View Full Version : Project Bling, update

Donny Carlson
06-19-2004, 05:03 PM
Now that Todd has skated Marauderchick and me with >his< coil covers, I had mine put on today. These shots were taken by the Toddmeister himself while I was driving over this morning. (I still haven't actually seen these because the car is up on a lift).

This is how they look with stock black valve covers.

Project Bling will, in the near future, have these valve covers replaced with polished valve covers, to match the polished upper and lower intake. The coil covers will really look pimpin with those, eh?:pimp:

06-19-2004, 05:23 PM
Donny you're posting alot of bling bling pics lately.i like them too.but im gonna wiat on CJ & Ladyhawke see if they come up with bling coil covers.if not day be lookin good..

06-21-2004, 07:32 AM
Donny, you can NEVER talk about bling until you get rid of that silencer and get yourself a peanut butter lid!

06-21-2004, 07:57 AM
Donny you're posting alot of bling bling pics lately.i like them too.but im gonna wiat on CJ & Ladyhawke see if they come up with bling coil covers.if not day be lookin good..

Shhhhhhhhh!!!! Quite!

06-21-2004, 04:43 PM
Shhhhhhhhh!!!! Quite!

:eek: :eek: Mah bad

06-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Donny looks good:banana2:

Now go get some bright paint like the Big Dogs got:burnout: :lol: :banana2:

See ya!

06-21-2004, 06:08 PM
Garfield - Is Big Dog Jim's car finished?