View Full Version : Thread gone?

Fourth Horseman
07-22-2004, 10:23 AM
Did Dan's gun thread get the axe, or am I just blind?

07-22-2004, 10:28 AM
It's gone........ :rock: :D

07-22-2004, 10:33 AM
Hmmmmm, just like politicians want to axe the 2nd Ammendment from the Bill of Rights, while they themselves have armed guards to defend them. :shake: I'd like to think that there was some other reasons why that was done here. But whatever. Not my biz I suppose.

2003 MIB
07-22-2004, 11:00 AM
Well Billy,
I guess I won't waste the keystrokes telling you where I weigh in on that issue- I think you know me well enough to figure that one out:up: .

The gun issue is one of those "all or nothing" things. They think they're right and we think we're right. Nobody's mind ever changes.

I don't know why the thread was purged but I do know Logan. I trust there was a reason. I don't need to know what it was or who said what...

I think Dan got some good advice before the thread went into political debate.That's the important thing, ya know?

07-22-2004, 11:14 AM
The gun issue is one of those "all or nothing" things. They think they're right and we think we're right. Nobody's mind ever changes.
That isn't always true. I believe that most of those who oppose are simply very uneducated about firearms ownership as well as about the Second Ammendment.They fear that which is unknown and unfamiliar to them much like some of us fear the idea of S/Cing our Marauders until we get more educated on the issue. And there are those who begin to see the forest for the trees when some real facts are brought out. Or when they themselves are unfortunate enough to have an experience that causes them to realize that there's no way that the local police department can be everywhere at once to protect them and their families. But it really shouldn't have to come to that. ;)

Fourth Horseman
07-22-2004, 11:18 AM
I'm guessing things must have gotten out of hand after I last looked at it. Oh well, it's a controversial subject to be sure.


07-22-2004, 11:25 AM
Their are gun Forum's, just a thought. :up:

07-22-2004, 11:29 AM
That's exactly it, I'm sick of the off-topic controversial CRAP the ends up with softporn being posted and insults being thrown. Go find a gun forum and discuss it there. That goes for politics and religion too.

All topics people get all bent up about. I don't give A CRAP what anything thinks, this is MY site, not yours, so deal with it. It's not open for discussion or debate.

If you don't like it, the virtual door is THAT A WAY. Feel free to use it. :mad:

Word of warning to everyone here, I see ONE more damn soft porn pic, sugestive pics or anything that isn't G rated, I'll be closing accounts without further notice.

This site is directed with a eye towards family oriented fun. Porn, guns, politics and religion have NOTHING to do with Marauders. Go elsewhere.