View Full Version : I hate people (not y'all)

2003 MIB
07-08-2004, 11:02 AM
I drove the Marauder to work today (club meeting tonight) and took her to my favorite car wash. I'm waiting for her outside and notice a shiny new Caddy hearse being detailed.
I'm using smokeless tobacco and and old dude (who looked kinda like the guy in the Six Flags commercial) walks over to me and says, "Dipping is a deadly habit." and hands me his Funeral Director business card.
I glared and reminded him that, "So is talking to people you don't know."
He went away.
The more I thought about it, I guess he was trying to help but it not like I'm unaware of the dangers associated with this nasty redneck vice...
Thanks for letting me vent. I know a lot of our local group smokes and I'm sure you hear this kinda stuff a lot.

07-08-2004, 11:14 AM
Wow! That sounds even comical. Like some stereotypical depiction of a funeral director or undertaker in some comedy movie. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the black $ white TV series that Jackie Gleason used to star in before he hit it big by landing the main part in the "Honeymooners" series called "The Life of Riley". But that show was also a comedy series (although not as good as the "Honeymooners" was) and there was a character who was an undertaker who used to stop by and visit the main character "Riley" played by Jackie Gleason. Anyway that character's famous parting line was "Oh well, I think I'll be shoveling off "........that guy that you just spoke of kinda reminds me of that stereotype. That's why I say, it's downright comical that he should hand you a card. As if though he's waiting for you to die so that he can have more business.

I'm not saying that he was right or wrong about his comment. I happen to have given up all forms of tabacco over 20 years ago. But man that was a pretty bold move on his part. But then again, maybe that's the only reason why he was able to grab your attention and make you think. No? Even if it was offensive at first. I just think him handing you his card was kind of tacky, or even morbid since he's a funeral director. But maybe he was trying to get you to think by his bold actions.

07-08-2004, 11:20 AM
..."So is talking to people you don't know."

Love your come back. ROTFLMAO :lol:

07-08-2004, 11:24 AM
Love your come back. ROTFLMAO :lol:

It could have been better,

"so is talking to people you don't know..."


Thats what Clint Eastwood would do.

2003 MIB
07-08-2004, 11:25 AM
it's downright comical that he should hand you a card. As if though he waiting for you to die so that he can have more business. maybe that's the only reason why he was able to grab your attention and make you think.
100% accurate, Billy!!!!!...It does make me think and maybe a little thinking isn't such a bad thing....:)

2003 MIB
07-08-2004, 11:27 AM
It could have been better,

"so is talking to people you don't know..."


Thats what Clint Eastwood would do.
If I'd been faster on my feet, I wish I'd asked him if he was riding in the front or back today- he was pretty old.

07-08-2004, 11:35 AM
I was at a race shop in NC (I won't say which one) A lady ask me not to smoke around her. I looked around at all the Winston signs. I was polite and told her as I was putting out my cigerett "If you don't want people smoking around you, don't sit next to the only ashtray in the place." She was sitting next to the only ashtray. Turns out she was the drivers wife, so they asked me to leave. If she fells that strongly why didn't she make her husband give back all that money to Winston?
Sorry bout the rant. I try to be a considerate smoker.

07-08-2004, 11:38 AM
A friend of mine had a 1971 Olds Delta 98 Herse he used as a heavy hauler for his retail store.

One day, he stopped by the local Megamart to pick up soda's, and the old man out front asked him one question.

"Picking up, or dropping off?"

07-08-2004, 11:40 AM
Wow! That sounds even comical. Like some stereotypical depiction of a funeral director or undertaker in some comedy movie. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the black $ white TV series that Jackie Gleason used to star in before he hit it big by landing the main part in the "Honeymooners" series called "The Life of Riley". But that show was also a comedy series (although not as good as the "Honeymooners" was) and there was a character who was an undertaker who used to stop by and visit the main character "Riley" played by Jackie Gleason. Anyway that character's famous parting line was "Oh well, I think I'll be shoveling off "........that guy that you just spoke of kinda reminds me of that stereotype. That's why I say, it's downright comical that he should hand you a card. As if though he's waiting for you to die so that he can have more business.

I'm not saying that he was right or wrong about his comment. I happen to have given up all forms of tabacco over 20 years ago. But man that was a pretty bold move on his part. But then again, maybe that's the only reason why he was able to grab your attention and make you think. No? Even if it was offensive at first. I just think him handing you his card was kind of tacky, or even morbid since he's a funeral director. But maybe he was trying to get you to think by his bold actions.

I'm going to go home, light up a cigar and give this some more thought

07-08-2004, 11:43 AM
If I'd been faster on my feet, I wish I'd asked him if he was riding in the front or back today- he was pretty old.

Oh that would have been good.

Dr Caleb
07-08-2004, 11:44 AM
I glared and reminded him that, "So is talking to people you don't know."
He went away.

Excellent reply! Reminds me of years ago. I worked on a slaughterhouse floor, and part time retail in a meat department. It's kind of weird, gross work, but stragely you get used to it.

We were supposed to wear two smocks, an outer one covered in blood to be removed if we went out on the floor, exposing the white one underneath. It was a real busy day, so I was mostly on the floor, so I didn't remove the slightly blood stained outer one. Some hippie/goth type approaches me (you know, long black coat, too much eye makup) and nastily states "Meat is Murder.". So, shooting from the hip, I give her my best Marty Feldman eyes and fire back "...But murder is fuuunnnn".

I thought her head was going to explode.

07-08-2004, 11:51 AM
I'm going to go home, light up a cigar and give this some more thoughtHey, it's your body. No skin off me. But while we're on the subject, I had a great uncle who smoked cigars a good part of his life. He ended up w/mouth cancer and they removed the man's mouth!! He had a hole in his neck to breath, and he was so hooked on his habit that he continued to smoke cigars by sticking them in that hole in his neck. How sick is that? He then died from the cancer spreading a couple years after that.

O's Fan Rich
07-08-2004, 12:04 PM
Hey, it's your body. No skin off me. But while we're on the subject, I had a great uncle who smoked cigars a good part of his life. He ended up w/mouth cancer and they removed the man's mouth!! He had a hole in his neck to breath, and he was so hooked on his habit that he continued to smoke cigars by sticking them in that hole in his neck. How sick is that? He then died from the cancer spreading a couple years after that.

Yeah, Billy when I die I want to go out like my Grand Dad, drunk and asleep.
Not crying and screaming like the three other guys in the car.

07-08-2004, 12:34 PM
I am allergic to smoke and can't be around it at all, but I do appreciate all the tobacco users who are keeping my business going strong. Cancer diagnosis and treatment is the biggest money maker in the medical industry.

07-08-2004, 12:35 PM
Wow! That sounds even comical. Like some stereotypical depiction of a funeral director or undertaker in some comedy movie. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the black $ white TV series that Jackie Gleason used to star in before he hit it big by landing the main part in the "Honeymooners" series called "The Life of Riley". But that show was also a comedy series (although not as good as the "Honeymooners" was) and there was a character who was an undertaker who used to stop by and visit the main character "Riley" played by Jackie Gleason. "...snip...".
Billy, I think William Bendix was the lead character in "The Life of Riley". Don't know why I remember the name - heck I'm 53 and barely remember the Riley series (1957-1958??). Bendix??? Brakes??? Who knows???

As to the incident at the carwash, I would blow it off and not lose any sleep over it. He probably thought that his comment was well-meant and well-intentioned. Obviously, he didn't think it through. Passing out his business card was rather presumptious and really had the reverse of the intended effect based on comments here. Let's chalk this one up to a lesson in "How not to advertise your business services". :nono:

07-08-2004, 12:55 PM
Billy, I think William Bendix was the lead character in "The Life of Riley". (1957-1958??).
Actually it was 1949. The Honeymooners were from 1954-56 and the Life of Riley was obviously before that and before Jackie Gleason really hit it big. I'm not a conoisseur of the "Life of Riley" series, but I am one of the "Honeymooners". But now you have me thinking, because you're the second person to question me on that, so now I'll have to look that one up if I can find any info on the net about it. :confused:

07-08-2004, 12:59 PM
Actually it was 1949. The Honeymooners were from 1954-56 and the Life of Riley was obviously before that and before Jackie Gleason really hit it big. I'm not a conoisseur of the "Life of Riley" series, but I am one of the "Honeymooners". But now you have me thinking, because you're the second person to question me on that, so now I'll have to look that one up if I can find any info on the net about it. :confused:
"One of these days, Alice ..... right to the moon!!". Great show from the B&W era. I really liked the Art Carney character (Norton).

07-08-2004, 01:25 PM
Somebody please let me know if this is rude of me to change the topic here, cuz if it is, I'll let this go. But yes Charlie, I hear ya. I'm a big Honeymooners fan. I like the 39 "Classics" only. U can forget about the "Lost Episodes" cuz they're not nearly as funny.

Only true Honeymooners fanatics like me would remember the following quote from "Ed Norton"......"The table aint level"......and "Gee, that's the biggest understatement since Custer said 'Over that hill I think there are friendly Indians'"

07-08-2004, 01:30 PM
I have no problem with people's right to smoke and I avoid smoking areas. I do get irritated when they do it in non-smoking areas. Like, say, when we go to an Applebee's and we're in the non-smoking section and someone lights up at the table next to us. And we have our newborn with us.

It's strange how before my wife was pregnant I would have just seethed internally at either the stupidity or brashness of the person doing it. Now I walk right up to the person and ask them to put it out, remind them it's a non-smoking area, and call the manager if necessary.

Smoking IMO is Darwinism at work. If people want to die, fine. I just don't want them trying to take me or my family along.


07-08-2004, 01:31 PM
A 7 year old is sitting at a bus stop with a big pile of candy on his lap. He's chewing a candy bar and happy when an old man walks over and says, "Son, candy is bad for you."

The kid says, "My grandfather lived to be ninety-two."

"Did he eat candy," the old man asked?

"No, he knew how to mind his own business."

07-08-2004, 01:49 PM
People like that don't know when to MYOB. :lol:

07-08-2004, 01:56 PM
Like the "Outlaw Josie Wales" you should have spat a tobacco wad on his lapel and told him "why don't you go bury that shirt!"



07-08-2004, 02:02 PM
Well I was born 7/16/51 and I remember the show. I knew it was in the mid to late 50's. Here's what I found on the web. "Life of Riley, The" (1953)
[TV-Series 1953-1958]

07-08-2004, 02:05 PM
something in this life will kill you. it's just a matter of what. [old age, plane crash, etc.] it might as well be something you enjoy. i don't smoke cigarettes [i quit] but still enjoy cigars. i believe if i'm at the bar at outback and you want to sit down next to me and light a cigarette it's your right to do so. this is america and tobacco helped build this country. if a consenting adult chooses to smoke, drink, or give unwanted opinions to people they don't know, they have a right to do so. a consenting adult should also be aware of the possible consequences of the three aforementioned practices. i enjoy cigars and cold bud light and [with the exception of this long-winded rant] try to keep my mouth shut.:up:

07-08-2004, 02:14 PM
I am allergic to smoke and can't be around it at all, but I do appreciate all the tobacco users who are keeping my business going strong. Cancer diagnosis and treatment is the biggest money maker in the medical industry.
My mom would LOVE you...she's had cancer twice and she really despises the medical industry!

07-08-2004, 02:27 PM
something in this life will kill you. it's just a matter of what. [old age, plane crash, etc.] it might as well be something you enjoy. i don't smoke cigarettes [i quit] but still enjoy cigars. i believe if i'm at the bar at outback and you want to sit down next to me and light a cigarette it's your right to do so. this is america and tobacco helped build this country. if a consenting adult chooses to smoke, drink, or give unwanted opinions to people they don't know, they have a right to do so. a consenting adult should also be aware of the possible consequences of the three aforementioned practices. i enjoy cigars and cold bud light and [with the exception of this long-winded rant] try to keep my mouth shut.:up:

I agree. But I don't smoke around others. At home my son and myself go out in the yard. The chemicals brake dust and fumes in the dealership will kill me long before smoking will. If you walk downtown the bus and truck fume will kill you. Something is going to get you, so enjoy what life you have. Just my .02. RAY :up:

07-08-2004, 02:44 PM
I drove the Marauder to work today (club meeting tonight) and took her to my favorite car wash. I'm waiting for her outside and notice a shiny new Caddy hearse being detailed.
I'm using smokeless tobacco and and old dude (who looked kinda like the guy in the Six Flags commercial) walks over to me and says, "Dipping is a deadly habit." and hands me his Funeral Director business card.
I glared and reminded him that, "So is talking to people you don't know."
He went away.
The more I thought about it, I guess he was trying to help but it not like I'm unaware of the dangers associated with this nasty redneck vice...
Thanks for letting me vent. I know a lot of our local group smokes and I'm sure you hear this kinda stuff a lot.
So just who is messing with you? I think you done good ! CYa tonight.


07-08-2004, 03:55 PM
Waking up in the morning is the only deadly habit.

07-08-2004, 04:04 PM
Somebody please let me know if this is rude of me to change the topic here, cuz if it is, I'll let this go. But yes Charlie, I hear ya. I'm a big Honeymooners fan. I like the 39 "Classics" only. U can forget about the "Lost Episodes" cuz they're not nearly as funny.

Only true Honeymooners fanatics like me would remember the following quote from "Ed Norton"......"The table aint level"......and "Gee, that's the biggest understatement since Custer said 'Over that hill I think there are friendly Indians'"

Gleason & Bendix both played the part - I think Gleason did it first then left for his variety show which spawned the Honeymooners (which was & still is the best sitcom ever on TV).

07-08-2004, 04:07 PM
A 7 year old is sitting at a bus stop with a big pile of candy on his lap. He's chewing a candy bar and happy when an old man walks over and says, "Son, candy is bad for you."

The kid says, "My grandfather lived to be ninety-two."

"Did he eat candy," the old man asked?

"No, he knew how to mind his own business."

ROFLMAO!! I might have squirted a few drops of pee in my underwear!
Thanks I needed that!

07-08-2004, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the laughs you guy's, today I needed that. :beer:

Donny Carlson
07-08-2004, 07:55 PM
I might have squirted a few drops of pee in my underwear!
But thanks for sharing that with us!:rolleyes:

07-08-2004, 09:35 PM
Waking up in the morning is the only deadly habit.

Life is a sexually transmitted terminal condition.

07-08-2004, 10:46 PM
Gleason & Bendix both played the part - I think Gleason did it first then left for his variety show which spawned the Honeymooners (which was & still is the best sitcom ever on TV).
Thanks for that info. Yeah, the Honeymooners are great. Gleason was a great comical actor.

07-08-2004, 11:39 PM
My question is...what did he expect you to do with his business card? Your not gonna call him when you need it!

07-09-2004, 12:11 AM
.............................. That's why I say, it's downright comical that he should hand you a card. As if though he's waiting for you to die so that he can have more business...................... ....................
.............................. ..... I just think him handing you his card was kind of tacky, or even morbid since he's a funeral director. .............................. ..........
Yeah. What good would his business card be to a guy who's about to kick the bucket anyway?

07-09-2004, 12:32 AM
A 7 year old is sitting at a bus stop with a big pile of candy on his lap. He's chewing a candy bar and happy when an old man walks over and says, "Son, candy is bad for you."

The kid says, "My grandfather lived to be ninety-two."

"Did he eat candy," the old man asked?

"No, he knew how to mind his own business."

:up: :up:

07-09-2004, 12:34 AM
My question is...what did he expect you to do with his business card? Your not gonna call him when you need it!

He would have not liked where I put the card!!!!!

2003 MIB
07-09-2004, 04:03 AM
Yeah. What good would his business card be to a guy who's about to kick the bucket anyway?
It's a reach but MAYBE he thought I'd carry it in my wallet. My next of kin would see it when going through my stuff and think I must have some relationship with this ghoul and want him to bury me. Luckily, Coli knows I want to be cremated and have my ashes thrown over the wall at Graceland.

07-09-2004, 04:22 AM
Luckily, Coli knows I want to be cremated and have my ashes thrown over the wall at Graceland.

Make sure you put this in your will.

2003 MIB
07-09-2004, 04:29 AM
Make sure you put this in your will.
God, I love free legal advice!
Will do, Marty...I've also been contemplating a "do not resuscitate" tattoo.

07-09-2004, 04:31 AM
I've also been contemplating a "do not resuscitate" tattoo.

These are all the rage. Todd has one Tattooed on his face....okay, okay he doesn't really, but he should. It would be an improvement and certainly couldn't hurt.

07-09-2004, 05:29 AM
Luckily, Coli knows I want to be cremated and have my ashes thrown over the wall at Graceland.

I'm donating my body to a medical school. And just before I die I intend to swallow a little plastic toy. That way my medical student gets a free prize. I think that the other students will be really jealous.

2003 MIB
07-09-2004, 06:00 AM
I'm donating my body to a medical school. And just before I die I intend to swallow a little plastic toy. That way my medical student gets a free prize. I think that the other students will be really jealous.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're best line ever, Dan!!!

07-09-2004, 07:08 AM
I'm donating my body to a medical school. And just before I die I intend to swallow a little plastic toy. That way my medical student gets a free prize. I think that the other students will be really jealous.
That is a "Crackerjack idea, just Crackjack". (apologies to Steve McQueen in the Magnificent Seven).
That is the funniest line that I have heard in a long time. Morbid, but funny nonetheless !!!

Dr Caleb
07-09-2004, 07:58 AM
... That way my medical student gets a free prize. I think that the other students will be really jealous.

That's friggen hilarious! Me, I'm donating my body to Science Fiction. . .

07-12-2004, 06:15 PM
I drove the Marauder to work today (club meeting tonight) and took her to my favorite car wash. I'm waiting for her outside and notice a shiny new Caddy hearse being detailed.
I'm using smokeless tobacco and and old dude (who looked kinda like the guy in the Six Flags commercial) walks over to me and says, "Dipping is a deadly habit." and hands me his Funeral Director business card.
I glared and reminded him that, "So is talking to people you don't know."
He went away.
The more I thought about it, I guess he was trying to help but it not like I'm unaware of the dangers associated with this nasty redneck vice...
Thanks for letting me vent. I know a lot of our local group smokes and I'm sure you hear this kinda stuff a lot.

Hell Dan, even my Doctor says "life has a 100% mortality rate." I had a very good friend who was a POW in W.W.II. Got captured in the Philippines and was in the Battan Death March, Survived over 3 years in a Japanese concentration cap. In 1973 he tells me that he's quitting smoking cause he's coughing a lot. Two weeks to the day later he is working on an electric sign when his teammate runs their cherry picker into high voltage lines and my friend is killed. Moral of the story? He quit smoking for two weeks for nothing!

11-23-2004, 09:31 PM
Well said. As an active duty military member, I fight to defend peoples rights AND opinions about other peoples rights. I love posts like yours.
something in this life will kill you. it's just a matter of what. [old age, plane crash, etc.] it might as well be something you enjoy. i don't smoke cigarettes [i quit] but still enjoy cigars. i believe if i'm at the bar at outback and you want to sit down next to me and light a cigarette it's your right to do so. this is america and tobacco helped build this country. if a consenting adult chooses to smoke, drink, or give unwanted opinions to people they don't know, they have a right to do so. a consenting adult should also be aware of the possible consequences of the three aforementioned practices. i enjoy cigars and cold bud light and [with the exception of this long-winded rant] try to keep my mouth shut.:up: