View Full Version : Tire Pressure

01-09-2003, 05:48 PM
I was checking my tire pressure today and I notice that it talks about a max of 44 psi. I have never ran low profile tires before and I am use to 35 psi. max.
So, I just wanted to see what people are running and if anybody has worked around performance tires, what they recommend for best wear on these tires. Performance is another thing all together.

RF Overlord
01-09-2003, 05:56 PM

I'll have to wait 'til the wife gets home to verify, but I believe the sticker says 32 all around...whatever it is, I put the sticker value in a month ago and I like the way it rides and handles...I probably wouldn't go any higher, as it is pretty stiff now...

I have to admit, I haven't played with the pressures relative to Front/Rear balance, etc.


01-09-2003, 05:57 PM
I'm interested too, I'm having tire pressure issues with my 5 year old Mountaineer this year, after FMC replacement tires were installed over this past summer. 3 of 4 down 8 to 10 pounds, why just 3 of 4...

Will be reading with you Cyled.

01-09-2003, 05:59 PM
Good question. I haven't checked mine yet but they are probably the same. No wonder she rides so hard. I run 30-32 in my Town Car so you can imagine the difference I feel switching from car to car. Going to look for my tire gauge now.

Fourth Horseman
01-09-2003, 06:02 PM
I just put 35 psi in all four over the weekend and the ride is a lot more jolting than it was with ~32 lbs. I'm surprised I could notice the difference, but I really could. I'm going to run at 35 a while, though, and see if I notice any difference in gas milage or anything.

RF Overlord
01-09-2003, 06:04 PM
Oh, yeah...My SC liked 2lbs higher in the front than the rear, and I had replaced the stock Z-rated Badyear's with, coincidentally, the same tires that came with my MM!

No, it really WAS a coincidence...I bought the T-bird tires 2 years ago, when they first came out and were recommended to me by the tire shop I've used for almost 15 years. I was pleasantly surprised when the Black Falcon came with the exact same ones, just different size!

01-09-2003, 06:58 PM
My 95' grand Marquis came with 44 PSI max rated tires and I have always ran with 44psi, same on the marauder, I don't think we sh/be running under inflated on our MM's

01-09-2003, 07:05 PM
Ked, the 44 PSI is the maximum that the tire can be inflated without doing any harm to it. The tire manufacturers leave the inflation specs to the engineers at the car factories so that they can get the optimal ride and handling from the vehicle without sacrificing safety. I have to think if your running with 44 PSI on your MM its going to be a very rough ride.

01-09-2003, 07:10 PM
I'am sure firestone would agree with you as well.

RF Overlord
01-09-2003, 07:31 PM
ked: you "R" kidding, right?

44 lbs in those tires will wear the centers out in nothing flat...(pun intended)...

01-09-2003, 07:46 PM
32 psi

01-09-2003, 08:32 PM
32psi is recommended and you can't go wrong if you use this inflation pressure all year round. Make sure you check tire pressure regularly (every 2 weeks and you can't go wrong)...

01-09-2003, 09:12 PM
Recommended pressure is 32psi.

Good balance of ride & handling. You really can feel the difference of as few as a couple of psi more in increased harshness.

01-09-2003, 09:55 PM
32 all the way around under normal driving conditions. Seeing how she bites good stock, I'd only drop to 28-30 in the rear for race, and maybe 35 up front.

01-09-2003, 10:02 PM
NASCAR WC cars are a long way from the MM, but crew chiefs often add or remove as little as .5 psi tire pressure to create significant handling improvements at speed.
as for the MM 32 psi is best for all around driving, 35-38 psi for max mileage at sustained highway speeds.

01-09-2003, 11:23 PM
Max rating is just that. not necessarily meant to be the 'regular' pressure.

32-35 is probably fine for all around driving, going to maybe 40-41 for sustained Hwy driving

01-10-2003, 03:07 PM
If you listen to the NASCAR folks, they say that a 1 lb increase in tire pressure = 50 lbs. of increased spring force. Whatever that really means.

01-10-2003, 06:23 PM
38psi is fine for me. I can feel a difference in handling between 32 and 40. 38 seems reasonable enough to me.

01-10-2003, 07:04 PM
I run 34 in front and 32 in back, side wall deflection is almost non exsistant in this tire and the higher front pressure makes for crisp lane changes with the rear following nicely. The ride is affected little in this bias and gives the car a little "Nose"

01-10-2003, 07:35 PM
I have been running 36 since I posted and on the highway they feel very good. I do a lot of highway driving. I know I would not want any more in. It sounds like 32 - 36 is good and you decide by your seat. I will probably drop down to 34 for summer since they will heat up more.

Yesterday it got up to 45 and I was able to finally had to chance since Dec 20 to try a really good hard run. I was able to bark'em going into second! A 4100 lbs car barking into second with an automatic from the factory (well at least with todays standards).

Thanks for all the great feed back!

01-10-2003, 09:43 PM
Thanks to this thread for reminding me to check my tire pressures.
I thought about it the other day and then it slipped my mind. I have had the car all of 7 days now and the dealer saw fit to let it go off the lot with
24 ft, 25 rear. DOHHHHHh So much for get ready !
Needless to say it has 32 all around now.

Mark McQuaide
01-11-2003, 06:58 AM
I think the dealers always run the pressure low to make the cars feel cushier on the test drives.