to get hooked up with the best hands on your Marauder...I know how to hook you up. :up:

06-19-2004, 07:52 PM
Hey now.....watch it!!:nono: He took me to get get my wheels/tires balanced!! I didn't know where the place was....and Todd being the nice guy that he is, was gracious enough to guide me over there and then, I got to test drive his car with those AWESOME control arms and front sway bar!!! So.....I know where his hands WERE NOT at!!!:D
And how much smoother is the car now with the balance job? I need to get mine done soon.

06-19-2004, 08:01 PM
And how much smoother is the car now with the balance job? I need to get mine done soon.
Actually....to be honest.....I'm gonna have to take it back to them.....I still have a pretty noticeable "shimmy" in the steering wheel....:depress: Not much different than when I took it to them.....

I always give the benefit of the doubt though.....they said if I had any problems, just bring it on back and they'd re-check it for me!:up:

06-19-2004, 08:17 PM
Sounds like your next one should have a waterproof jacket on it...your next luck will be a ::checks crystal ball:: a puddle!

If it makes you feel any better, I used to forget to put up my windows all last summer and the car was rained in a good number of times.:rolleyes:

David Morton
06-19-2004, 08:30 PM
But Nokia cell phones don't work too good after you drop them in the toilet.:shake:Yeah, I hate the smell too.

Donny Carlson
06-19-2004, 08:33 PM
Thanks to the good advice of Big Dog Jim and Marauderchick, my phone has come back to life and appears to be functioning.:up:

Big Dog suggested opening it up and letting it dry out, and Mchick suggested tossing it up on the dash for the sun to work on it. Being as it was a scorcher today and I am saddled with a Dodge Caravan rental (hey, I heard that giggle), I tossed the phone and batt up on that sweeping greenhouse that passes for a windshield/dash on this beast, and by the time I got back to Birmingham, the water seemed to be gone. At least the screen was no longer fogged and it would actually boot up. The LCD matrix screen has an odd swirly discoloration, but then I guess If I had been immersed in a toilet bowl I would, too.

Now if I could only figure out how to look cool driving a mini van. I get out of this thing and hit what I think is the door lock, and the passenger sliding door opens and slides back. So, I mutter a swear word and hit the other button, and the driver side sliding door opens and slides back. I finally decided just to leave the damn things open. Mchick thought it was cool that the doors slid open on their own when I was shutting them, now she knows the only reason I was doing it was wrestling with the friggin key fob! And losing.

It has a cool overhead console with a DVD player, but the information center shows you a lot of usesless data (oh wow, elapsed time...) I guess I could dig out the Marauder DVD and play it while I drive around, just to help with my jonesing for my car....

David Morton
06-19-2004, 10:57 PM
... The LCD matrix screen has an odd swirly discoloration, but then I guess If I had been immersed in a toilet bowl I would, too.... :lol: Did you do that on purpose?

Anybody here remember those high school days of giving somebody a swirly hairdo? We'd get four guys and wrestle a guys head into the toilet and flush it.

Oh no, I hope I haven't condemned another generation of youngsters to the indignity of the swirly hairdo. :lol: