View Full Version : TV Commercials.....

07-02-2004, 02:25 PM
TV Commercials are definiately getting better, and hold your attention much longer.

I use to enjoy the Geico commercials. Still do. Especially the Kung Fu fighting one.

Now, Seven Up has a whole new series of Spy VS Spy commercials coming out. They are hilarious!

Pepsi has a new lineup coming out too. I liked the one where the NASA engineer is monitoring a rover on Mars or the Moon, whatever. He turns away briefly to enjoy a Diet Pepsi. All of a sudden an alarm goes off, he looks back, and a bunch of aliens have jacked up the rover and stolen all the tires and wheels.

People get paid damn good money to sit around and dream up these commercials. They're earning their money now in my opinion!


07-03-2004, 01:30 AM
I like the Budwieser Frogs!!!

07-03-2004, 04:55 AM
TV Commercials are definiately getting better, and hold your attention much longer.

I use to enjoy the Geico commercials. Still do. Especially the Kung Fu fighting one.

Now, Seven Up has a whole new series of Spy VS Spy commercials coming out. They are hilarious!

Pepsi has a new lineup coming out too. I liked the one where the NASA engineer is monitoring a rover on Mars or the Moon, whatever. He turns away briefly to enjoy a Diet Pepsi. All of a sudden an alarm goes off, he looks back, and a bunch of aliens have jacked up the rover and stolen all the tires and wheels.

People get paid damn good money to sit around and dream up these commercials. They're earning their money now in my opinion!

Certainly there are a handful of TV commercials that get your attention or cause a chuckle. However, for the most part I find many of them to be irritating, obnoxious, or downright innane. IMHO. This is especially true of the one's that get run over and over again -- sometimes back to back. The ads that you mentioned are some of the better ones....especially, the aliens vs. the space rover. Good thing they don't overplay it to dillute the humor.

Personally, I cannot ever recall buying a product because I saw a TV commercial about it. But, I have NOT bought some things because of their commercials. What's more is that I don't think that anyone has ever proven a direct relationship between TV advertizing and sales -- it appears to be more of a negative impact ..... you know ... well my competitor is advertizing, so I should also.

I'm sure that most of us on this site bought Marauders because of the wonderful advertizing campaign that F/L/M launched to stimulate sales, right?? Seems the best advertising is satisfied customers and word of mouth. Too many big business are overlooking that factor.

TV advertising has but one "real" effect on products --- increasing the price. Take a look at the pharmaceutical industry. Half the commercials on TV today are promoting some kind of drug for some kind of disorder. And, all that advertizing cost is tacked on to the most needed drugs for the elderly or infirm. I am totally saturated by ads for allergy meds and for Viagra, Levitra, and all their male performance clones.

That just my 2 cents.