View Full Version : What You Won't Hear from the Media

07-20-2004, 05:18 PM
There's an old saying that goes something like this ..... "When you die, it doesn't matter whether you are going to heaven or to hell; but you will definitely change flights in Atlanta." Or some such words.

Last week on a business trip, I had an opportunity to go through Atlanta Hartsfield airport -- twice.

As some of you may know, Atlanta is one of the Ports of Entry for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan for their 2 weeks of mid-tour R&R. I was immediately aware of the large number of troops -- still in desert cammies and fresh off a flight from the Middle East via an intermediate destination. I mean -- lots of troops waiting for flights to home, wife, kids, and family & friends.

I took the opportunity to talk with several of them and universally they all said basically the same thing "Don't believe all the negative stuff that you hear on TV and in the papers. We are doing some great stuff over in Iraq and have the support of the vast majority of Iraqi citizens. The newspeople ought to cover the good stuff that is happening."

So, the next time you are in Atlanta Hartsfield (ATL) or in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), please take the time to say hello and thanks to some of these folks. They are truly doing a difficult job and keeping a positive attitude despite less than optimal conditions. Even a quick thumbs-up sign will let them know that they are appreciated and that their work is important. Remember, that in 2 weeks, some of them will be headed in the other direction and back to Iraq or Afghanistan after only a short break.

There used to be a third POE at Baltimore-Washington (BWI) but that has been discontinued --- you gotta go through Atlanta as I said at the beginning of this thread.

Here's to the troops ... the best in the world. :bows:

07-20-2004, 06:22 PM
Thanks for that tstrat... :up:

I came back through ATL last year,... My wife came back through BWI.

I was a contractor over there(my wife was still in the Army), you're right... there are some oustanding men and women over there.

Those folks continue to bust their a$$es over, through thick and thin. I really hate how the media refuses to cover all the things they have accomplished!

I hate CNN,.. I'd like to drink a Margarita from Ted Turner's empty skull! :uzi:

07-20-2004, 06:30 PM
Well said...I'm about to get on the phone with my nephew Clay (Gunslinger (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/member.php?u=2337) on here) who is hours away from heading out. And good for you, doing what I always do and talking to those soldiers in their travels. I usually meet up with them in the smoking lounges at Hartsfield.

07-20-2004, 06:47 PM
AWESOME! I'll be at ATL on my way back from Indy!

If you watch Fox you see/hear it:up:

Now I need to go find the website with the good stuff list.

Hooray for the troops!

07-20-2004, 07:55 PM
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

UAW 588
07-20-2004, 08:26 PM
"Don't believe all the negative stuff that you hear on TV and in the papers. We are doing some great stuff over in Iraq and have the support of the vast majority of Iraqi citizens. The newspeople ought to cover the good stuff that is happening."

Just pray there isn't another Rodney King type beating again. They played it so much I still see it in my sleep. The news media can really suck. Hey what about all those Crown Vic Police cars. You know the ones that blow up and catch fire when rear ended at 100mph. At 100mph any car would be instant toast. The news media needs to go back to school and take history classes all over again. :fire: Maybe they will be reminded of the good this country has done for world peace and FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2004, 09:10 PM
The news media needs to go back to school and take history classes all over again. :fire:
Preferably BEFORE they rewrite it.:up:

MICA Racing
07-21-2004, 12:55 AM
Amen, and everyone thank God every chance you get for the bravest men & women in the world fighting for our freedoms many of us take for granted. Like the freedom to print stories the government doesn't like or approve of. CNN should have tried that in Communist Russia, or just about any other place on Earth but here at home.

07-21-2004, 03:26 AM
When it comes to the majority of the media, it's not about the news, it's about the ratings. Edwar R Murrow must be rolling in his grave in shame.

07-21-2004, 07:46 AM
As for the Rodney King tape being played over and over, they need to play it until the film blows up. Doesnt make any sense 9 cops cant take down 1 man on his knees.

Anyway, America the beautiful don't be so cold how you expecting our seeds gonna grow when you show love to the other countries while we right here starving at home. I'd cry if I thought me shedding a tear might help then again me shedding tears don't help. Jobless people need to call up to the president just to see if he understands help, let him know you up **** creek yourself. Instead of building penetentaries we need more schools to educate our people. Math, Science and Technology are were we lag behind and you wonder why there arent so many jobs in the states. They say all this negative media is detrimental to kids as if they cant see the misery in where they live.

07-21-2004, 10:30 AM
Anyway, America the beautiful don't be so cold how you expecting our seeds gonna grow when you show love to the other countries while we right here starving at home. I'd cry if I thought me shedding a tear might help then again me shedding tears don't help. Jobless people need to call up to the president just to see if he understands help, let him know you up **** creek yourself. Instead of building penetentaries we need more schools to educate our people. Math, Science and Technology are were we lag behind and you wonder why there arent so many jobs in the states. They say all this negative media is detrimental to kids as if they cant see the misery in where they live.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Dr Caleb
07-21-2004, 11:23 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Translating from the original Klingon, he's saying; "why burden your great grandchildren with debt by spending trillions overseas when there are problems that need to be addressed at home".

I don't believe a word the big media says. "All's well and happy" doesn't make the 6 O'Clock news. The Jennifer Lopesz and Ben Affleck thing got more news time than millions dieing in Africa and the Sudan from aids, war and starvation.

But I have heard good things our boys are doing in Afghanistan, good to hear good things are going on in Iraq. Despite a few numptys. ;)

07-21-2004, 12:25 PM
tstrat99 didnt you use to be a Jedi, Look at what I said and use the old Jedi mind trick to figure it out! :up: