View Full Version : Tough Father

06-25-2004, 01:56 PM
Here is a father that means business. Make sure you read all of the description. :lol:


06-25-2004, 02:00 PM
Bwahahah! Kick ass...if it's true more power to the parents...what a retarded kid!

06-25-2004, 02:21 PM
Selling the stuff is ok as a secondary punishment, I hope he did more than that to show his son the fear of God. If you don't you will loose them.

06-25-2004, 02:27 PM
Yep, if the kid has gone that far, the parents lost control a long time ago.

06-25-2004, 02:31 PM
Thats a good start!!! But someone would be going to the wood shed!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

06-25-2004, 02:36 PM
Yep, if the kid has gone that far, the parents lost control a long time ago.
Yup, it's better to be not so nice while they are younger, too much sensitivity and too many people reading books on how to raise children...not enough spanking when it does the most good....early in life.

As for my qualifications on this opinion, look at my profile picture. The three man with me are my sons. I am very proud of them.

06-25-2004, 02:37 PM
Thats a good start!!! But someone would be going to the wood shed!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

In my family you get to pick your own switch...and it better be a good one! :help:

06-25-2004, 04:03 PM
I hope I never have to get to that point with my son (or other children I may have). At this moment, all I have to do is look at him in an angry fashion (mouth pursed, eyes WIDE open in anger) and he immediately goes wide-eyed and quietly says "sorry, papa". If I have to get to the point where I change my tone of voice, he's immediately in tears. Thing is, I have not even had to resort to any sort of physical correction (except for the once or twice where I've had to grab him firmly by the arm while delivering "The Stare").

Like I said, I hope I never have to get to the point of requiring physical punishment or getting to the point this particular parent has found himself in. But if I do, it's a burden I'll have to bear... it seriously DOES hurt a caring parent more than it hurts the kid (accent on the word 'caring', abusive parents notwithstanding). But I'm with Smokie... my dad never hesitated in reminding us who was in charge (and looking back, for good reason), and it seriously kept us from a natural tendency to become slackers.

06-25-2004, 04:39 PM
I see the kids who weren't spanked every day. They are the ones shouting obscenities at adults, drinking, doing drugs, getting pregnant, etc..


06-25-2004, 06:42 PM
I see the kids who weren't spanked every day.

Well, maybe spanking them every day is a little bit overkill, but I think I get your point...


(BTW: I agree with your assessment... lots of people out there who don't respect boundaries... boundaries on what they can do to others, what they can get away with, etc. Growing up with the proper adult guidance and supervision teaches the youngster that in life there are rules that have to be respected, from the simplest of things such as spitting on a person's car, to the most fundamentally catastrophic as taking another person's life.)

Donny Carlson
06-25-2004, 09:21 PM
Here is a father that means business. Make sure you read all of the description. :lol:

Unless this is a gay couple raising a son, the seller is the boy's >mother<, not father. There is a reference to "Husband finds corkscrew..."

06-25-2004, 09:30 PM
Unless this is a gay couple raising a son, the seller is the boy's >mother<, not father. There is a reference to "Husband finds corkscrew..."

That's not all... consider the following excerpt:


A true male would have said something along the lines of "The kid drank the booze that I was hoarding for that time when I'd be raring to go but the missus was a little more reluctant".

Yes they had drank the beer. -$6.00 Strike one!
Male version:" yes they drank the g*ddamned beer... Strike One, Two and Three... yer OUT!!!!"

06-25-2004, 09:46 PM
I see the kids who weren't spanked every day. They are the ones shouting obscenities at adults, drinking, doing drugs, getting pregnant, etc..


And I hated to share this but I had to. Thier is girl I used to work with. She has a 5 yr old, 2/1 yr old and a four month old. All I heared was what a dead beat her BOYFREIND is!!! She Just turned 19 and is Three months pregnant. God help them for I cannot.

06-26-2004, 05:24 AM
I know this is more of a beer and chips kind of crowd here, but how many of you have ever opened a bottle of champagne with a cork screw???

Dad- “what did you use this corkscrew for?”

Son- “To open the beer.”

Dad- “What about this cork?”

Son- “What cork?”

Dad- “This cork.”

Son “Oh, THAT cork. I drank some wine too.”

Dad- “Well I hope you enjoyed that because it cost $120.00 a bottle!”

LET THE YELLING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

That’s right my 13 year old son drank a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne- 1995. PUT IT BACK IN THE FRIDGE WITH PART OF A CORK AND THE LITTLE METAL THING BACK ON TOP! -$120.00.

This post has more of the smell of bull***** than some of Todd's posts.

Can you say "Urban Legend"?

Just my 5 cent deposit......

But I will say that if that did happen in my house, my Dad would have given me the beat down of a life time and then posted me for sale on flea bay!!

06-26-2004, 06:20 AM
Here is a father that means business. Make sure you read all of the description. :lol:

if the kid was on the ball he sould have one of his buddys snipe the auction! :up:

Donny Carlson
06-26-2004, 02:11 PM
Dom Perignon champagne- 1995

This post has more of the smell of bull***** than some of Todd's posts.

Can you say "Urban Legend"?

______________________________ ___________

I think DP '95 is higher than $120 per bottle, too. I suspect somebody wanted to unload a Playstation, and thought they'd get a better response by creating a back story. Seems to have worked, too.

06-26-2004, 02:29 PM
I know this is more of a beer and chips kind of crowd here, ...

...and 'lil smokies (yum, smack). Can't forget them for the fancy parties.

06-26-2004, 05:22 PM
Well it might be a hoax. But a woppin would still be inorder!!!