View Full Version : warranty

RF Overlord
01-10-2003, 07:46 AM
I found this on the "Tornado Fuel Saver" web site:

Will the Tornado product void my new car warranty?
No! It is illegal for a car manufacturer to void the manufacturer's warranty for installing an aftermarket device, particularly since our product carries the CARB number.

So for all of you out there afraid to mod your cars, here is unimpeachable proof that you can do all the mods you want, and Ford can NOT void the warranty....

:bs: :nono: :bs: :nono: :bs: :nono:

01-10-2003, 09:48 AM
Tornado is an authority on warranty claims? :rolleyes: If a warranty states that it is voided if the car is modded, then it is voided (if they can prove the mod is the cause).

RF Overlord
01-10-2003, 10:37 AM
Please let me clarify my original post:

The BB medium doesn't allow for tone-of-voice or facial expression to come through, and the same words can be taken in different ways by different people.

I want to be absolutely clear that I should have followed my post with a huge capital "NOT!"

I hope everyone understands it was posted as a joke...although that FAQ is in fact on their web site! http://www.tornadofuelsaver.com/info/installation.php