View Full Version : car alarms

07-29-2002, 07:33 PM
hi all,

dave here,

just wanted to say hi and figured this was a good way.

car alarms are fancy now days, they have two way car alarms (thats what i have). i dont know what a 03MM has stock but a remote start is cool in the summer and hot in the winter and with the two way you can check the status(running, out of range, etc) with out having to look at your car. I have the compustar and it has held up nice for the past four years.

hope to see you all at the drag strips and carshows maybe even a stoplight or two.

dave goshorn
95 dggm impala ss
viera florida
owner groups makes it more fun

07-30-2002, 08:50 AM
Welcome aboard Dave...

I haven't gotten around to installing my alarm system yet, or even picking one out for that matter. Anyone else done one yet and have any suggestions?

07-30-2002, 10:15 AM
This is my first post. I picked up my Marauder on 7/6 and went on vacation (without the car) the next day. Came back late on 7/11 and had an aftermarket alarm installed (my first one) on 7/12. Until then, only put 30 miles on the car. The installer, who should have only taken 1-1/2 to 2 hours to install the alarm was at my place for 5 hours. After several false alarms he finally got it working correctly. That night at dusk I was wondering why the instrument panel lights were not on. The installer had shorted out the panel lights, tail lights, and fog lights. The dealer fixed it up under warranty since I bought the alarm system through them. Working good now. Enjoying the car. Dealer gave me a hat ($12.95 retail) free for my troubles.

Fourth Horseman
07-30-2002, 10:49 AM
Does the alarm work with your vehicle's key fob or do you have to use a second one to arm/disarm the alarm?

07-30-2002, 11:18 AM
With the key fob from Mercury. Also arm and disarm through the door keypad. But I have to unlock the doors first before I open the trunk or else the alarm activates. Still trying out different scenarios. Nothing worse then setting off your own alarm in a crowded parking lot.

07-30-2002, 11:34 AM
I purchased an aftermarket one from the dealer when I bought the car. It has a remote starter also. The instalation was done very cleanly. I am very happy with it. It was an Audiovox Pursuit (I think). It has alot of pretty nice features, like you can have it start every 2 to 4 hours over a 48 hour period (like if it is out in very cold temps), and have it run for a set period of time. I paid about $450 for it complete.

07-30-2002, 01:01 PM
Purchased the BULL DOG SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM, Model 2002 PRO, from JC Whitney from their Web Site, and it installed in 15 minutes, with just one Alligator Clip Wire on the Positive Side of the Battery Cable. Two Key Fobs, many different "Alarm" Levels, sensing various levels of contact from the outside, or any draw from the battery in the event a door, trunk, light, or ignition is tampered with. Can leave on 24 / 7, draws very little current. Cost me less than $80.00 - "Installed", and since it's Both an "Active / Passive" Alarm System, will cut your Car insurance from 7 - 23%!

At First "Alarm" a Man's Voice sternly advises: "Please Step Away From The Car - You Are Standing Too Close!"

:eek: :eek: :D ;) :cool:

07-31-2002, 06:14 PM
OK, remote start would be great... does anyone have a suggestion for one, all I ask is that I only have one remote (don't even care if it's not factory)!

Larry Vogel
07-31-2002, 07:49 PM
After working at a dealer for years and seen it all, a better bet would be an Auto-Lock like you may have seen on an informercial. The only way they could drive off with your Marauder would be with no brakes. If they really want your car they will tow it.:(

08-01-2002, 07:56 AM
My alarm/starter system came with 2 new fobs that take the place of the stock ones. You can get more if needed.