View Full Version : Using the 1st Amendment for the 2nd Amendment

07-22-2004, 01:59 PM
Firearm related topics seem to be of interest to a number members of this forum. Those wishing to exercise their 1st Amendment rights regarding this topic are directed to the following sites:
www.1911.com (http://www.1911.com)
www.czforum.com (http://www.czforum.com)
www.fnhipower.com (http://www.fnhipower.com)
www.glocktalk.com (http://www.glocktalk.com)
www.gunbroker.com (http://www.gunbroker.com)
www.hipowersandhandguns.com (http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com)
www.pistolsmith.com (http://www.pistolsmith.com)
www.thehighroad.org (http://www.thehighroad.org)

I know there are others. These are ones that I regularly visit. There is a wealth of information available on these sites. Please feel free to visit these sites and exercise your 1st Amendment Rights.

07-22-2004, 02:12 PM
:shake: :uzi: :shot: :lol:

07-22-2004, 03:17 PM


Fourth Horseman
07-22-2004, 03:26 PM
After Logan's last post about this, I really think he'd prefer we steer clear of gun-related topics on the forums.

07-22-2004, 03:39 PM
i didn't peek at your shortcuts, but your text makes me wonder what's on your mind.

if you are suggesting that there are other web sites where owners can discuss other sensitive topics which disturb, or, empower them, and blow their own steam there, i applaud your post with a sincere thank you.

if you are suggesting that logan is too restrictive in his limitations of what can, and cannot be discussed here, you are dead ******ng wrong.

This is logan's house and we are his guests. wipe your shoes and don't dare treck your mud into his home, because that will be waiting for you to pick up as logan shows you to the door.

if this site was a webdating site, i'd say the rules of this game clearly say no baggage, no drama. just my two cents, ya no?

07-22-2004, 03:40 PM
After Logan's last post about this, I really think he'd prefer we steer clear of gun-related topics on the forums.
He's entitled. If you want a separate thread on this subject only, I don't KNOW if he will object, but you need to take it up with him. Being a life member of the NRA, I know how diverse opinions are on the 2nd amendment and the 1st. My personal opinion is that, there are other forums for this. This IS a car forum, and I think the majority of our discussions should be limited to that venue.:banana2: :banana2:

07-22-2004, 03:53 PM
The intent is merely to show the way for those that had questions regarding firearms and wanted to utilize their 1st Amendmant rights regarding same. I apologize to Logan if I misunderstood that the Lounge for was for non car topics. In the future I will keep in mind that this entire site is vehicle related only.

07-22-2004, 04:17 PM
yep, I had thought that a "Lounge" forum was for just about anything that isn't "R" rated which you can see on any TV station simply by turning on the news broadcast. I for one didn't mean any offense to anyone either by all the gun talk. I just thought that since we already have a "Garage" forum, as well as a "Community Discussion" forum, that the only reason to have a "Lounge" forum in addition to all these other car forums that we already have was simply for discussions that are NOT car related.

However, apparently Logan feels otherwise, and I guess that's all that matters around here. Case closed. So there's no reason for anyone to add their accent on something that Logan's already said. Right? It sounded to me like RayJay was just trying to help out by pointing gun enthusiasts in the right direction. So what's wrong w/that? Maybe some people feel threatened by that. Go figure. :rolleyes:

07-22-2004, 04:19 PM
seams that way.

07-22-2004, 04:50 PM
M-75 pretty much summed up my take on it. Anyone who wants me to take me to task on first amendment rights better go re-read their usage agreement. All data on this site belongs to me, anything you submit belongs to me, therefore all data you're looking at belongs to me.

As for free speech, the first amendment guarantee's government will not restrict your right to free speech, this is a private establishment. So, just as much as I could shoot ya for trespassing on my property, I can just as equally shut your mouth for speaking in my house. THIS, is MY house.

That being said, if your motive was to provide links to APPROPRIATE forums to discuss guns, then that's great, thanks.

If your motive was to make me out to be some sort of *******, you'll find your account terminated faster than you can blink. I'll assume #2 is your motive, correct me if I'm wrong.

Bottom line. My house, my rules. Yep, I make 'em up as I go along. One occaisional gun thread, ok, to a point, 5 in as many days including some porn and insults, that pisses me off.

Yes, we have a Lounge, but it's intent is general off-topic automotive or general interest topics. But I'll absolutely continue to decide what I feel is appropriate for MY house, don't like it, go away. No skin off my back.

I'll close the doors on this place and shut it down before I let anyone guilt trip me into running this place any way other than how I believe it should be run.

So to those who take issue with how I run the site, realize that per the usage agreement YOU agreed to, you own NO rights to ANY of the content you post or read, if you have a problem with that, let me know so I can close your account. This is NOT a public or government institution, this is a private establishment.

Lastly, don't even BOTHER pm'ing me or trying to tell me I'm wrong or what you think about it, you'll get your account closed for your trouble.

I sincerely hope I've made myself perfectly damn clear.