View Full Version : Ok, this is great. The motor mounts made me laugh but the axle got a OMFG!!!!

10-20-2021, 08:13 PM
Ok, this is great. The motor mounts made me laugh but the axle got a OMFG!!!!


10-20-2021, 10:45 PM
I typically can’t stand them “Customer states” videos. They started popping up like crazy in my feed a year or so ago, I made the mistake of watching the first two or three and now they just keep popping up..

Gotta admit though, how that axle ever lasted without complete “loss of vehicle” as NASA would say or the fact that CV didn’t let go a few years prior is beyond my comprehension? I need that name brand please!

I recall working as a mechanic at around 20 or so and a nice Roadmaster wagon got towed in with the aluminum driveshaft completely corkscrewed and shredded laying inside from tailgate to front seats, not kidding... Owner said his 16 year old son had borrowed the car and this is the way he returned it. Looking over at the poor kid looking like he wouldn’t be smelling outside air again until 18 I looked back at the father and simply said “Poor guy, I hope it didn’t scare him too bad?? Pretty common, in fact 3rd one I’ve seen in the last two months probably.” The kid looked up at me with the biggest thank you in his eyes! LOL Dad went out to pay the tow truck guy and I quickly said “critical speed, look it homie”. Dad didn’t know jack about cars but his son was fast track learning! Literally.

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