View Full Version : I'm out for a week!

06-20-2004, 10:35 AM
Ok ladies and gents. I'm going to be gone till Friday afternoon at a camp for media relations at Bob Jones University. I'll also be gone for a speech and debate camp towards the middle of July. Wish me luck! I may or may not get to check my e-mail and private messages here...who knows. But I hope you guys are well behaved while I'm gone! Keep it real and don't post anything to drastically interesting:cool: :P


06-20-2004, 10:57 AM
James - Good luck. Enjoy the experience. :cool:

06-20-2004, 11:53 AM
I've heard stories about media relations camp...watch your back buddy!

Just kidding

Good Luck we'll see you in a week

06-20-2004, 01:37 PM
I've heard stories about media relations camp...watch your back buddy!

Just kidding

Good Luck we'll see you in a week

Bob Jones University generates some controversy as it is a 'White Only' Institution.

06-20-2004, 06:30 PM
Ok ladies and gents. I'm going to be gone till Friday afternoon at a camp for media relations at Bob Jones University. I'll also be gone for a speech and debate camp towards the middle of July. Wish me luck! I may or may not get to check my e-mail and private messages here...who knows. But I hope you guys are well behaved while I'm gone! Keep it real and don't post anything to drastically interesting:cool: :P

Media relations...speech & debate camp? What happened to hikes, fishing, archery, swimming, kayaking, campfires, sunburns, hoisting underware up the flagpole, sneaking out and chasing girls? How the world has changed :down: Have a great time anyway and hopefully there is some of the fun stuff too!

06-20-2004, 07:19 PM

Bob Jones University generates some controversy as it is a 'White Only' Institution."

Think we're going to be okay here, check out James' picture in the gallery.

David Morton
06-20-2004, 08:07 PM
Bob Jones? Oh no, guys. Daddy has sent him off to vacation bible school! :eek:

06-21-2004, 10:04 AM

Bob Jones University generates some controversy as it is a 'White Only' Institution."

But I couldn't drive my Marauder on campus.

06-21-2004, 11:17 AM

Bob Jones University generates some controversy as it is a 'White Only' Institution.Uh..there is a black student behind me...and our head counsoler is married to an Asian lady......there are plenty of blacks and all here...but it is based heavily on Christian ethics.

I'm here for media relations...

06-21-2004, 11:20 AM
Link ALLWHITE? (http://www.bju.edu/aboutbju/studentlife/collegian/article.php?article_id=20)

06-21-2004, 11:42 AM
it is based heavily on Christian ethics.

I'm here for media relations...

Which may have nothing to do with Christian ethics. :lol:

2003 MIB
06-21-2004, 11:42 AM
Ok ladies and gents. I'm going to be gone till Friday afternoon at a camp for media relations at Bob Jones University. I'll also be gone for a speech and debate camp towards the middle of July. Wish me luck! I may or may not get to check my e-mail and private messages here...who knows. But I hope you guys are well behaved while I'm gone! Keep it real and don't post anything to drastically interesting:cool: :P


Which debate camp, James? I went to Kansas University (1980), University of Texas at Arlington (1981) and Baylor (1982). Don't let these yay-hoo's razz you...Debate camp was a blast...Smart chicks are still chicks... :up:

06-21-2004, 11:44 AM
Not to mention I've made good friends here, wordly and unwordly. It really eliminates a lot of ideas you have about the campus just to come and spend time here...at least for me it has. Some of the people here, on all levels, say suprising things.

06-21-2004, 11:46 AM
Not to mention I've made good friends here, wordly and unwordly. It really eliminates a lot of ideas you have about the campus just to come and spend time here...at least for me it has. Some of the people here, on all levels, say suprising things.

Just don't name any names.

06-21-2004, 11:47 AM
Media relations...speech & debate camp? What happened to hikes, fishing, archery, swimming, kayaking, campfires, sunburns, hoisting underware up the flagpole, sneaking out and chasing girls? How the world has changed :down: Have a great time anyway and hopefully there is some of the fun stuff too!

Times they are a changing. :cry:

06-21-2004, 11:53 AM
Media relations...speech & debate camp? What happened to hikes, fishing, archery, swimming, kayaking, campfires, sunburns, hoisting underware up the flagpole, sneaking out and chasing girls? How the world has changed :down: Have a great time anyway and hopefully there is some of the fun stuff too!
I did that for two years as a boy scout (cept the girls part). I do that kind of stuff with my dad during the summer (mostly white water rafting)

They have criminal justice though, trips to prisons and lessons in large guns I think.

06-21-2004, 11:55 AM
I usually go to band camp during the summer. the girls are pretty wild there :lol:

06-21-2004, 11:56 AM
I usually go to band camp during the summer. the girls are pretty wild there :lol:
One time...at band camp...:baaa: :baaa: :baaa:

06-21-2004, 05:49 PM
Carry on James!

We will party on in your absence:)


06-21-2004, 08:26 PM
I did that for two years as a boy scout (cept the girls part). I do that kind of stuff with my dad during the summer (mostly white water rafting)

They have criminal justice though, trips to prisons and lessons in large guns I think.
I respect that you are using your summer to help your future. Anything that can give you an edge is worth looking at. I'd never heard of such a thing, but 2003 MIB was there about the time I would have been, so obviously I have no clue what is going on! Keep up the good work!

So are there some good internet sites that list the variety of summer camps available? I bet there is a flavor for everyone who is willing to plunk down some cash to attend.

David Morton
06-21-2004, 08:41 PM
...but it is based heavily on Christian ethics.

I'm here for media relations...I told you guys, vacation bible school, moral majority style. :rasta:

Donny Carlson
06-21-2004, 09:17 PM
I told you guys, vacation bible school, moral majority style. :rasta:
Bob Jones U lifted their ban on interracial dating in 2003.

Here's an amusing article about it:


Hmm, I didn't need to have a note to date my Hispanic girlfriend in college, and that was 1974. Nice to see BJU catching up, though the note thing is retarded.

David Morton
06-21-2004, 09:57 PM
Bob Jones U lifted their ban on interracial dating in 2003.

Here's an amusing article about it:


Hmm, I didn't need to have a note to date my Hispanic girlfriend in college, and that was 1974. Nice to see BJU catching up, though the note thing is retarded.ROFLMAO! I bet ol' Bob wants to know the race of the guy to recieve a transfusion from his blood donation. Just mark mine 'whites only', like the water fountains and restrooms. I wonder if negro students need a note to date mixed race negroes.

Guess there must be a 'color bar graph' somewhere on campus.

BJU, "We know and cater to your fears." :alone:

06-25-2004, 01:41 PM

Ah, I'm back home...it's nice to take a real shower! Quickly, one of the counselors commented on the interracial dating thing. He said, that the Administration there is old school, but semester by semester, the rules get a tad more lax. In a decade or two, it won't be as bad...things just take time to phase out.

Ok, I had a GREAT trip. I'll post pictures if and when I get any and I'll bring video to Indy for anyone who is interested! Learned a lot about the media, was able to do live radio broadcasting and a recorded but not played TV broadcast. Saw a lot of things, met a lot of people. I made a few new friends that I will be keeping in touch with regularly, and I know quite a few people more. Mostly I hung out with Sur who is 18 (like sir) from somewhere just outside of Fort Worth, Texas...April (born in April like me) who is 16 from Rockville Virginia and John, 17, from somewhere in New Jersey. Both April and Sur will be staying next week for camps. I'm not, but I'll keep them company since they're stuck. Tomorrow I got special permission to take Sur off campus to stretch his legs, and tomorrow night I'm going to a movie with April and her mother who is in town. Throughout next week I'll stop by for dinner/lunch/breakfast...whatever I can manage.

April's mother just bought a 2004 Lincon Town Car (I forget which series.) Whoa is that thing nice! DVD where the dome light goes, heated REAR seats, Navigation, the cupholders in the rear arm rest are replaced by I think a compartment but most importantly the HVAC controls from your steeringwheel for the rear!!! It was HUGE inside! Is the wheel base extended? Because it was BIG! It was comfortable too! The rear cupholders are at the very front of the middle of the back seat. you just flop them out of the leather. I'd jack most of the stuff from there for a Marauder.

Here's how each day went:

5:30AM-My new friends Steven Sur and myself wake up to run on the track...we don't HAVE to wake up until 6:30, but we getting a head start on everyone, especially for showers. This is the only time (and we are the only students) allowed outside of the doorms without a counselor by ourside.
7:15 -Breakfast! It was ok...just cafeteria food.
8:00 -Chapel
8:45 -Room Clean-up
9:00 -Off to classes...different fun things were planned for the next 3 hours. A tour of the local newspaper, a news anchor from the NBC station came, ect.
1:00 -Some of the fun things as mentioned at 9 are also done here until...
4:00 -Free time or campus tours. I used free time each time and went to the snack shop (a really really nice convenient store complete with pool table).
5:15 -Dinner
6:00 -Personal devotions...a little booklet that asks questions about Titus in the bible...you fill it out and ponder.
6:45 -More media camp activity
8:45 -More free time
9:45 Clean up and room devotions (counselor comes in and you and your roommates discuss what all has gone on)
10:30 -Lights out...you can talk as long as they don't hear you.

Fourth Horseman
06-25-2004, 01:45 PM
But I couldn't drive my Marauder on campus.

Man, with a policy like that I WOULDN'T drive my Marauder onto that campus. :mad2:

06-25-2004, 01:49 PM

Ah, I'm back home...it's nice to take a real shower! Quickly, one of the counselors commented on the interracial dating thing. He said, that the Administration there is old school, but semester by semester, the rules get a tad more lax. In a decade or two, it won't be as bad...things just take time to phase out.

Ok, I had a GREAT trip. I'll post pictures if and when I get any and I'll bring video to Indy for anyone who is interested! Learned a lot about the media, was able to do live radio broadcasting and a recorded but not played TV broadcast. Saw a lot of things, met a lot of people. I made a few new friends that I will be keeping in touch with regularly, and I know quite a few people more. Mostly I hung out with Sur who is 18 (like sir) from somewhere just outside of Fort Worth, Texas...April (born in April like me) who is 16 from Rockville Virginia and John, 17, from somewhere in New Jersey. Both April and Sur will be staying next week for camps. I'm not, but I'll keep them company since they're stuck. Tomorrow I got special permission to take Sur off campus to stretch his legs, and tomorrow night I'm going to a movie with April and her mother who is in town. Throughout next week I'll stop by for dinner/lunch/breakfast...whatever I can manage.

April's mother just bought a 2004 Lincon Town Car (I forget which series.) Whoa is that thing nice! DVD where the dome light goes, heated REAR seats, Navigation, the cupholders in the rear arm rest are replaced by I think a compartment but most importantly the HVAC controls from your steeringwheel for the rear!!! It was HUGE inside! Is the wheel base extended? Because it was BIG! It was comfortable too! The rear cupholders are at the very front of the middle of the back seat. you just flop them out of the leather. I'd jack most of the stuff from there for a Marauder.

Here's how each day went:

5:30AM-My new friends Steven Sur and myself wake up to run on the track...we don't HAVE to wake up until 6:30, but we getting a head start on everyone, especially for showers. This is the only time (and we are the only students) allowed outside of the doorms without a counselor by ourside.
7:15 -Breakfast! It was ok...just cafeteria food.
8:00 -Chapel
8:45 -Room Clean-up
9:00 -Off to classes...different fun things were planned for the next 3 hours. A tour of the local newspaper, a news anchor from the NBC station came, ect.
1:00 -Some of the fun things as mentioned at 9 are also done here until...
4:00 -Free time or campus tours. I used free time each time and went to the snack shop (a really really nice convenient store complete with pool table).
5:15 -Dinner
6:00 -Personal devotions...a little booklet that asks questions about Titus in the bible...you fill it out and ponder.
6:45 -More media camp activity
8:45 -More free time
9:45 Clean up and room devotions (counselor comes in and you and your roommates discuss what all has gone on)
10:30 -Lights out...you can talk as long as they don't hear you.

So you were saying about inter-racial showers...

:lol: :lol:

Do they allow tap shoes in the shower?

:lol: :lol:

Glad you're back...I figured you needed a good tease!

Best Regards,


06-25-2004, 01:57 PM
Yup, it was all cool and fun. No dancing for me. Hey, Sur is black!

Hey David, go answer some PMs:shot:

06-25-2004, 02:00 PM
Oh so, what's new and/or exciting?

06-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Welcome back kiddo! I missed you!

06-25-2004, 02:30 PM
Oh so, what's new and/or exciting?

I sold my Marauder and bought a Mini. Put dual turbos on her and now have the only 11 second Mini.

:bs: :stupid:

06-25-2004, 02:47 PM
I sold my Marauder and bought a Mini. Put dual turbos on her and now have the only 11 second Mini.
Dumbass...you should have sold it to me!:D

06-25-2004, 04:52 PM
Welcome back kiddo! I missed you!

I thought is awful quite this week!!!

06-25-2004, 07:47 PM
I thought is awful quite this week!!!
It was! I've been checking here and there sometimes when I have time to just look...and it wasn't too much!

06-25-2004, 08:28 PM
Dumbass...you should have sold it to me!:D


It was real quite around here with you gone. No one made me laugh until you tonight. Thanks. :rock:

06-25-2004, 08:42 PM
It was! I've been checking here and there sometimes when I have time to just look...and it wasn't too much!

You missed it! It was a drive by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donny Carlson
06-25-2004, 09:03 PM
Yup, it was all cool and fun. No dancing for me. Hey, Sur is black! (INSERT LULU HERE)


(1000 Bonus Points, James, if you get the reference. And no help from the audience, please...)

06-25-2004, 09:10 PM


(1000 Bonus Points, James, if you get the reference. And no help from the audience, please...)

This he should get!!!!!!!1

Donny Carlson
06-25-2004, 09:15 PM
This he should get!!!!!!!1
It was either this, or the old dancing joke, which Logan would have given me a spanking for posting...:shake:

06-25-2004, 09:29 PM
It was either this, or the old dancing joke, which Logan would have given me a spanking for posting...:shake:
The Cat would have gone for it!!!!!!!!:shot:

06-25-2004, 09:48 PM
The Cat would have gone for it!!!!!!!!:shot:
:lol: :lol:

06-25-2004, 09:51 PM
Hey James like new sig??? Mary did good!!!!!!!

06-26-2004, 07:35 AM
That's a great signature Patrick! I was googling over it the other night.

It's such a pity that when a picture is posted here on the website, the original path is changed so it appears it's always been a marauder.net picture. Because I'm a tad clueless. Saved By The Bell comes to mind, but something tells me that's wrong, but I'd rather guess it.

06-26-2004, 07:37 AM
Welcome Haggis! Glad I could!

One more thing about the Town Car. When she pops the trunk, it rises up slowly, and the hinges are covered by a plastic guard. And it comes back down by itself and locks too!!!

Fourth Horseman
06-26-2004, 03:38 PM
Hey James like new sig??? Mary did good!!!!!!!

And points for the album cover of The Number of the Beast. Such a good album!

06-26-2004, 05:07 PM
That's a great signature Patrick! I was googling over it the other night.

It's such a pity that when a picture is posted here on the website, the original path is changed so it appears it's always been a marauder.net picture. Because I'm a tad clueless. Saved By The Bell comes to mind, but something tells me that's wrong, but I'd rather guess it.

R These Yours?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-26-2004, 05:09 PM
It was either this, or the old dancing joke, which Logan would have given me a spanking for posting...:shake:

Let it Go!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-26-2004, 05:13 PM
That's a great signature Patrick! I was googling over it the other night.

It's such a pity that when a picture is posted here on the website, the original path is changed so it appears it's always been a marauder.net picture. Because I'm a tad clueless. Saved By The Bell comes to mind, but something tells me that's wrong, but I'd rather guess it.

So you can view the AC/DC and Iron Maiden pics???

06-26-2004, 05:29 PM
Welcome home James....:cool:

Donny Carlson
06-26-2004, 05:32 PM
Let it Go!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just the punch line:

Because it looks too much like dancing.

06-26-2004, 05:47 PM
Just the punch line:

Because it looks too much like dancing.

:bows: :bows: