View Full Version : I'm Out For A Week...Again

07-11-2004, 07:51 AM
Well, I'm off again, but this time for Debate Camp. This year's topic:That the United States federal government should esablish a foreign policy substantially increasing it's support of United Nations peacekeeping operations.

Oh...Boy. But it's a heck of a lot better than last years...which was all about saving the fishes.

This week is a tad different in that, I know a person going and so I'll havea friend more immediately when I get there. It's a no doubt. And, my best friend Mackenzie was supposed to come but she was on a waiting list and couldn't get in. She's down in Stone Mountian Georiga and because her mom loves me so much, she's coming up on Friday after camp and staying that night so I can take her and her mother out...:D

Well, wish me luck! I think this is going to be a load of fun...even though I can't leave the Bob Jones University campus! AHH! Ok, either way, I'll enjoy it. We'll be doing lots of research so we'll be in the computer lab and I'll come back and check up on you all.

Remember...Nothing to vastly interesting while I'm gone and don't cause trouble.:up:

07-11-2004, 09:43 AM
..from a former <cough> peacekeeper.

I was in Bosnia in '98, and Kosovo and Macedonia for most of '01.

Professional soldiers should not be used as peacekeepers. We are trained to kill our enemies. Not wound, not subdue, to kill. When we trained with our assigned weapons; We fire 'center mass'...meaning,.. upper torso. The kill shot.

The military says they train us for peacekeeping,.. well,.. yes and no. I was required to complete a Situational Training Exercise (STX) before each deployment. They typically last 3-5 days. We are rushed though 'lanes' such as: React to land mines, Crowd control, Search of Vehicles and People, React to sniper, etc. They really only teach us enough to be dangerous to ourselves by giving us a false sense of security. Much more training is required to be effective IMO. The only folks who are actually trained for this is the Military Police and Intelligence folks.

The UN... or Useless Nations, as I like to call them; have never done an effective job of peacekeeping.

Furthermore, the Rules of Engagement (ROE) usually tie the hands of the peacekeepers.

here's a personal example:

I was on Gate Guard at Comanche Base in Bosnia. As the gate guard I was NOT ALLOWED to have a loaded magazine in my weapon! Myself and one other soldier stood between the 'bad guys' and over 5000 troops inside the base. I had a loaded magazine anyway. :nono: Good thing too,... A local threated to kill me one day and come on post. I pulled the charging handle back and a 5.56mm round was chambered. I pointed my M-16 near him, but not at him. This dirty Bosnian's eyes got really wide, and he shut the f*** up.

I've always been told not to b***h about something unless I could offer a solution. Well,.. Our military is not really suited for this. (except for the few I listed above) A different sort of force is needed. How 'bout the Peace Corps? :lol:

Seriously,.. an international police force is needed, not the 101st Airborne.

I hope this perspective helps you out.

07-11-2004, 09:59 AM
Oh yeah,... have fun out there,.. and don't get in trouble!!!!

07-11-2004, 10:40 AM
... And, my best friend Mackenzie was supposed to come but she was on a waiting list and couldn't get in. She's down in Stone Mountian Georiga and because her mom loves me so much, she's coming up on Friday after camp and staying that night so I can take her and her mother out...

...Remember...Nothing to vastly interesting while I'm gone and don't cause trouble.:up:

Is that the "friend" with the VW. Lucky Dog!! ;)

James nothing exciting ever happens round here when your gone, I thought you knew that. :lol:

07-11-2004, 11:57 AM
Thanks Tom! I might very well be able to use that...and I do agree as well:up:

Haggis, no that is not her. in the picture is my best friend here, Elaine. She is my dance partner. coming is Mackenzie or Mackie, a best friend and prospect. We get along VERY well and we've known each other a year.

But I guess I'll have to stop in during the week and keep things going here:beer:

07-11-2004, 12:05 PM
Thanks Tom! I might very well be able to use that...and I do agree as well:up:

No prob,... I figured you would agree you crazy Lil Republican you! :lol:

07-12-2004, 12:18 AM
Seems the purpose of military "peacekeepers" has changed over the years. At one time they most definitely provided an armed presence.
Although I do believe that the United Nations has become as useful as the organisation it essentially replaced, the League of Nations

07-13-2004, 07:26 AM
All fun so far, I'm on the affirmative side of the resolution but we haven't really dived into all of this quite yet. It's still fun and I'm definitely having a great time. I've met some cool people and several I know from last year. My friend Mackenzie is coming at the end of the week...I should let you know. Haha...I'm excited about that!

07-13-2004, 08:59 AM
If it get to hot and heavy and it's looks like your not going to get your point across then use this history tested method........

Take your shoe off and bang the s**t out of the table:lol: :lol:

07-13-2004, 09:05 AM
Oh...Boy. But it's a heck of a lot better than last years...which was all about saving the fishes.

Remember...Nothing to vastly interesting while I'm gone and don't cause trouble.:up:

OK what have you got against saving the fish :uzi: :censor:

As far as behavin while your gone.........NO CHANCE :bounce:
See ya in Indy :D

07-13-2004, 02:22 PM
If it get to hot and heavy and it's looks like your not going to get your point across then use this history tested method........

Take your shoe off and bang the s**t out of the table:lol: :lol:



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fourth Horseman
07-13-2004, 02:42 PM
..from a former <cough> peacekeeper.

I was in Bosnia in '98, and Kosovo and Macedonia for most of '01.

Professional soldiers should not be used as peacekeepers. We are trained to kill our enemies. Not wound, not subdue, to kill. When we trained with our assigned weapons; We fire 'center mass'...meaning,.. upper torso. The kill shot.

I couldn't agree more. I'm not a soldier, but I've spent a lot of years studying military theory. In my opinion militaries excel at only one thing: crushing other militaries. They are not police. They are not designed to be police. I wish the politicians appreciated this better.

07-13-2004, 03:32 PM
I couldn't agree more. I'm not a soldier, but I've spent a lot of years studying military theory. In my opinion militaries excel at only one thing: crushing other militaries. They are not police. They are not designed to be police. I wish the politicians appreciated this better.

Yup,.. and what sucks more is the war we are fighting now. Guerrilla tactics have always worked against a big force. The good 'ol 'hit and fade' is probably the most effective tactic they could use; since we just can't completely destroy an entire grid square. Well, not without getting CNN's attention anyway.


07-13-2004, 03:38 PM
Yup,.. and what sucks more is the war we are fighting now. Guerrilla tactics have always worked against a big force. The good 'ol 'hit and fade' is probably the most effective tactic they could use; since we just can't completely destroy an entire grid square. Well, not without getting CNN's attention anyway.


Remember that in November!

Best Regards,


07-13-2004, 03:40 PM
Remember that in November!

damn straight!!! :uzi:

Donny Carlson
07-13-2004, 06:10 PM
My friend Mackenzie is coming at the end of the week...Haha...I'm excited about that!
I order to achieve one, the other is usually required, Grasshopper.;)

07-13-2004, 06:26 PM
My friend Mackenzie is coming at the end of the week...
Would this Mackenzie be driving a Rabbit....?

07-13-2004, 06:28 PM
"one time at debate camp......"


07-14-2004, 06:51 AM
Remember this quote from George Washington in case it might come in handy:

"Being prepared for war is the most effectual means of preserving peace."

Have a good time.

07-15-2004, 08:35 AM
Mackenzie driving a rabbit? I don't get it...ok well...I can't wait till tomorow...our days are very long...but all the cool people are cool. So what's new and interesting here???

MARTY CAN'T COME TO INDY! AWWW! That sucks! I was looking forward to meeting you bud!

I miss my car...:alone:

07-15-2004, 09:30 AM
Mackenzie driving a rabbit? I don't get it...ok well...I can't wait till tomorow...our days are very long...but all the cool people are cool. So what's new and interesting here???

It looks like Barry and I were thinking the same thing. ;)

07-15-2004, 10:18 AM
Yeah Gordon...we were...:P

Damn kids and their short term memory...love 'em and leave 'em...:shake:

Eye candy James! Eye candy!

07-15-2004, 06:38 PM
Yeah Gordon...we were...:P

Damn kids and their short term memory...love 'em and leave 'em...:shake:

Eye candy James! Eye candy!

And James he's not talking about the car. :up: ;)

07-16-2004, 06:21 PM
Let me guess, yous guys want pictures!?:D

I'm back for the week...had a great time! WHoooo! Mackenzie and her mom left at 8:15 tonight! I am saddened. We had a great time. :P