View Full Version : UD Pulleys/Chip Reflash

07-22-2004, 07:26 AM
Need a little help here. I have the DR UD pulleys which I like a lot. I knew in advance that the pulleys would affect the AC at idle because of the slower RPM's. The trouble is, I live in Houston, and really NEED my AC. This is my first summer with my UD's, and it's really starting to get to me. Had some clients in the car the other day, sitting in traffic, and it felt like the AC wasn't even working. Kind of embarrassing. Of course, once we took off everything was OK.
I know that the chip can be reflashed to raise the idle by a couple of hundred RPM's, which should help with the AC situation. I have a Diablo chip which works well for me. Can any good wrench with a computer plug in and raise the RPM's, or does he have to have a special program/computer to do the work? Seems like it would be pretty simple for someone with the right tools.

2003 MIB
07-22-2004, 07:38 AM
I live in Houston, and really NEED my AC...sitting in traffic....
I know that the chip can be reflashed to raise the idle by a couple of hundred RPM's, which should help with the AC situation...Seems like it would be pretty simple for someone with the right tools.
Man Ross- Houston is all about sitting in hot traffic idling. The guys at Strictly Performance PROBABLY have a chip burner and download programs from the Diablo Dealer site onto blank chips. It may take them calling Diablo for a tweak or they may be able to do it in-house with no issue. I'd call them- it's not hard and it is highly likely with your location that they've already got something done. They just pull the old chip-plug it into the burner-press a button and viola- you're done.

07-22-2004, 07:58 AM
Thanks, Dan, I think i'm going to give those guys a call. I was just wondering if this was something that any decent computer could do, or if it requires a special program from the chip manufacturer to do it. Either way, I'm gonna get me some RELIEF!

07-22-2004, 08:06 AM
OK, give me some opinions on this. I called the guys at Strictly Performance who burned and installed my chip. They said that they could either:
1. Call Diablo for a reflash program, or
2. Just use the idle adjustment screw to manually raise the RPM's.

I figured there had to be a manual way to raise the RPM's, just like on old carbs that I'm more familiar with, but I haven't seen anyone on this site suggest doing this manually. What do you think? Is a manual adjustment OK? Should it be done through the chip? We are only talking about raising the RPM's from 700 to about 850, but I don't know if there are issues with doing it manually that I should be aware of.

2003 MIB
07-22-2004, 08:16 AM
1. Call Diablo for a reflash program, or
2. Just use the idle adjustment screw to manually raise the RPM's. [QUOTE]

Okay, Brother you asked for opinions and here's what I think although it is strictly based on my gut and a fear of computers:

I don't think it's prudent to manually adjust any parameter that is controlled by electronic means. I'd go with the reflash. That being said, there wouldn't be a manual adjustment available if there were any real harm to be done. Smarter folks than I will weigh in but I wouldn't adjust it manually.

07-22-2004, 09:16 AM
That's kind of how I was leaning, Dan. I'm like you though, I want to hear some educated opinions on this before I get out my screwdriver.

Donny Carlson
07-22-2004, 06:15 PM
OK, give me some opinions on this. I called the guys at Strictly Performance who burned and installed my chip. They said that they could either:
1. Call Diablo for a reflash program, or
2. Just use the idle adjustment screw to manually raise the RPM's.

I figured there had to be a manual way to raise the RPM's, just like on old carbs that I'm more familiar with, but I haven't seen anyone on this site suggest doing this manually. What do you think? Is a manual adjustment OK? Should it be done through the chip? We are only talking about raising the RPM's from 700 to about 850, but I don't know if there are issues with doing it manually that I should be aware of.
I have an SCT chip. All Aric did was load my file on his laptop, change a couple of parameters, downloaded it to the chip, and that was it. 200 more RPM when the car is in gear, foot on the brake. If you got the chip from Dennis, he has a fix, iirc, or your local dealer should be able to adjust your chip. Takes like five minutes.

07-23-2004, 12:51 PM
DO NOT ADJUST THE HARD STOP! This will put your base throttle position sensor position out of range. This will cause other problems. Have your chip reburned or reflash your processor.